This container provides the EHDEN CdmInspection and CatalogueExport R packages with a small wrapper for use in a container environment.
The container can be used and configured via command-line arguments (for example passed to docker run
) or with environment variables.
Each command line argument has an equivalent environment variable, to determine name of the environment variable:
- start with the argument and remote the leading dashes
- convert to uppper-case
- replace dashes with underscores
- boolean, flag-style arguments like
are assumed to be false, but they can be enabled by setting them with the values:1
, orON
For example:
The following text is printed when invoking the container with the -h
or --help
CdmInspection Wrapper
cdm_inspection.R [options]
General options:
-h, --help Show this help message
--output-base=<path> The base output directory in which to write results [default: ./results]
--quiet Runs the cdmInspection and catalogueExport with verboseMode set to FALSE and generateResultsDocument with silent set to TRUE
--sql-only Print the SQL queries that would be executed but do not actually execute the queries
--output-doc-template=<name> The name of the generateResultsDocument docTemplate to use [default: EHDEN]
--small-cell-count=<int> To avoid patient identifiability, only cells with result counts larger than this value will be included the the output [default: 5]
--webapi-url=<url> the URL of the WebAPI instance to check [default: http://webapi:8080/WebAPI]
Inspection Options:
--no-cdm-inspection skip the CDM Inspection entirely
--no-vocabulary-checks skip the normal vocabulary checks
--no-table-checks skip the normal table checks
--no-performance-checks skip the normal performance checks
--no-webapi-checks skip the normal WebAPI checks
--inspection-analysis-ids=<str> An optional comma-separated list of analysis IDs to run
Schema Options:
With all the following schema options, on SQL Server, specifiy both the database and the schema, for example: "cdm_instance.dbo"
--cdm-schema=<name> name of database schema that contains the OMOP CDM tables [default: public]
--results-schema=<name> name of database schema that contains Achilles run results [default: results]
--scratch-schema=<name> name of database schema where temporary tables can be written [default: results]
--vocab-schema=<name> name of database schema that contains OMOP Vocabulary [default: vocabulary]
--oracle-temp-schema=<name> (Oracle databases only); name of the database schema where temporary tables can be written; requires create/insert permissions to this database [default: results]
Metadata Options:
--database-id=<name> An ID for the database, this value will be used as the name of a subfolder of the results; example id: "SYNPUF". In "AUTO" mode, this value will be derived from the db-name value below [default: AUTO]
--database-description=<string> a short description of the database which will be integrated into the output. In "AUTO" mode, this value will be derived from some of the DB connection options below [default: AUTO]
--authors=<string> a simple string listing the authors of the harmonized data, this value will be integrated into the output [default: -]
CDM DB Options:
--db-dbms=<name> The database management system for the CDM database [default: postgresql]
--db-hostname=<name> The hostname the database server is listening on [default: db]
--db-port=<n> The port the database server is listening on [default: 5432]
--db-name=<name> The name of the database on the database server; if blank the CDM_SOURCE table will be queried to obtain this name [default: cdm]
--db-username=<name> The username to connect to the database server with [default: pgadmin]
--db-password=<name> The password to connect to the database server with [default: postgres]
--databaseconnector-jar-folder=<directory> The path to the driver jar files used by the DatabaseConnector to connect to various DBMS [default: /usr/local/lib/DatabaseConnectorJars]
Catalogue Export Options:
--no-catalogue-export Skip running the EHDEN CatalogueExport entirely
--num-threads=<n> The number of threads use when running CatalogueExport [default: 1]
--source-name=<name> Name of the data source. If blank, the CDM_SOURCE table will be queried to try to obtain this
--cdm-version=<str> Define the OMOP CDM version used: Use major and minor number only e.g. "5.3" [default: 5.3]
--export-analysis-ids=<str> An optional comma-separated list of analysis IDs to run
--temp-table-prefix=<str> The prefix used in the scratch analyses tables [default: tmpach]
--no-create-indices Prevent the creation of indices on the result tables
--no-create-tables Prevent the creation of the results tables in the results schema and assume they already exist
--no-drop-scratch-tables Prevent dropping the scratch tables at the end of the export which may be time-consuming on some DBMS