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Achilles (and DQD) Container Image

This repo contains the source code for edenceHealth's Docker image containing both OHDSI Achilles and OHDSI DataQualityDashboard. These two tools share some basic dependenices and have a similar use cases, so we bundle them together. The image adds a lightweight wrapper around these tools which simplifies the process of calling them without a separate R installation.

For more information about the tools, see the following links:

The container can be used and configured via command-line arguments (for example passed to docker run) and with environment variables.

Configuration via Command-line Arguments

The following text is printed when invoking the container with the -h or --help arguments.

Achilles Wrapper

  achilles.R [options]

General options:
  -h, --help                     Show this help message.
  --num-threads=<n>              The number of threads to use when running achilles [default: 1]
  --optimize-atlas-cache         Enables the optimizeAtlasCache option to the achilles function
  --source-name=<name>           The source name used by the achilles function and included as part of the output path [default: NA]
  --timestamp=<time_str>         The timestamp-style string to use when calculating some file output paths. Defaults to a string derived from the current date & time. [default: AUTO]
  --skip-achilles                This option prevents Achilles from running, which can be useful for running the other utilities like the DQD Shiny App
  --output-base=<str>            The output path used by achilles [default: /output]
  --s3-target=<str>              Optional AWS S3 bucket path to sync with the output_base directory (for uploading results to S3)
  --exclude-analysis-ids=<list>  A comma-separated list of Achilles analysis IDs to exclude

CDM Options:
  --cdm-version=<semver>  Which standard version of the CDM to use [default: 5]

Schema Options:
  --cdm-schema=<name>      DB schema name for CDM data [default: public]
  --results-schema=<name>  DB schema name for results data [default: results]
  --vocab-schema=<name>    DB schema name for vocabulary data [default: vocabulary]

CDM DB Options:
  --db-dbms=<name>         The database management system for the CDM database [default: postgresql]
  --db-hostname=<name>     The hostname the database server is listening on [default: db]
  --db-port=<n>            The port the database server is listening on [default: 5432]
  --db-name=<name>         The name of the database on the database server [default: cdm]
  --db-username=<name>     The username to connect to the database server with [default: pgadmin]
  --db-password=<name>     The password to connect to the database server with [default: postgres]
  --db-extra-settings=<s>  Optional additional settings for the database driver (in JDBC connection format)
  --databaseconnector-jar-folder=<DIR>  The path to the driver jar files used by the DatabaseConnector to connect to various DBMS [default: /usr/local/lib/DatabaseConnectorJars]

JSON Export Options:
  --json-export           Whether to run the Achilles exportToJson function
  --json-compress         JSON files should be compressed into one zip file
  --json-output-base=<DIR>  The output path used by exportToJson [default: /output]

DataQualityDashboard Options:
  --dqd                                Whether to run the DataQualityDashboard functions
  --dqd-sql-only                       Return DQD queries but do not run them
  --dqd-verbose                        Whether to write DataQualityDashboard info
  --dqd-skip-db-write                  Skip writing results to the dqdashboard_results table in the results schema
  --dqd-check-names=<list>             Optional comma-separated list of check names to execute
  --dqd-check-levels=<list>            Comma-separated list of which DQ check levels to execute [default: TABLE,FIELD,CONCEPT]
  --dqd-exclude-tables=<list>          Comma-separated list of CDM tables to exclude from the checks
  --dqd-output-base=<DIR>              The output path used by the dqd functions [default: /output]
  --dqd-table-threshold-file=<file>    The optional location of the threshold file for evaluating the table checks; this is useful for overriding thresholds [default: default]
  --dqd-field-threshold-file=<file>    The optional location of the threshold file for evaluating the field checks; this is useful for overriding thresholds [default: default]
  --dqd-concept-threshold-file=<file>  The optional location of the threshold file for evaluating the concept checks; this is useful for overriding thresholds [default: default]

DQDWeb Options:
  --dqd-web                      Whether to run the DataQualityDashboard Shiny App
  --dqd-web-host=<hostname>      The network host address the DataQualityDashboard Shiny App should listen on  [default:]
  --dqd-web-port=<n>             The network port number the DataQualityDashboard Shiny App should listen on [default: 5641]
  --dqd-web-display-mode=<mode>  The Shiny App display.mode to use for the app, options include "showcase" or "normal" [default: normal]
  --dqd-web-input-json=<PATH>    Optionally override the input path used by the DataQualityDashboard Shiny App, by default this is derived from the output path by the DQD step [default: AUTO]

Running the container with the --version argument prints the version information:

edenceHealth Achilles/DQD Wrapper: 1.12 / Achilles: 1.7.2 / DataQualityDashboard: 2.6.3

Configuration via Environment Variables

Each command line argument has an equivalent environment variable, to determine name of the environment variable:

  1. start with the argument and remote the leading dashes
  2. convert to uppper-case
  3. replace dashes with underscores
  4. boolean, flag-style arguments like --skip-achilles are assumed to be false, but they can be enabled by setting them with the values: 1, TRUE, YES, Y, or ON

For example:

  • --skip-achilles becomes SKIP_ACHILLES=1
  • --output-base=xyz becomes OUTPUT_BASE=xyz