Release buddy helps to orchestrate some of the common tasks needed when releasing code, such as Slack notifications.
A GitHub App built with Probot.
This is the repository for the Release Buddy Github bot. Release Buddy is intended to streamline the communication around your release.
: When you deploy this to a cloud function on GCP, handler.js will be the official entry point.
: handler is really just a wrapper around the index file, which serves the bulk of the application code. When you run the application locally, it is being served by index.js.
- Install the dependencies.
# Install dependencies
yarn install
# Run the bot
yarn start
Visit the url that is created when you run your setup and follow the instructions to setup your github app. The webhook url can be your local smee url for now, but you will eventually want to replace this with the GCF url once you deploy it to GCP.
Add the required environment variables from the
file to a.env
file in the root folder. -
Setup serverless to work with your GCP account. See the Quick Start guide.
Deploy the function using
yarn deploy
. -
Update the webhook url Github App you created earlier in your Developer settings. Select the app name you created, and edit the Webhook URL field to the URL of the GCF you deployed.
Once you have setup the Release Buddy GCF and created the Github App, you can add Release Buddy to your Github projects following the directions below.
- Add a
file to the root of your projects. See the configuration details below.
"teamName": "Consumer Website Team", // Enter the name of your team.
"slackSettings": {
"enabled": true, // enable/disable the Slack notifier
"slackWebhookUrl": "", // your Slack webhook url
"userName": "Release Buddy", // Slackbot user name
"channels": ["#channel-name", "#channel-2-name"], // array of slack channels to notify
"iconEmoji": ":wordpress:", // This will be the Slackbot user's profile image.
"shipEmojis": ":ship: :ship_it_parrot: :rocket: :ship_it_parrot: :ship:" // These will appear in the slack message to add some pizazz to your release message
"emailSettings": {
"enabled": true, // enable/disable the email notifier
// Sendgrid api docs for formatting:
"to": {
"name": "Release Buddy", // Replace with any name.
"email": "" // Replace with email of your choice.
"bcc": [""], // Array of emails to notify
"from": {
"name": "Release Buddy", // Replace with any name.
"email": "" // Replace with email of your choice.
"confluenceSettings": {
"enabled": true, // enable/disable the confluence notifier
"space": "12345", // Replace with your preferred confluence space
"parentId": "12345" // A null value will cause the page to be added under the space's home page
- Publish a new release on your repo at{github_user}/{repo_name}/releases/new
. Any markdown you include in the body of this release, as well as the Tag Version and Release Title, will be used in the Slackbot message and email notification.
Your team will now be notified at the channels and emails you have configured.
If you have suggestions for how Release Buddy could be improved, or want to report a bug, open an issue! We'd love all and any contributions.
For more, check out the Contributing Guide.