This program was created as part of an evaluation of a bachelor course in engineering. Resolves and find the optimal BST (Binary Search Tree) using two algorithms:
- Dynamic Algorithm (about this)
- Greedy Algorithm (about this)
Both were programmed in C on Linux, the main purpose was not to find the tree, but to make a comparison between these two algorithms taking the time and the "correct solution" factors.
Is on the Linux terminal, not has a interface, the user can use two different ways:
- Example mode
- Experiment mode
Generate and solve a single random case with the two algorithms. The execution of the program generates a latex document where it specifies the initial problem, the response with the greedy algorithm, the response with the dynamic programming algorithm (both with their respective tables) and the conclusions reached in that execution.
The input must will be:
./program -X
Generates and solves N random cases, collects statistical data. The execution of the program generates a latex document where it specifies the amount of data that will be used, the time tables of both algorithms, as well as an additional one which shows the percentage of optimal responses produced by the Greedy algorithm.
The input must will be:
./program -E=N
Where the "N" parameter is the number of N*10 random cases that you want.
A .tex file (and others files required) will create and convert to pdf with pdflatex command and will open with evince command. All these files are saved in output folder. And each mode create a different document structure.
It is necessary to have installed latex (including pdflatex), pkg-config and evince in your linux. You can install it with the following commands:
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
sudo apt-get install texmaker
sudo apt-get install evince
sudo apt install pkg-config
First is necessary compile the main file (main.c) with the command
gcc -o program main.c
and then it can be opened
- Edisson López - Main developer - ediloaz
See also the list of repositories who I participated/created.