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Install via:
pip install sqlalchemy-omopcdm
This package contains Declarative Mapping-based SQLAlchemy 2 models for each table in the OMOP CDM, including primary keys, indexes, and constraints. These models can be used to work with OMOP CDM databases - including the ability to initialize and query them.
The models in this repo are automatically created using the sqlacodegen-based sqlalchemy_omopcdm_modelgen container image.
Important Note: In order to use Declarative Mapping, each table needs at least one column with primary key behavior, to achieve this we have added 11 unofficial & unsupported composite primary keys on the following tables: cdm_source
, cohort_definition
, cohort
, concept_ancestor
, concept_relationship
, concept_synonym
, death
, drug_strength
, episode_event
, fact_relationship
, source_to_concept_map
Python naming can be complicated 12. To make it clear for this repo, the distribution name is sqlalchemy-omopcdm
(with a dash) and the package name is sqlalchemy_omopcdm
(with an underscore).
When you install the package, use:
pip install sqlalchemy-omopcdm
When you access the package in code, use:
from sqlalchemy_omopcdm import CareSite
You can recreate the output file with the following command:
docker compose run --rm modelgen
This single command will bring up the database, load the DDL into it, build the modelgen container, and run it against the database. The result is written to the output dir.