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CORINE Land Cover 2012 2018

Jiří Kadlec edited this page May 28, 2020 · 7 revisions

CORINE Land Cover 2012-2018

This product consists of three layers, i.e. multi-layer delivery including two status layers and one change layer.

Check description: Delivery file can be unzipped.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Check description: Naming is in accord with specification.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Requirements: Each CLC product must be in a geodatabase (gdb), GeoPackage (gpkg) or Shapefile (shp) format. Geodatabase must have specified structure with one feature dataset inside the geodatabase and three layers inside the feature dataset.

Naming convention:

The filename must match regex (example layer: clc18):


  • the name must start with ‘clc2018’
  • followed by an AOI code:
    • The AOI codes allowed are:
al, at, az,
ba, be, bg,
ch, cy, cz,
de, dk,
ee, es, es-cn, eu,
fi, fr, fr_glp, fr_guf, fr_mtq, fr_myt, fr_reu,
ge, gr,
hr, hu,
ie, is, it,
li, lt, lu, lv,
md, me, mk, mt,
nl, no,
pl, pt, pt_raa, pt_ram, pt_raa_ceg, pt_raa_weg,
se, si, sk,
ua, uk, uk_ni, uk_ge, uk_je,

Naming example: clc2018_dk.gdb

Boundary source: clc/boundary_clc_{aoi_code}.shp

Check description: Attribute table check.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.


Required attributes for all layers:
  • id: string (length=18);
  • remark: string (length=20);
  • area_ha: real;
  • shape_area: real;
  • shape_length: real;
Additional attributes for particular layers:
  • Initial layer
    • code_12: string(length=3)
  • Reference layer
    • code_18: string(length=3)
  • Change layer:
    • change: string(length=7)
    • code_12: string(length=3)
    • code_18: string(length=3)
    • chtype: string(length=1)

Check description: CRS (Projection) check.

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.


  • The vector must be assigned spatial reference system based on the location of the AOI:
AL: 2462
AT: 31287
AZ: 32639
BE: 3812
BG: 32634, 32635
HR: 3765
CY: 32636
CZ: 5514
DK: 25832, 25833
DK_FY: 5316
EE: 3301
FI: 3067
FR: 2154
FR_GLP: 32620
FR_GUF: 32620
FR_MTQ: 32622
FR_MYT: 32738
FR_REU: 32740
MK: 6204
DE: 31466, 31467, 31468, 31469
GB: 27700
UK_NI: 29903
UK_GE: 3109
UK_JE: 3108
GE: 32638
GR: 2100
HU: 23700
IS: 5325
IE: 2157
IT: 32632, 32633, 32634
XK: 3909
LV: 3059
LI: 2056
LT: 3346
LU: 2169
MD: 4026
MT: 23033
ME: 25834
NL: 28992
NO: 25832, 25833, 25834, 25835, 25836
PL: 2180
PT: 3763
PT_: 5014
PT_: 5015
PT_: 5016
RO: 3844
SK: 5514
SI: 3912
UA: 32635
ES_CN: 32628
ES: 25829, 25830, 25831
SE: 3006
CH: 2056
TR: epsg code missing (Lambert Conformal Conic)

Check description: Metadata.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • The delivery must contain a Metadata subdirectory with one XML metadata document named <geodatabase_name>.xml where geodatabase_name is the name of the geodatabase, e.g.
+-- clc2018_tr.gdb                                       (Geodatabase name),
+-- Metadata/                                            (Metadata subfolder),
        +-- clc2018_tr.xml                               (INSPIRE XML metadata document for the clc2018_tr geodatabase)
  • The XML metadata document must be compliant with INSPIRE metadata specifications.
  • The INSPIRE compliance of the metadata is checked with the validator at using Metadata (TG version 2.0) test suite.

Check description: Data can be imported into database

Required check, the check cannot be skipped.

Check description: Unique attribute check.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Requirements: The value in the column 'id' must be unique for each input/row.

  • “unique_keys“: [“id“];

Check description: Valid codes.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


Set of valid codes for initial layer (attribute code_12) and reference layer (attribute code_18) and change layer (attributes code_12 and code_18):

111, 112, 121, 122, 123, 124, 131, 132, 133, 141, 142,
221, 212, 213, 221, 222, 223, 231, 241, 242, 243, 244,
311, 312, 313, 321, 322, 323, 324, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335,
411, 412, 421, 422, 423,
511, 512, 521, 522, 523,

Check description: Features in Initial and Reference layers have different codes.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Requirements: This check is applicable to the change layer only. Features having the same code in initial year and reference year are reported as errors. Exception: CLC products take into account technical change. The feature is a member of technical change if it has chtype attribute set to T. Such features are then reported as an exception instead of an error.

Check description: Singlepart polygon check.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Requirements: All layers of all vector products, feature satisfying general requirements:

Feature is a single-part polygon; a single-part polygon may contain holes but may not contain multiple exterior rings. ;

Check description: Geometries are valid.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


Feature satisfying general requirements:

  • Feature with valid geometries as defined by Open Geospatial Consortium’s OpenGIS specification.
  • For each feature with invalid geometry the invalid geometry reason (i. e. self-intersection) and invalid geometry location can be found in the attachment error table.

NOTE: Ring self-intersections while considered valid by ArcGIS are also reported as errors by the QC Tool. ;

Check description: Calculated area and value in the column 'area' coincide.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  • unit: 1, (value is in m2)
  • tolerance: 0.001 (calculated area and value in the column 'area' do not differ by more than 0.001 m2)

Check description: There is no gap in the AOI.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.

Requirements: AOI is defined by boundary package, see Boundaries. For every delivery the AOI represents particular country enlarged by 1 km buffer zone. The countrycode in the geodatabase name indicates the AOI all features in the layer are members of. For example in the geodatabase 'clc2012_mt' mt is the countrycode and the delivery is checked against the AOI file vector/clc/boundary_clc_mt from the boundary package.

Check description: Minimum mapping unit.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  1. Initial and Reference layers:
Feature satisfying general requirements:
  • Feature having area >= 25 ha;
Feature satisfying exceptional requirements:
  • Feature touching the boundary by a line;
  1. Change layer:
Feature satisfying general requirements:
  • Feature having area >= 5 ha;
Feature satisfying exceptional requirements:
  • Feature touching the boundary by a line
  • Feature participating in a complex change if the total area of all the participating features is >= 5 ha;

Check description: Minimum mapping width.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


Feature satisfying general requirements:

  • Feature with minimum width greater than 100 metres

Check description: No overlapping polygons.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


There must be no feature having any part of its interior common with any other feature (aka overlaps). ;

Check description: No neighbouring polygons with the same code.

Optional check, the check may be skipped.


  1. Initial and Reference layer:
  • Feature satisfying general requirements:
    • All neighbouring features have class distinct from the feature in question
  • Feature satisfying exception requirements:
    • The feature is a member of technical change
    • AND there is one neighbouring feature at least having the same class as the feature in question
  • Feature satisfying error requirements:
    • The feature is not a member of technical change
    • AND there is one neighbouring feature at least having the same class as the feature in question while not being member of technical change

The feature is member of technical change if it has chtype attribute set to T.

Contrary to most of checks, a feature may satisfy more requirement levels, in this case it may do both exception and error requirements.

  1. Change layer:

The requirement level rules are similar to those of reference layer, the only difference is that by the class is actually meant a tuple of initial year class and reference year class.

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