- Waiter app is not just an app but a complete solution for a restaurant
- It has backend, frontend and mobile
- All done using Typescript with Node, React and React Native
- Back-end create product and categories
- Mobile consumes these products and categories and create orders
- Back-end recive requets and send to front-end automatically by websocket
- Front-end generate a dashboard to manege this orders, changing status
- It's an API to connect on database mongo
- manages searching, creating and updating s and categories, products and orders in the database
- NodeJS
- Express
- To crate server
- Mongoose
- To connect on mongoDB
- Socket.io
- To create a web socket connection
- Multer
- To handle with images
- Envairoment variables
MONGO_USERNAME=<mongodb_user> MONGO_PASSWORD=<mongodb_password> MONGO_HOSTNAME=<mongodb_host> MONGO_PORT=<mongodb_port> MONGO_DB=<database_name>
- The CORS_ORIGIN is equal *, accept all urls
- Run the commands
$ yarn install $ yarn dev
- Communicates with the API through web socket
- Create a dashboard to manage orders
- Manage orders
- Create category
- Create products
- ReactJS
- React Router
- Styled Components
- Prop Types
- Vite
- Socket.io
- Axios
- toastify
- Open de folder web
- Run the commands
$ yarn install
$ yarn dev
- Create a interface to create orders on mobile device
- Communicates with the API to get category and products and create orders
- React Native
- Expo
- Styled Components
- Axios
- Open de folder web
- Run the commands
$ yarn install
$ yarn start
- And scanning qr code with expo go