OmniUI is a visual development tool that allows users to create, customize, and manage UI components between desktop and web platforms. While initially focused on Qt, OmniUI is designed as a central platform for UI development that can adapt to multiple frameworks. The system will allow developers to create interfaces once and preview/export them to different UI libraries based on their specific capabilities and constraints, starting with Qt but architecturally ready to expand to other frameworks. This capstone project focuses on implementing the React-based component layout & visualization system though a web interface.
Many desktop applications rely on Qt for their user interfaces due to its sophistication, maturity, and overall stability. While Qt provides robust functionality, organizations face significant challenges when trying to modernize their Qt applications:
- Legacy Qt applications need modern UI capabilities but complete rewrites are too costly and risky
- Qt's styling and layout capabilities remain limited compared to modern web frameworks
- QML (Qt Quick) introduced modern features but has limitations when integrating with traditional Qt applications
- QWebChannel offers a bridge to web technologies but comes with performance and integration constraints
- Development tools for Qt UIs lack the rich features available in modern web development
This ~creates several practical challenges for Qt developers:
- Modernizing interfaces while maintaining compatibility with existing Qt codebases
- Creating responsive, modern UI components within Qt's constraints
- Debugging and optimizing Qt UIs without modern development tools
- Integrating web-based features into Qt applications cleanly
OmniUI directly addresses these Qt modernization challenges through a web-based development environment that bridges modern UI development with Qt applications. While the architecture is designed to be flexible for future expansion, the focus is on providing Qt developers with powerful tools to modernize their applications without complete rewrites.
Primary users will be developers and teams working with Qt-based applications who need to:
- Modernize legacy Qt application interfaces
- Maintain Qt compatibility while using modern UI approaches
- Create consistent UI components across their Qt applications
- Rapidly prototype and test UI components
Qt Application Developers...
- ... Maintaining established Qt codebases
- Need to add modern UI components
- Require performance optimization tools
Plugin/Extension Developers...
- ... Creating add-ons for Qt-based applications
- Need reliable integration patterns
- Want to use modern web technologies
UI/UX Teams...
- ... Collaborating with Qt developers
- Need visual development tools
- Want rapid prototyping capabilities
- Require preview capabilities for Qt constraints
- Create and manage atomic component instances from a component palette
- Drag and drop interface for component placement
- Define component properties using platform-agnostic interfaces
- Select and modify component properties through visual editor
- Delete or duplicate existing components
- Hierarchical component organization (atoms -> molecules -> organisms)
- Grid-based layout system for precise component positioning
- Visual resizing and positioning of components
- Component grouping and nesting capabilities
- Basic constraint system for layout management
- Clean interface design for future platform adaptation
- Visual interface for component property editing
- Real-time property updates
- Type-safe property definitions
- Property validation system
- Clean property interface design for future platform support
- Define and manage theme tokens (colors, spacing, typography)
- Create and manage themes with platform-agnostic structure
- Real-time theme preview in the editor
- Theme token system designed for multi-platform export
- Basic theme switching capabilities
- Basic component tree visualization
- Simple state inspection tools
- Real-time preview capabilities
- Performance monitoring foundations
- Platform Preview System
- Preview UI as it would appear in the target platform
- Real-time visualization of platform-specific constraints
- Side-by-side comparison views
- Visual indicators for unsupported features
For the capstone project, I will focus on implementing the Web Application as a UI development tool. It will include initial export capabilities if time allows. The Desktop Integration Shell architecture is documented for future development but is out of scope for the initial implementation.
theme: base
primaryColor: "#415855"
primaryTextColor: "#ccc"
lineColor: "#FABC62"
secondaryColor: "#64A573"
tertiaryColor: "#396055"
noteBkgColor: "#106B59"
title: High-Level Architecture (Future Implementation, Web App for MVP)
graph TD
A[Web App] -->|Core Features| B[Component Building<br/>Layout Design<br/>Theme Management]
A -->|Export| C[Component Definitions<br/>Layout Files<br/>Theme Tokens]
D[Desktop Shell] -->|Imports| C
D -->|Connects To| E[Host Applications]
D -->|Embeds| A
D -->|Adds| F[Real-time Qt Bindings<br/>Live Updates<br/>File System Access]
- React for UI with platform-agnostic core (components and layout)
- TypeScript for type safety and interface definitions
- Tailwind CSS
- Jest + React Testing Library
- Vite for build system
- Client libraries:
- zustand (for extensible state management)
- immer (for immutable state updates)
- nanoid (for unique IDs)
- dnd-kit for drag and drop functionality
- Potentially react-virtualized or react-window for handling large component trees
- FastAPI for API server (Migration to Django later if auth needs increase)
- Pydantic for data validation and serialization
- Python/PySide2
- QtWebEngine
- WebChannel
- C++ (for performance-critical components)
- Containers: Panel, ScrollBox
- Controls: Button, TextInput
- Display: Label
- Colors:
- Primary
- Secondary
- Background
- Text
- Spacing:
- Small
- Medium
- Large
- Typography:
- Body:
- Font Size
- Line Height
- Font Family
- Body:
- Main Editor (Layout/Component Canvas)
- Property Editor Panel
- Component Palette (Atoms/Molecules view)
- Layout Hierarchy Panel
- Theme Manager
- Widget Definitions Panel (Future)
- Connections/Events Panel (Future)
- Developer tools (Future)
- Component Palette
- Available components
- Saved templates
- Component search
- Export Center (Future)
- Layout export
- Theme export
- Configuration settings
![[Main Editor.png]]
![[Panel Overview.png]]
%% Base Classes
class BaseDefinition {
id: string // Unique identifier across the system
name: string // Technical identifier used in code
label: string // Human-readable display name
visible: boolean // appears in tools/registries
enabled: boolean // whether can be used
metadata: TrackingMetadata // track changes in library
BaseDefinition --> TrackingMetadata
note for BaseDefinition "Base class for definitions that can be stored in registries"
class BaseInstance["BaseDefinition for Instances"] {
id: string // Unique instance identifier
name: string // Optional user-assigned name
label: string // displayed text
visible: boolean // UI visibility state
enabled: boolean // UI enabled state
metadata: TrackingMetadata // Track changes in layout
BaseInstance --> TrackingMetadata
note for BaseInstance "Base class for component instances that live in layouts"
class TrackingMetadata {
createdAt: string
updatedAt: string
version: number
isNewerThan(other: TrackingMetadata): boolean
clone(): TrackingMetadata
%% Widget Management
class Widget~BaseDefinition~ {
rootContainer: LayoutContainer
getComponent(id: string): ComponentDefinition|ComponentInstance
exportState(): StateSnapshot
importState(snapshot: StateSnapshot): void
Widget --> LayoutContainer
Widget ..> StateSnapshot: to save state
note for Widget "Represents a complete UI widget. Can contain multiple components and manages their state."
%% Component Sharing
class ComponentRegistry {
components: Map~string, ComponentDefinition~
register(component: ComponentDefinition)
getComponent(id: string): ComponentDefinition
validateDefinition(def: ComponentDefinition): boolean
ComponentRegistry --> ComponentDefinition
note for ComponentRegistry "Manages component definitions and their relationships. Central registry for all component types in the system."
%% Basic State
class StateSnapshot {
id: string
components: Map~string, ComponentInstance~
validate(): boolean
%% Core Components
class ComponentDefinition~BaseDefinition~ {
type: ComponentType
isLayout: boolean
children?: LayoutContainer
config: ComponentConfig
validate(): boolean
clone(): ComponentDefinition
getDefaultConfig(): ComponentConfig
ComponentDefinition --> ComponentType
ComponentDefinition --> LayoutContainer
ComponentDefinition --> ComponentConfig
note for ComponentDefinition "Recursively structured when isLayout"
class ComponentInstance~BaseDefinition~ {
definitionId: string
overrides: Map~string, ComponentConfig~
updateFromSource(): void
getPathForComponent(componentId: string): string
setOverrideAtPath(path: string, changes: Partial~ComponentDefinition~): void
ComponentInstance ..> ComponentDefinition: definition from
ComponentInstance --> ComponentConfig
class ComponentConfig {
content?: ContentConfig
layout?: LayoutConfig
style?: StyleConfig
validate(): boolean
clone(): ComponentConfig
merge(other: ComponentConfig): ComponentConfig
ComponentConfig --> ContentConfig
ComponentConfig --> LayoutConfig
ComponentConfig --> StyleConfig
note for ComponentConfig "Complete configuration for a component. Includes content, layout, and style settings."
class ComponentType {
Panel, ScrollBox
Button, TextInput
%% Layout System
class LayoutConfig {
position: Position
size: Size
validate(): boolean
LayoutConfig --> Position
LayoutConfig --> Size
class LayoutContainer {
id: string
grid?: GridConfig
components: Map~string, ComponentDefinition|ComponentInstance~
addComponent(component: ComponentInstance, position?: Position): void
removeComponent(id: string): void
moveComponent(id: string, newPosition: Position): void
resizeComponent(id: string, newSize: Size): void
validateLayout(): boolean
findClosestGridPosition(point: Position): Position
LayoutContainer --> GridConfig
%% ComponentDefinition has the connection here that is 2 ways
note for LayoutContainer "Container for layout-based components. Handles grid-based positioning and component management."
class GridConfig {
rows: number
columns: number
cellSize: Distance
gap?: Distance
getCellPosition(row: number, col: number): Position
getCellSize(): Size
validate(): boolean
GridConfig --> Distance
%% note for GridConfig "Grid-based layout configuration. Used by LayoutContainer for positioning components."
class Position {
x: Distance
y: Distance
clone(): Position
add(other: Position): Position
subtract(other: Position): Position
Position --> Distance
class Size {
width: Distance
height: Distance
clone(): Size
fits(container: Size): boolean
Size --> Distance
class Distance {
length: number
unit: UnitType
toPixels(): number
convertTo(unit: UnitType): Distance
Distance --> UnitType
class UnitType {
Pixels, Percentage
%% Theme System & Styling
class StyleConfig {
classes: string[]
overrides: Record~string, ThemeToken~
validate(): boolean
StyleConfig --> ThemeToken
class Theme~BaseDefinition~ {
tokens: Map~string, ThemeToken~
getEffectiveToken(id: string): ThemeToken
validateTokens(): boolean
applyTo(component: ComponentDefinition): void
Theme --> ThemeToken
class ThemeToken {
id: string
type: TokenType
value: string|number
validate(): boolean
ThemeToken --> TokenType
class TokenType {
Color, Number
%% Dimension later
%% Content Configuration
class ContentConfig {
inputType?: InputType
format?: string
value: any
validate(): boolean
ContentConfig --> InputType
class InputType {
Text, Number
%% Color, Date, Select later
%% Main Application Structure
class WebAppShell {
panels: Map~string, Panel~
activePanel: string
theme: string
togglePanel(id: string)
setActivePanel(id: string)
class Panel {
id: string
type: PanelType
isVisible: boolean
position: PanelPosition
size: Size
resize(size: Size)
class PanelType {
class PanelPosition {
%% Component Palette Structure
class ComponentPalette {
components: ComponentDefinition[]
filter: string
view: 'grid' | 'list'
searchComponents(query: string)
filterByCategory(category: string)
startDrag(component: ComponentDefinition)
%% Property Editor Structure
class PropertyEditor {
activeComponent: ComponentInstance
sections: PropertySection[]
updateProperty(path: string, value: any)
validateInput(value: any)
class PropertySection {
title: string
type: string
properties: Property[]
isExpanded: boolean
%% Canvas Structure
class Canvas {
grid: GridOverlay
selection: Selection
dragState: DragState
zoom: number
handleDrop(component: ComponentDefinition)
class GridOverlay {
visible: boolean
spacing: number
color: string
updateSpacing(value: number)
class Selection {
selectedIds: Set~string~
bounds: Rectangle
select(id: string)
%% Theme Manager Structure
class ThemeManager {
themes: Theme[]
activeTheme: string
applyTheme(id: string)
updateToken(id: string, value: any)
previewTheme(id: string)
%% Relationships
WebAppShell --> Panel
Panel --> PanelType
Panel --> PanelPosition
ComponentPalette --|> Panel
PropertyEditor --|> Panel
Canvas --|> Panel
ThemeManager --|> Panel
Canvas --> GridOverlay
Canvas --> Selection
PropertyEditor --> PropertySection
participant UI as User Interface
participant CR as Component Registry
participant LC as Layout Container
participant TH as Theme Manager
Note over UI,TH: Component Create/Update Flow
UI->>CR: Create/Get ComponentDefinition
CR-->>UI: Return Definition
UI->>LC: Create ComponentInstance
LC->>CR: Validate Instance
CR-->>LC: Validation Result
LC-->>UI: Update Layout View
Note over UI,TH: Theme Application Flow
UI->>TH: Apply Theme
TH->>LC: Update Component Styles
LC-->>UI: Refresh Components
[*] --> ComponentCreated
ComponentCreated --> PropertyUpdated
PropertyUpdated --> ValidatingChanges
ValidatingChanges --> ApplyingChanges: Valid
ValidatingChanges --> PropertyUpdated: Invalid
ApplyingChanges --> EmittingUpdates
EmittingUpdates --> Stable
Stable --> PropertyUpdated: New Change
Stable --> [*]: Component Deleted
// MVP LocalStorage Organization
interface LocalStorageStructure {
// Component Storage
["omni-ui:components"]: {
// Component Definitions (templates)
definitions: {
[id: string]: {
id: string;
name: string;
type: "Panel" | "ScrollBox" | "Button" | "TextInput" | "Label";
config: {
content?: {
inputType?: "Text" | "Number";
format?: string;
value: any;
layout?: {
position: {
x: number;
y: number;
size: {
width: number;
height: number;
style?: {
classes: string[];
overrides: Record<string, ThemeToken>;
// Component Instances (actual uses in layouts)
instances: {
[id: string]: {
id: string;
definitionId: string;
overrides: {
content?: {
value: any;
layout?: {
position: {
x: number;
y: number;
size: {
width: number;
height: number;
style?: {
classes: string[];
overrides: Record<string, ThemeToken>;
// Layout Storage
["omni-ui:layouts"]: {
[id: string]: {
id: string;
grid?: {
rows: number;
columns: number;
cellSize: {
width: number;
height: number;
components: string[]; // Array of instance IDs
activeLayout: string;
// Basic Theme Data
["omni-ui:themes"]: {
[id: string]: {
id: string;
name: string;
tokens: {
[id: string]: {
type: "Color" | "Number" | "String";
value: string | number;
activeTheme: string;
// UI State Storage
["omni-ui:ui-state"]: {
selectedComponent: string | null;
panelStates: {
[panelId: string]: boolean; // visibility state of panels
gridSettings: {
showGrid: boolean;
snapToGrid: boolean;
gridSize: number;
// Storage Keys for Type Safety
const STORAGE_KEYS = {
COMPONENTS: "omni-ui:components",
LAYOUTS: "omni-ui:layouts",
THEMES: "omni-ui:themes",
UI_STATE: "omni-ui:ui-state",
} as const;
For the initial implementation, all API endpoints will be implemented using browser storage (localStorage) as the backend. While no external server will be required for the MVP, the API structure follows RESTful patterns to maintain consistency and allow for future server implementation. The endpoints found in the Endpoints section below define the core functionality.
Implementation details:
- All data (components, layouts, and themes) will be stored as JSON in localStorage
- Default/template items will be included in the initial application state
- The client-side implementation will mirror the API structure defined below
- Each endpoint will be implemented as a service that interfaces with localStorage The following API structure defines how data will be organized and accessed:
GET /components/definitions
- category (optional): Filter by 'atoms', 'molecules', or 'organisms'
- search (optional): Search by component name
Response: 200 OK
"id": "button-1",
"name": "Primary Button",
"category": "atoms",
"type": "button",
"defaultProps": {
"text": "Click me",
"variant": "primary"
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid category parameter
- 500 Internal Server Error
GET /components/definitions/:id
- id (required): Component definition identifier
Response: 200 OK
"id": "form-1",
"name": "Login Form",
"category": "organisms",
"type": "composite",
"defaultProps": {},
"childComponents": []
Error Responses:
- 404 Not Found: Component definition not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
POST /components/definitions
Parameters: None
Request Body:
"name": "New Component",
"category": "molecules",
"type": "composite",
"defaultProps": {},
"childComponents": []
- Response: 201 Created
"id": "comp-123",
"name": "New Component",
"created": "2024-01-18T12:00:00Z"
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid component data
- 500 Internal Server Error
PUT /components/definitions/:id
- id (required): Component definition identifier
Request Body:
"name": "Updated Component",
"defaultProps": {
"newProp": "value"
- Response: 200 OK
"id": "comp-123",
"name": "Updated Component",
"updated": "2024-01-18T12:00:00Z"
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid component definition data
- 404 Not Found: Component definition not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
DELETE /components/definitions/:id
- id (required): Component definition identifier
Response: 204 No Content
Error Responses:
- 404 Not Found: Component definition not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
GET /components/instances
- layoutId (optional): Filter instances by layout identifier
- componentType (optional): Filter by component type
- parentId (optional): Get child instances of a specific component
Response: 200 OK
"instances": [
"id": "instance-1",
"definitionId": "button-1",
"position": {
"x": 100,
"y": 50
"size": {
"width": 120,
"height": 40
"overrides": {
"properties": {
"text": "Custom Button",
"variant": "secondary"
"style": {
"backgroundColor": "#FF0000"
Error Response:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid filter parameters
- 404 Not Found: Layout or parent component not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
GET /components/instances/:id
- id (required): Instance identifier
Response: 200 OK
"instance": {
"id": "instance-1",
"definitionId": "button-1",
"position": {
"x": 100,
"y": 50
"size": {
"width": 120,
"height": 40
"overrides": {
"properties": {
"text": "Custom Button",
"variant": "secondary"
"style": {
"backgroundColor": "#FF0000"
"computed": {
"effectiveStyle": {
"backgroundColor": "#FF0000",
"padding": "8px",
"borderRadius": "4px"
"inheritedProperties": {
"fontFamily": "Inter",
"fontSize": "14px"
Error Response:
- 404 Not Found: Component not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
POST /components/instances
Parameters: None
Request Body:
"definitionId": "button-1",
"layoutId": "layout-123",
"position": {
// Optional: Initial position
"x": 100,
"y": 50
"size": {
// Optional: Initial size
"width": 120,
"height": 40
"overrides": {
// Optional: Property overrides
"properties": {
"text": "New Button",
"variant": "primary"
"style": {
"backgroundColor": "#106B59"
- Response: 201 Created
"id": "instance-123",
"instance": {
"id": "instance-123",
"definitionId": "button-1",
"position": {
"x": 100,
"y": 50
"size": {
"width": 120,
"height": 40
"overrides": {
"properties": {
"text": "New Button",
"variant": "primary"
"style": {
"backgroundColor": "#106B59"
"created": "2024-01-27T12:00:00Z"
Error Response:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid component data
- 404 Not Found: Component definition or layout not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
PUT /components/instances/:id
- id (required): Instance identifier
Request Body:
"position": {
"x": 200,
"y": 100
"size": {
"width": 150,
"height": 50
"overrides": {
"properties": {
"text": "Updated Button",
"variant": "secondary"
"style": {
"backgroundColor": "#415855"
- Response: 200 OK
"id": "instance-123",
"updated": "2024-01-27T12:00:00Z"
Error Response:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid instance data
- 404 Not Found: Instance not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
DELETE /components/instances
- id (required): Instance identifier
Response: 204 No Content
Error Response:
- 404 Not Found: Instance not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
GET /components/layout
- instanceId (required): Instance identifier to get layout information
Response: 200 OK
"layout": {
"id": "layout-123",
"gridConfig": {
"rows": 12,
"columns": 12,
"cellSize": {
"width": 50,
"height": 50
"gap": {
"horizontal": 8,
"vertical": 8
"constraints": {
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3,
"rowAlign": "start",
"colAlign": "center",
"margin": {
"top": 8,
"right": 8,
"bottom": 8,
"left": 8
Error Responses:
- 404 Not Found: Instance not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
PUT /components/layout/:instanceId
- instanceId (required): Instance identifier
Request Body:
"position": {
"x": 100,
"y": 200
"size": {
"width": 150,
"height": 100
"constraints": {
"rowSpan": 2,
"colSpan": 3,
"rowAlign": "start",
"colAlign": "center"
- Response: 200 OK
"id": "instance-123",
"updated": "2024-01-27T12:00:00Z"
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid layout data
- 404 Not Found: Instance not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
GET /layouts
- page (optional): Page number for pagination
- limit (optional): Number of items per page
- search (optional): Search by layout name
Response: 200 OK
"layouts": [
"id": "layout-1",
"name": "Dashboard Layout",
"created": "2024-01-18T12:00:00Z",
"lastModified": "2024-01-18T14:30:00Z"
"total": 10,
"page": 1,
"limit": 20
Error Response:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid pagination parameters
- 500 Internal Server Error
GET /layouts/:id
- id (required): Layout identifier
Response: 200 OK
"id": "layout-1",
"name": "Dashboard Layout",
"components": [
"id": "btn-1",
"type": "button",
"properties": {
"text": "Save"
"layout": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"width": 100,
"height": 40
"children": []
"theme": {
"id": "theme-1",
"name": "Default"
Error Responses:
- 404 Not Found: Layout not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
POST /layouts
Parameters: None
Request Body:
"name": "New Layout",
"components": [],
"theme": {
"id": "theme-1"
- Response: 201 Created
"id": "layout-2",
"name": "New Layout",
"created": "2024-01-18T12:00:00Z"
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid layout data
- 404 Not Found: Referenced theme not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
PUT /layouts/:id
- id (required): Layout identifier
Request Body:
"name": "Updated Layout",
"components": [],
"theme": {
"id": "theme-1"
- Response: 200 OK
"id": "layout-2",
"updated": "2024-01-18T12:00:00Z"
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid layout data
- 404 Not Found: Layout not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
DELETE /layouts/:id
- id (required): Layout identifier
Response: 204 No Content
Error Responses:
- 404 Not Found: Layout not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
GET /layouts/grid
- layoutId (required): Layout identifier
Response: 200 OK
"grid": {
"config": {
"rows": 12,
"columns": 12,
"cellSize": {
"width": 50,
"height": 50
"gap": {
"horizontal": 8,
"vertical": 8
"occupied": [
"position": { "row": 1, "col": 1 },
"span": { "rows": 2, "cols": 3 },
"instanceId": "instance-123"
Error Responses:
- 404 Not Found: Layout not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
PUT /layouts/grid
- layoutId (required): Layout identifier
Request Body:
"config": {
"rows": 12,
"columns": 12,
"cellSize": {
"width": 50,
"height": 50
"gap": {
"horizontal": 8,
"vertical": 8
- Response: 200 OK
"id": "layout-123",
"updated": "2024-01-27T12:00:00Z"
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid grid configuration
- 404 Not Found: Layout not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
GET /themes/tokens
- themeId (required): Theme identifier
Response: 200 OK
"tokens": {
"colors": {
"primary": "#106B59",
"secondary": "#415855",
"background": "#FFFFFF"
"spacing": {
"small": "8px",
"medium": "16px",
"large": "24px"
"typography": {
"body": {
"fontSize": "16px",
"lineHeight": "24px",
"fontFamily": "Inter"
"heading": {
"fontSize": "24px",
"lineHeight": "32px",
"fontFamily": "Inter"
Error Responses:
- 404 Not Found: Theme not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
PUT /themes/tokens
- themeId (required): Theme identifier
Request Body:
"tokens": {
"colors": {
"primary": "#106B59",
"secondary": "#415855"
"spacing": {
"small": "8px",
"medium": "16px"
- Response: 200 OK
"id": "theme-123",
"updated": "2024-01-27T12:00:00Z"
Error Responses:
- 400 Bad Request: Invalid token data
- 404 Not Found: Theme not found
- 500 Internal Server Error
- Initialize React/TypeScript/Vite project
- Set up Tailwind CSS configuration
- Create core state management with zustand
- Component Class Implementation:
- BaseDefinition and BaseInstance
- Initial ComponentConfig structure
- UI Class Implementation:
- WebAppShell and Panel system
- Basic panel management
- Initial UI state structure
- Set up local storage patterns
Actual Progress:
- ✅ Initialized React/TypeScript/Vite project with correct configuration
- ✅ Set up Tailwind CSS with custom utilities and theme configuration
- ✅ Implemented zustand store structure with persistence
- ✅ Created core type definitions and base interfaces
- ✅ Established folder structure and code organization patterns
- Create main application web shell and panels
- Implement ComponentRegistry
- Build basic ComponentDefinition system
- Create initial atomic components (Panel, Button)
- Set up basic drag and drop infrastructure
- Add component instance creation
Actual Progress:
- ✅ Created BaseInteractor component system
- ✅ Implemented robust style system with compositions and presets
- ✅ Built flexible icon system with size presets
- ✅ Created base state management system
- ✅ Established types and utilities for measurements and geometry
- Implement LayoutContainer
- Create GridConfig and grid system
- Build Position/Size management
- Create component canvas
- Add basic component placement
- Implement grid visualization
Actual Progress:
- ✅ Developed PushButton component with variants
- ✅ Created Panel system with configurations
- ✅ Implemented Drawer component with positioning
- ✅ Built Modal system with customization
- ✅ Added IconButton component with presets
- ✅ Created ScrollBox component
- Create property panel
- Implement basic property editors
- Add component instance management
- Build component palette UI
- Add basic theme token structure
- Implement component updates
Actual Progress:
- ✅ Built Dropdown and DropdownSelect components
- ✅ Implemented Tabs component with variants
- ✅ Created ListView and ListItem components
- ✅ Added SearchBar component
- ✅ Implemented Initial store management hooks
- ✅ Created theme system foundation
- Finish building main panels for UI
- Implement basic canvas with grid system
- Add drag-and-drop infrastructure
- Create basic component palette
- Implement basic layout system
Success Criteria:
- Canvas Implementation:
- Canvas renders with configurable dimensions
- Grid system displays and toggles correctly
- Grid snapping works at different sizes
- Canvas supports basic component placement
- Drag and Drop:
- Components can be dragged from palette to canvas
- Items snap to grid when dropped
- Visual feedback during drag operations
- Basic positioning validation
- Component Palette:
- Displays available component types
- Components grouped by category
- Basic search filtering works
- Components show preview/thumbnail
- Drag initiation from palette works
- Basic Layout System:
- Components maintain position on canvas
- Basic collision detection
- Components can be selected
- Components show resize handles
- Layout persists between sessions
- Complete layout container implementation
- Add component resizing/positioning
- Implement property editor panel
- Add basic state management for components
Success Criteria:
- Layout Container:
- Components can be nested
- Parent-child relationships maintained
- Proper event bubbling
- Position calculations work correctly
- Component Controls:
- Components can be resized
- Components can be moved after placement
- Multiple selection works
- Basic alignment tools work
- Property Editor:
- Shows properties for selected component
- Properties update in real-time
- Supports different property types
- Shows component hierarchy
- Property changes persist
- State Management:
- Component states update correctly
- State changes reflect in UI
- Basic undo/redo works
- State persists between sessions
- Add component nesting capabilities
- Implement component search/filtering
- Add basic theme support
- Implement save/load functionality
- Add basic preview mode
Success Criteria:
- Component Nesting:
- Components can contain other components
- Nested components maintain proper state
- Parent-child selection works
- Nested components resize properly
- Component Organization:
- Search works across all components
- Filter by component type works
- Recently used components tracked
- Component grouping works
- Theme Support:
- Basic theme switching works
- Component styles update with theme
- Theme changes persist
- Custom theme values work
- Save/Load:
- Layouts can be saved
- Layouts can be loaded
- Component state preserved
- Basic error handling works
- Bug fixes and performance optimization
- Complete essential documentation
- Add basic export functionality
- Prepare demonstration scenarios
- Create example layouts
Success Criteria:
- Code Quality:
- No critical bugs
- Performance maintains 60fps
- Memory usage is stable
- Error handling is comprehensive
- Documentation:
- Code documentation complete
- User guide written
- API documentation complete
- Example layouts documented
- Export Function:
- Basic layout export works
- Component relationships preserved
- Style information exports correctly
- Export format is valid
- Demo Ready:
- 3+ example layouts created
- All core features demonstrable
- UI is polished
- Performance is stable
- Component inspection tools
- Light/dark theme switching
- Advanced grid visualization
- Component boundaries
- Alignment guides
- Spacing indicators
- Component template library
- State inspection panel
- Enhanced property editors
- Multi-select editing
- Property search
- Quick actions
- Theme creator interface
- Layout templates system
- Custom component creation
- Component composition tools
- Advanced layout constraints
- Visual debugging tools
- Export system foundation
- Qt-specific optimizations
- Platform preview system
- Platform-specific theme overrides
- Component platform validation
- Export configurations
- Platform bridges
- Integration testing tools
- Real-time collaborative editing
- User presence system
- Comments and annotations
- Version control for layouts
- Component marketplace
- Sharing system
- Permission management
- Memory usage monitoring
- Component versioning
- Advanced state management
- Performance profiling
- Plugin system
- Advanced grid nesting
- Layout constraints system