Notice: This repository has been replaced by a better and dockerised version
EEA elasticsearch is an elasticsearch specific setup by the European Environment Agency for querying data in the EEA's Semantic Data Service and designing specific search interfaces and widgets to be used in a CMS.
The setup is composed of the following:
- An elasticsearch instance flavoured with following plugins
- EEA ElasticSearch RDF River Plugin
- Jetty Plugin
- FacetView, a pure JavaScript library for browsing data using an elasticsearch endpoint
- elasticsearch service-wrapper, a script for running elasticsearch using Java Service Wrapper.
This packages specifically includes:
- Development and production configuration files for elasticsearch and Apache.
- Custom static pages using facetview js library.
- PAM, an application using the elasticsearch endpoint.
- Facetview visualisation installed on development instance, on EEA Centaurus server.
- Climate change policies and measures in Europe Demo
We provide most of the setup steps in a Vagrant box for a clean install in a virtual machine.
In the same directory clone these projects:
git clone git clone git clone git clone
Follow instructions in vagrant/README.rst
If you want a local setup follow the instructions in the next section.
Clone project
git clone
Install elasticsearch, e.g. in /var/local/elasticsearch
Replace its config folder with a symlink to eea.elasticsearch/etc/production/config
Install RDF River Plugin, using elasticsearch plugin script inside its bin folder:
bin/plugin --url --install eea-rdf-river-1.0
Install Jetty Plugin in the same manner:
bin/plugin --url --install elasticsearch-jetty-0.90.0
Install useful plugins for monitoring and debugging:
bin/plugin -install mobz/elasticsearch-head bin/plugin -install lukas-vlcek/bigdesk bin/plugin -install OlegKunitsyn/elasticsearch-browse bin/plugin -install polyfractal/elasticsearch-inquisitor
Install and configure elasticsearch-service wrapper:
git clone cd elasticsearch-servicewrapper/service vim elasticsearch.conf # configure path to elasticsearch ./elasticsearch install
Configure users and roles for elasticsearch requests in eea.elasticsearch/etc/production/config/, see Adding Basic Authentication.
Start elasticsearch service
service elasticsearch start
Install facetview
git clone
Link eea.elasticsearch/etc/production/httpd.elasticsearch.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d and check settings
Reload Apache
service httpd reload
- eea.elasticsearch has the following dependencies:
- elasticsearch, tested with 0.90.x
- RDF River Plugin
- Jetty Plugin 0.9.0
- FacetView is optional pure JavaScript library for visualisation
- Latest source code:
- eea.elasticsearch on Github
- EEA ElasticSearch RDF River Plugin on Github
The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.
The EEA ElasticSearch (the Original Code) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
More details under eea.elasticsearch/docs/LICENSE.txt
EEA - European Environment Agency (EU)