Knowing Lex and Yacc is useless if you don't know the language you are working on. You need to understand how the language is structured so we can define the patterns to be used in lexer and also the productions to be used in Yacc.
SIMPOL has 2 main sections, one for declaring variables and the other for coding.
variable {
code {
This programming language has 3 main data types namely integer, Boolean, and string.
• Spaces are used to demarcate tokens in the language. • Multiple spaces and tabs are treated as single spaces and are otherwise considered irrelevant. • Indentation is also irrelevant. • SIMPOL is case sensitive.
• All variables are needed to be declared inside this segment. • No variable declaration is allowed in code { }. • You cannot use a variable unless declared. • All variables are global in scope. • Example:
variable {
• This is where the actual instructions for a SIMPOL code are written. • Example:
code {
• There are 3 main data types in SIMPOL: integer (INT), Boolean (BLN) and string (STG). • A string is enclosed by 2 dollar signs ($) • Boolean has 2 possible values: true and false. • To declare a variable in variable { }, the format is <data_type> <variable_name>
• To ask for input, use the ASK operator. The format is ASK <variable_name>. • To print values, use the PRT operator. The format is PRT
• Take Note: An expression can be composed of several adjacent operators. It is not only limited to 1 operator. Thus, nested expressions are allowed.
PUT <expression> IN <variable>
ADD <expression1> <expression2>
SUB <expression1> <expression2>
MUL <expression1> <expression2>
DIV <expression1> <expression2>
MOD <expression1> <expression2>
Greater Than
GRT <expression1> <expression2>
Greater Than or Equal
GRE <expression1> <expression2>
Less Than
LET <expression1> <expression2>
Less Than or Equal
LEE <expression1> <expression2>
EQL <expression1> <expression2>
AND <expression1> <expression2>
Or `
OHR <expression1> <expression2>`
NON <expression1>
Comments are identified by double-slash and it is only one line comments allowed
// Here is a simpol comment
- To make things simple, an identifier should consist of letters only.
- No initializing of variables inside the variable { }
- There are no operations to be performed on strings. If you try to perform any operations on them, it should throw an error.
- You can perform operations on Boolean using logical operations.
- code { } may be empty.
- It is required that variable{ } should be declared first before code{ }
- Nested expressions should be allowed
variable { }
code { }
variable {
code {
PUT ADD 3 SUB 8 9 IN a
variable {
STG str
STG name
INT num1
INT num2
INT num3
INT num4
INT num5
BLN bol1
BLN bol2
code {
PUT $The result is: $ IN str
ASK name
PUT true IN bol1
PUT false IN bol2
PUT ADD 1 2 IN num1
PUT 100 IN num2
PRT $Your name is $
PRT name
PRT OHR true AND bol1 bol2
PUT ADD num1 num2 IN num3
PUT MUL 10 num3
PRT num3
PUT MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 IN num4
PUT MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 IN num5
PRT DIV num4 num5
PRT $Goodbye!$
variable {
STG str
STG name
INT num1
INT num2
INT num3
BLN bol1
BLN bol2
code {
PUT $The result is: $ IN str
ASK name
PUT true IN bol1
PUT false IN bol2
PUT ADD 1 2 IN num1
PUT 100 IN num2
PRT $Your name is $
PRT name
PRT OHR true AND bol1 bol2
PUT MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 IN num3
PRT num3
PRT DIV MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 MUL 10 ADD num1 num2
PRT $Goodbye!$
Out of the specs of the SIMPOL language, we can formulate the grammar or syntax.
variable { /* <-- T_BEGIN_VARIABLE_BLOCK */
STG str
STG name
INT num1
INT num2
INT num3
BLN bol1
BLN bol2
} /* <-- T_END_BLOCK */
/* Inside Variable Block:
<variable_block_lines> := <data_type> <identifier>
<data_type> := STG | INT | BLN
<identifier> := <alpha-literals>
<alpha-literals> := [a-zA-Z]
code { /* <-- T_BEGIN_CODE_BLOCK */
PUT $The result is: $ IN str
ASK name
PUT true IN bol1
PUT false IN bol2
PUT ADD 1 2 IN num1
PUT 100 IN num2
PRT $Your name is $
PRT name
PRT OHR true AND bol1 bol2
PUT MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 IN num3
PRT num3
PRT DIV MUL 10 ADD num1 num2 MUL 10 ADD num1 num2
PRT $Goodbye!$
} /* <-- T_END_BLOCK */
Inside Code Block:
<code_block_lines> := <expr>
<expr> := <put-expr> | <ask-expr> | <print-expr>
<ask-expr> := ASK <identifier>
<print-expr> := <identifier> | $<hard-coded-str>$
<hard-coded-str> := [a-zA-Z]*
<put-expr> := <source-expr> IN <dest-expr>
<dest-expr> := <identifier>
<source-expr> := <bool-literals> | <numeric-literals> | <arith-expr>
<arith-expr> := <add-expr> | <sub-expr> | <mul-expr> | <div-expr> | <mod-expr>
<add-expr> := ADD <identifier> <identifier> | ADD <numeric-literals> <identifier> | ADD <numeric-literals> <numeric-literals>
<sub-expr> := SUB <identifier> <identifier> | SUB <numeric-literals> <identifier> | SUB <numeric-literals> <numeric-literals>
<mul-expr> := MUL <identifier> <identifier> | MUL <numeric-literals> <identifier> | MUL <numeric-literals> <numeric-literals>
<div-expr> := DIV <identifier> <identifier> | DIV <numeric-literals> <identifier> | DIV <numeric-literals> <numeric-literals>
<mod-expr> := MOD <identifier> <identifier> | MOD <numeric-literals> <identifier> | MOD <numeric-literals> <numeric-literals>
<bool-literals> := true | false
<arith-operators> := ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | MOD
<num-predicates> := GRT | GRE | LET | LEE | EQL
<logic-operators> := AND | OHR | NON
<numeric-literals> := [0-9]