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Coastal Zones 2018

Jiří Kadlec edited this page May 19, 2020 · 6 revisions

Coastal zones 2018

This product consists of a single status layer.

Check description: Delivery file can be unzipped.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Requirements: The product must be delivered in a .zip file.

Note: If the .zip file name starts with CZ_2018 (e.g., then the QC Tool will automatically recognize the product as Coastal Zones 2018.

Check description: Naming is in accord with specification.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Requirements: The product must be in a geopackage (gpkg) with one layer or a geodatabase (gdb) with one feature class.

Naming convention

The layer name must match expression:

  • <DELIVERY_UNIT> is the code of the delivery unit, e.g. DU001;
  • <VERSION> is the delivery version, e.g. V1_0, V1_1, V2_0;
Example - Geopackage (.gpkg) delivery

+-- CZ_2018_DU001_3035_V1_0.gpkg     (Geopackage name)
    +-- CZ_2018_DU001_3035_V1_0      (Layer name)
Example - Geodatabase (.gdb) delivery

+-- CZ_2018_DU001_3035_V1_0.gdb/     (Geodatabase name)
    +-- CZ_2018_DU001_3035_V1_0/     (Feature dataset name)
        +-- CZ_2018_DU001_3035_V1_0/ (Feature class name)

Note: Layer naming is case-insensitive, both CZ_2018_DU001_3035_V1_0 and cz_2018_du001_3035_v1_0 are valid layer names.

Check description: Attribute table check.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Requirements: The layer must have required attributes with expected data type.

Required attributes:
  • “id“: “integer“,, unique feature identifier
  • “du“: “string“, coastal zones delivery unit ID, should match the “du“ of AOI in the boundary package
  • “code_1_18“: “integer“, LCLU class code level 1
  • “code_2_18“: “integer“, LCLU class code level 2
  • “code_3_18“: “integer“, LCLU class code level 3
  • “code_4_18“: “integer“, LCLU class code level 4
  • “comment_18“: “string“, MMU area size exception comment
  • “nodata_18“: “integer“, indicator that polygon was not mapped in 2018 (0 or 1)
  • “area_ha“: “real“, area of polygon in hectares
Ignored attributes:
  • “shape_area“
  • “shape_length“

Note: Attribute naming is case-insensitive, both CODE_1_18 and code_1_18 is a valid attribute name. Extra attributes not in Required and Ignored list are not allowed.

Check description: CRS (Projection) check.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.


  • The vector must be assigned spatial reference system EPSG: 3035 (ETRS89 ETRS-LAEA equal-area projection);

Check description: Data can be imported into database

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Check description: Metadata.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • The delivery must contain a Metadata subdirectory with one XML metadata document named <layer_name>.xml where layer_name is the name of the geodatabase or geopackage, e.g.
+-- CZ_2018_DU001_3035_V1_0.gpkg          (Geopackage name),
+-- Metadata/                             (Metadata subfolder),
        +-- CZ_2018_DU001_3035_V1_0.xml   (INSPIRE XML metadata document)
  • The XML metadata document must be compliant with INSPIRE metadata specifications.
  • The INSPIRE compliance of the metadata is checked with the validator at using Metadata (TG version 2.0) test suite.

Check description: Unique attribute check.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Requirements: The value in the column 'id' must be unique for each row in the attribute table.

  • unique_keys: [id]

Check description: Valid codes.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Set of valid codes for attribute nodata_18:

0, 1

Set of valid codes for attribute code_1_18:

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Set of valid codes for attribute code_2_18:

11, 12, 13, 14,
21, 22, 23,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
41, 42,
51, 52, 53,
61, 62, 63,
71, 72,
81, 82, 83, 84

Set of valid codes for attribute code_3_18:

111, 112,
121, 122, 123, 124,
131, 132, 133, 134,
211, 212,
221, 222,
231, 232, 233, 234,
311, 312,
321, 322,
331, 332,
421, 422,
611, 612,
621, 622, 623,
631, 632, 633,
711, 712,
721, 722, 723,
811, 812, 813,
821, 822, 823, 824,
831, 832, 833,
841, 842

Set of valid codes for attribute code_4_18:

1111, 1112, 1113, 1121, 1122,
1210, 1220,
1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237,
1310, 1320, 1330, 1340,
2110, 2120,
2210, 2220,
2310, 2320, 2330, 2340,
3110, 3120,
3210, 3220,
3310, 3320,
4210, 4220,
6110, 6120,
6211, 6212,
6220, 6230,
6311, 6312,
6320, 6330,
7110, 7121, 7122,
7210, 7220, 7230,
8110, 8120, 8130,
8210, 8220, 8230, 8240,
8310, 8320, 8330,
8410, 8420

Check description: If a feature has nodata set, then all dependent attributes must have specific value.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Requirements: If nodata_18 = 1, then the values in the following dependent columns have to be set to 0: (maes_1_18 = 0, maes_2_18 = 0, maes_3_18 = 0, maes_4_18 = 0).

  • nodata_column_name: nodata_18
  • nodata_value: 1
  • dep_column_names: [code_1_18, code_2_18, code_3_18, code_4_18]
  • dep_value: 0

Check description: Singlepart polygon check.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Requirements: Features satisfying general requirements:

Feature is a single-part polygon; a single-part polygon may contain holes but may not contain multiple exterior rings.

Check description: Geometries are valid.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Requirements: Feature satisfying general requirements:

  • Feature with valid geometries as defined by Open Geospatial Consortium’s OpenGIS specification.
  • For each feature with invalid geometry the invalid geometry reason (i. e. self-intersection) and invalid geometry location can be found in the attachment error table.

Notes: Ring self-intersections while considered valid by ArcGIS are also reported as errors by the QC Tool.

Check description: Calculated area and value in the column 'area_ha' coincide.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • unit: 10000, (value is in ha)
  • tolerance: 0.5 (calculated area and value in the column 'area' do not differ by more than 0.5 m2)

Check description: There is no gap in the AOI.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Requirements: AOI is defined by the AOI file aoi_cz.gpkg in the boundary package. All areas in the AOI with du equal to du in the layer file name must be covered by polygons.

Check description: Minimum mapping unit.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


Feature satisfying general requirements:

  • Feature having area >= 0.5 ha.

Feature satisfying exceptional requirements:

  • Feature touching the boundary by a line and having area >= 0.1 ha;
  • Linear feature (road, railway, river) touching another linear feature (road, railway, river) by line and having area >= 0.1 ha;
  • Urban feature (except linear features) touching touching road or railway feature and having area >= 0.25 ha;
  • Feature with one or more of the following comments in the comment_18 attribute:
Area size exception (at Coastal Zones AoI boundary)
Area size exception (inside Coastal Zones AoI boundary)
Splitted change
Areas related to change
Flooded area 2012
Flooded area 2018
Different water level


  • Linear feature (road, railway, river) has code 1210 or 1220 or 8110 or 8120
  • Road or railway feature has code 1210 or 1220.
  • Urban feature has code 1x (1111, 1112, 1113, 1121, 1122, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1240, 1210, 1320, 1330, 1340, 1400)
  • One feature can have multiple comments in the comment attribute. If a feature has multiple comments, they should be separated by ";".

Check description: Minimum mapping width.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • if negative buffer applied on a geometry generates more than one geometry, such corresponding feature is reported as warning; the buffer size is 10 / 2 m;
  • only linear features are checked;
  • linear features have one of the following code_4_18 codes: 1210, 1220, 8110, 8120;

Check description: No neighbouring polygons with the same code.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • All neighbouring features must have distinct code_4_18 class code.

Check description: No overlapping polygons.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


There must be no feature having any part of its interior common with any other feature (aka overlaps).

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