EEA Depiction (formerly valentine.imagescales) is a generic system for creating thumbnails/image representations for content types, both those provided by Plone, and custom ones.
At the moment this system is implemented and tested only on Archetypes content types, however this system could be adapted in a later version to work also for dexterity content types.
To make it work for a content type, three adapters need to be provided:
- ImageView that retrieves an image in the desired scale.
- ImageTag that returns the HTML tag for the image
- ImageLink that returns the HTML link to the image.
As of eea.depiction 5.2 we customize the following resources in order to display any items in thumbnail listings:
- - which is responsible for displaying items in
- - which is the browser template responsible for thumbnail listing for the package
If you are using zc.buildout and the plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe to manage your project, you can do this:
Update your buildout.cfg file:
- Add
to the list of eggs to install - Tell the plone.recipe.zope2instance recipe to install a ZCML slug
[instance] ... eggs = ... eea.depiction zcml = ... eea.depiction-overrides eea.depiction
- Add
Re-run buildout, e.g. with:
$ ./bin/buildout
You can skip the ZCML slug if you are going to explicitly include the package from another package's configure.zcml file.
eea.depiction 0.3 introduces the concept of fallback images when the regular image traversal fails. The logic works like this:
- Look for an image returned by the contexts 'imgview' adapter
- If the imgview crashes, isn't found or can not locate/generate an image, we continue by checking if there's an image specified for any of the contexts interfaces.
- If there's no fallback image, we look for an image for the context portal type, e.g. article, news-item, document. This should be placed in the 'portal_depiction' utility (Site Setup > Depiction Library)
- Uses the generic content type image, i.e. portal_depiction/generic
- To map a fallback image to a portal type, place it in this folder and name it after the portal type.
- To map a fallback image to an interface just add a named-utility for IDepictionVocabulary (see eea.depiction.vocabularies)
- EEA Depiction has the following dependencies:
- Plone 4+
- Pillow
- This package also supports Thus the following dependencies are optional:
[instance] ... eggs = ... eea.depiction [full]
- Latest source code (Plone 4 compatible):
The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment Agency (EEA). All Rights Reserved.
The eea.depiction (the Original Code) is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
More details under docs/License.txt
EEA - European Environment Agency (EU)