Slice and dice facetted search for policies and measures (PAM) implemented or planned by European countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions reported to the European Environment Agency
- Change code
- If you:
- Want to change something in eea.searchserver.js:
- If you changed
:docker build -t eeacms/pam:dev .
and also make the changes in - If you changed only something in './app' : go to step 3.
- If step 3 is still running and last build was made with
: go to step 4 because the server will automatically restart inside the container - Note:
builds only with./
because it temporarely adds eea.searchserver.js in the current directory. docker-compose up
- Go to http://localhost:3000
If you want to check that the image is built correctly, please comment out
the volumes
entry in docker-compose.yml
cd app
npm install
- Set
env variables ./app.js runserver
- Go to http://localhost:3000
docker pull eeacms/pam
- Use any orchestration solution and make sure that the container can ping the Elastic backend
- Pass commands and env variables to the image as explained in the Docker Usage section
If the application is mapped under a path like: /data-and-maps/pam it needs to be redirected to /data-and-maps/pam/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} data-and-maps/pam$ RewriteRule ^(.*[^/])$ $1/ [L,R=301]
location /data-and-maps/pam/ { proxy_pass http://hostRunningPamContainer:3000/ }
Basic usage of the image is given by the following pattern:
docker run -e elastic_host=$YOUR_ELASTIC_HOST run eeacms/pam $command
To see the available commands run:
docker run -e elastic_host=$YOUR_ELASTIC_HOST run eeacms/pam help
Available commands:
- create_index: create the index on elastic_host and start harvesting
- reindex : recrate the index on the elastic_host and start harvesting
- remove_data: remove the ES index of this app
- remove_river: stop the harvesting process by removing the river
Environment variables:
- elastic_host, elastic_port, elastic_path: the elasticsearch endpoint parameters
the elasticsearch endpoint will be interpreted as such:
- by default, elastic_port is 9200
- by default, elastic_path is /
- NODE_ENV: can be either
will do a more verbose loggingproduction
will log only erros in an APACHE format- Assuming that the app will be proxied in production, the proxy app should contain the access logs
Note that any index creation commands require rights on the set elastic_backend
For more information about the settings.yml file, please see