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HRL Small Woody Features 2018: Vector Raster 5m

Jiří Tomíček edited this page Nov 21, 2024 · 1 revision

HRL Small Woody Features 2018: Vector Raster 5 m

Small woody landscape features are important vectors of biodiversity and provide information on fragmentation of habitats with a direct potential for restoration while also providing a link to hazards protection and Green Infrastructure, amongst others.

This consists of three layers: one vector layer and two raster layers:

  • Small woody features mask (swf)
  • Forest mask (fm)

The vector layer must be provided either in shapefile format or geodatabase format. The raster layers must be provided in GeoTIFF format.

The product (Product definition) contains following checks:

Check description: Delivery file can be unzipped

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Check description: Naming is in accord with specification

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Naming convention:

  • there must be exactly two raster files with .tif filename extension ;

  • the filename of SWF must match regex: ^swf_2018_005m_(?P<aoi_code>[0-9a-zA-Z]{2,6})_(?P<epsg_code>[0-9]{5})_;

    • the name must start with swf_2018_005m_;
    • followed by 6-letter AOI code, allowed codes are: E08N29, E10N27, E12N23, E12N25, E14N11, E14N13, E16N11, E16N13, E16N17, E18N11, E18N13, E18N15, E12N27, E26N23, E28N51, E30N51, E18N17, E20N11, E26N19, E26N21, E26N25, E26N49, E26N51, E26N53, E28N17, E28N19, E28N21, E28N23, E28N25, E28N35, E28N37, E28N49, E28N53, E30N15, E30N17, E30N19, E30N21, E30N23, E30N25, E30N33, E30N35, E30N37, E30N39, E30N49, E32N17, E32N19, E32N21, E32N23, E32N25, E32N27, E32N29, E32N31, E32N33, E32N35, E32N37, E32N39, E32N41, E32N49, E32N51, E34N19, E34N21, E34N23, E34N25, E34N27, E34N31, E34N33, E34N35, E34N37, E34N39, E34N41, E34N43, E36N19, E36N21, E36N23, E36N25, E36N27, E36N31, E36N33, E36N35, E36N37, E36N39, E36N41, E36N43, E38N19, E38N21, E38N23, E38N25, E38N27, E38N31, E38N33, E38N35, E40N19, E40N21, E40N23, E40N25, E40N27, E40N29, E40N31, E40N33, E40N35, E40N39, E40N41, E40N43, E40N45, E34N29, E36N29, E38N29, E42N19, E42N21, E42N23, E42N25, E42N27, E42N29, E42N31, E42N33, E42N37, E42N39, E42N41, E42N43, E42N45, E42N47, E42N49, E44N15, E44N17, E44N19, E44N21, E44N23, E44N27, E44N29, E44N31, E44N33, E44N35, E44N37, E44N39, E44N41, E44N43, E44N45, E44N47, E44N49, E44N53, E46N15, E46N17, E46N19, E46N21, E46N23, E46N25, E46N27, E46N29, E46N31, E46N33, E46N35, E46N39, E46N41, E46N43, E46N45, E42N35, E44N25, E44N51, E40N37, E46N37, E52N23, E46N47, E46N49, E46N51, E46N53, E46N55, E48N17, E48N19, E48N21, E48N25, E48N27, E48N29, E48N31, E48N33, E48N35, E48N37, E48N39, E48N41, E48N43, E48N45, E48N47, E48N51, E48N53, E48N55, E50N19, E50N21, E50N23, E50N25, E50N27, E50N29, E50N31, E50N33, E50N35, E50N39, E50N41, E50N43, E50N45, E50N47, E50N49, E50N51, E50N53, E50N55, E52N17, E52N19, E52N21, E52N25, E52N27, E52N29, E52N31, E48N23, E48N49, E50N37, E52N33, E52N35, E52N37, E52N39, E52N41, E52N43, E52N45, E52N47, E52N51, E54N15, E54N17, E54N19, E54N21, E54N23, E54N25, E54N27, E54N29, E54N31, E54N39, E54N47, E56N17, E56N19, E56N21, E56N23, E56N25, E56N27, E56N29, E58N15, E58N17, E58N19, E58N21, E58N23, E58N27, E60N17, E60N19, E60N21, E60N23, E60N25, E62N17, E62N19, E62N21, E62N23, E62N25, E64N17, E64N21, E64N23, E64N25, E66N19, E52N49, E56N15, E58N25, E64N19, E70N25, E66N21, E66N23, E66N25, E68N21, E68N23, E68N25, E68N27, E70N23, E70N27, E72N23, E72N25, E72N27;
    • followed by EPSG code 03035;
    • the tail of the filename is irrelevant;
    • letter case is irrelevant;
    • example of filename: SWF_2018_005m_E40N31_03035.tif;
  • the filename of FM must match regex: ^swf_2018_fm_(?P<aoi_code>[0-9a-zA-Z]{2,6})_(?P<epsg_code>[0-9]{5})_;

    • the name must start with swf_2018_fm_;
    • followed by 6-letter AOI code, allowed codes are: E08N29, E10N27, E12N23, E12N25, E14N11, E14N13, E16N11, E16N13, E16N17, E18N11, E18N13, E18N15, E12N27, E26N23, E28N51, E30N51, E18N17, E20N11, E26N19, E26N21, E26N25, E26N49, E26N51, E26N53, E28N17, E28N19, E28N21, E28N23, E28N25, E28N35, E28N37, E28N49, E28N53, E30N15, E30N17, E30N19, E30N21, E30N23, E30N25, E30N33, E30N35, E30N37, E30N39, E30N49, E32N17, E32N19, E32N21, E32N23, E32N25, E32N27, E32N29, E32N31, E32N33, E32N35, E32N37, E32N39, E32N41, E32N49, E32N51, E34N19, E34N21, E34N23, E34N25, E34N27, E34N31, E34N33, E34N35, E34N37, E34N39, E34N41, E34N43, E36N19, E36N21, E36N23, E36N25, E36N27, E36N31, E36N33, E36N35, E36N37, E36N39, E36N41, E36N43, E38N19, E38N21, E38N23, E38N25, E38N27, E38N31, E38N33, E38N35, E40N19, E40N21, E40N23, E40N25, E40N27, E40N29, E40N31, E40N33, E40N35, E40N39, E40N41, E40N43, E40N45, E34N29, E36N29, E38N29, E42N19, E42N21, E42N23, E42N25, E42N27, E42N29, E42N31, E42N33, E42N37, E42N39, E42N41, E42N43, E42N45, E42N47, E42N49, E44N15, E44N17, E44N19, E44N21, E44N23, E44N27, E44N29, E44N31, E44N33, E44N35, E44N37, E44N39, E44N41, E44N43, E44N45, E44N47, E44N49, E44N53, E46N15, E46N17, E46N19, E46N21, E46N23, E46N25, E46N27, E46N29, E46N31, E46N33, E46N35, E46N39, E46N41, E46N43, E46N45, E42N35, E44N25, E44N51, E40N37, E46N37, E52N23, E46N47, E46N49, E46N51, E46N53, E46N55, E48N17, E48N19, E48N21, E48N25, E48N27, E48N29, E48N31, E48N33, E48N35, E48N37, E48N39, E48N41, E48N43, E48N45, E48N47, E48N51, E48N53, E48N55, E50N19, E50N21, E50N23, E50N25, E50N27, E50N29, E50N31, E50N33, E50N35, E50N39, E50N41, E50N43, E50N45, E50N47, E50N49, E50N51, E50N53, E50N55, E52N17, E52N19, E52N21, E52N25, E52N27, E52N29, E52N31, E48N23, E48N49, E50N37, E52N33, E52N35, E52N37, E52N39, E52N41, E52N43, E52N45, E52N47, E52N51, E54N15, E54N17, E54N19, E54N21, E54N23, E54N25, E54N27, E54N29, E54N31, E54N39, E54N47, E56N17, E56N19, E56N21, E56N23, E56N25, E56N27, E56N29, E58N15, E58N17, E58N19, E58N21, E58N23, E58N27, E60N17, E60N19, E60N21, E60N23, E60N25, E62N17, E62N19, E62N21, E62N23, E62N25, E64N17, E64N21, E64N23, E64N25, E66N19, E52N49, E56N15, E58N25, E64N19, E70N25, E66N21, E66N23, E66N25, E68N21, E68N23, E68N25, E68N27, E70N23, E70N27, E72N23, E72N25, E72N27;
    • followed by EPSG code 03035;
    • the tail of the filename is irrelevant;
    • letter case is irrelevant;
    • example of filename: SWF_2018_FM_E40N31_03035.tif;

Check description: Raster uses specific EPSG code.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • the raster must be assigned spatial reference system EPSG:3035 (ETRS89 ETRS-LAEA equal-area projection);

Check description: Pixel has specific size.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • the pixel size must be exactly 5m;

Check description: Bounding box upper left corner is positioned on grid.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • upper-left X, Y coordinates of the raster must be divisible by 1000 with no remainder;

Check description: Raster datatype is of specific bit depth.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • the pixel type must be Byte (8 bits per sample);

Check description: Raster uses specific compression formats.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • the tiff file must use LZW compression;

Check description: Pixels have specific values.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • the value of the pixel must be from the set 0, 1, 254, 255.

Check description: There is no gap in the AOI.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • there must not be a pixel with value 255 inside AOI;

Check description: Colour table is in accord with specification

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • the color palette of the swf_2018_005m layer must be set to:

    • 0: rgb(240, 240, 240);
    • 1: rgb(215, 245, 0);
    • 254: rgb(153, 153, 153);
    • 255: rgb(0, 0, 0);
  • the color palette of the swf_2018_005m_fm layer must be set to:

    • 0: rgb(240, 240, 240);
    • 1: rgb(121, 83, 43);
    • 254: rgb(153, 153, 153);
    • 255: rgb(0, 0, 0);

Check description: Delivery file can be unzipped.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Check description: Naming is in accord with specification.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.


  • there must be exactly one vector datasource, the datasource must be either geodatabase (.gdb) or shapefile (.shp);

  • the datasource must contain exactly one vector layer whose name matches regex: ^swf_2018_vec_(?P<aoi_code>[0-9a-zA-Z]{2,6})_(?P<epsg_code>[0-9]{5})_;

    • the name must start with swf_2018_vec_;
    • followed by 6-letter AOI code, allowed codes are: E08N29, E10N27, E12N23, E12N25, E14N11, E14N13, E16N11, E16N13, E16N17, E18N11, E18N13, E18N15, E12N27, E26N23, E28N51, E30N51, E18N17, E20N11, E26N19, E26N21, E26N25, E26N49, E26N51, E26N53, E28N17, E28N19, E28N21, E28N23, E28N25, E28N35, E28N37, E28N49, E28N53, E30N15, E30N17, E30N19, E30N21, E30N23, E30N25, E30N33, E30N35, E30N37, E30N39, E30N49, E32N17, E32N19, E32N21, E32N23, E32N25, E32N27, E32N29, E32N31, E32N33, E32N35, E32N37, E32N39, E32N41, E32N49, E32N51, E34N19, E34N21, E34N23, E34N25, E34N27, E34N31, E34N33, E34N35, E34N37, E34N39, E34N41, E34N43, E36N19, E36N21, E36N23, E36N25, E36N27, E36N31, E36N33, E36N35, E36N37, E36N39, E36N41, E36N43, E38N19, E38N21, E38N23, E38N25, E38N27, E38N31, E38N33, E38N35, E40N19, E40N21, E40N23, E40N25, E40N27, E40N29, E40N31, E40N33, E40N35, E40N39, E40N41, E40N43, E40N45, E34N29, E36N29, E38N29, E42N19, E42N21, E42N23, E42N25, E42N27, E42N29, E42N31, E42N33, E42N37, E42N39, E42N41, E42N43, E42N45, E42N47, E42N49, E44N15, E44N17, E44N19, E44N21, E44N23, E44N27, E44N29, E44N31, E44N33, E44N35, E44N37, E44N39, E44N41, E44N43, E44N45, E44N47, E44N49, E44N53, E46N15, E46N17, E46N19, E46N21, E46N23, E46N25, E46N27, E46N29, E46N31, E46N33, E46N35, E46N39, E46N41, E46N43, E46N45, E42N35, E44N25, E44N51, E40N37, E46N37, E52N23, E46N47, E46N49, E46N51, E46N53, E46N55, E48N17, E48N19, E48N21, E48N25, E48N27, E48N29, E48N31, E48N33, E48N35, E48N37, E48N39, E48N41, E48N43, E48N45, E48N47, E48N51, E48N53, E48N55, E50N19, E50N21, E50N23, E50N25, E50N27, E50N29, E50N31, E50N33, E50N35, E50N39, E50N41, E50N43, E50N45, E50N47, E50N49, E50N51, E50N53, E50N55, E52N17, E52N19, E52N21, E52N25, E52N27, E52N29, E52N31, E48N23, E48N49, E50N37, E52N33, E52N35, E52N37, E52N39, E52N41, E52N43, E52N45, E52N47, E52N51, E54N15, E54N17, E54N19, E54N21, E54N23, E54N25, E54N27, E54N29, E54N31, E54N39, E54N47, E56N17, E56N19, E56N21, E56N23, E56N25, E56N27, E56N29, E58N15, E58N17, E58N19, E58N21, E58N23, E58N27, E60N17, E60N19, E60N21, E60N23, E60N25, E62N17, E62N19, E62N21, E62N23, E62N25, E64N17, E64N21, E64N23, E64N25, E66N19, E52N49, E56N15, E58N25, E64N19, E70N25, E66N21, E66N23, E66N25, E68N21, E68N23, E68N25, E68N27, E70N23, E70N27, E72N23, E72N25, E72N27;
    • followed by EPSG code 03035;
    • the tail of the layer name is irrelevant;
    • letter case is irrelevant;
    • example of layer name: SWF_2018_VEC_E40N31_03035;

Check description: Attribute table is composed of prescribed attributes.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.


  • the vector layer must contain attributes:

    • code of type string;
    • area of type real;
    • class_name of type string;
  • the vector layer may contain attributes, which will be ignored:

    • shape_length;
    • shape_area;
  • other attributes are not allowed;

Check description: Layers use specific EPSG codes.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.


  • the layer must be assigned spatial reference system EPSG:3035 (ETRS89 ETRS-LAEA equal-area projection);

Check description: The layers can be imported into PostGIS database.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Check description: Features use specific codes in specific attributes.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • the value in code attribute must be 1;
  • feature having other value or empty value or null value is reported as error;

Check description: All geometries are singlepart.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • feature having geometry containing more than one part is reported as error;
  • the geometry may contain holes;

Check description: The geometries are valid.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • feature having invalid geometry is reported as error, see ST_IsValid() <>__;

Check description: Area attribute has correct values.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • feature having the value of area attribute out of tolerance is reported as error;
  • the value of the attribute is compared against the result of ST_Area() <>__;
  • the tolerance is set to 0.5m2;

Check description: Vector and raster layer have similar area.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • the difference of area covered by the class 1 in vector layer and area covered by the class 1 in raster band must be in tolerance;
  • difference >1.5% results in error;
  • difference between 0.05% and 0.5% results in warning;

Check description: there is no couple of overlapping polygons.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • feature having part of its interior common with other feature is reported as error;

Check description: there is no couple of neighbouring polygons having the same code.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • feature having neighbouring feature of the same code is reported as error;

Check description: metadata are in accord with INSPIRE specification.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • the layer must contain an INSPIRE compliant XML metadata document;
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