Applications involving I2C communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino are available. Data transfers occur using I2C communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino.
Raspberry Pi WiringPi Library: To enable I2C communication on Raspberry Pi, the WiringPi library is used. To install the WiringPi library on Raspberry Pi:
Check if the system is up to date.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Install the library.
- sudo apt install wiringpi
Verify that the WiringPi library is correctly installed.
- gpio -v
An alternative method to install the WiringPi library on Raspberry Pi:
Download the source code.
- git clone
Compile and install the source code:
cd WiringPi
sudo ./build
After installing the WiringPi library on Raspberry Pi, the I2C option should be enabled from the Raspberry Pi interface.
Arduino Used: Arduino Uno, Arduino Mega
Arduino IDE Version: 2.2.0
Raspberry Pi Used: RPI3, RPI4
Raspberry Pi IDE Version: QT IDE
Arduino - Raspberry Pi Connection Diagram: Connections are made through standard I2C pins.