Videogame created as final assignment project for the class "Introduccion a la Carrera" at the Instituto de Tecnologia y Estudios Superiores de Monterrey as part of the Bachleror in Computer Science and Technology Program.
UPDATE 12/5/2016 This project has already been turned in, it won best project of the generation voted by the jury(Profesors) and also by the generation itself. Thankyou team.
Limited from using full-on game engines(Ex. Unity and UE4) this game was developed with:
The games theme was inspired by old classic 2D sidescrolling games more evidently from the RPG genre like Castlevania.
Inital assignment team:
- Eduardo Aguilar Leal
- Jorge Andres Sabella
- Mariana Sofia Pena
- Rodrigo Urbina
- Marcela Rico
Equipo, Porfavor lean esto antes de hacer cualquier pull request y/o push al repositorio(si en ingles nimodo, la industria esta en ingles). Estoy tomando en consideracion que esta es probablemnte su primera vez utlizando github.
Team, Please read this before attempting any pull request and/or push into the repository. I am taking into consideration this is your first time using github.
- From
branch, checkout a new Branch with the commandgit checkout -b type/branch_name
. Where type is a general idea of what's implemented. Ex.fix
, etc. - Commits messeges' must be precise and concise, please. Ex
git commit -m "Added mobility to character object"
orgit commit -m "Fixed wall jumping bug"
. - Grab an issue from the Github repo and try to fix it or something from the TODO list.
- Report issues & TODOs, please.
Your workflow must be divided into two steps:
- Actual coding and editing files and/or images.
- Creating git commits(saved points in the projects timeline).
At the end you're going to attempt to push your changes(commits) into the repository we all share online. Yet in this case you're going to create a pull request, a request to pull those commits into the repository.
- Git: local version control software used via the temrinal
- Github: Online service that works in conjuction with git
To use Git in your computer you're going to be using your Terminal application if you're working on a Mac and if you're working on a Windows you may and I reccomend downloading GitBash. (most Macs have preinstalled Git, GitBash is a terminal)
- Locate yourself from inside your terminal where you want to clone the repository, using the command
. documents/gamemaker/projects
. This is my folder where I in my computer keep this project. - Clone the repository
git clone herGoesTheLink
, remeber to press the green button at the upper right conrer inside the github repository to get the link.
- If you have already previously cloned the repo just update it with a pull
git pull
- Change yourself from the default
branch to thedev
branch,git checkout dev
. - Once in the dev branch "branch" out to your personal branch, create it,
git checkout YourBranchesName
- Do your coding & project contribution.
- Stage your changes so git can recognize them for the commiting process.
git add .
(stages all files within your folder). - Commit your changes with
git commit -m "Commit messege"
- Push your changes into the repository,
git push -u origin YourBranchesName
. - Once your branch has been pushed, make the pull request inside the github repository, we will review this request all of us together to verify it and merge it to the master branch.
When creating a room be certain of it:
- Follows the correct namespace
is the number designated to your level and it being at the correctrooms
folder. - Having under the settings tab:
- it's speed set to 60 (60 frames per second)
- Having its snap set to x: 60, y:60 (This is optional but higly recomended, all tiles are 60x60 pixels)
- Having under the views tab
- enabled the options
- Enable the use of views
- Visible when room starts
- View in room width set to 1920, height set to 1080.
- Port on scren width set to 1920, height set to 1080.
- Object following must be
(possible to change in the future)
- enabled the options
- Having the object
placed somewhere inside the room where you wish the player to initialy start.
This guidelines just include the necessary elements to add to a room for it to function properly as a level. For further development like moveable background/parallax you need to include the apropiate
object and its background layers. For reference you may check level_0
or level_select
When creating a block that will collide with players and moves be sure of it:
- Having a sprite that is 60x60 pixels.
- Having it's sprite origin at the center of it.
- Being a child of
When creating a mob(enemy character) object be ceratin of it:
- Follows the correct namespace for it's sprite
and being at the correctsprites/mobs
folder. - Having it's sprite's origin at the center of it.
- Follows the correct namespace
and being at the correctobjects/mobs
folder. - Being a child of
& its depth being -4. - Having at the
event the necessary variables for it to function properly as a mob.kill_score
(integer, It is the scores the players recieve when killing it).hp
(integer, enemy's health or hit points).attacking
(boolean, it defines if the object is in an attacking state, you define when/where).damage
(integer, the damage/hitPoints it subtracts from the player when colliding with it).attack_damage
(integer, the damage/hitPoints it subtracts from the player when colliding with it in the attacking state).can_take_damage = true
(boolean, it defines if the mob can recieve damage at a given time, must be initialized astrue
- Having a
event with the code for damage and dead management (check mob_slime for reference and copy/paste).
- Having in its
event the code for player attack detection and damage detection/animation.
This guidelines create an unmoveable mob object that can recieve and cause damage by touch. For collsion, movement and AI management I suggest using as reference obj_mob_slime
or obj_mob_knight
. Feel free to craft any kind of enemy you like.
Feel free to add any guides/videos/resources that have had helped you in the process, it might help the others.
Feal free to write anyhting we are missing and need to tackle.
- Main Menu
- Play
- Settings
- Sound
- Input
- Graphics
- Quit
- 3/15 desired mobs implemented.
SlimeKnightFlypod slime
- 1/5 desired levels implemented.
- level-select level (in constant progress)
tutorial level
- Ambient music.
- Sound effects.
- Local Multiplayer.
- Story...
Haciendo un videojuego interactivo, los estudiantes que comienzan sus estudios en Tecnologias Computacionales, podran desarrollar las siguientes habilidades:
- Trabajo en equipo con Aprendizaje Colaborativo
- Desarrollo de un producto terminado, hecho y presentado con alta calidad
- Analisis y evaluacion de requerimientos generales
- Dise;o de solucionespara satisfacer requisitos de software
Las siguientes caracteristicas se consideran esenciales para undesarrollo minimo de un videojuego:
- Tematica libre
- Equipo conformado por 4 o 5 personas.
- Interaccion constante con el usuario; las acciones del usuario desenvuelven la trama del videojuego. El jugador recibe constante retroalimentacion visual y sonora
- Mantener una evaluacion del desempe;o del usuario (puntaje, porcentaje de avance, etc.).
- Entregar un manual por escrito donde se explique cual es el objetivo del videojuego, y como se utliza (deb de ser visual, usando screenshots o screen grabs).
Las siguientes caracteristicas no son requeridas, pero se tendran consideraciones especiales a los productos que manejen. Caracteristicas avanzadas:
- Manejo de niveles, o diferentes escenas.
- Interaccion con mas de un jugador
- Una descripcion de la Historia, asi como la definicion de la herramienta que se usara en el desarrollo (se hara en BB).
- Algunos storyboards donde se presenten "prototipos de alto nivel", (Puede ser hecho a mano), se subira la imagen a Blackboard.
- El videojuego funcional, bien documentado y con Buena presentacion.
- Exposcicion y "venta"(pitch) de su Videojuego ante un jurado externo.
- Los finalistas de la Expo haran su presentacion ante el grupo pleno en la fecha del Final.
Una sugerencia es que usen SCRATCH ( Si deciden que NO quieren usarla, si podran usar alguna otra herramienta, sin embargo tiene 2 restricciones:
- Es necesario validarla con nosotros (enviar mail a incluyendo los datos de los miembros del equipo y cual tecnologia usaran);
- TODOS los miembros del equipo deben saber/aprender esa tecnologia, ya que se trata de un proyecto de aprendizaje colaborativo!!
- Los miembros del equipo que el jurado considere ganador, se haran acreedores a 100 final de calificacion en la materia.
- Mas adelante se proporcionara informacion sobre los aspectos que seran evaluados.