diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md index 7db12c4..fec26b8 100644 --- a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md +++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ - # Community Code of Conduct **Version 2.0 diff --git a/DEPENDENCIES b/DEPENDENCIES index 62bcd97..02bf229 100644 --- a/DEPENDENCIES +++ b/DEPENDENCIES @@ -1,216 +1,177 @@ - - - -maven/mavencentral/aopalliance/aopalliance/1.0, LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ2918 -maven/mavencentral/ch.qos.logback/logback-classic/1.4.6, EPL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1-only, approved, #3435 -maven/mavencentral/ch.qos.logback/logback-core/1.4.6, EPL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1-only, approved, #3373 -maven/mavencentral/com.apicatalog/titanium-json-ld/1.3.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #8912 +maven/mavencentral/ch.qos.logback/logback-classic/1.5.3, EPL-1.0 AND LGPL-2.1-only, approved, #13282 +maven/mavencentral/ch.qos.logback/logback-core/1.5.3, EPL-1.0 AND LGPL-2.1-only, approved, #13283 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+maven/mavencentral/com.github.ben-manes.caffeine/caffeine/3.1.8, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/com.github.curious-odd-man/rgxgen/2.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/com.github.java-json-tools/btf/1.3, Apache-2.0 OR LGPL-3.0-only, approved, #15201 +maven/mavencentral/com.github.java-json-tools/jackson-coreutils/2.0, Apache-2.0 OR LGPL-3.0-or-later, approved, #15186 +maven/mavencentral/com.github.java-json-tools/json-patch/1.13, Apache-2.0 OR LGPL-3.0-or-later, approved, CQ23929 +maven/mavencentral/com.github.java-json-tools/msg-simple/1.2, Apache-2.0 OR LGPL-3.0-or-later, approved, #15239 maven/mavencentral/com.github.jsonld-java/jsonld-java/0.13.4, BSD-3-Clause, approved, CQ22136 -maven/mavencentral/com.github.virtuald/curvesapi/1.07, BSD-3-Clause, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/com.google.code.findbugs/jsr305/3.0.2, Apache-2.0, approved, #20 -maven/mavencentral/com.google.code.gson/gson/2.10, Apache-2.0, approved, #6159 -maven/mavencentral/com.google.errorprone/error_prone_annotations/2.3.4, Apache-2.0, approved, #807 -maven/mavencentral/com.google.guava/failureaccess/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ22654 -maven/mavencentral/com.google.guava/guava/30.0-jre, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/com.github.virtuald/curvesapi/1.08, BSD-3-Clause, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/com.google.code.findbugs/jsr305/3.0.2, CC-BY-2.5, approved, #15220 +maven/mavencentral/com.google.code.gson/gson/2.10.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #6159 +maven/mavencentral/com.google.errorprone/error_prone_annotations/2.26.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #13657 +maven/mavencentral/com.google.guava/failureaccess/1.0.2, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ22654 +maven/mavencentral/com.google.guava/guava/33.1.0-jre, Apache-2.0 AND CC0-1.0, approved, #13675 maven/mavencentral/com.google.guava/listenablefuture/9999.0-empty-to-avoid-conflict-with-guava, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ22657 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+maven/mavencentral/com.google.j2objc/j2objc-annotations/3.0.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #13676 +maven/mavencentral/com.google.protobuf/protobuf-java/4.26.1, BSD-3-Clause, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/com.jayway.jsonpath/json-path/2.9.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/com.networknt/json-schema-validator/1.3.3, Apache-2.0 AND Unicode-TOU, approved, #13037 +maven/mavencentral/com.squareup.okhttp3/mockwebserver/4.12.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/com.squareup.okhttp3/okhttp/4.12.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #15227 +maven/mavencentral/com.squareup.okio/okio-jvm/3.6.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #11158 +maven/mavencentral/com.squareup.okio/okio/3.6.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #11155 maven/mavencentral/com.sun.activation/jakarta.activation/1.2.2, EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, ee4j.jaf -maven/mavencentral/com.sun.istack/istack-commons-runtime/3.0.12, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb-impl -maven/mavencentral/com.zaxxer/SparseBitSet/1.2, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/commons-cli/commons-cli/1.5.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.15, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ22641 -maven/mavencentral/commons-io/commons-io/2.11.0, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ23745 -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/assetconnection-common/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/assetconnection-http/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/assetconnection-mqtt/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/assetconnection-opcua/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/core/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/dataformat-json/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/endpoint-http/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/endpoint-opcua/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/messagebus-internal/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/model/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/persistence-file/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/persistence-memory/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/starter/0.5.0, , restricted, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/info.picocli/picocli/4.7.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #4365 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CQ21842 -maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-codec-http/4.1.90.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 -maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-codec/4.1.90.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 -maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-common/4.1.90.Final, Apache-2.0 AND MIT AND CC0-1.0, approved, CQ21843 -maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-handler/4.1.90.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 -maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-resolver/4.1.90.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 -maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-transport-native-unix-common/4.1.90.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 -maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-transport/4.1.90.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 -maven/mavencentral/jakarta.activation/jakarta.activation-api/1.2.2, EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, ee4j.jaf +maven/mavencentral/com.sun.istack/istack-commons-runtime/4.1.2, BSD-3-Clause, approved, #15290 +maven/mavencentral/com.vaadin.external.google/android-json/0.0.20131108.vaadin1, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ21310 +maven/mavencentral/com.zaxxer/SparseBitSet/1.3, Apache-2.0, approved, #10726 +maven/mavencentral/commons-cli/commons-cli/1.6.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #11339 +maven/mavencentral/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.16.1, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause), approved, #9157 +maven/mavencentral/commons-fileupload/commons-fileupload/1.5, Apache-2.0, approved, #7109 +maven/mavencentral/commons-io/commons-io/2.16.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #14190 +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/assetconnection-common/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/assetconnection-http/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/assetconnection-mqtt/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/assetconnection-opcua/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/core/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/dataformat-json/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/endpoint-http/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/endpoint-opcua/1.0.1, Apache-2.0 AND MIT, approved, #15689 +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/filestorage-filesystem/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/filestorage-memory/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/messagebus-internal/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/model/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/persistence-file/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/persistence-memory/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service/starter/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #15691 +maven/mavencentral/info.picocli/picocli/4.7.5, Apache-2.0, approved, #4365 +maven/mavencentral/io.github.classgraph/classgraph/4.8.168, MIT, approved, CQ22530 +maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-buffer/4.1.108.Final, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ21842 +maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-codec-http/4.1.108.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 +maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-codec/4.1.108.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 +maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-common/4.1.108.Final, Apache-2.0 AND MIT AND CC0-1.0, approved, CQ21843 +maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-handler/4.1.108.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 +maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-resolver/4.1.108.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 +maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-transport-native-unix-common/4.1.108.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 +maven/mavencentral/io.netty/netty-transport/4.1.108.Final, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT, approved, CQ20926 +maven/mavencentral/jakarta.activation/jakarta.activation-api/2.1.3, EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, ee4j.jaf +maven/mavencentral/jakarta.json/jakarta.json-api/2.1.3, EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, ee4j.jsonp maven/mavencentral/jakarta.servlet/jakarta.servlet-api/6.0.0, EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, ee4j.servlet -maven/mavencentral/jakarta.xml.bind/jakarta.xml.bind-api/2.3.3, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb +maven/mavencentral/jakarta.xml.bind/jakarta.xml.bind-api/4.0.2, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb maven/mavencentral/javax.activation/javax.activation-api/1.2.0, (CDDL-1.1 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0) AND Apache-2.0, approved, CQ18740 -maven/mavencentral/javax.annotation/jsr250-api/1.0, CDDL-1.0, approved, CQ3941 -maven/mavencentral/javax.enterprise/cdi-api/1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ6081 -maven/mavencentral/javax.inject/javax.inject/1, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ3555 maven/mavencentral/javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api/2.3.1, CDDL-1.1 OR GPL-2.0-only WITH Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, CQ16911 -maven/mavencentral/jaxen/jaxen/1.1.6, , approved, CQ11159 -maven/mavencentral/junit/junit/4.13, , approved, CQ22796 -maven/mavencentral/net.codesup.util/jaxb-plugin-lib/1.4.0, MIT, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/net.codesup.util/jaxb2-rich-contract-plugin/2.1.0, MIT, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/net.minidev/accessors-smart/2.4.9, Apache-2.0, approved, #7515 -maven/mavencentral/net.minidev/json-smart/2.4.10, Apache-2.0, approved, #3288 +maven/mavencentral/junit/junit/4.13.2, EPL-2.0, approved, CQ23636 +maven/mavencentral/net.bytebuddy/byte-buddy/1.14.9, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause, approved, #7163 +maven/mavencentral/net.minidev/accessors-smart/2.5.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/net.minidev/json-smart/2.5.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-collections4/4.4, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-compress/1.21, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND bzip2-1.0.6 AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ23710 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-csv/1.9.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-lang3/3.12.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-compress/1.26.1, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause), approved, #13288 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-csv/1.10.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-lang3/3.14.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #11677 maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-math3/3.6.1, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND BSD-2-Clause, approved, CQ22025 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-pool2/2.2, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-text/1.9, , approved, CQ22603 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-text/1.10.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/fluent-hc/4.5.13, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient-cache/4.5.13, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ11714 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5.13, Apache-2.0 AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ23527 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.13, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ23528 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-arq/4.7.0, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND EPL-2.0) AND (Apache-2.0 AND EPL-1.0), approved, #8137 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-base/4.7.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #8145 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-core/4.7.0, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause), approved, #8150 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-iri/4.7.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-shacl/4.7.0, Apache-2.0 AND W3C-20150513, approved, #8135 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-shaded-guava/4.7.0, Apache-2.0 AND CC0-1.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND CC0-1.0) AND (Apache-2.0 AND CC-PDDC), approved, #8143 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-api/2.18.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven.resolver/maven-resolver-api/1.4.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven.resolver/maven-resolver-impl/1.4.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #6027 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven.resolver/maven-resolver-spi/1.4.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven.resolver/maven-resolver-util/1.4.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven.shared/maven-shared-utils/3.3.3, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-artifact/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-builder-support/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, #1766 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-core/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ22820 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-model-builder/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, #6029 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-model/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-plugin-api/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-repository-metadata/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-resolver-provider/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, #6028 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-settings-builder/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven/maven-settings/3.6.3, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml-lite/5.2.3, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT AND Apache-2.0 AND W3C-19980720, approved, #5247 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml/5.2.3, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT AND Apache-2.0, approved, #5243 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.poi/poi/5.2.3, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT) AND (Apache-2.0 AND MIT), approved, #5252 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.thrift/libthrift/0.17.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #6543 -maven/mavencentral/org.apache.xmlbeans/xmlbeans/5.1.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #8429 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient-osgi/4.5.13, Apache-2.0, approved, #2142 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5.13, Apache-2.0, approved, #15248 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore-nio/4.4.14, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ13509 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore-osgi/4.4.14, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.14, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ23528 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpmime/4.5.13, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ11718 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-arq/5.0.0, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND EPL-2.0) AND (Apache-2.0 AND EPL-1.0), approved, #15690 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-base/5.0.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #15685 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-core/5.0.0, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause), approved, #15686 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-iri/5.0.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.jena/jena-shacl/5.0.0, Apache-2.0 AND W3C-20150513, approved, #15688 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.logging.log4j/log4j-api/2.21.1, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND LGPL-2.0-or-later), approved, #11079 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml-lite/5.2.5, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT AND Apache-2.0 AND W3C-19980720, approved, #5247 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.poi/poi-ooxml/5.2.5, Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT AND Apache-2.0, approved, #5243 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.poi/poi/5.2.5, Apache-2.0 AND (Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause AND MIT) AND (Apache-2.0 AND MIT), approved, #5252 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.thrift/libthrift/0.19.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #15687 +maven/mavencentral/org.apache.xmlbeans/xmlbeans/5.2.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #11782 maven/mavencentral/org.apiguardian/apiguardian-api/1.1.2, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk15on/1.69, MIT, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.69, MIT, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcutil-jdk15on/1.69, MIT, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.checkerframework/checker-qual/3.5.0, MIT, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.janino/commons-compiler/3.1.9, BSD-3-Clause, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.janino/janino/3.1.9, BSD-3-Clause, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-classworlds/2.6.0, Apache-2.0 AND Plexus, approved, CQ22821 -maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-component-annotations/2.1.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #809 -maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-interpolation/1.25, Apache-2.0, approved, #812 -maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.plexus/plexus-utils/3.2.1, , approved, CQ20774 -maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.woodstox/stax2-api/4.2.1, BSD-2-Clause, approved, #2670 +maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk18on/1.77, MIT, approved, #11593 +maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk18on/1.77, MIT AND CC0-1.0, approved, #11595 +maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcutil-jdk18on/1.77, MIT, approved, #11596 +maven/mavencentral/org.checkerframework/checker-qual/3.42.0, MIT, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.janino/commons-compiler/3.1.11, BSD-3-Clause, approved, #13293 +maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.janino/janino/3.1.11, BSD-3-Clause, approved, #13292 +maven/mavencentral/org.codehaus.woodstox/stax2-api/4.2.2, BSD-2-Clause, approved, #2670 maven/mavencentral/org.dom4j/dom4j/2.1.3, LicenseRef-Dom4j, approved, CQ21947 -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j/aas4j-transformation-library/0.1.4-20230721.172646-2, , restricted, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.angus/angus-activation/2.0.2, EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, ee4j.angus +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j/aas4j-dataformat-aasx/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, dt.aas4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j/aas4j-dataformat-core/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, dt.aas4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j/aas4j-dataformat-json/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, dt.aas4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j/aas4j-dataformat-xml/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, dt.aas4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j/aas4j-model/1.0.1, Apache-2.0, approved, dt.aas4j maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty.toolchain/jetty-jakarta-servlet-api/5.0.2, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-http/11.0.14, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-io/11.0.14, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server/11.0.14, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-servlets/11.0.14, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util/11.0.14, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/bsd-core/0.6.8, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/bsd-generator/0.6.8, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/sdk-client/0.6.8, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/sdk-core/0.6.8, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/sdk-server/0.6.8, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/stack-client/0.6.8, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/stack-core/0.6.8, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/stack-server/0.6.8, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-http/11.0.20, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-io/11.0.20, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server/11.0.20, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-servlets/11.0.20, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util/11.0.20, EPL-2.0 OR Apache-2.0, approved, rt.jetty +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/bsd-core/0.6.12, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/bsd-generator/0.6.12, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/sdk-client/0.6.12, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/sdk-core/0.6.12, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/sdk-server/0.6.12, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/stack-client/0.6.12, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/stack-core/0.6.12, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.milo/stack-server/0.6.12, EPL-2.0, approved, iot.milo maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.paho/org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3/1.2.5, EPL-1.0 OR BSD-3-Clause, approved, iot.paho -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.asm/2.7.8, EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.eclipselink -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.core/2.7.8, EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.eclipselink -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.persistence/org.eclipse.persistence.moxy/2.7.8, EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.eclipselink -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-annotation/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-exception/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-io/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-iterator/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-text/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-util/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-xml/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-model-api/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-model-vocabulary/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-model/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-query/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-queryresultio-api/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-queryresultio-sparqlxml/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-rio-api/4.1.0, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.sisu/org.eclipse.sisu.inject/0.3.4, EPL-1.0, approved, technology.sisu -maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.sisu/org.eclipse.sisu.plexus/0.3.4, EPL-1.0, approved, technology.sisu -maven/mavencentral/org.glassfish.jaxb/jaxb-runtime/2.3.6, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb -maven/mavencentral/org.glassfish.jaxb/txw2/2.3.6, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.parsson/parsson/1.1.5, EPL-2.0, approved, ee4j.parsson +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-collection-factory-api/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-annotation/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-exception/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-io/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-iterator/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-text/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-transaction/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-util/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-common-xml/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-model-api/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-model-vocabulary/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-model/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-query/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-queryalgebra-model/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-queryresultio-api/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-queryresultio-sparqlxml/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-rio-api/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.rdf4j/rdf4j-sail-api/4.3.8, BSD-3-Clause, approved, technology.rdf4j +maven/mavencentral/org.glassfish.jaxb/jaxb-core/4.0.5, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb-impl +maven/mavencentral/org.glassfish.jaxb/jaxb-runtime/4.0.5, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb-impl +maven/mavencentral/org.glassfish.jaxb/txw2/4.0.5, BSD-3-Clause, approved, ee4j.jaxb-impl maven/mavencentral/org.glassfish/jakarta.json/2.0.1, EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-only with Classpath-exception-2.0, approved, ee4j.jsonp maven/mavencentral/org.hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3, BSD-2-Clause, approved, CQ11429 maven/mavencentral/org.javassist/javassist/3.28.0-GA, Apache-2.0 OR LGPL-2.1-or-later OR MPL-1.1, approved, #327 -maven/mavencentral/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-common/1.4.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7/1.4.10, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/1.4.10, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib/1.4.10, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-common/1.8.21, Apache-2.0, approved, #8910 +maven/mavencentral/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk7/1.8.21, Apache-2.0, approved, #8807 +maven/mavencentral/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib-jdk8/1.8.21, Apache-2.0, approved, #8919 +maven/mavencentral/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-stdlib/1.8.21, Apache-2.0, approved, #8865 maven/mavencentral/org.jetbrains/annotations/13.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.junit.jupiter/junit-jupiter-api/5.9.0, EPL-2.0, approved, #3133 -maven/mavencentral/org.junit.jupiter/junit-jupiter-engine/5.9.0, EPL-2.0, approved, #3125 -maven/mavencentral/org.junit.jupiter/junit-jupiter-params/5.9.2, EPL-2.0, approved, #3134 -maven/mavencentral/org.junit.platform/junit-platform-commons/1.9.0, EPL-2.0, approved, #3130 -maven/mavencentral/org.junit.platform/junit-platform-engine/1.9.0, EPL-2.0, approved, #3128 -maven/mavencentral/org.opentest4j/opentest4j/1.2.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.ow2.asm/asm/9.3, BSD-3-Clause, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.junit.jupiter/junit-jupiter-api/5.10.2, EPL-2.0, approved, #9714 +maven/mavencentral/org.junit.jupiter/junit-jupiter-engine/5.10.2, EPL-2.0, approved, #9711 +maven/mavencentral/org.junit.jupiter/junit-jupiter-params/5.10.2, EPL-2.0, approved, #15250 +maven/mavencentral/org.junit.platform/junit-platform-commons/1.10.2, EPL-2.0, approved, #9715 +maven/mavencentral/org.junit.platform/junit-platform-engine/1.10.2, EPL-2.0, approved, #9709 +maven/mavencentral/org.opentest4j/opentest4j/1.3.0, Apache-2.0, approved, #9713 +maven/mavencentral/org.ow2.asm/asm/9.6, BSD-3-Clause, approved, #10776 maven/mavencentral/org.reflections/reflections/0.10.2, Apache-2.0 AND WTFPL, approved, clearlydefined -maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j/1.7.36, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ12843 -maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/slf4j-api/2.0.7, MIT, approved, #5915 -maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/slf4j-simple/1.7.30, MIT, approved, CQ7952 -maven/mavencentral/org.sonatype.plexus/plexus-cipher/1.4, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ4600 -maven/mavencentral/org.sonatype.plexus/plexus-sec-dispatcher/1.4, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ16491 +maven/mavencentral/org.roaringbitmap/RoaringBitmap/1.0.5, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.skyscreamer/jsonassert/1.5.1, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined +maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j/2.0.7, MIT AND Apache-2.0, approved, #11889 +maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/slf4j-api/2.0.12, MIT, approved, #5915 +maven/mavencentral/org.yaml/snakeyaml/2.1, Apache-2.0, approved, #9847 diff --git a/NOTICE.md b/NOTICE.md index e41a214..72bf22b 100644 --- a/NOTICE.md +++ b/NOTICE.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -# conforming-agent +# aas-bridge -![Version: 1.9.6-SNAPSHOT](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-1.9.6--SNAPSHOT-informational?style=flat-square) ![Type: application](https://img.shields.io/badge/Type-application-informational?style=flat-square) ![AppVersion: 1.9.5-SNAPSHOT](https://img.shields.io/badge/AppVersion-1.9.5--SNAPSHOT-informational?style=flat-square) +![Version: 1.13.7-SNAPSHOT](https://img.shields.io/badge/Version-0.13.6--SNAPSHOT-informational?style=flat-square) ![Type: application](https://img.shields.io/badge/Type-application-informational?style=flat-square) ![AppVersion: 1.13.7-SNAPSHOT](https://img.shields.io/badge/AppVersion-0.13.6--SNAPSHOT-informational?style=flat-square) -A Helm chart for the Tractus-X Conforming Agent which is a container to assess the conformity of all other parts of the Agent-Enabled Dataspace. +A Helm chart for the Tractus-X Knowledge Agents AAS Bridge which is a container to provide an AAS server/registry on top of a knowledge graph/SPARQL landscape. This chart has no prerequisites. -**Homepage:** +**Homepage:** ## TL;DR ```shell $ helm repo add eclipse-tractusx https://eclipse-tractusx.github.io/charts/dev -$ helm install my-release eclipse-tractusx/conforming-agent --version 1.9.6-SNAPSHOT +$ helm install my-release eclipse-tractusx/aas-bridge --version 1.13.7-SNAPSHOT ``` ## Maintainers @@ -42,17 +43,20 @@ $ helm install my-release eclipse-tractusx/conforming-agent --version 1.9.6-SNAP ## Source Code -* +* ## Values | Key | Type | Default | Description | |-----|------|---------|-------------| +| aas.endpoints.default.auth | object | `{}` | An auth object for default security | +| aas.endpoints.default.path | string | `""` | The path mapping the "default" api is going to be exposed by | +| aas.endpoints.default.port | string | `"8443"` | The network port, which the "default" api is going to be exposed by the container, pod and service | +| aas.endpoints.default.regex | string | `""` | An optional regex path match (whose match groups could be used in an nginx-annotation of the ingress) | +| aas.persistence.auth.key | string | `"Basic "` | The key that should be used in the authorization header when talking to the sparql server | +| aas.persistence.log | bool | `false` | whether the results of the queries should be logged | +| aas.persistence.sparql | string | `"http://sparql.local"` | The default sparql server is embedded | | affinity | object | `{}` | [Affinity](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity) constrains which nodes the Pod can be scheduled on based on node labels. | -| agent.endpoints.default.auth | object | `{}` | An auth object for default security | -| agent.endpoints.default.path | string | `""` | The path mapping the "default" api is going to be exposed by | -| agent.endpoints.default.port | string | `"8080"` | The network port, which the "default" api is going to be exposed by the container, pod and service | -| agent.endpoints.default.regex | string | `"/(.*)"` | An optional regex path match (whose match groups could be used in an nginx-annotation of the ingress) | | automountServiceAccountToken | bool | `false` | Whether to [automount kubernetes API credentials](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/#use-the-default-service-account-to-access-the-api-server) into the pod | | autoscaling.enabled | bool | `false` | Enables [horizontal pod autoscaling](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/) | | autoscaling.maxReplicas | int | `100` | Maximum replicas if resource consumption exceeds resource threshholds | @@ -60,14 +64,14 @@ $ helm install my-release eclipse-tractusx/conforming-agent --version 1.9.6-SNAP | autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage | int | `80` | targetAverageUtilization of cpu provided to a pod | | autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage | int | `80` | targetAverageUtilization of memory provided to a pod | | customLabels | object | `{}` | Additional custom Labels to add | -| env | object | `{}` | Container environment variables e.g. for configuring [JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/troubleshoot/envvars002.html) Ex.: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: > -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="localhost|127.*|[::1]" -Dhttps.proxyHost=proxy -Dhttps.proxyPort=443 | +| env | object | `{}` | Container environment variables e.g. for configuring [JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/troubleshoot/envvars002.html) Ex.: JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:4040" | | envSecretName | string | `nil` | [Kubernetes Secret Resource](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/) name to load environment variables from | | fullnameOverride | string | `""` | Overrides the releases full name | -| image.digest | string | `""` | Overrides the image digest | +| image.digest | string | `""` | Overrides the image digest | | image.pullPolicy | string | `"IfNotPresent"` | | | image.pullSecrets | list | `[]` | | -| image.registry | string | `"docker.io"` | target regirtry | -| image.repository | string | `"tractusx/conforming-agent"` | Which derivate of agent to use | +| image.registry | string | `"docker.io/"` | target registry | +| image.repository | string | `"tractusx/aas-bridge"` | Which derivate of agent to use | | image.tag | string | `""` | Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion | | ingresses[0].annotations | string | `nil` | Additional ingress annotations to add, for example when implementing more complex routings you may set { nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/rewrite-target: /$1, nginx.ingress.kubernetes.io/use-regex: "true" } | | ingresses[0].certManager.clusterIssuer | string | `""` | If preset enables certificate generation via cert-manager cluster-wide issuer | @@ -75,17 +79,18 @@ $ helm install my-release eclipse-tractusx/conforming-agent --version 1.9.6-SNAP | ingresses[0].className | string | `""` | Defines the [ingress class](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#ingress-class) to use | | ingresses[0].enabled | bool | `false` | | | ingresses[0].endpoints | list | `["default"]` | Agent endpoints exposed by this ingress resource | -| ingresses[0].hostname | string | `"conforming-agent.local"` | The hostname to be used to precisely map incoming traffic onto the underlying network service | +| ingresses[0].hostname | string | `"aas-bridge.local"` | The hostname to be used to precisely map incoming traffic onto the underlying network service | | ingresses[0].prefix | string | `""` | Optional prefix that will be prepended to the paths of the endpoints | | ingresses[0].tls | object | `{"enabled":false,"secretName":""}` | TLS [tls class](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/ingress/#tls) applied to the ingress resource | | ingresses[0].tls.enabled | bool | `false` | Enables TLS on the ingress resource | | ingresses[0].tls.secretName | string | `""` | If present overwrites the default secret name | | livenessProbe.enabled | bool | `true` | Whether to enable kubernetes [liveness-probe](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-startup-probes/) | | livenessProbe.failureThreshold | int | `3` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded | -| livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | `60` | Number of seconds each period lasts. | +| livenessProbe.periodSeconds | int | `60` | Number of seconds each period lasts. | | livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | `5` | number of seconds until a timeout is assumed | | nameOverride | string | `""` | Overrides the charts name | | nodeSelector | object | `{}` | [Node-Selector](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector) to constrain the Pod to nodes with specific labels. | +| opentelemetry | string | `"otel.javaagent.enabled=false\notel.javaagent.debug=false"` | configuration of the [Open Telemetry Agent](https://opentelemetry.io/docs/instrumentation/java/automatic/agent-config/) to collect and expose metrics | | podAnnotations | object | `{}` | [Annotations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/) added to deployed [pods](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/) | | podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | `30000` | The owner for volumes and any files created within volumes will belong to this guid | | podSecurityContext.runAsGroup | int | `30000` | Processes within a pod will belong to this guid | @@ -93,10 +98,10 @@ $ helm install my-release eclipse-tractusx/conforming-agent --version 1.9.6-SNAP | podSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type | string | `"RuntimeDefault"` | Restrict a Container's Syscalls with seccomp | | readinessProbe.enabled | bool | `true` | Whether to enable kubernetes readiness-probes | | readinessProbe.failureThreshold | int | `3` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded | -| readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | `300` | Number of seconds each period lasts. | +| readinessProbe.periodSeconds | int | `300` | Number of seconds each period lasts. | | readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | `5` | number of seconds until a timeout is assumed | | replicaCount | int | `1` | Specifies how many replicas of a deployed pod shall be created during the deployment Note: If horizontal pod autoscaling is enabled this setting has no effect | -| resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"400m","memory":"256Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"256Mi"}}` | [Resource management](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/) applied to the deployed pod We recommend 20% of a cpu and 256MB per endpoint | +| resources | object | `{"limits":{"cpu":"400m","memory":"1Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"400m","memory":"1Gi"}}` | [Resource management](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/) applied to the deployed pod We recommend 40% of a cpu and unfortunately 1Gi to initialise the library | | securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | `false` | Controls [Privilege Escalation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/security/pod-security-policy/#privilege-escalation) enabling setuid binaries changing the effective user ID | | securityContext.capabilities.add | list | `["NET_BIND_SERVICE"]` | Specifies which capabilities to add to issue specialized syscalls | | securityContext.capabilities.drop | list | `["ALL"]` | Specifies which capabilities to drop to reduce syscall attack surface | @@ -109,11 +114,11 @@ $ helm install my-release eclipse-tractusx/conforming-agent --version 1.9.6-SNAP | serviceAccount.create | bool | `true` | Specifies whether a [service account](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-service-account/) should be created per release | | serviceAccount.name | string | `""` | The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the release's fullname template | | startupProbe.enabled | bool | `true` | Whether to enable kubernetes startup-probes | -| startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | `18` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded | +| startupProbe.failureThreshold | int | `4` | Minimum consecutive failures for the probe to be considered failed after having succeeded | | startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | int | `60` | Number of seconds after the container has started before liveness probes are initiated. | -| startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | `30` | Number of seconds each period lasts. | +| startupProbe.periodSeconds | int | `30` | Number of seconds each period lasts. | | startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | int | `5` | number of seconds until a timeout is assumed | | tolerations | list | `[]` | [Tolerations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/scheduling-eviction/taint-and-toleration/) are applied to Pods to schedule onto nodes with matching taints. | ---------------------------------------------- -Autogenerated from chart metadata using [helm-docs v1.11.0](https://github.com/norwoodj/helm-docs/releases/v1.11.0) +Autogenerated from chart metadata using [helm-docs v1.11.2](https://github.com/norwoodj/helm-docs/releases/v1.11.2) diff --git a/charts/aas-bridge/README.md.gotmpl b/charts/aas-bridge/README.md.gotmpl index cf8976c..347372c 100644 --- a/charts/aas-bridge/README.md.gotmpl +++ b/charts/aas-bridge/README.md.gotmpl @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ UTF-8 - 3.1.0 - 5.3.28 - 2.7.13 - 32.0.1-jre - 9.0.78 - 4.1.94.Final - 9.4.51.v20230217 - 2.0 - - 42.6.0 tractusx/ linux/amd64 @@ -94,10 +78,28 @@ + + org.eclipse.dash + license-tool-plugin + 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT + + automotive.tractusx + DEPENDENCIES + test + + + + license-check + + license-check + + + + org.apache.maven.plugins maven-surefire-plugin - 3.1.0 + 3.2.5 !online @@ -106,7 +108,7 @@ org.apache.maven.plugins maven-shade-plugin - 3.5.0 + 3.5.1 org.codehaus.mojo @@ -131,6 +133,10 @@ ${platform} -f src/main/docker/Dockerfile + --build-arg + JAR=target/${project.artifactId}.jar + --build-arg + LIB=target/lib -t ${repo}${project.artifactId}:${project.version} . @@ -173,16 +179,31 @@ org.apache.maven.plugins maven-jar-plugin - 2.4 + 3.3.0 + + + com.diffplug.spotless + spotless-maven-plugin + 2.42.0 + + + format + process-sources + + check + apply + + + org.apache.maven.plugins maven-checkstyle-plugin - 3.3.0 + 3.3.1 - ${session.executionRootDirectory}/resources/tx-checkstyle-config.xml + ${project.basedir}/../resources/tx-checkstyle-config.xml - config_loc=${session.executionRootDirectory}/resources + config_loc=${project.basedir}/../resources true true @@ -198,24 +219,6 @@ - - org.eclipse.dash - license-tool-plugin - 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT - - automotive.tractusx - DEPENDENCIES - test - - - - license-check - - license-check - - - - @@ -226,12 +229,18 @@ Maven Central https://repo1.maven.org/maven2 - - aas4j - https://maven.pkg.github.com/arnoweiss/aas4j-transformation-library - + + + dash-licenses-snapshots + https://repo.eclipse.org/content/repositories/dash-licenses-snapshots/ + + true + + + + github diff --git a/resources/tx-checkstyle-config.xml b/resources/tx-checkstyle-config.xml index 6639a82..cdce348 100644 --- a/resources/tx-checkstyle-config.xml +++ b/resources/tx-checkstyle-config.xml @@ -1,24 +1,3 @@ - - org.eclipse.tractusx.agents aas - 0.10.5-SNAPSHOT + 1.13.7-SNAPSHOT ../pom.xml @@ -126,28 +126,18 @@ de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service starter - 0.5.0 + ${faaast.version} org.eclipse.rdf4j rdf4j-queryresultio-sparqlxml - 4.1.0 + ${rdf4j.version} org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-engine test - - io.admin-shell.aas - model - 1.2.0 - - - org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j - aas4j-transformation-library - 0.1.4-SNAPSHOT - org.dom4j dom4j @@ -156,7 +146,7 @@ com.squareup.okhttp3 mockwebserver - 4.9.0 + ${okhttp.version} test @@ -167,7 +157,7 @@ org.junit.jupiter junit-jupiter-params - 5.9.2 + ${junit.version} test diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/results.xsd b/sparql-aas/resources/results.xsd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d1a235e --- /dev/null +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/results.xsd @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/-244431762-sparql-results.xml b/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/-244431762-sparql-results.xml index f6d27fb..535b8da 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/-244431762-sparql-results.xml +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/-244431762-sparql-results.xml @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + - diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/1831539277-sparql-results.xml b/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/1831539277-sparql-results.xml index 7b0e05f..26323a7 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/1831539277-sparql-results.xml +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/1831539277-sparql-results.xml @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ + - - diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/2122165671-sparql-results.xml b/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/2122165671-sparql-results.xml index b18634b..16e915c 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/2122165671-sparql-results.xml +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/2122165671-sparql-results.xml @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ + - - diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/partAsPlanned2-sparql-results.xml b/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/partAsPlanned2-sparql-results.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a12a141 --- /dev/null +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/sparqlResponseXml/partAsPlanned2-sparql-results.xml @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + urn:uuid:f5efbf45-7d84-4442-b3b8-05cf1c5c5a0b + + + 2014-02-24 + + + 2027-11-04 + + + product + + + 5760234-23 + + + Tier C Piston Rod + + + + + urn:uuid:f5efbf45-7d84-4442-b3b8-05cf1c5c5a0b + + + 2024-07-18 + + + 2024-05-29 + + + product + + + 123564887-02 + + + Tire Model A (Modified) + + + + + urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e + + + 2017-01-03 + + + 2029-11-15 + + + product + + + ZX-55 + + + Vehicle Model A + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/aas-mapping.xslt b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/aas-mapping.xslt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc04c74 --- /dev/null +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/aas-mapping.xslt @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ + + + + + + + + / + + + + + + + + + + Instance + + + + + en + + + + + + + ExternalReference + + + Submodel + // + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/partAsPlanned-mapping.xslt b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/partAsPlanned-mapping.xslt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5eb0c82 --- /dev/null +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/partAsPlanned-mapping.xslt @@ -0,0 +1,291 @@ + + + + + + + + / + + + // + + + + + + + + + + + Instance + + + + + + ExternalReference + + + Submodel + + + + + + + + + + + + + Instance + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + + + + + + PartAsPlanned + + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + + + + Key + catenaXId + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + xs:string + + + + partTypeInformation + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + Key + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.1#manufacturerPartId + + + + xs:string + + + + Value + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer. + + + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.1#nameAtManufacturer + + + + xs:string + + + + Enum + classification + + + en + Classification of the part as assigned by the manufacturer. + + + + + en + Product Classification + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.1#classification + + + + xs:string + + + + + + validityPeriod + + + en + Temporal validity period of the part. + + + + + en + validityPeriod + + + + + Time + validFrom + + + en + Start date of validity period. + + + + + en + Valid From + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.1#validFrom + + + + xs:dateTime + + + + Time + validFrom + + + en + End date of validity period. + + + + + en + Valid To + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.1#validTo + + + + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/partSiteInformation-mapping.xslt b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/partSiteInformation-mapping.xslt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6aa88e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/partSiteInformation-mapping.xslt @@ -0,0 +1,357 @@ + + + + + + + + / + + + // + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Instance + + + + + + + ExternalReference + + + Submodel + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Instance + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. + a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its + Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does + business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are + listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. + + + + + + Key + catenaXId + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), + valid for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + xs:string + + + + + + sites + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does + business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a + primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are + specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to + the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least + 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. + + + + + + en + Sites + + + + + + SiteEntity/ + + + + en + Catena-X Site ID and meta data of the site entity. + + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + Key + catenaXsiteId + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X + BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. + The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for + Business Partners / company locations from foundation to + closure, regardless of the different business + relationships / structures between or within the + Business Partners or company locations. + + + + + + en + Catena-X Site Identitfier + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + xs:string + + + + + + + + + Key + function + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part + (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part + that is performed at the site) + + + + + + en + Catena-X Site Identitfier + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + xs:string + + + + + + Time + functionValidFrom + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + + + en + Function valid from + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + xs:dateTime + + + + + + Time + functionValidUntil + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + + + en + Function Valid Until + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/singleLevelBomAsPlanned-mapping.xslt b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/singleLevelBomAsPlanned-mapping.xslt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a2c717 --- /dev/null +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/singleLevelBomAsPlanned-mapping.xslt @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ + + + + + + + + / + + + // + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Instance + + + + + ExternalReference + + + Submodel + + + + + + + + + + + + Instance + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BoM"). + If multiple versions of child parts exist that can be assembled into the same parent part, all versions of the child part are included in the BoM. + If there are multiple suppliers for the same child part, each supplier has an entry for their child part in the BoM. + + + + + Key + catenaXId + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + xs:string + + + + childItems + + + en + Set of child items in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + + en + Child Items + + + + + + ChildItem/ + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child item. + + + + + en + Child Item + + + + + Key + childCatenaXId + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. + + + + + en + Catena-X Child ID + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:2.0.0#childCatenaXId + + + + xs:string + + + + Key + businessPartner + + + en + Business Partner Number of the Legal Entity Supplying the Child Item. + + + + + en + Catena-X Business Partner + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:2.0.0#businessPartner + + + + xs:string + + + + + + + + + Time + createdOn + + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child item was created. + + + + + en + Created on + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:2.0.0#createdOn + + + + xs:dateTime + + + + Time + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. + + + + + en + Last Modified on + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:2.0.0#lastModifiedOn + + + + xs:dateTime + + + + Quantity/ + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects + + + + + en + Quantity + + + + + Value + quantityNumber + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit. + + + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:2.0.0#quantityNumber + + + + xs:double + + + + Value + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of measurement for the quantity of objects. + If possible, use units from the aspect meta model unit catalog, which is based on the UNECE Recommendation No. 20 "Codes for Units of Measure used in International Trade". + + + + + en + Measurement Unit + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:2.0.0#measurementUnit + + + + xs:string + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/singleLevelUsageAsPlanned-mapping.xslt b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/singleLevelUsageAsPlanned-mapping.xslt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..80679f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/sparql-aas/resources/traceability/singleLevelUsageAsPlanned-mapping.xslt @@ -0,0 +1,360 @@ + + + + + + + + / + + + // + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Instance + + + + + ExternalReference + + + Submodel + + + + + + + + + + + + Instance + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + + + + + + SingleLevelUsageAsPlanned + + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one level of assemblies and does not include any super-assemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BoM"). + + + + + Key + catenaXId + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_usage_as_planned:1.1.0#catenaXId + + + + xs:string + + + + parentParts + + + en + Set of parent parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, into which the given child object is assembled into (one structural level up). + + + + + en + Parent Parts + + + + + + ParentPart/ + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the parent item. + + + + + en + Parent Item + + + + + Key + parentCatenaXId + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the parent object into which the given child part is assembled into. + + + + + en + Catena-X Parent ID + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_usage_as_planned:1.1.0#parentCatenaXId + + + + xs:string + + + + Key + businessPartner + + + en + Business Partner Number of the Legal Entity Assemblying the Parent Item. + + + + + en + Catena-X Business Partner + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_usage_as_planned:1.1.0#businessPartner + + + + xs:string + + + + + + + + + Time + createdOn + + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child item was created. + + + + + en + Created on + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_usage_as_planned:1.1.0#createdOn + + + + xs:dateTime + + + + Time + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. + + + + + en + Last Modified on + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_usage_as_planned:1.1.0#lastModifiedOn + + + + xs:dateTime + + + + Quantity/ + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects + + + + + en + Quantity + + + + + Value + quantityNumber + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit. + + + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_usage_as_planned:1.1.0#quantityNumber + + + + xs:double + + + + Value + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of measurement for the quantity of objects. + If possible, use units from the aspect meta model unit catalog, which is based on the UNECE Recommendation No. 20 "Codes for Units of Measure used in International Trade". + + + + + en + Measurement Unit + + + + ModelReference + + + ConceptDescription + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_usage_as_planned:1.1.0#measurementUnit + + + + xs:string + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/main/docker/Dockerfile b/sparql-aas/src/main/docker/Dockerfile index 414d72b..cab7fff 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/main/docker/Dockerfile +++ b/sparql-aas/src/main/docker/Dockerfile @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ +# Copyright (c) 2023,2024 T-Systems International GmbH # Copyright (c) 2023 SAP SE -# Copyright (c) 2023 T-Systems International GmbH -# Copyright (c) 2023 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation +# Copyright (c) 2023,2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation # # See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional # information regarding copyright ownership. @@ -17,19 +17,17 @@ # # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 -FROM alpine:3.18.2 as otel -ENV OTEL_AGENT_LOCATION "https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/releases/download/v1.12.1/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar" +FROM alpine:3.19.1 AS otel -HEALTHCHECK NONE +ENV OTEL_AGENT_LOCATION "https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java-instrumentation/releases/download/v1.27.0/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar" -RUN wget ${OTEL_AGENT_LOCATION} -O /tmp/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar +HEALTHCHECK NONE -FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jre-alpine +RUN apk update && apk add curl=8.5.0-r0 --no-cache +RUN curl -L --proto "=https" -sSf ${OTEL_AGENT_LOCATION} --output /tmp/opentelemetry-javaagent.jar -ARG JAR -ARG LIB -ARG RESOURCES resources +FROM eclipse-temurin:22_36-jre-alpine ARG APP_USER=faaast ARG APP_UID=10100 @@ -69,7 +67,7 @@ COPY target/aas-bridge.jar aas-bridge.jar COPY target/lib ./lib/ COPY resources ./resources/ -EXPOSE 8080 +EXPOSE 8443 HEALTHCHECK NONE diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasBridge.java b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasBridge.java index a910343..54d2910 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasBridge.java +++ b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasBridge.java @@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.exception.ConfigurationException; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.exception.EndpointException; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.exception.MessageBusException; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.filestorage.FileStorageConfig; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.filestorage.memory.FileStorageInMemoryConfig; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.messagebus.internal.MessageBusInternalConfig; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.impl.DefaultAssetAdministrationShellEnvironment; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.impl.DefaultEnvironment; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; @@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ public static void main(String[] args) throws ConfigurationException, AssetConne mainLogger.debug("Built coreConfig {}", coreConfig); PersistenceInKnowledgeConfig persistenceConfig = PersistenceInKnowledgeConfig.builder() - .initialModel(new DefaultAssetAdministrationShellEnvironment.Builder().build()) + .initialModel(new DefaultEnvironment.Builder().build()) .mappings(AasUtils.loadConfigsFromResources()) .threadPoolSize(5) .timeoutSeconds(5) @@ -67,7 +69,12 @@ public static void main(String[] args) throws ConfigurationException, AssetConne mainLogger.debug("Built persistenceConfig {}", persistenceConfig); - HttpEndpointConfig httpConfig = HttpEndpointConfig.builder().cors(true).build(); + HttpEndpointConfig httpConfig = HttpEndpointConfig + .builder() + .cors(true) + .port(8443) + .sni(false) + .build(); mainLogger.debug("Built httpConfig {}", httpConfig); @@ -75,9 +82,14 @@ public static void main(String[] args) throws ConfigurationException, AssetConne mainLogger.debug("Built busConfig {}", busConfig); + FileStorageConfig fsConfig = FileStorageInMemoryConfig.builder().build(); + + mainLogger.debug("Built fsConfig {}", fsConfig); + ServiceConfig serviceConfig = ServiceConfig.builder() .core(coreConfig) .persistence(persistenceConfig) + .fileStorage(fsConfig) .endpoint(httpConfig) .messageBus(busConfig) .build(); diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasUtils.java b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasUtils.java index 638348f..b7748f3 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasUtils.java +++ b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasUtils.java @@ -18,26 +18,34 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package org.eclipse.tractusx.agents.aasbridge; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShell; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.impl.DefaultAssetAdministrationShellEnvironment; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.mapping.MappingSpecificationParser; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.mapping.model.MappingSpecification; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShell; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Environment; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.impl.DefaultEnvironment; import org.reflections.Configuration; import org.reflections.Reflections; import org.reflections.scanners.Scanners; import org.reflections.util.ConfigurationBuilder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; +import org.w3c.dom.Document; +import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; -import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; +import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; +import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; +import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; +import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; +import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; /** * Helper logic to setup the configuration @@ -56,70 +64,82 @@ public static Map> loadConfigsFromResources() logger.info("About to load mapping configurations."); File searchPath = new File("resources"); - ConfigurationBuilder builder = new ConfigurationBuilder(); + try { - builder = builder.addUrls(searchPath.toURL()); - } catch (MalformedURLException e) { - logger.warn("Could not build url.", e); - } - Configuration config = builder.setScanners(Scanners.Resources); - Reflections reflections = new Reflections(config); - Set files = reflections.getResources(Pattern.compile(".*-mapping\\.json")); - - logger.info("Scanning for *-mapping.json in resources folder found {}", files); - - return files.stream() - .map(relativePath -> { - String[] components = relativePath.split("/"); - String mappingPath = searchPath.getPath() + "/" + relativePath; - try { - MappingSpecification spec = new MappingSpecificationParser().loadMappingSpecification(mappingPath); - String semanticId = spec.getHeader().getNamespaces().get("semanticId"); - if (semanticId == null) { - logger.warn("Mapping {} has no namespace called 'semanticId'. So it will not be accessible.", mappingPath); - } - File selectSomeFile = new File(mappingPath.split("-")[0] + "-select-some.rq"); - File selectAllFile = new File(mappingPath.split("-")[0] + "-select-all.rq"); - if (!selectSomeFile.exists() || !selectSomeFile.isFile()) { - logger.warn("Bound select for mapping {} is not a valid file {}. Ignoring.", mappingPath, selectSomeFile); - selectSomeFile = null; - } - if (!selectAllFile.exists() || !selectAllFile.isFile()) { - logger.warn("Unbound select for mapping {} is not a valid file {}. Ignoring.", mappingPath, selectAllFile); - selectAllFile = null; + builder.addUrls(searchPath.toURL()); + Configuration config = builder.setScanners(Scanners.Resources); + Reflections reflections = new Reflections(config); + + Pattern filePattern = Pattern.compile("[a-zA-Z/0-9]*-mapping\\.xslt"); + + Set files = reflections.getResources(filePattern).stream().filter(file -> filePattern.matcher(file).matches()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); + + logger.info("Scanning for {} in resources folder found {}", filePattern, files); + + DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); + final DocumentBuilder documentBuilder = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); + + TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); + + return files.stream() + .map(relativePath -> { + String[] components = relativePath.split("/"); + String mappingPath = searchPath.getPath() + "/" + relativePath; + try { + Document styleSheet = documentBuilder.parse(new FileInputStream(mappingPath)); + Transformer transformer = tf.newTransformer(new StreamSource(new FileInputStream(mappingPath))); + String semanticId = styleSheet.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("xmlns:semanticid"); + if (semanticId.isEmpty()) { + logger.warn("Mapping {} has no namespace called 'semanticId'. So it will not be accessible.", mappingPath); + } + File selectSomeFile = new File(mappingPath.split("-")[0] + "-select-some.rq"); + File selectAllFile = new File(mappingPath.split("-")[0] + "-select-all.rq"); + if (!selectSomeFile.exists() || !selectSomeFile.isFile()) { + logger.warn("Bound select for mapping {} is not a valid file {}. Ignoring.", mappingPath, selectSomeFile); + selectSomeFile = null; + } + if (!selectAllFile.exists() || !selectAllFile.isFile()) { + logger.warn("Unbound select for mapping {} is not a valid file {}. Ignoring.", mappingPath, selectAllFile); + selectAllFile = null; + } + return new MappingConfiguration( + components[0], + transformer, + selectSomeFile, + selectAllFile, + semanticId + ); + } catch (IOException | SAXException | IllegalArgumentException | + TransformerConfigurationException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + logger.warn(String.format("Could not read mapping specification in %s because of %s. Ignoring.", mappingPath, e)); + return null; } - return new MappingConfiguration( - components[0], - spec, - selectSomeFile, - selectAllFile, - semanticId - ); - } catch (IOException e) { - logger.warn("Could not read mapping specification in {} because of {}. Ignoring.", mappingPath, e); - return null; - } - }) - .filter(conf -> conf != null) - .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(MappingConfiguration::getDomain)); + }) + .filter(Objects::nonNull) + .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(MappingConfiguration::getDomain)); + } catch (ParserConfigurationException | IOException e) { + logger.error("Could not load initial configuration..", e); + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } } - public static AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment mergeAasEnvs(Set aasEnvs) { + public static Environment mergeAasEnvs(Set aasEnvs) { Set collect = aasEnvs.stream() .flatMap(env -> env.getAssetAdministrationShells().stream()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); Map> collect1 = collect.stream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(aas -> // TODO: if gaid not available, match for any said-k-v-pair - aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().getKeys().get(0).getValue())); - List mergedShells = collect1.values().stream().map(group -> + aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId())); + List mergedShells = collect1.values().stream().flatMap(group -> group.stream().reduce((aas1, aas2) -> { aas1.getSubmodels().addAll(aas2.getSubmodels()); return aas1; - }).get()).collect(Collectors.toList()); + }).stream()).collect(Collectors.toList()); - return new DefaultAssetAdministrationShellEnvironment.Builder() + return new DefaultEnvironment.Builder() .assetAdministrationShells(mergedShells) .submodels(aasEnvs.stream().flatMap(env -> env.getSubmodels().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList())) .conceptDescriptions(aasEnvs.stream().flatMap(env -> env.getConceptDescriptions().stream()).collect(Collectors.toList())) diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingConfiguration.java b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingConfiguration.java index 05e3a41..ebf9fd1 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingConfiguration.java +++ b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingConfiguration.java @@ -18,16 +18,15 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package org.eclipse.tractusx.agents.aasbridge; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.mapping.model.MappingSpecification; - import java.io.File; +import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; /** * a mapping configuration holds together a (submmodel/aas) template with its * queries. It is always located in some domain */ public class MappingConfiguration { - private final MappingSpecification mappingSpecification; + private final Transformer mappingSpecification; private final File getOneQueryTemplate; private final File getAllQuery; private final String semanticId; @@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ public class MappingConfiguration { * @param semanticId the semantic id associated to the aas/submodel template */ - public MappingConfiguration(String domain, MappingSpecification mappingSpecification, File getOneQueryTemplate, File getAllQuery, String semanticId) { + public MappingConfiguration(String domain, Transformer mappingSpecification, File getOneQueryTemplate, File getAllQuery, String semanticId) { this.mappingSpecification = mappingSpecification; this.getOneQueryTemplate = getOneQueryTemplate; this.getAllQuery = getAllQuery; @@ -52,7 +51,7 @@ public MappingConfiguration(String domain, MappingSpecification mappingSpecifica } - public MappingSpecification getMappingSpecification() { + public Transformer getMappingSpecification() { return mappingSpecification; } diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingExecutor.java b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingExecutor.java index 76e08a7..91f8484 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingExecutor.java +++ b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingExecutor.java @@ -21,18 +21,15 @@ import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.asset.AssetIdentification; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.asset.GlobalAssetIdentification; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.asset.SpecificAssetIdentification; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Asset; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShell; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.ConceptDescription; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Identifiable; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Identifier; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Reference; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Submodel; import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.exceptions.TransformationException; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.mapping.model.MappingSpecification; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.transform.GenericDocumentTransformer; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.dataformat.core.DeserializationException; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.dataformat.xml.XmlDeserializer; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShell; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.ConceptDescription; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Environment; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Identifiable; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Reference; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Submodel; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.resultio.helpers.QueryResultCollector; import org.eclipse.rdf4j.query.resultio.sparqlxml.SPARQLResultsXMLParser; @@ -42,6 +39,7 @@ import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; +import java.io.StringWriter; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.http.HttpClient; @@ -57,6 +55,10 @@ import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import java.util.stream.Stream; +import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; +import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.SECONDS; @@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ public class MappingExecutor { public static final String DEFAULT_SPARQL_ENDPOINT = "http://sparql.local"; - private final GenericDocumentTransformer transformer; + private final XmlDeserializer transformer; private final URI sparqlEndpoint; private final String credentials; @@ -78,7 +80,7 @@ public class MappingExecutor { public MappingExecutor(String sparqlEndpoint, String credentials, int timeoutSeconds, int fixedThreadPoolSize, Map> mappings, boolean logResults) { this.mappings = mappings; - this.transformer = new GenericDocumentTransformer(); + this.transformer = new XmlDeserializer(); if (sparqlEndpoint == null) { sparqlEndpoint = DEFAULT_SPARQL_ENDPOINT; } @@ -95,10 +97,10 @@ public static String parametrizeQuery(File queryTemplate, Object... parameters) if (parameters[count] instanceof Iterable) { render[count] = ""; for (var parameter : ((Iterable) parameters[count])) { - render[count] += "<" + String.valueOf(parameter) + "> "; + render[count] += "<" + parameter + "> "; } } else { - render[count] = "<" + String.valueOf(parameters[count]) + ">"; + render[count] = "<" + parameters[count] + ">"; } } try { @@ -120,12 +122,15 @@ public static boolean queryResultEmpty(String result) { } } - public AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment executeMapping(String query, MappingSpecification specification) { + public Environment executeMapping(String query, Transformer specification) { try { - InputStream queryResult = executeQuery(query).get(); - return transformer.execute(queryResult, specification); - } catch (URISyntaxException | InterruptedException | ExecutionException | IOException | - TransformationException ex) { + StreamSource querySource = new StreamSource(executeQuery(query).get()); + StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); + StreamResult queryResult = new StreamResult(writer); + specification.transform(querySource, queryResult); + return transformer.read(writer.toString()); + } catch (TransformerException | URISyntaxException | IOException | DeserializationException | + InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } @@ -144,7 +149,7 @@ protected CompletableFuture executeQuery(String query) throws URISy if (searchPath.exists()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(new FileInputStream(searchPath)); } else { - throw new IOException(String.format("Could not find prepared result %s", searchPath.toString())); + throw new IOException(String.format("Could not find prepared result %s", searchPath)); } } else { HttpRequest.BodyPublisher bodyPublisher = HttpRequest.BodyPublishers.ofString(query); @@ -173,7 +178,7 @@ protected CompletableFuture executeQuery(String query) throws URISy try (var os = new FileOutputStream(searchPath)) { IOUtils.write(body.getBytes(), os); } catch (IOException e) { - System.err.printf("Could not write result log %s\n", searchPath.toString()); + System.err.printf("Could not write result log %s\n", searchPath); } } return new ByteArrayInputStream(body.getBytes()); @@ -188,10 +193,10 @@ protected CompletableFuture executeQuery(String query) throws URISy * @param type class of the instance that should be returned * @return the found entity, should be null if not found */ - public Identifiable queryIdentifiableById(Identifier identifier, Class type) { + public Identifiable queryIdentifiableById(String identifier, Class type) { if (type.isAssignableFrom(Submodel.class)) { // maybe separate by cd, sm, aas later - String[] components = identifier.getIdentifier().split("/"); + String[] components = identifier.split("/"); String domain = components[0]; String semanticId = components[1]; MappingConfiguration mapping = mappings.get(domain).stream() @@ -202,19 +207,17 @@ public Identifiable queryIdentifiableById(Identifier identifier, Class queryAllShells(String idShort, List queryAllShells(String idShort, List queryAllShells(String idShort, List(components[0], components[1]); }).collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Map.Entry::getKey)); return domainIds.entrySet().stream().flatMap( - idsPerDomain -> { - return mappings.get(idsPerDomain.getKey()).stream().filter(mapping -> mapping.getSemanticId().equals("https://w3id.org/catenax/ontology/aas#")).flatMap( - aasMapping -> { - List candidates = idsPerDomain.getValue().stream().map(Map.Entry::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList()); - File template = aasMapping.getGetOneQueryTemplate(); - String query = parametrizeQuery(template, candidates); - try { - InputStream in = executeQuery(query).get(); - String result = new String(in.readAllBytes()); - if (queryResultEmpty(result)) { - return null; - } - AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment transformedEnv = transformer.execute(new ByteArrayInputStream(result.getBytes()), - aasMapping.getMappingSpecification()); - return transformedEnv.getAssetAdministrationShells().stream(); - } catch (URISyntaxException | IOException | ExecutionException | - InterruptedException | - TransformationException e) { - throw new RuntimeException(e); - } - } - ); - } + idsPerDomain -> mappings.get(idsPerDomain.getKey()).stream().filter(mapping -> mapping.getSemanticId().equals("https://w3id.org/catenax/ontology/aas#")).flatMap( + aasMapping -> { + List candidates = idsPerDomain.getValue().stream().map(Map.Entry::getValue).collect(Collectors.toList()); + File template = aasMapping.getGetOneQueryTemplate(); + String query = parametrizeQuery(template, candidates); + Environment env = executeMapping(query, aasMapping.getMappingSpecification()); + return env.getAssetAdministrationShells().stream(); + } + ) ).collect(Collectors.toList()); } } - public List queryAllSubmodels(String idShort, Reference semanticId) { if (semanticId == null) { return mappings.values().stream().flatMap(domainMappings -> domainMappings.stream().flatMap( diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/PersistenceInKnowledge.java b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/PersistenceInKnowledge.java index ff67439..18a39ac 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/PersistenceInKnowledge.java +++ b/sparql-aas/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/PersistenceInKnowledge.java @@ -21,32 +21,39 @@ import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.ServiceContext; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.config.CoreConfig; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.exception.ConfigurationInitializationException; -import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.exception.ResourceNotFoundException; -import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.aasx.AASXPackage; -import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.aasx.PackageDescription; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.SubmodelElementIdentifier; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.api.modifier.QueryModifier; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.api.operation.OperationHandle; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.api.operation.OperationResult; -import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.asset.AssetIdentification; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.api.paging.Page; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.api.paging.PagingInfo; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.api.paging.PagingMetadata; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.exception.ResourceNotAContainerElementException; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.exception.ResourceNotFoundException; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.persistence.AssetAdministrationShellSearchCriteria; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.persistence.ConceptDescriptionSearchCriteria; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.persistence.Persistence; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.persistence.SubmodelElementSearchCriteria; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.persistence.SubmodelSearchCriteria; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.persistence.util.QueryModifierHelper; -import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.typing.TypeInfo; +import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.util.DeepCopyHelper; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.util.Ensure; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShell; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.ConceptDescription; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Identifiable; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Identifier; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.OperationVariable; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Reference; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.Submodel; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.SubmodelElement; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.impl.DefaultAssetAdministrationShellEnvironment; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShell; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.ConceptDescription; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Environment; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Identifiable; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Referable; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Reference; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Submodel; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.SubmodelElement; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.impl.DefaultEnvironment; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.List; -import java.util.Set; +import java.util.Objects; +import java.util.stream.Collectors; +import java.util.stream.Stream; /** * Implements the FAAAST Persistence API by means of a set of @@ -61,7 +68,7 @@ public class PersistenceInKnowledge implements Persistence return type - * @return instance of the entity (rendered along modifier) - * @throws ResourceNotFoundException in case the resource cannot be found - */ @Override - public T get(Identifier id, QueryModifier modifier, Class type) throws ResourceNotFoundException { - Ensure.requireNonNull(id, "id must be non-null"); - Ensure.requireNonNull(modifier, MSG_MODIFIER_NOT_NULL); - Ensure.requireNonNull(type, "type must be non-null"); - Identifiable result = executor.queryIdentifiableById(id, type); - if (result == null) { - throw new ResourceNotFoundException(id, type); - } - if (!type.isAssignableFrom(result.getClass())) { - throw new ResourceNotFoundException(String.format("Resource found but does not match expected type (id: %s, expected type: %s, actual type: %s)", - id, - type, - result.getClass())); - } - return QueryModifierHelper.applyQueryModifier( - type.cast(result), - modifier); + public PersistenceInKnowledgeConfig asConfig() { + return persistenceConfig; } @Override - public SubmodelElement get(Reference reference, QueryModifier queryModifier) throws ResourceNotFoundException { - throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); + public AssetAdministrationShell getAssetAdministrationShell(String s, QueryModifier queryModifier) throws ResourceNotFoundException { + return get(s, queryModifier, AssetAdministrationShell.class); } - /** - * query all shells (optionally with a short identified or a set of identifiers) - * - * @param idShort optional id - * @param assetIds optional id - * @param modifier the representation that is expected - * @return list of shells - */ @Override - public List get(String idShort, List assetIds, QueryModifier modifier) { - Ensure.requireNonNull(modifier, MSG_MODIFIER_NOT_NULL); - return QueryModifierHelper.applyQueryModifier(executor.queryAllShells(idShort, assetIds), modifier); + public Page findAssetAdministrationShells(AssetAdministrationShellSearchCriteria assetAdministrationShellSearchCriteria, QueryModifier queryModifier, PagingInfo pagingInfo) { + return preparePagedResult(executor.queryAllShells(assetAdministrationShellSearchCriteria.getIdShort(), assetAdministrationShellSearchCriteria.getAssetIds()).stream(), + queryModifier, pagingInfo); } @Override - public List get(String idShort, Reference semanticId, QueryModifier modifier) { - Ensure.requireNonNull(modifier, MSG_MODIFIER_NOT_NULL); - return QueryModifierHelper.applyQueryModifier(executor.queryAllSubmodels(idShort, semanticId), modifier); + public void save(org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShell assetAdministrationShell) { + throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override - public List getSubmodelElements(Reference reference, Reference reference1, QueryModifier queryModifier) throws ResourceNotFoundException { + public void deleteAssetAdministrationShell(String s) throws ResourceNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override - public List get(String s, Reference reference, Reference reference1, QueryModifier queryModifier) { - throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); + public Submodel getSubmodel(String s, QueryModifier queryModifier) throws ResourceNotFoundException { + return get(s, queryModifier, Submodel.class); } @Override - public AASXPackage get(String s) { - throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); + public Page findSubmodels(SubmodelSearchCriteria submodelSearchCriteria, QueryModifier queryModifier, PagingInfo pagingInfo) { + return preparePagedResult(executor.queryAllSubmodels(submodelSearchCriteria.getIdShort(), submodelSearchCriteria.getSemanticId()).stream(), queryModifier, pagingInfo); } @Override - public AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment getEnvironment() { - logger.info("Environment requested"); - return model; + public void save(org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Submodel submodel) { + throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override - public T put(T t) { + public void deleteSubmodel(String s) throws ResourceNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override - public SubmodelElement put(Reference reference, Reference reference1, SubmodelElement submodelElement) throws ResourceNotFoundException { + public Page getSubmodelRefs(String s, PagingInfo pagingInfo) throws ResourceNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override - public AASXPackage put(String s, Set set, AASXPackage aasxPackage, String s1) { + public ConceptDescription getConceptDescription(String s, QueryModifier queryModifier) throws ResourceNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override - public void remove(Identifier identifier) throws ResourceNotFoundException { + public SubmodelElement getSubmodelElement(SubmodelElementIdentifier submodelElementIdentifier, QueryModifier queryModifier) throws ResourceNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override - public void remove(Reference reference) throws ResourceNotFoundException { + public OperationResult getOperationResult(OperationHandle operationHandle) throws ResourceNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); - } @Override - public void remove(String s) { + public Page findSubmodelElements(SubmodelElementSearchCriteria submodelElementSearchCriteria, QueryModifier queryModifier, PagingInfo pagingInfo) throws ResourceNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); - } @Override - public List get(Identifier identifier) { + public Page findConceptDescriptions(ConceptDescriptionSearchCriteria conceptDescriptionSearchCriteria, QueryModifier queryModifier, PagingInfo pagingInfo) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override - public String put(Set set, AASXPackage aasxPackage, String s) { + public void save(ConceptDescription conceptDescription) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } + @Override - public OperationResult getOperationResult(String s) { + public void insert(SubmodelElementIdentifier submodelElementIdentifier, org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.SubmodelElement submodelElement) throws ResourceNotFoundException, ResourceNotAContainerElementException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override - public OperationHandle putOperationContext(String s, String s1, OperationResult operationResult) { + public void update(SubmodelElementIdentifier submodelElementIdentifier, org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.SubmodelElement submodelElement) throws ResourceNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override - public TypeInfo getTypeInfo(Reference reference) { + public void save(OperationHandle operationHandle, OperationResult operationResult) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override - public OperationVariable[] getOperationOutputVariables(Reference reference) { + public void deleteConceptDescription(String s) throws ResourceNotFoundException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override - public PersistenceInKnowledgeConfig asConfig() { - return persistenceConfig; + public void deleteSubmodelElement(SubmodelElementIdentifier submodelElementIdentifier) throws ResourceNotFoundException { + throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); + } + + /** + * gets a particular entity (assetadministrationshell, asset, submodel, conceptdescription) + * + * @param id identifier for the entity + * @param modifier the modifier for the response + * @param type the class that should be returned + * @param return type + * @return instance of the entity (rendered along modifier) + * @throws ResourceNotFoundException in case the resource cannot be found + */ + public T get(String id, QueryModifier modifier, Class type) throws ResourceNotFoundException { + Ensure.requireNonNull(id, "id must be non-null"); + Ensure.requireNonNull(modifier, MSG_MODIFIER_NOT_NULL); + Ensure.requireNonNull(type, "type must be non-null"); + Identifiable result = executor.queryIdentifiableById(id, type); + if (result == null) { + throw new ResourceNotFoundException(id, type); + } + if (!type.isAssignableFrom(result.getClass())) { + throw new ResourceNotFoundException(String.format("Resource found but does not match expected type (id: %s, expected type: %s, actual type: %s)", + id, + type, + result.getClass())); + } + T res = type.cast(result); + return QueryModifierHelper.applyQueryModifier( + res, + modifier); + } + + private static long readCursor(String cursor) { + return Long.parseLong(cursor); + } + + private static String nextCursor(PagingInfo paging, int resultCount) { + return nextCursor(paging, paging.hasLimit() && (long) resultCount > paging.getLimit()); + } + + private static String writeCursor(long index) { + return Long.toString(index); + } + + private static String nextCursor(PagingInfo paging, boolean hasMoreData) { + if (!hasMoreData) { + return null; + } else if (!paging.hasLimit()) { + throw new IllegalStateException("unable to generate next cursor for paging - there should not be more data available if previous request did not have a limit set"); + } else { + return Objects.isNull(paging.getCursor()) ? writeCursor(paging.getLimit()) : writeCursor(readCursor(paging.getCursor()) + paging.getLimit()); + } + } + + private static Page preparePagedResult(Stream input, PagingInfo paging) { + Stream result = input; + if (Objects.nonNull(paging.getCursor())) { + result = input.skip(readCursor(paging.getCursor())); + } + + if (paging.hasLimit()) { + result = result.limit(paging.getLimit() + 1L); + } + + List temp = result.collect(Collectors.toList()); + return (Page) Page.builder() + .result(temp.stream() + .limit(paging.hasLimit() ? paging.getLimit() : (long) temp.size()) + .collect(Collectors.toList())) + .metadata( + PagingMetadata.builder() + .cursor(nextCursor(paging, temp.size())) + .build() + ) + .build(); + } + + private static Page preparePagedResult(Stream input, QueryModifier modifier, PagingInfo paging) { + Page result = preparePagedResult(input, paging); + result.setContent(QueryModifierHelper.applyQueryModifier(result.getContent().stream().map(DeepCopyHelper::deepCopy).collect(Collectors.toList()), modifier)); + return result; } } diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasUtilsTest.java b/sparql-aas/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasUtilsTest.java index edbd102..7a55e52 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasUtilsTest.java +++ b/sparql-aas/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/AasUtilsTest.java @@ -18,15 +18,16 @@ // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package org.eclipse.tractusx.agents.aasbridge; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.dataformat.DeserializationException; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.dataformat.xml.XmlDeserializer; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.dataformat.core.DeserializationException; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.dataformat.xml.XmlDeserializer; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Environment; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Identifiable; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance; import java.io.IOException; -import java.util.Arrays; +import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; @@ -40,30 +41,33 @@ class AasUtilsTest { XmlDeserializer deser = new XmlDeserializer(); - Set envs; - AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment merged; + Set envs; + Environment merged; @BeforeAll void instantiate() throws IOException, DeserializationException { - envs = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(deser.read(fromResource("partAsPlanned.xml")), + envs = new HashSet<>(List.of( + deser.read(fromResource("materialForRecycling.xml")), + deser.read(fromResource("partAsPlanned.xml")), deser.read(fromResource("partSiteInformation.xml")), - deser.read(fromResource("singleLevelBomAsPlanned.xml")))); + deser.read(fromResource("singleLevelBomAsPlanned.xml")) + )); merged = AasUtils.mergeAasEnvs(envs); } @Test void noDupeSubmodelIds(){ - List smIds = envs.stream().flatMap(env -> env.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> sm.getIdentification().getIdentifier())).collect(Collectors.toList()); + List smIds = envs.stream().flatMap(env -> env.getSubmodels().stream().map(Identifiable::getId)).collect(Collectors.toList()); List distinctSmIds = smIds.stream().distinct().collect(Collectors.toList()); assertEquals(smIds, distinctSmIds); } @Test void mergePreservesSubmodelIds(){ - Set smIds = envs.stream().flatMap(env -> env.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> sm.getIdentification().getIdentifier())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); - Set mergedSmIds = merged.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> sm.getIdentification().getIdentifier()).collect(Collectors.toSet()); + Set smIds = envs.stream().flatMap(env -> env.getSubmodels().stream().map(Identifiable::getId)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); + Set mergedSmIds = merged.getSubmodels().stream().map(Identifiable::getId).collect(Collectors.toSet()); assertEquals(smIds.size(),mergedSmIds.size()); assertEquals(smIds,mergedSmIds); @@ -71,7 +75,7 @@ void mergePreservesSubmodelIds(){ @Test void mergePreservesSubmodelIdsInReferences(){ - Set smIds = envs.stream().flatMap(env -> env.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> sm.getIdentification().getIdentifier())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); + Set smIds = envs.stream().flatMap(env -> env.getSubmodels().stream().map(Identifiable::getId)).collect(Collectors.toSet()); Set referenceIds = merged.getAssetAdministrationShells().stream() .flatMap(aas -> aas.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> sm.getKeys().get(0).getValue())).collect(Collectors.toSet()); @@ -82,7 +86,7 @@ void mergePreservesSubmodelIdsInReferences(){ void mergeDoesNotEqualizeSubmodelIds() { // All SubmodelReferences in an AAS hold different targets - merged.getAssetAdministrationShells().stream().forEach(aas-> + merged.getAssetAdministrationShells().forEach(aas-> { List referredSubmodelIds = aas.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> sm.getKeys().get(0).getValue()).collect(Collectors.toList()); @@ -93,13 +97,14 @@ void mergeDoesNotEqualizeSubmodelIds() { @Test void mergeReducesAasNumber(){ - merged.getAssetAdministrationShells().size(); assertTrue(merged.getAssetAdministrationShells().size()<=envs.stream().mapToLong(env->env.getAssetAdministrationShells().size()).sum()); } String fromResource(String name) throws IOException { - return new String(getClass().getClassLoader() - .getResourceAsStream("exampleAasEnvs/"+name) - .readAllBytes()); + try(InputStream stream = getClass().getClassLoader() + .getResourceAsStream("exampleAasEnvs/"+name)) { + return new String(stream + .readAllBytes()); + } } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingExecutorTest.java b/sparql-aas/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingExecutorTest.java index 4213e7e..8401d7c 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingExecutorTest.java +++ b/sparql-aas/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/agents/aasbridge/MappingExecutorTest.java @@ -19,28 +19,36 @@ package org.eclipse.tractusx.agents.aasbridge; import de.fraunhofer.iosb.ilt.faaast.service.model.asset.SpecificAssetIdentification; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.*; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.impl.DefaultIdentifier; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.impl.DefaultProperty; -import io.adminshell.aas.v3.model.impl.DefaultSubmodelElementCollection; import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockResponse; import okhttp3.mockwebserver.MockWebServer; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.exceptions.TransformationException; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.mapping.MappingSpecificationParser; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.mapping.model.MappingSpecification; -import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.transform.GenericDocumentTransformer; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.dataformat.core.DeserializationException; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.dataformat.xml.XmlDeserializer; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.AssetAdministrationShell; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Environment; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Identifiable; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Property; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.Submodel; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.SubmodelElement; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.SubmodelElementCollection; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.impl.DefaultProperty; +import org.eclipse.digitaltwin.aas4j.v3.model.impl.DefaultSubmodelElementCollection; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.junit.jupiter.api.TestInstance; import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.ValueSource; -import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; +import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; +import javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException; +import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; +import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamResult; +import javax.xml.transform.stream.StreamSource; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; -import java.net.URI; +import java.io.StringWriter; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; @@ -62,114 +70,120 @@ class MappingExecutorTest { URLEncoder.encode("http://oem-provider-agent:8082/sparql", StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1); private final String DUMMY_LANDSCAPE = MappingExecutor.DEFAULT_SPARQL_ENDPOINT; - private final String LOCAL_LANDSCAPE = "http://localhost:8082/sparql"; - private final String DEV_LANDSCAPE = "https://knowledge.dev.demo.catena-x.net/oem-provider-agent3/sparql"; + // private final String LOCAL_LANDSCAPE = "http://localhost:8082/sparql"; + // private final String DEV_LANDSCAPE = "https://knowledge.dev.demo.catena-x.net/oem-provider-agent3/sparql"; private final String LANDSCAPE = DUMMY_LANDSCAPE; private final boolean LOG_RESULTS = false; - MappingExecutorTest() throws URISyntaxException { + MappingExecutorTest() { } @Test - void executePartSiteInformationTest() throws TransformationException, IOException { - AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment env = getTransformedAasEnv("partSiteInformation"); - executeGenericTests(env); + void executePartSiteInformationTest() throws IOException { + Environment env = getTransformedAasEnv("partSiteInformation", ""); + executeGenericTests(env,1); assertEquals(18, env.getSubmodels().size()); env.getAssetAdministrationShells().forEach(aas -> - assertTrue(aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().getKeys().get(0).getValue().contains("urn:uuid"))); + assertTrue(aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().contains("urn:uuid"))); assertTrue(env.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> getProperty(sm, "catenaXId")).anyMatch(p -> p.equals("urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c"))); - assertEquals(7, env.getConceptDescriptions().size()); assertEquals(8, env.getSubmodels().stream() .filter(sm -> getProperty(sm, "catenaXId").equals("urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c")) - .map(sm -> getSmcValues(sm, "sites")).findFirst().get().size()); + .map(sm -> getSmcValues(sm, "sites")).findFirst().orElse(List.of()).size()); } @Test - void executePartAsPlannedTest() throws TransformationException, IOException { - AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment env = getTransformedAasEnv("partAsPlanned"); - executeGenericTests(env); + void executePartAsPlannedTest() throws IOException { + Environment env = getTransformedAasEnv("partAsPlanned",""); + executeGenericTests(env,1); + assertEquals(28, env.getAssetAdministrationShells().size()); assertEquals(28, env.getSubmodels().size()); - assertEquals(9, env.getConceptDescriptions().size()); env.getAssetAdministrationShells().forEach(aas -> - assertTrue(aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().getKeys().get(0).getValue().contains("urn:uuid"))); - assertTrue(env.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> getProperty(sm, "catenaXId")).anyMatch(p -> p.equals("urn:uuid:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77"))); + assertTrue(aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().contains("urn:uuid"))); + assertTrue(env.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> getProperty(sm, "catenaXId")).anyMatch(p -> p.equals("urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e")),"Found the last submodel in the result."); } @Test - void executeSingleLevelBomAsPlannedTest() throws TransformationException, IOException { - AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment env = getTransformedAasEnv("singleLevelBomAsPlanned"); - executeGenericTests(env); + void executePartAsPlanned2Test() throws IOException { + Environment env = getTransformedAasEnv("partAsPlanned","2"); + executeGenericTests(env,2); + + assertEquals(3, env.getSubmodels().size()); + env.getAssetAdministrationShells().forEach(aas -> + assertTrue(aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().contains("urn:uuid"))); + assertTrue(env.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> getProperty(sm, "catenaXId")).anyMatch(p -> p.equals("urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e")),"Found the last submodel in the result."); + } + + @Test + void executeSingleLevelBomAsPlannedTest() throws IOException { + Environment env = getTransformedAasEnv("singleLevelBomAsPlanned",""); + executeGenericTests(env,1); assertEquals(12, env.getSubmodels().size()); - assertEquals(13, env.getConceptDescriptions().size()); env.getAssetAdministrationShells().forEach(aas -> - assertTrue(aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().getKeys().get(0).getValue().contains("urn:uuid"))); + assertTrue(aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().contains("urn:uuid"))); assertTrue(env.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> getProperty(sm, "catenaXId")).anyMatch(p -> p.equals("urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97"))); assertEquals(3, env.getSubmodels().stream() .filter(sm -> getProperty(sm, "catenaXId").equals("urn:uuid:68904173-ad59-4a77-8412-3e73fcafbd8b")) - .map(sm -> getSmcValues(sm, "childItems")).findFirst().get().size()); - env.getSubmodels().forEach(sm -> { - assertEquals(2, sm.getIdentification().getIdentifier().split("/").length); - }); + .map(sm -> getSmcValues(sm, "childItems")).findFirst().orElse(List.of()).size()); + env.getSubmodels().forEach(sm -> assertEquals(3, sm.getId().split("/").length)); } @Test - void executeSingleLevelUsageAsPlannedTest() throws TransformationException, IOException { - AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment env = getTransformedAasEnv("singleLevelUsageAsPlanned"); - executeGenericTests(env); + void executeSingleLevelUsageAsPlannedTest() throws IOException { + Environment env = getTransformedAasEnv("singleLevelUsageAsPlanned",""); + executeGenericTests(env,1); assertEquals(30, env.getSubmodels().size()); - assertEquals(13, env.getConceptDescriptions().size()); env.getAssetAdministrationShells().forEach(aas -> - assertTrue(aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().getKeys().get(0).getValue().contains("urn:uuid"))); + assertTrue(aas.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().contains("urn:uuid"))); assertTrue(env.getSubmodels().stream().map(sm -> getProperty(sm, "catenaXId")).anyMatch(p -> p.equals("urn:uuid:f5efbf45-7d84-4442-b3b8-05cf1c5c5a0b"))); assertEquals(2, env.getSubmodels().stream() .filter(sm -> getProperty(sm, "catenaXId").equals("urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc")) - .map(sm -> getSmcValues(sm, "parentParts")).findFirst().get().size()); - env.getSubmodels().forEach(sm -> { - assertEquals(2, sm.getIdentification().getIdentifier().split("/").length); - }); + .map(sm -> getSmcValues(sm, "parentParts")).findFirst().orElse(List.of()).size()); + env.getSubmodels().forEach(sm -> assertEquals(3, sm.getId().split("/").length)); } @ParameterizedTest @ValueSource(strings = {"partAsPlanned", "partSiteInformation", "singleLevelBomAsPlanned","singleLevelUsageAsPlanned"}) void executeQueryTest(String aspectName) throws IOException, URISyntaxException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException { - MockWebServer mockWebServer = instantiateMockServer(aspectName); - MappingExecutor executor = new MappingExecutor( - mockWebServer.url(MOCK_URL).toString(), - System.getProperty("PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_BASIC"), - 3, - 5, - AasUtils.loadConfigsFromResources(), - LOG_RESULTS); - - InputStream inputStream = executor.executeQuery( - new String(new File("resources/traceability/" + aspectName + "-select-all.rq").toURL().openStream().readAllBytes())).get(); - String result = new String(inputStream.readAllBytes()); - assertEquals(result, getMockResponseBody(aspectName)); + try (MockWebServer mockWebServer = instantiateMockServer(aspectName)) { + MappingExecutor executor = new MappingExecutor( + mockWebServer.url(MOCK_URL).toString(), + System.getProperty("PROVIDER_CREDENTIAL_BASIC"), + 3, + 5, + AasUtils.loadConfigsFromResources(), + LOG_RESULTS); + + try(InputStream inputStream = new File("resources/traceability/" + aspectName + "-select-all.rq").toURL().openStream()) { + try (InputStream resultStream = executor.executeQuery(new String(inputStream.readAllBytes())).get()) { + String result = new String(resultStream.readAllBytes()); + assertEquals(result, getMockResponseBody(aspectName)); + } + } + } } /** * test access to one shell - * @throws InterruptedException */ @Test - void queryOneShell() throws InterruptedException { + void queryOneShell() { String sampleId="traceability/urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97"; MappingExecutor ex = new MappingExecutor(LANDSCAPE, "ignored", 5, 4, AasUtils.loadConfigsFromResources(),LOG_RESULTS); List shells = ex.queryAllShells( sampleId, - Arrays.asList(new SpecificAssetIdentification.Builder() + List.of(new SpecificAssetIdentification.Builder() .key("ignoredAnyway") .value(sampleId) .build())); assertEquals(1,shells.size(),"Found the correct shell"); - assertEquals(1,shells.get(0).getDescriptions().size(),"Shell has correct descriptions"); - assertEquals("HV Modul",shells.get(0).getDescriptions().get(0).getValue(),"Shell has correct description"); + assertEquals(1,shells.get(0).getDescription().size(),"Shell has correct descriptions"); + assertEquals("HV Modul",shells.get(0).getDescription().get(0).getText(),"Shell has correct description"); assertEquals(sampleId,shells.get(0).getIdShort(),"Correct id short"); - assertEquals(sampleId,shells.get(0).getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().getKeys().get(0).getValue(),"Correct global asset id"); + assertEquals(sampleId,shells.get(0).getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId(),"Correct global asset id"); assertEquals(4,shells.get(0).getSubmodels().size(),"Correct number of submodels"); shells.get(0).getSubmodels().forEach( submodel -> { String[] components=shells.get(0).getIdShort().split("/"); @@ -180,18 +194,17 @@ void queryOneShell() throws InterruptedException { /** * test access to all shells - * @throws InterruptedException */ @Test - void queryAllShells() throws InterruptedException { + void queryAllShells() { MappingExecutor ex = new MappingExecutor(LANDSCAPE, "ignored", 5, 4, AasUtils.loadConfigsFromResources(),LOG_RESULTS); List shells = ex.queryAllShells( null, null); assertEquals(28,shells.size(),"Found all shells"); shells.forEach(shell -> { - assertEquals(1,shell.getDescriptions().size(),"Shell has correct descriptions"); - assertEquals(shell.getIdShort(),shell.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId().getKeys().get(0).getValue(),"Correct global asset id and idshort relation"); + assertEquals(1,shell.getDescription().size(),"Shell has correct descriptions"); + assertEquals(shell.getIdShort(),shell.getAssetInformation().getGlobalAssetId(),"Correct global asset id and idshort relation"); assertTrue(shell.getSubmodels().size() > 0,String.format("Shell %s has at least one submodel",shell.getIdShort())); shell.getSubmodels().forEach( submodel -> { String[] components=shell.getIdShort().split("/"); @@ -204,15 +217,13 @@ void queryAllShells() throws InterruptedException { /** * test access to one shell - * @throws InterruptedException */ @Test - void queryOneSubmodel() throws InterruptedException { + void queryOneSubmodel() { String sampleId="urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97"; String model="urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned"; MappingExecutor ex = new MappingExecutor(LANDSCAPE, "ignored", 5, 4, AasUtils.loadConfigsFromResources(),LOG_RESULTS); - Identifier identifier=new DefaultIdentifier(); - identifier.setIdentifier("traceability/"+model+"/"+sampleId); + String identifier="traceability/"+model+"/"+sampleId; Identifiable subModel = ex.queryIdentifiableById(identifier, Submodel.class); assertNotNull(subModel, "Found the submodel"); assertTrue(subModel instanceof Submodel,"Its a real submodel"); @@ -220,24 +231,38 @@ void queryOneSubmodel() throws InterruptedException { assertEquals(model,realSubModel.getSemanticId().getKeys().get(0).getValue()); } - private static AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment getTransformedAasEnv(String submodelIdShort) throws IOException, TransformationException { - MappingSpecification mapping = new MappingSpecificationParser().loadMappingSpecification("resources/traceability/" + submodelIdShort + "-mapping.json"); - GenericDocumentTransformer transformer = new GenericDocumentTransformer(); - InputStream instream = new FileInputStream("./resources/sparqlResponseXml/" + submodelIdShort + "-sparql-results.xml"); - String s = new String(instream.readAllBytes()); - return transformer.execute(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()), mapping); + private static Environment getTransformedAasEnv(String submodelIdShort,String suffix) throws IOException { + Transformer transformer; + try { + transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer(new StreamSource(new FileInputStream("resources/traceability/" + submodelIdShort + "-mapping.xslt"))); + } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { + throw new IOException(e); + } + XmlDeserializer deserializer = new XmlDeserializer(); + StreamSource inputData = new StreamSource(new FileInputStream("./resources/sparqlResponseXml/" + submodelIdShort + suffix + "-sparql-results.xml")); + StringWriter writer=new StringWriter(); + try { + transformer.transform(inputData,new StreamResult(writer)); + } catch (TransformerException e) { + throw new IOException(e); + } + try { + return deserializer.read(writer.toString()); + } catch (DeserializationException e) { + throw new IOException(e); + } } - private static void executeGenericTests(AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment env) { + private static void executeGenericTests(Environment env, int maxNumberSubmodels) { // each AAS only holds a single Submodel - env.getAssetAdministrationShells().forEach(aas -> assertEquals(1, aas.getSubmodels().size())); + env.getAssetAdministrationShells().forEach(aas -> assertTrue(aas.getSubmodels().size()<=maxNumberSubmodels)); // each Submodel is referred to by a single AAS only env.getSubmodels().forEach(sm -> { long aasPerSm = env.getAssetAdministrationShells().stream() .map(AssetAdministrationShell::getSubmodels) .filter(smrefs -> - smrefs.stream().anyMatch(smref -> smref.getKeys().get(0).getValue().equals(sm.getIdentification().getIdentifier()) + smrefs.stream().anyMatch(smref -> smref.getKeys().get(0).getValue().equals(sm.getId()) )) .count(); assertEquals(1, aasPerSm); @@ -245,24 +270,25 @@ private static void executeGenericTests(AssetAdministrationShellEnvironment env) // check no value remains unmapped env.getSubmodels().forEach(sm->recurseSmecAndCheckForNull(sm.getSubmodelElements())); - ; - } private static void recurseSmecAndCheckForNull(Collection smes) { smes.stream().filter(sme -> sme.getClass().equals(DefaultProperty.class)) .map(sme -> (DefaultProperty) sme) .forEach(p->{ - assertNotNull(p.getValue()); - assertNotEquals("", p.getValue()); - assertNotEquals("null", p.getValue(), p.getIdShort()); + assertNotNull(p.getValue(),String.format("Value of property %s should not be null",p.getIdShort())); + assertNotNull(p.getValueType(),String.format("Value type of property %s should not be null",p.getIdShort())); + assertNotNull(p.getDescription(),String.format("Description of property %s should not be null",p.getIdShort())); + assertNotNull(p.getDisplayName(),String.format("Display name of property %s should not be null",p.getIdShort())); + assertNotEquals("", p.getValue(),String.format("Value of property %s should not be empty",p.getIdShort())); + assertNotEquals("null", p.getValue(),String.format("Value of property %s should not be \"null\"",p.getIdShort())); }); smes.stream().filter(sme -> sme.getClass().equals(DefaultSubmodelElementCollection.class)) .map(sme -> (DefaultSubmodelElementCollection) sme) - .forEach(smec->recurseSmecAndCheckForNull(smec.getValues())); + .forEach(smec->recurseSmecAndCheckForNull(smec.getValue())); } - private MockWebServer instantiateMockServer(String aspectName) throws IOException, URISyntaxException { + private MockWebServer instantiateMockServer(String aspectName) throws IOException { MockWebServer mockServer = new MockWebServer(); String mockResponseBody = getMockResponseBody(aspectName); MockResponse response = new MockResponse() @@ -276,9 +302,11 @@ private MockWebServer instantiateMockServer(String aspectName) throws IOExceptio } private String getMockResponseBody(String aspectName) throws IOException { - String mockResponseBody = new String(new FileInputStream("resources/sparqlResponseXml/" + aspectName +"-sparql-results.xml") - .readAllBytes()); - return mockResponseBody; + try(InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream("resources/sparqlResponseXml/" + aspectName +"-sparql-results.xml")) { + String mockResponseBody = new String(inputStream + .readAllBytes()); + return mockResponseBody; + } } private String getProperty(Submodel submodel, String propertyIdShort) { @@ -295,7 +323,7 @@ private Collection getSmcValues(Submodel submodel, String idSho .filter(sme->sme.getClass().equals(DefaultSubmodelElementCollection.class)) .map(sme->(SubmodelElementCollection)sme) .filter(smc -> smc.getIdShort().equals(idShort)) - .findFirst().map(SubmodelElementCollection::getValues) + .findFirst().map(SubmodelElementCollection::getValue) .orElseThrow(()-> new RuntimeException("smcNotFound")); } diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/materialForRecycling.xml b/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/materialForRecycling.xml index 0b68113..df5a1d1 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/materialForRecycling.xml +++ b/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/materialForRecycling.xml @@ -25,180 +25,230 @@ - afbff461-58b8-427d-9f5c-8be020a8c21d - - + afbff461-58b8-427d-9f5c-8be020a8c21d + + + ExternalReference - 9d43dc5d-d64b-4e03-b319-bfadc6378e75 + + Submodel + 9d43dc5d-d64b-4e03-b319-bfadc6378e75 + - - + + - urn:material:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 + urn:material:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 + - 0ca4977c-5212-4b2a-b865-adb0c3f8ec2c - - + 0ca4977c-5212-4b2a-b865-adb0c3f8ec2c + + + ExternalReference - e1838296-f904-4cd8-a7b5-a206358a8e0d + + Submodel + e1838296-f904-4cd8-a7b5-a206358a8e0d + - - + + - urn:material:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b + urn:material:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b + - 6e8432cb-8bc3-465b-9fea-d6bb1e3bf57d - - + 6e8432cb-8bc3-465b-9fea-d6bb1e3bf57d + + + ExternalReference - 96b92266-d7a1-4e7e-9996-8bbfbeed15a9 + + Submodel + 96b92266-d7a1-4e7e-9996-8bbfbeed15a9 + - - + + - urn:material:65e1554e-e5cd-4560-bac1-1352582122fb + urn:material:65e1554e-e5cd-4560-bac1-1352582122fb + - 543f097b-60b6-496f-9cb9-ceea907f700e - - + 543f097b-60b6-496f-9cb9-ceea907f700e + + + ExternalReference - fd679e1a-a168-41dc-9215-16926791fa10 + + Submodel + fd679e1a-a168-41dc-9215-16926791fa10 + - - + + - urn:material:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 + urn:material:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 + - 57100686-f5e3-4b80-b8d8-a4dfc0e8bb93 - - + 57100686-f5e3-4b80-b8d8-a4dfc0e8bb93 + + + ExternalReference - 695622c6-b434-45ac-a779-59bafb3df261 + + Submodel + 695622c6-b434-45ac-a779-59bafb3df261 + - - + + - urn:material:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e + urn:material:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e + - 1c28883a-5a85-4279-9621-e84d82d1b275 - - + 1c28883a-5a85-4279-9621-e84d82d1b275 + + + ExternalReference - 8d2694b2-a74f-46bf-8002-04498034c25d + + Submodel + 8d2694b2-a74f-46bf-8002-04498034c25d + - - + + - urn:material:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc + urn:material:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc + - 56e34d06-ba69-49ee-b7d1-832c15a71123 - - + 56e34d06-ba69-49ee-b7d1-832c15a71123 + + + ExternalReference - 60a564ae-1d4f-49a3-9c48-48f5a89f231a + + Submodel + 60a564ae-1d4f-49a3-9c48-48f5a89f231a + - - + + - urn:material:68904173-ad59-4a77-8412-3e73fcafbd8b + urn:material:68904173-ad59-4a77-8412-3e73fcafbd8b + - 010c3b05-3ce1-4184-8dc0-3715517dfe6b - - + 010c3b05-3ce1-4184-8dc0-3715517dfe6b + + + ExternalReference - d3a5eb89-75c3-4522-b9d5-e10333829b01 + + Submodel + d3a5eb89-75c3-4522-b9d5-e10333829b01 + - - + + - urn:material:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 + urn:material:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 + - 13e128e5-bd24-4b19-b024-a042cd486f72 - - + 13e128e5-bd24-4b19-b024-a042cd486f72 + + + ExternalReference - 6ab0c1c2-a784-4478-8e33-8947053f5681 + + Submodel + 6ab0c1c2-a784-4478-8e33-8947053f5681 + - - + + - urn:material:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c + urn:material:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c + - fcff1109-dc9d-4e6b-8567-df8a28b80e07 - - + fcff1109-dc9d-4e6b-8567-df8a28b80e07 + + + ExternalReference - 97a8021b-d2e4-43b7-98ea-f6601ebc3f82 + + Submodel + 97a8021b-d2e4-43b7-98ea-f6601ebc3f82 + - - + + - urn:material:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 + urn:material:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 + @@ -208,13 +258,24 @@ MaterialForRecycling - material for recycling + + en + material for recycling + APPLICATION_CLASS - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + @@ -225,13 +286,18 @@ MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the + end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component + the name and class for the aspect are not used + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -239,9 +305,13 @@ Text - Text + + en + Text + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + @@ -250,13 +320,18 @@ String - Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values, etc. + Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is + intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement + values, etc. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -264,9 +339,13 @@ MaterialClass - material class + + en + material class + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + @@ -275,13 +354,19 @@ String - Class according to the refernced standard the material belongs to. The IMDS recommendations and the IMDS rules are exclusevily accessible within the IMDS portal to members of the IMDS association. In order to access the data one needs to be member of the association. + Class according to the refernced standard the material + belongs to. The IMDS recommendations and the IMDS rules are exclusevily accessible + within the IMDS portal to members of the IMDS association. In order to access the data + one needs to be member of the association. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -289,9 +374,13 @@ AggregateState - aggregate state + + en + aggregate state + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + @@ -303,40 +392,64 @@ - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#AggregateState:DefaultScalarValue[value=solid, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#AggregateState:DefaultScalarValue[value=solid, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalarValue[value=solid, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalarValue[value=solid, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#AggregateState:DefaultScalarValue[value=liquid, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#AggregateState:DefaultScalarValue[value=liquid, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalarValue[value=liquid, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalarValue[value=liquid, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#AggregateState:DefaultScalarValue[value=gasenous, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#AggregateState:DefaultScalarValue[value=gasenous, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalarValue[value=gasenous, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalarValue[value=gasenous, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + Percentage - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + @@ -349,13 +462,16 @@ percent RealMeasure - Percentage of already recycled material contained. + Percentage of already recycled material contained. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -363,9 +479,13 @@ Text - Text + + en + Text + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + @@ -374,13 +494,18 @@ String - Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values, etc. + Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is + intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement + values, etc. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -388,9 +513,13 @@ MaterialClass - material class + + en + material class + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + @@ -399,13 +528,19 @@ String - Class according to the refernced standard the material belongs to. The IMDS recommendations and the IMDS rules are exclusevily accessible within the IMDS portal to members of the IMDS association. In order to access the data one needs to be member of the association. + Class according to the refernced standard the material + belongs to. The IMDS recommendations and the IMDS rules are exclusevily accessible + within the IMDS portal to members of the IMDS association. In order to access the data + one needs to be member of the association. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -413,9 +548,13 @@ Text - Text + + en + Text + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + @@ -424,13 +563,18 @@ String - Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement values, etc. + Describes a Property which contains plain text. This is + intended exclusively for human readable strings, not for identifiers, measurement + values, etc. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -438,9 +582,13 @@ UnitReference - Unit Reference + + en + Unit Reference + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + @@ -449,13 +597,17 @@ String - Describes a Property containing a reference to one of the units in the Unit Catalog. + Describes a Property containing a reference to one of the + units in the Unit Catalog. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -463,9 +615,13 @@ Value - Value + + en + Value + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + @@ -477,13 +633,17 @@ RealMeasure - Quantifiable value as double in reference to the measurementUnit + Quantifiable value as double in reference to the + measurementUnit + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -491,9 +651,13 @@ QuantityCharacteristic - quantity characteristic + + en + quantity characteristic + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#quantity + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#quantity + @@ -505,13 +669,17 @@ String - quantity characteristic for the material expressed in value and unit + quantity characteristic for the material expressed in value + and unit + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -519,9 +687,13 @@ ComponentCharacteristic - component characteristic + + en + component characteristic + - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#component + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#component + @@ -539,14 +711,17 @@ - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + Percentage - idType="Custom">urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + @@ -558,13 +733,16 @@ RealMeasure - Percentage of already recycled material contained. + Percentage of already recycled material contained. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -574,2897 +752,4703 @@ MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - 9d43dc5d-d64b-4e03-b319-bfadc6378e75 + 9d43dc5d-d64b-4e03-b319-bfadc6378e75 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - rebum.Stet - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - PolymerMaterial_Plastic - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + rebum.Stet + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + PolymerMaterial_Plastic + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + liquid + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 217.98399353027344 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + 400a5817832a3693 + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CompositeMaterial + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + erat, + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - liquid - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 217.98399353027344 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - 400a5817832a3693 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CompositeMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - erat, - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - + + + + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + gasenous + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 658.5670166015625 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + f3848cf74a02b38a + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CompositeMaterial_Carbon + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + ipsum + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - gasenous - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 658.5670166015625 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - f3848cf74a02b38a - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CompositeMaterial_Carbon - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - ipsum - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - e1838296-f904-4cd8-a7b5-a206358a8e0d + e1838296-f904-4cd8-a7b5-a206358a8e0d Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - Lorem - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - MetalMaterial_Copper - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + Lorem + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + MetalMaterial_Copper + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + gasenous + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 318.8580017089844 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + 243bf6f77734e50d + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CathodeMaterial + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + elitr, + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - gasenous - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 318.8580017089844 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - 243bf6f77734e50d - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CathodeMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - elitr, - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - 96b92266-d7a1-4e7e-9996-8bbfbeed15a9 + 96b92266-d7a1-4e7e-9996-8bbfbeed15a9 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - ut - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - Alloy - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + ut + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + Alloy + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + liquid + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 445.0870056152344 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + 813e3a95da3887b7 + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + MetalMaterial + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + dolor + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - liquid - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 445.0870056152344 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - 813e3a95da3887b7 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - MetalMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - dolor - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - fd679e1a-a168-41dc-9215-16926791fa10 + fd679e1a-a168-41dc-9215-16926791fa10 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - sea - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CeramicMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + sea + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CeramicMaterial + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + solid + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 471.5 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + e67a190c311fb24d + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + SemiconductorMaterial + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + eum + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - solid - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 471.5 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - e67a190c311fb24d - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - SemiconductorMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - eum - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - 695622c6-b434-45ac-a779-59bafb3df261 + 695622c6-b434-45ac-a779-59bafb3df261 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - ut - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CathodeMaterial_LeadDioxide - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + ut + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CathodeMaterial_LeadDioxide + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + gasenous + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 366.3340148925781 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + c45b360d25e137b0 + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CathodeMaterial_LeadDioxide + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + magna + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - gasenous - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 366.3340148925781 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - c45b360d25e137b0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CathodeMaterial_LeadDioxide - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - magna - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - + + + + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + solid + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 625.8829956054688 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + b05db5f6dcbd6a54 + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + MetalMaterial_Copper + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + justo + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - solid - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 625.8829956054688 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - b05db5f6dcbd6a54 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - MetalMaterial_Copper - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - justo - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - + + + + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + liquid + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 20.18899917602539 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + 87d98ff04207abf5 + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + Alloy + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + nonname + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - liquid - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 20.18899917602539 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - 87d98ff04207abf5 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - Alloy - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - 8d2694b2-a74f-46bf-8002-04498034c25d + 8d2694b2-a74f-46bf-8002-04498034c25d Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - sed - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - Alloy - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + sed + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + Alloy + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + liquid + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 943.2540283203125 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + cefe095b20095e3a + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CompositeMaterial_Carbon + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + dolores + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - liquid - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 943.2540283203125 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - cefe095b20095e3a - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CompositeMaterial_Carbon - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - dolores - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - 60a564ae-1d4f-49a3-9c48-48f5a89f231a + 60a564ae-1d4f-49a3-9c48-48f5a89f231a Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - diam - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - SemiconductorMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + diam + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + SemiconductorMaterial + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + gasenous + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 357.2449951171875 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + 74df8d95d9a51db0 + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + PolymerMaterial_Plastic + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + elitr, + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - gasenous - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 357.2449951171875 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - 74df8d95d9a51db0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - PolymerMaterial_Plastic - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - elitr, - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - + + + + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + solid + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 966.25 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + feabbe5f0417fc67 + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CathodeMaterial + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + nonumy + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - solid - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 966.25 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - feabbe5f0417fc67 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CathodeMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - nonumy - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - d3a5eb89-75c3-4522-b9d5-e10333829b01 + d3a5eb89-75c3-4522-b9d5-e10333829b01 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - amet. - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - MetalMaterial_Aluminium - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + amet. + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + MetalMaterial_Aluminium + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + liquid + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 747.4229736328125 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + f71434043f5bbede + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CeramicMaterial + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + liber + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - liquid - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 747.4229736328125 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - f71434043f5bbede - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CeramicMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - liber - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - 6ab0c1c2-a784-4478-8e33-8947053f5681 + 6ab0c1c2-a784-4478-8e33-8947053f5681 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - sed - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - CathodeMaterial_LeadDioxide - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + sed + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + CathodeMaterial_LeadDioxide + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + solid + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 596.4119873046875 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + 6773cd16102cd260 + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + PolymerMaterial_Plastic + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + sit + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - solid - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 596.4119873046875 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - 6773cd16102cd260 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - PolymerMaterial_Plastic - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - sit - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + MaterialForRecycling - This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class for the aspect are not used + + en + This model depicts a material as seen by the recycler at the end of the + lifecycle of a product. If a material consists of only one single component the name and class + for + the aspect are not used + + - 97a8021b-d2e4-43b7-98ea-f6601ebc3f82 + 97a8021b-d2e4-43b7-98ea-f6601ebc3f82 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#MaterialForRecycling + + - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - consectetuer - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - LightMetal - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - component - - component - - - Components the material consists of - - false - false - - + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + consectetuer + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + LightMetal + xs:string + + + + + component + + + en + component + + + + + en + Components the material consists of + + + false + false + + + + ComponentEntity + + + en + component entity + + + + + en + The properties that describe a component + + + + false + false + + + + aggregateState + + + en + The aggregate state the materialis in at + the timepoint the item is disassembled + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState + + + + + gasenous + xs:string + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. + Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This + can be + an aggregation regarding the materials below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + 854.1069946289062 + xs:double + + + + + materialAbbreviation + + + en + A short abbreviation of the materialName + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation + + + + + 6e5af4fd1501dd17 + xs:string + + + + + materialClass + + + en + The class of a material following the + referenced standard. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass + + + + + MetalMaterial + xs:string + + + + + materialName + + + en + The commercial name of a material + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName + + + + + ipsum + xs:string + + + - ComponentEntity + QuantityEntity - component entity + + en + QuantityEntity + - The properties that describe a component + + en + Quantity of the material + false false - - - aggregateState - - The aggregate state the materialis in at the timepoint the item is disassembled - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#aggregateState - - - gasenous - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - 854.1069946289062 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - materialAbbreviation - - A short abbreviation of the materialName - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialAbbreviation - - - 6e5af4fd1501dd17 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialClass - - The class of a material following the referenced standard. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialClass - - - MetalMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - materialName - - The commercial name of a material - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#materialName - - - ipsum - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - QuantityEntity - - QuantityEntity - - - Quantity of the material - - false - false - - - - unit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects. - The recommended units are the SI units such as unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit - - - DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie']'] - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - value - - value - - - Measurement value as a double. The unit is saved in the property measurementUnit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - + + + unit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the + quantity of serialized objects. + The recommended units are the SI units such as + unit:kilogram or additional unit:percent + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#unit + + + + + DefaultScalarValue[value=kilogram, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + + xs:string + + + + + value + + + en + value + + + + + en + Measurement value as a double. + The unit is saved in the property + measurementUnit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#value + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + - - - - - - - recycledContent - - recycled content - - - Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials below. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent - - - Unknown - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - + + + + + + + + + + recycledContent + + + en + recycled content + + + + + en + Indicates if the material was is recycled. Percentage of how much + of the material was recycled. This can be an aggregation regarding the materials + below. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.material_for_recycling:1.1.0#recycledContent + + + + + Unknown + xs:double + + diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/partAsPlanned.xml b/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/partAsPlanned.xml index 12304ea..b340389 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/partAsPlanned.xml +++ b/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/partAsPlanned.xml @@ -25,14 +25,18 @@ - 4b4c3857-e75e-48b7-b2e0-41397d8c53f8 - - + 4b4c3857-e75e-48b7-b2e0-41397d8c53f8 + + + ExternalReference - 2f7385fe-20f3-4abb-a4ba-cb047d1e6592 + + Submodel + 2f7385fe-20f3-4abb-a4ba-cb047d1e6592 + - - + + @@ -43,14 +47,18 @@ - 113819e4-f146-4911-b151-187df7257064 - - + 113819e4-f146-4911-b151-187df7257064 + + + ExternalReference - 4cdbdfc2-7cf1-427a-ae67-7831445ebb81 + + Submodel + 4cdbdfc2-7cf1-427a-ae67-7831445ebb81 + - - + + @@ -61,14 +69,18 @@ - c36df3d6-ef75-4b98-9c93-a43c43bd9c01 - - + c36df3d6-ef75-4b98-9c93-a43c43bd9c01 + + + ExternalReference - ae8a8fbf-63f3-4136-93a3-e6f33b096443 + + Submodel + ae8a8fbf-63f3-4136-93a3-e6f33b096443 + - - + + @@ -79,14 +91,18 @@ - e3d5ab29-da85-4db4-be95-542e32dd2fdb - - + e3d5ab29-da85-4db4-be95-542e32dd2fdb + + + ExternalReference - 24160609-4c08-445a-99b4-f4d6d5664fc0 + + Submodel + 24160609-4c08-445a-99b4-f4d6d5664fc0 + - - + + @@ -97,14 +113,18 @@ - 7951a889-0a52-436d-9cc4-828cfcbeb023 - - + 7951a889-0a52-436d-9cc4-828cfcbeb023 + + + ExternalReference - a31f8e56-7d18-4c4b-9f08-9cc0e52b9da7 + + Submodel + a31f8e56-7d18-4c4b-9f08-9cc0e52b9da7 + - - + + @@ -115,14 +135,18 @@ - 3fc9b22d-cced-4868-b9b4-02b4819a6c28 - - + 3fc9b22d-cced-4868-b9b4-02b4819a6c28 + + + ExternalReference - ab8d7355-58a0-4cbd-be70-beb738f9c3ec + + Submodel + ab8d7355-58a0-4cbd-be70-beb738f9c3ec + - - + + @@ -133,14 +157,18 @@ - 85558096-e9da-4dba-a002-48a01c0d6718 - - + 85558096-e9da-4dba-a002-48a01c0d6718 + + + ExternalReference - a79e9136-a881-46f1-9a3f-5ca2bb384907 + + Submodel + a79e9136-a881-46f1-9a3f-5ca2bb384907 + - - + + @@ -151,14 +179,18 @@ - 247b6227-f642-440e-b2b0-5641f01d7495 - - + 247b6227-f642-440e-b2b0-5641f01d7495 + + + ExternalReference - ee06f75e-9876-4712-97ff-cdd63957e181 + + Submodel + ee06f75e-9876-4712-97ff-cdd63957e181 + - - + + @@ -169,14 +201,18 @@ - a69385dc-7502-4d3b-821a-63c41a0776f3 - - + a69385dc-7502-4d3b-821a-63c41a0776f3 + + + ExternalReference - 35e44d55-5e8e-412f-83ec-81bf258e4419 + + Submodel + 35e44d55-5e8e-412f-83ec-81bf258e4419 + - - + + @@ -187,14 +223,18 @@ - d8fd9ccb-f139-4342-a11b-e601f71c5ab1 - - + d8fd9ccb-f139-4342-a11b-e601f71c5ab1 + + + ExternalReference - 00ab82a5-4209-48af-9b28-d1185fec3b98 + + Submodel + 00ab82a5-4209-48af-9b28-d1185fec3b98 + - - + + @@ -205,14 +245,18 @@ - fa7879af-d050-469f-a804-109914031f98 - - + fa7879af-d050-469f-a804-109914031f98 + + + ExternalReference - 157da640-1975-47b4-bc9e-7da446257f08 + + Submodel + 157da640-1975-47b4-bc9e-7da446257f08 + - - + + @@ -223,14 +267,18 @@ - 2161f5d5-fd58-461e-9627-ea1663e70fc0 - - + 2161f5d5-fd58-461e-9627-ea1663e70fc0 + + + ExternalReference - 6e42c2c5-1c70-4c19-960e-a0deffd21ba3 + + Submodel + 6e42c2c5-1c70-4c19-960e-a0deffd21ba3 + - - + + @@ -241,14 +289,18 @@ - 894f4010-e966-4688-a7f6-6144f140c62f - - + 894f4010-e966-4688-a7f6-6144f140c62f + + + ExternalReference - 49535e13-34e8-4d17-91e7-a502fe49d7b5 + + Submodel + 49535e13-34e8-4d17-91e7-a502fe49d7b5 + - - + + @@ -259,14 +311,18 @@ - 49f424d2-750e-4658-9a11-e32c56790185 - - + 49f424d2-750e-4658-9a11-e32c56790185 + + + ExternalReference - 530893c4-5b8b-4cb5-a360-1f7af4900416 + + Submodel + 530893c4-5b8b-4cb5-a360-1f7af4900416 + - - + + @@ -277,14 +333,18 @@ - c2350c00-cce9-4a27-b984-1c14ec7d367d - - + c2350c00-cce9-4a27-b984-1c14ec7d367d + + + ExternalReference - a552fe8a-3999-41af-8fec-3e0c33dd9428 + + Submodel + a552fe8a-3999-41af-8fec-3e0c33dd9428 + - - + + @@ -295,14 +355,18 @@ - 8b28b2a4-f646-4c45-92f6-2f18b92434a6 - - + 8b28b2a4-f646-4c45-92f6-2f18b92434a6 + + + ExternalReference - 5e5d9250-f2b5-411f-9590-74a1c2008943 + + Submodel + 5e5d9250-f2b5-411f-9590-74a1c2008943 + - - + + @@ -313,14 +377,18 @@ - 705d620d-7ad3-4548-b9ef-4fa4722e20b3 - - + 705d620d-7ad3-4548-b9ef-4fa4722e20b3 + + + ExternalReference - 552c93a9-6449-4143-9749-5a7d445225b6 + + Submodel + 552c93a9-6449-4143-9749-5a7d445225b6 + - - + + @@ -331,14 +399,18 @@ - c8da2e24-8dc0-4e1f-b601-e40b09bb614a - - + c8da2e24-8dc0-4e1f-b601-e40b09bb614a + + + ExternalReference - cc412b7e-5dfa-46d6-9701-b1ebc2edc3e8 + + Submodel + cc412b7e-5dfa-46d6-9701-b1ebc2edc3e8 + - - + + @@ -352,13 +424,22 @@ PartAsPlanned - Part AsPlanned + + en + Part AsPlanned + APPLICATION_CLASS - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + @@ -369,13 +450,17 @@ PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of + Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -383,9 +468,12 @@ CatenaXIdTrait - Catena-X ID Trait + + en + Catena-X ID Trait + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId @@ -397,13 +485,16 @@ String - Trait to ensure data format for Catena-X ID + Trait to ensure data format for Catena-X ID + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -411,9 +502,13 @@ PartIdCharacteristic - Part ID Characteristic + + en + Part ID Characteristic + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + @@ -425,13 +520,17 @@ String - The part ID is a multi-character string, ususally assigned by an ERP system + The part ID is a multi-character string, ususally assigned by + an ERP system + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -439,9 +538,13 @@ PartNameCharacteristic - Part Name Characteristic + + en + Part Name Characteristic + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + @@ -453,13 +556,17 @@ String - Part Name in string format from the respective system in the aas:value chain + Part Name in string format from the respective system in the + aas:value chain + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -467,9 +574,13 @@ ClassificationCharacteristic - Classification Characteristic + + en + Classification Characteristic + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + @@ -481,63 +592,109 @@ String - A part type must be placed into one of the following classes: 'component', 'product', 'software', ‘assembly’, 'tool', or 'raw material'. + A part type must be placed into one of the following classes: + 'component', 'product', 'software', ‘assembly’, 'tool', or 'raw material'. + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=product, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=product, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=product, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=product, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=raw material, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=raw + material, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=raw material, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=raw material, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=software, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=software, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=software, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=software, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=assembly, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=assembly, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=assembly, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=assembly, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=tool, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=tool, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=tool, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=tool, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=component, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#ClassificationCharacteristic:DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=component, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=component, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalaraas:value[aas:value=component, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, + urn='xs:string']'] + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -545,9 +702,13 @@ PartTypeInformationCharacteristic - Part Type Information Characteristic + + en + Part Type Information Characteristic + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#partTypeInformation + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#partTypeInformation + @@ -565,14 +726,16 @@ - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + Timestamp - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom @@ -584,20 +747,24 @@ String - Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an optional timezone. + Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an + optional timezone. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + Timestamp - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo @@ -609,13 +776,17 @@ String - Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an optional timezone. + Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an + optional timezone. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -623,9 +794,13 @@ ValidityPeriodCharacteristic - Validity Period Characteristic + + en + Validity Period Characteristic + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validityPeriod + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validityPeriod + @@ -643,7 +818,9 @@ - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -653,2809 +830,4519 @@ PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 2f7385fe-20f3-4abb-a4ba-cb047d1e6592 + 2f7385fe-20f3-4abb-a4ba-cb047d1e6592 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - TIRED-OF-TIER-HMS20 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - All-Season Flatrun Tire 20inch - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2018-01-30 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2018-01-30 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + TIRED-OF-TIER-HMS20 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + All-Season Flatrun Tire 20inch + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2018-01-30 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2018-01-30 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 4cdbdfc2-7cf1-427a-ae67-7831445ebb81 + 4cdbdfc2-7cf1-427a-ae67-7831445ebb81 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:0255ac81-6e0f-4dce-bbac-82d7bae91202 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - SR-17 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Synthetic Wheel Rubber - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2018-12-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2018-12-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:0255ac81-6e0f-4dce-bbac-82d7bae91202 + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + SR-17 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Synthetic Wheel Rubber + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2018-12-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2018-12-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - ae8a8fbf-63f3-4136-93a3-e6f33b096443 + ae8a8fbf-63f3-4136-93a3-e6f33b096443 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:5031bc82-b24a-4e49-9b88-dc27e93bebdc - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - NR-1 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Natural Rubber - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2020-05-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2020-05-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:5031bc82-b24a-4e49-9b88-dc27e93bebdc + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + NR-1 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Natural Rubber + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2020-05-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2020-05-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 24160609-4c08-445a-99b4-f4d6d5664fc0 + 24160609-4c08-445a-99b4-f4d6d5664fc0 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 39478586-36 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Tier B ECU2 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2015-01-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2015-01-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 39478586-36 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Tier B ECU2 + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2015-01-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2015-01-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - a31f8e56-7d18-4c4b-9f08-9cc0e52b9da7 + a31f8e56-7d18-4c4b-9f08-9cc0e52b9da7 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:65e1554e-e5cd-4560-bac1-1352582122fb - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - XK-34 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Vehicle Model C - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2016-03-31 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2016-03-31 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:65e1554e-e5cd-4560-bac1-1352582122fb + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + XK-34 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Vehicle Model C + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2016-03-31 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2016-03-31 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - ab8d7355-58a0-4cbd-be70-beb738f9c3ec + ab8d7355-58a0-4cbd-be70-beb738f9c3ec Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:68904173-ad59-4a77-8412-3e73fcafbd8b - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - FJ-87 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Vehicle Model B - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2013-09-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2013-09-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:68904173-ad59-4a77-8412-3e73fcafbd8b + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + FJ-87 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Vehicle Model B + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2013-09-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2013-09-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - a79e9136-a881-46f1-9a3f-5ca2bb384907 + a79e9136-a881-46f1-9a3f-5ca2bb384907 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:3cdd2826-5df0-4c7b-b540-9eeccecb2301 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 6775244-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Sub Tier B Glue - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2014-07-30 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2014-07-30 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:3cdd2826-5df0-4c7b-b540-9eeccecb2301 + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 6775244-06 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Sub Tier B Glue + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2014-07-30 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2014-07-30 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - ee06f75e-9876-4712-97ff-cdd63957e181 + ee06f75e-9876-4712-97ff-cdd63957e181 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - ZX-55 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Tier B ECU1 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2020-03-28 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2020-03-28 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + ZX-55 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Tier B ECU1 + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2020-03-28 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2020-03-28 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 35e44d55-5e8e-412f-83ec-81bf258e4419 + 35e44d55-5e8e-412f-83ec-81bf258e4419 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4518c080-14fb-4252-b8de-4362d615868d - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 7A987KK-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - N Tier A Plastics - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2019-08-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2019-08-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4518c080-14fb-4252-b8de-4362d615868d + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 7A987KK-04 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + N Tier A Plastics + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2019-08-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2019-08-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 00ab82a5-4209-48af-9b28-d1185fec3b98 + 00ab82a5-4209-48af-9b28-d1185fec3b98 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:86f69643-3b90-4e34-90bf-789edcf40e7e - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 7A047KK-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - N Tier A NTier Product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2019-12-30 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2019-12-30 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:86f69643-3b90-4e34-90bf-789edcf40e7e + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 7A047KK-01 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + N Tier A NTier Product + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2019-12-30 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2019-12-30 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 157da640-1975-47b4-bc9e-7da446257f08 + 157da640-1975-47b4-bc9e-7da446257f08 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 6740244-02 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Sub Tier A Sensor - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2015-03-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2015-03-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 6740244-02 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Sub Tier A Sensor + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2015-03-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2015-03-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 6e42c2c5-1c70-4c19-960e-a0deffd21ba3 + 6e42c2c5-1c70-4c19-960e-a0deffd21ba3 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 32494586-73 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Tier A Gearbox - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2013-04-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2013-04-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 32494586-73 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Tier A Gearbox + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2013-04-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2013-04-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 49535e13-34e8-4d17-91e7-a502fe49d7b5 + 49535e13-34e8-4d17-91e7-a502fe49d7b5 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:15d2fcc8-6439-4d1e-904b-e62b4d3bf323 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 9A047C7-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Sub Tier B Sealant - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2017-02-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2017-02-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:15d2fcc8-6439-4d1e-904b-e62b4d3bf323 + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 9A047C7-01 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Sub Tier B Sealant + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2017-02-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2017-02-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 530893c4-5b8b-4cb5-a360-1f7af4900416 + 530893c4-5b8b-4cb5-a360-1f7af4900416 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4f7b1cf2-a598-4027-bc78-63f6d8e55699 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 7A047C7-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - N Tier A CathodeMaterial - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2013-04-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2013-04-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4f7b1cf2-a598-4027-bc78-63f6d8e55699 + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 7A047C7-01 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + N Tier A CathodeMaterial + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2013-04-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2013-04-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - a552fe8a-3999-41af-8fec-3e0c33dd9428 + a552fe8a-3999-41af-8fec-3e0c33dd9428 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 8840374-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - ZB ZELLE - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2015-06-20 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2015-06-20 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 8840374-09 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + ZB ZELLE + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2015-06-20 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2015-06-20 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 5e5d9250-f2b5-411f-9590-74a1c2008943 + 5e5d9250-f2b5-411f-9590-74a1c2008943 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 8840838-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - HV Modul - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2014-03-22 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2014-03-22 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 8840838-04 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + HV Modul + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2014-03-22 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2014-03-22 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - 552c93a9-6449-4143-9749-5a7d445225b6 + 552c93a9-6449-4143-9749-5a7d445225b6 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - 38049661-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - OEM A High Voltage Battery - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2016-12-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2016-12-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + 38049661-08 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + OEM A High Voltage Battery + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2016-12-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2016-12-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + PartAsPlanned - A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in As-Planned lifecycle status. + + en + A Part AsPlanned represents an item in the Catena-X Bill of Material (BOM) in + As-Planned lifecycle status. + + - cc412b7e-5dfa-46d6-9701-b1ebc2edc3e8 + cc412b7e-5dfa-46d6-9701-b1ebc2edc3e8 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#PartAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - PartTypeInformationEntity - - Part Type Information Entity - - - Encapsulation for data related to the part type - - false - false - - - - manufacturerPartId - - Manufacturer Part ID - - - Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part and thus should not be confused with the serial number. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId - - - ZX-55 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - nameAtManufacturer - - Name at Manufacturer - - - Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer - - - Vehicle Model A - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - classification - - Classifcation - - - The classification of the part type according to STEP standard definition - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification - - - product - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - - - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - ValidityPeriodEntity - - false - false - - - - validFrom - - Valid From - - - Start date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom - - - 2019-04-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - validTo - - Valid To - - - End date of validity period - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo - - - 2019-04-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The fully anonymous Catena-X ID of the serialized part, valid for + the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e + xs:string + + + + + PartTypeInformationEntity + + + en + Part Type Information Entity + + + + + en + Encapsulation for data related to the part type + + + false + false + + + + manufacturerPartId + + + en + Manufacturer Part ID + + + + + en + Part ID as assigned by the manufacturer of the part. + The Part ID identifies the part (as designed) in the manufacturer`s + dataspace. The Part ID does not reference a specific instance of a part + and + thus should not be confused with the serial number. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#manufacturerPartId + + + + + ZX-55 + xs:string + + + + + nameAtManufacturer + + + en + Name at Manufacturer + + + + + en + Name of the part as assigned by the manufacturer + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#nameAtManufacturer + + + + + Vehicle Model A + xs:string + + + + + classification + + + en + Classifcation + + + + + en + The classification of the part type according to STEP + standard definition + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#classification + + + + + product + xs:string + + + + + + + + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + en + ValidityPeriodEntity + + + false + false + + + + validFrom + + + en + Valid From + + + + + en + Start date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validFrom + + + + + 2019-04-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + validTo + + + en + Valid To + + + + + en + End date of validity period + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_as_planned:1.0.0#validTo + + + + + 2019-04-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/partSiteInformation.xml b/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/partSiteInformation.xml index ae3a221..7ba1c91 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/partSiteInformation.xml +++ b/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/partSiteInformation.xml @@ -25,14 +25,18 @@ - 9c076e51-280e-45e1-9904-b6aea91aceff - - + 9c076e51-280e-45e1-9904-b6aea91aceff + + + ExternalReference - 533a2c60-2487-4766-842d-9a336596a12d + + Submodel + 533a2c60-2487-4766-842d-9a336596a12d + - - + + @@ -43,14 +47,18 @@ - 096846d5-a316-4575-ba4d-4b03db359ab0 - - + 096846d5-a316-4575-ba4d-4b03db359ab0 + + + ExternalReference - f32fc236-6fac-46d1-8966-48285acc2189 + + Submodel + f32fc236-6fac-46d1-8966-48285acc2189 + - - + + @@ -61,14 +69,18 @@ - b031a6bd-65cc-4802-923d-0a6235cb9c0e - - + b031a6bd-65cc-4802-923d-0a6235cb9c0e + + + ExternalReference - f95c4a05-e786-4d5b-9701-c1095af4b584 + + Submodel + f95c4a05-e786-4d5b-9701-c1095af4b584 + - - + + @@ -79,14 +91,18 @@ - 6eed8c23-63b9-47b3-a54e-60e20c50b354 - - + 6eed8c23-63b9-47b3-a54e-60e20c50b354 + + + ExternalReference - 8c935d20-6792-44b0-8ec6-2e32fd4e6f01 + + Submodel + 8c935d20-6792-44b0-8ec6-2e32fd4e6f01 + - - + + @@ -97,14 +113,18 @@ - 8fb957fc-a65e-4fe7-b8c7-e7f519039e40 - - + 8fb957fc-a65e-4fe7-b8c7-e7f519039e40 + + + ExternalReference - 611dd6f0-af09-48b3-8d3e-a6d628a5c46a + + Submodel + 611dd6f0-af09-48b3-8d3e-a6d628a5c46a + - - + + @@ -115,14 +135,18 @@ - 1f89e5bb-2d2f-4d8b-96c2-4e1770500871 - - + 1f89e5bb-2d2f-4d8b-96c2-4e1770500871 + + + ExternalReference - 4942c35a-59e9-442d-b725-93b2ecad225a + + Submodel + 4942c35a-59e9-442d-b725-93b2ecad225a + - - + + @@ -133,14 +157,18 @@ - 8055f806-d250-4dff-932d-eaa52ac7d6cf - - + 8055f806-d250-4dff-932d-eaa52ac7d6cf + + + ExternalReference - a0ac92f9-58a5-4794-95e8-bb1ce2a16c95 + + Submodel + a0ac92f9-58a5-4794-95e8-bb1ce2a16c95 + - - + + @@ -151,14 +179,18 @@ - 20b140ad-96da-4d38-a392-cfd2cee42e0a - - + 20b140ad-96da-4d38-a392-cfd2cee42e0a + + + ExternalReference - 6cc7b6e4-f4f9-47c9-9973-206b76d87899 + + Submodel + 6cc7b6e4-f4f9-47c9-9973-206b76d87899 + - - + + @@ -169,14 +201,18 @@ - 09090bb3-dce3-4e72-957e-031e4d1f023d - - + 09090bb3-dce3-4e72-957e-031e4d1f023d + + + ExternalReference - 416ee7bb-038a-476c-83f0-a323877f926c + + Submodel + 416ee7bb-038a-476c-83f0-a323877f926c + - - + + @@ -187,14 +223,18 @@ - 8c21db9d-6105-4705-8f72-ebdbdf956511 - - + 8c21db9d-6105-4705-8f72-ebdbdf956511 + + + ExternalReference - 197f41a4-e7df-4812-b6ac-fb9ae085ca47 + + Submodel + 197f41a4-e7df-4812-b6ac-fb9ae085ca47 + - - + + @@ -205,14 +245,18 @@ - 4c62a623-c823-475b-acdf-3c2aa1ffac8a - - + 4c62a623-c823-475b-acdf-3c2aa1ffac8a + + + ExternalReference - 2cf6206b-7ba8-4c5d-877e-0a4c2c036999 + + Submodel + 2cf6206b-7ba8-4c5d-877e-0a4c2c036999 + - - + + @@ -223,14 +267,18 @@ - 9ed66d7d-26d9-49b8-bc09-895efe690fc2 - - + 9ed66d7d-26d9-49b8-bc09-895efe690fc2 + + + ExternalReference - e05ce16b-a8fc-4a5b-893d-5336954386dc + + Submodel + e05ce16b-a8fc-4a5b-893d-5336954386dc + - - + + @@ -241,14 +289,18 @@ - 8b7fceac-5112-4161-91f6-4fe2b96d6c6b - - + 8b7fceac-5112-4161-91f6-4fe2b96d6c6b + + + ExternalReference - 918b41d3-874e-42de-8e80-9fb70741b772 + + Submodel + 918b41d3-874e-42de-8e80-9fb70741b772 + - - + + @@ -259,14 +311,18 @@ - dc3e9a1c-e18b-4e7a-a9b5-66587b16cb38 - - + dc3e9a1c-e18b-4e7a-a9b5-66587b16cb38 + + + ExternalReference - deeaa336-bfb0-40b0-8de8-9a5beb42a0e1 + + Submodel + deeaa336-bfb0-40b0-8de8-9a5beb42a0e1 + - - + + @@ -277,14 +333,18 @@ - 144f148e-0e1e-4430-8cfb-280d59a0cda1 - - + 144f148e-0e1e-4430-8cfb-280d59a0cda1 + + + ExternalReference - edf82e94-2987-4d39-96e5-5c9ffe4b7576 + + Submodel + edf82e94-2987-4d39-96e5-5c9ffe4b7576 + - - + + @@ -295,14 +355,18 @@ - 16844e13-25f0-48eb-8725-c34ad318d1f1 - - + 16844e13-25f0-48eb-8725-c34ad318d1f1 + + + ExternalReference - 7067c5ef-69a3-48be-aeee-7431fec3cc70 + + Submodel + 7067c5ef-69a3-48be-aeee-7431fec3cc70 + - - + + @@ -313,14 +377,18 @@ - 8d4dd9c7-10a2-450e-aa8d-e7045a96aba1 - - + 8d4dd9c7-10a2-450e-aa8d-e7045a96aba1 + + + ExternalReference - 20048ab4-3030-4c33-a056-48f729676604 + + Submodel + 20048ab4-3030-4c33-a056-48f729676604 + - - + + @@ -331,14 +399,18 @@ - 6999427b-ef88-48eb-9979-00bed8f8a189 - - + 6999427b-ef88-48eb-9979-00bed8f8a189 + + + ExternalReference - 76d7544b-d3b7-4c7a-bc98-db081bb70b14 + + Submodel + 76d7544b-d3b7-4c7a-bc98-db081bb70b14 + - - + + @@ -352,13 +424,26 @@ PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - Part Site Information as Planned + + en + Part Site Information as Planned + APPLICATION_CLASS - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + @@ -369,13 +454,21 @@ PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. + The aspect provides site related information for a given as + planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within + Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal + entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related + sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is + planned. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -383,9 +476,13 @@ CatenaXIdTrait - Catena-X ID Trait + + en + Catena-X ID Trait + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + @@ -397,13 +494,16 @@ String - Trait to ensure data format for Catena-X ID + Trait to ensure data format for Catena-X ID + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -411,9 +511,14 @@ BpnCharacteristic - BPN Characteristic + + en + BPN Characteristic + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + @@ -428,13 +533,16 @@ A string of 16 characters: Prefix: 3 digits Classification: 1 digit - Identifier: 10 digits + Identifier: 10 digits + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -442,9 +550,13 @@ FunctionCharacteristic - Function Characteristic + + en + Function Characteristic + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + @@ -459,17 +571,24 @@ - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#FunctionCharacteristic:DefaultScalarValue[value=production, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#FunctionCharacteristic:DefaultScalarValue[value=production, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='xs:string']'] + - DefaultScalarValue[value=production, typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string']'] + DefaultScalarValue[value=production, + typeUri='DefaultScalar[metaModelVersion=BAMM_2_0_0, urn='xs:string']'] + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -477,9 +596,14 @@ Timestamp - Timestamp + + en + Timestamp + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + @@ -491,13 +615,17 @@ String - Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an optional timezone. + Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an + optional timezone. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -505,9 +633,14 @@ Timestamp - Timestamp + + en + Timestamp + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + @@ -519,20 +652,25 @@ String - Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an optional timezone. + Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an + optional timezone. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + SitesCharacteristic - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#sites + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#sites + @@ -550,7 +688,9 @@ - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -560,20539 +700,34831 @@ PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + - 533a2c60-2487-4766-842d-9a336596a12d + 533a2c60-2487-4766-842d-9a336596a12d Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-02-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2029-03-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-02-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-01-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-04-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2029-03-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-04-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-01-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-02-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2029-03-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-02-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-01-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-04-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2029-03-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-04-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-01-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - f32fc236-6fac-46d1-8966-48285acc2189 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:0255ac81-6e0f-4dce-bbac-82d7bae91202 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS0000000002XY - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-09-19 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-12-28 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - f95c4a05-e786-4d5b-9701-c1095af4b584 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:65e1554e-e5cd-4560-bac1-1352582122fb - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS000001111DMY - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-03-22 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-12-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - 8c935d20-6792-44b0-8ec6-2e32fd4e6f01 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false + + ConceptDescription - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-12-24 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2028-11-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-12-24 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-06-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-08-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2028-11-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-08-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-06-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-12-24 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2028-11-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-12-24 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-06-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-08-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2028-11-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-08-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-06-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - 611dd6f0-af09-48b3-8d3e-a6d628a5c46a - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-07-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-10-14 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-07-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2031-11-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2013-09-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-10-14 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2013-09-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2031-11-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-07-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-10-14 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-07-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2031-11-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2013-09-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-10-14 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2013-09-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2031-11-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-02-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2029-03-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-02-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-01-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-04-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2029-03-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-04-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-01-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-02-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2029-03-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-02-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-01-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-04-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2029-03-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-04-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-01-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + - 4942c35a-59e9-442d-b725-93b2ecad225a + f32fc236-6fac-46d1-8966-48285acc2189 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:3cdd2826-5df0-4c7b-b540-9eeccecb2301 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false + + ConceptDescription - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - a0ac92f9-58a5-4794-95e8-bb1ce2a16c95 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS0000000006V6 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2021-01-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2028-08-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:0255ac81-6e0f-4dce-bbac-82d7bae91202 + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS0000000002XY + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-09-19 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-12-28 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + - 6cc7b6e4-f4f9-47c9-9973-206b76d87899 + f95c4a05-e786-4d5b-9701-c1095af4b584 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false + + ConceptDescription - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-07-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-10-14 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-07-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2031-11-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2013-09-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-10-14 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2013-09-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2031-11-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-07-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-10-14 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-07-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2031-11-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2013-09-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-10-14 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2013-09-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2031-11-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - 416ee7bb-038a-476c-83f0-a323877f926c - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:5031bc82-b24a-4e49-9b88-dc27e93bebdc - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS000000000DQB - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-11-22 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-08-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:65e1554e-e5cd-4560-bac1-1352582122fb + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS000001111DMY + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-03-22 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-12-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + - 197f41a4-e7df-4812-b6ac-fb9ae085ca47 + 8c935d20-6792-44b0-8ec6-2e32fd4e6f01 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false + + ConceptDescription - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS000004711DMY - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-08-21 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-02-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - 2cf6206b-7ba8-4c5d-877e-0a4c2c036999 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4518c080-14fb-4252-b8de-4362d615868d - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - e05ce16b-a8fc-4a5b-893d-5336954386dc - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:86f69643-3b90-4e34-90bf-789edcf40e7e - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - 918b41d3-874e-42de-8e80-9fb70741b772 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-12-24 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2028-11-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-12-24 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-06-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-08-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2028-11-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-08-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-06-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-12-24 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2028-11-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-12-24 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-06-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-08-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2028-11-10 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-08-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-06-08 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - deeaa336-bfb0-40b0-8de8-9a5beb42a0e1 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4f7b1cf2-a598-4027-bc78-63f6d8e55699 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-08-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-11-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-05-06 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2016-07-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2027-12-16 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - edf82e94-2987-4d39-96e5-5c9ffe4b7576 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-02-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2029-03-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-02-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-01-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-04-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2029-03-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-04-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-01-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-02-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2029-03-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-02-05 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-01-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-04-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2029-03-01 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2015-04-29 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-01-07 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - 7067c5ef-69a3-48be-aeee-7431fec3cc70 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-12-24 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2028-11-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-12-24 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-06-08 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-08-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2028-11-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-08-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-06-08 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-12-24 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2028-11-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-12-24 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-06-08 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-08-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2028-11-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-08-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-06-08 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + - 20048ab4-3030-4c33-a056-48f729676604 + 611dd6f0-af09-48b3-8d3e-a6d628a5c46a Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:68904173-ad59-4a77-8412-3e73fcafbd8b - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false + + ConceptDescription - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS000000815DMY - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2018-12-09 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2025-03-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - - - - - PartSiteInformationAsPlanned - - The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of this part (type) is planned. - - 76d7544b-d3b7-4c7a-bc98-db081bb70b14 - Instance - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:15d2fcc8-6439-4d1e-904b-e62b4d3bf323 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - sites - - Sites - - - A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple addresses are possible. - - false - false - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2014-12-27 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2020-03-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2032-06-15 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2026-03-11 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - SiteEntity - - Site Entity - - - Site Entity - - false - false - - - - catenaXsiteId - - Catena-X site identifier - - - The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of the different business relationships / structures between or within the Business Partners or company locations. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId - - - bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - function - - Function - - - The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. the activity within the value chain of the part that is performed at the site) - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function - - - production - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - functionValidFrom - - Function valid from - - - Timestamp, from when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom - - - 2019-04-23 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - functionValidUntil - - functionValidUntil - - - Timestamp, until when the site has the specified function for the given part - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil - - - 2024-04-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - - - - + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-07-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-10-14 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-07-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2031-11-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2013-09-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-10-14 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2013-09-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2031-11-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-07-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-10-14 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-07-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2031-11-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2013-09-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-10-14 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2013-09-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2031-11-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + 4942c35a-59e9-442d-b725-93b2ecad225a + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:3cdd2826-5df0-4c7b-b540-9eeccecb2301 + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + a0ac92f9-58a5-4794-95e8-bb1ce2a16c95 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS0000000006V6 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2021-01-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2028-08-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + 6cc7b6e4-f4f9-47c9-9973-206b76d87899 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-07-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-10-14 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-07-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2031-11-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2013-09-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-10-14 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2013-09-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2031-11-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-07-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-10-14 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-07-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2031-11-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2013-09-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-10-14 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B2OM + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2013-09-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2031-11-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + 416ee7bb-038a-476c-83f0-a323877f926c + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:5031bc82-b24a-4e49-9b88-dc27e93bebdc + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS000000000DQB + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-11-22 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-08-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + 197f41a4-e7df-4812-b6ac-fb9ae085ca47 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS000004711DMY + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-08-21 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-02-08 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + 2cf6206b-7ba8-4c5d-877e-0a4c2c036999 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4518c080-14fb-4252-b8de-4362d615868d + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + e05ce16b-a8fc-4a5b-893d-5336954386dc + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:86f69643-3b90-4e34-90bf-789edcf40e7e + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + 918b41d3-874e-42de-8e80-9fb70741b772 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-12-24 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2028-11-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-12-24 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-06-08 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-08-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2028-11-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-08-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-06-08 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-12-24 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2028-11-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-12-24 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-06-08 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-08-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2028-11-10 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B5MJ + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-08-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-06-08 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + deeaa336-bfb0-40b0-8de8-9a5beb42a0e1 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4f7b1cf2-a598-4027-bc78-63f6d8e55699 + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-08-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-11-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-05-06 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B0Q0 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2016-07-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2027-12-16 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + edf82e94-2987-4d39-96e5-5c9ffe4b7576 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-02-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2029-03-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-02-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-01-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-04-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2029-03-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-04-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-01-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-02-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2029-03-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-02-05 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-01-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-04-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2029-03-01 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003B3NX + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2015-04-29 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-01-07 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + 7067c5ef-69a3-48be-aeee-7431fec3cc70 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + 20048ab4-3030-4c33-a056-48f729676604 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:68904173-ad59-4a77-8412-3e73fcafbd8b + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS000000815DMY + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2018-12-09 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2025-03-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + + + + + PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + en + The aspect provides site related information for a given as planned item (i.e. a part type + or part instance that is uniquely identifiable within Catena-X via its Catena-X ID). A site is a + delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business. In the "as planned" lifecycle + context all potentially related sites are listed including all sites where e.g. production of + this part (type) is planned. + + + + 76d7544b-d3b7-4c7a-bc98-db081bb70b14 + Instance + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#PartSiteInformationAsPlanned + + + + + + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given item (i.e. a part type or part instance), valid + for the Catena-X dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:15d2fcc8-6439-4d1e-904b-e62b4d3bf323 + xs:string + + + + + sites + + + en + Sites + + + + + en + A site is a delimited geographical area where a legal entity does business + (geographical address with geo coordinates).A site always has a primary physical + address. It is possible that further physical addresses are specified for the site. + P.O. box details are only possible in addition to the physical address. A site has a + 1:n relation to addresses, means at least 1 address is necessary and multiple + addresses are possible. + + + + false + false + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2014-12-27 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2020-03-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2032-06-15 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2026-03-11 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + SiteEntity + + + en + Site Entity + + + + + en + Site Entity + + + false + false + + + + catenaXsiteId + + + en + Catena-X site identifier + + + + + en + The identifier of the site according to Catena-X BPDM. + The catenaXsiteId must be a valid Catena-X BPN. The BPN is a + unique, unchangeable identifier for Business Partners / + company locations from foundation to closure, regardless of + the different business relationships / structures between or + within the Business Partners or company locations. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#catenaXsiteId + + + + + bpn:site:BPNS00000003AXS3 + xs:string + + + + + function + + + en + Function + + + + + en + The function of the site in relation to the part (i.e. + the activity within the value chain of the part that is + performed at the site) + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#function + + + + + production + xs:string + + + + + functionValidFrom + + + en + Function valid from + + + + + en + Timestamp, from when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidFrom + + + + + 2019-04-23 + xs:dateTime + + + + + functionValidUntil + + + en + functionValidUntil + + + + + en + Timestamp, until when the site has the specified + function for the given part + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.part_site_information_as_planned:1.0.0#functionValidUntil + + + + + 2024-04-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + + + + diff --git a/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/singleLevelBomAsPlanned.xml b/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/singleLevelBomAsPlanned.xml index 1f1e334..aab0d25 100644 --- a/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/singleLevelBomAsPlanned.xml +++ b/sparql-aas/src/test/resources/exampleAasEnvs/singleLevelBomAsPlanned.xml @@ -25,14 +25,18 @@ - 5da4059f-f9df-429c-8bd7-64cacc4467ff - - + 5da4059f-f9df-429c-8bd7-64cacc4467ff + + + ExternalReference - 8e6fdc3f-4412-4c33-b918-cfc068a9635d + + Submodel + 8e6fdc3f-4412-4c33-b918-cfc068a9635d + - - + + @@ -43,14 +47,18 @@ - a1c2e482-e120-479b-bfaf-256ae25e722c - - + a1c2e482-e120-479b-bfaf-256ae25e722c + + + ExternalReference - 289a3b3c-0b4f-4c0c-8061-de875989aea5 + + Submodel + 289a3b3c-0b4f-4c0c-8061-de875989aea5 + - - + + @@ -61,14 +69,18 @@ - 70b28ef6-8bc7-49ab-b416-b4fc932b7c59 - - + 70b28ef6-8bc7-49ab-b416-b4fc932b7c59 + + + ExternalReference - 7cf05b3a-d38e-4827-b78c-ece35940f97e + + Submodel + 7cf05b3a-d38e-4827-b78c-ece35940f97e + - - + + @@ -79,14 +91,18 @@ - 27d644e8-7754-4cfc-a35e-e91896f78b8e - - + 27d644e8-7754-4cfc-a35e-e91896f78b8e + + + ExternalReference - ebb87641-bc02-40ec-821d-10fc7bbeea67 + + Submodel + ebb87641-bc02-40ec-821d-10fc7bbeea67 + - - + + @@ -97,14 +113,18 @@ - 95148107-e86a-4ef7-a769-e22c2881b534 - - + 95148107-e86a-4ef7-a769-e22c2881b534 + + + ExternalReference - 4115dd40-7754-4933-ba00-bfc2e754fee3 + + Submodel + 4115dd40-7754-4933-ba00-bfc2e754fee3 + - - + + @@ -115,14 +135,18 @@ - 0034b14c-30ef-479a-b63f-13562013216b - - + 0034b14c-30ef-479a-b63f-13562013216b + + + ExternalReference - e567fbb0-8f75-446f-b7b6-87fe311e07f8 + + Submodel + e567fbb0-8f75-446f-b7b6-87fe311e07f8 + - - + + @@ -133,14 +157,18 @@ - 242f68b3-4fa2-45e4-ab7d-c4cd1d56de53 - - + 242f68b3-4fa2-45e4-ab7d-c4cd1d56de53 + + + ExternalReference - 2eebc58a-eb0d-41d7-8c7f-959cd6878c05 + + Submodel + 2eebc58a-eb0d-41d7-8c7f-959cd6878c05 + - - + + @@ -151,14 +179,18 @@ - 81ed455c-5aba-46ae-91c3-bbaca5a87831 - - + 81ed455c-5aba-46ae-91c3-bbaca5a87831 + + + ExternalReference - dd09da81-09fb-498e-bf4e-b79f893ae200 + + Submodel + dd09da81-09fb-498e-bf4e-b79f893ae200 + - - + + @@ -169,14 +201,18 @@ - e8d229e6-ea33-4d7f-8e3b-74bcfcdcbbcd - - + e8d229e6-ea33-4d7f-8e3b-74bcfcdcbbcd + + + ExternalReference - 93828118-65a9-4e95-b3cd-f20ba1af22ad + + Submodel + 93828118-65a9-4e95-b3cd-f20ba1af22ad + - - + + @@ -187,14 +223,18 @@ - 822790f4-b6b1-4e6f-b7eb-9531ea87e7fb - - + 822790f4-b6b1-4e6f-b7eb-9531ea87e7fb + + + ExternalReference - 69acbbd5-b6d7-4ebc-8cc6-8bb159fb6af2 + + Submodel + 69acbbd5-b6d7-4ebc-8cc6-8bb159fb6af2 + - - + + @@ -205,14 +245,18 @@ - e80d810a-c5eb-4a4e-a71b-ddb65f2d9c74 - - + e80d810a-c5eb-4a4e-a71b-ddb65f2d9c74 + + + ExternalReference - 10fdd6f5-875d-4e3d-a959-5b2de101612a + + Submodel + 10fdd6f5-875d-4e3d-a959-5b2de101612a + - - + + @@ -223,14 +267,18 @@ - c2706d4a-71d1-48b6-ad61-e92b80f0b7a4 - - + c2706d4a-71d1-48b6-ad61-e92b80f0b7a4 + + + ExternalReference - 995afb6f-e637-4afa-82f5-104f073cfb82 + + Submodel + 995afb6f-e637-4afa-82f5-104f073cfb82 + - - + + @@ -244,37 +292,56 @@ SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - Single level bill of material as planned + + en + Single level bill of material as planned + APPLICATION_CLASS - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + - Single level bill of material as planned + Single level bill of material as planned + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of + an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle + state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same + component. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + CatenaXIdTraitCharacteristic - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + @@ -292,7 +359,9 @@ - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -300,9 +369,13 @@ Timestamp - Timestamp + + en + Timestamp + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + @@ -314,20 +387,25 @@ String - Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an optional timezone. + Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an + optional timezone. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + NumberofObjects - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + @@ -339,13 +417,17 @@ RealMeasure - Quantifiable number of objects in reference to the measurementUnit + Quantifiable number of objects in reference to the + measurementUnit + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -353,9 +435,13 @@ UnitReference - Unit Reference + + en + Unit Reference + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + @@ -364,20 +450,25 @@ String - Describes a Property containing a reference to one of the units in the Unit Catalog. + Describes a Property containing a reference to one of the + units in the Unit Catalog. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + QuantityCharacteristic - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantity + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantity + @@ -389,13 +480,18 @@ String - Describes the quantity in which the child part is assembled in the given parent object by providing a quantity value and the measurement unit in which the quantity is measured. + Describes the quantity in which the child part is assembled + in the given parent object by providing a quantity value and the measurement unit in + which the quantity is measured. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -403,9 +499,13 @@ Timestamp - Timestamp + + en + Timestamp + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + @@ -417,20 +517,25 @@ String - Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an optional timezone. + Describes a Property which contains the date and time with an + optional timezone. + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + CatenaXIdTraitCharacteristic - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + @@ -448,7 +553,9 @@ - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -456,9 +563,13 @@ SetOfChildPartsCharacteristic - Set of Child Parts + + en + Set of Child Parts + - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childParts + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childParts + @@ -470,13 +581,17 @@ String - Set of child parts the parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). + Set of child parts the parent object is assembled by (one + structural level down). + - http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + + http://admin-shell.io/DataSpecificationTemplates/DataSpecificationIEC61360/2/0 + @@ -486,2969 +601,4793 @@ SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - 8e6fdc3f-4412-4c33-b918-cfc068a9635d + 8e6fdc3f-4412-4c33-b918-cfc068a9635d Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:86f69643-3b90-4e34-90bf-789edcf40e7e - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:86f69643-3b90-4e34-90bf-789edcf40e7e + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - 289a3b3c-0b4f-4c0c-8061-de875989aea5 + 289a3b3c-0b4f-4c0c-8061-de875989aea5 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:0255ac81-6e0f-4dce-bbac-82d7bae91202 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:0255ac81-6e0f-4dce-bbac-82d7bae91202 + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-07-13 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-07-13 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 4.199999809265137 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Akilogram - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-04-30 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:5031bc82-b24a-4e49-9b88-dc27e93bebdc - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 4.199999809265137 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Akilogram + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-04-30 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:5031bc82-b24a-4e49-9b88-dc27e93bebdc + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - 7cf05b3a-d38e-4827-b78c-ece35940f97e + 7cf05b3a-d38e-4827-b78c-ece35940f97e Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - ChildData + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc + xs:string + + + + + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4518c080-14fb-4252-b8de-4362d615868d - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4518c080-14fb-4252-b8de-4362d615868d + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - ebb87641-bc02-40ec-821d-10fc7bbeea67 + ebb87641-bc02-40ec-821d-10fc7bbeea67 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:65e1554e-e5cd-4560-bac1-1352582122fb - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:65e1554e-e5cd-4560-bac1-1352582122fb + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - ChildData + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 + xs:string + + + + + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-03-12 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-03-12 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 4.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-19 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 4.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-19 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - 4115dd40-7754-4933-ba00-bfc2e754fee3 + 4115dd40-7754-4933-ba00-bfc2e754fee3 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - ChildData + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId - Child Data + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c + xs:string + + + + + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn + + + en + Created On + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - ChildData + + + + lastModifiedOn - Child Data + + en + Last Modification Date + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 + xs:string + + + + + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn + + + en + Created On + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - e567fbb0-8f75-446f-b7b6-87fe311e07f8 + e567fbb0-8f75-446f-b7b6-87fe311e07f8 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - ChildData + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:bee5614f-9e46-4c98-9209-61a6f2b2a7fc + xs:string + + + + + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 0.33009999990463257 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Akilogram - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:3cdd2826-5df0-4c7b-b540-9eeccecb2301 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 0.33009999990463257 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Akilogram + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:3cdd2826-5df0-4c7b-b540-9eeccecb2301 + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - 2eebc58a-eb0d-41d7-8c7f-959cd6878c05 + 2eebc58a-eb0d-41d7-8c7f-959cd6878c05 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:e3e2a4d8-58bc-4ae9-afa2-e8946fda1f77 + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:3cdd2826-5df0-4c7b-b540-9eeccecb2301 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:3cdd2826-5df0-4c7b-b540-9eeccecb2301 + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - dd09da81-09fb-498e-bf4e-b79f893ae200 + dd09da81-09fb-498e-bf4e-b79f893ae200 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 6.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 6.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - 93828118-65a9-4e95-b3cd-f20ba1af22ad + 93828118-65a9-4e95-b3cd-f20ba1af22ad Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:e5c96ab5-896a-482c-8761-efd74777ca97 + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 10.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 10.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - ChildData + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 + xs:string + + + + + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 0.10999999940395355 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Akilogram - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:15d2fcc8-6439-4d1e-904b-e62b4d3bf323 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 0.10999999940395355 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Akilogram + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:15d2fcc8-6439-4d1e-904b-e62b4d3bf323 + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - 69acbbd5-b6d7-4ebc-8cc6-8bb159fb6af2 + 69acbbd5-b6d7-4ebc-8cc6-8bb159fb6af2 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:c7a2b803-f8fe-4b79-b6fc-967ce847c9a9 + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4f7b1cf2-a598-4027-bc78-63f6d8e55699 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4f7b1cf2-a598-4027-bc78-63f6d8e55699 + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - 10fdd6f5-875d-4e3d-a959-5b2de101612a + 10fdd6f5-875d-4e3d-a959-5b2de101612a Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:68904173-ad59-4a77-8412-3e73fcafbd8b - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:68904173-ad59-4a77-8412-3e73fcafbd8b + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - ChildData + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId - Child Data + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:2c57b0e9-a653-411d-bdcd-64787e9fd3a7 + xs:string + + + + + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn + + + en + Created On + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 1.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-02-03 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 1.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - ChildData + + + + lastModifiedOn - Child Data + + en + Last Modification Date + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-02-03 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:07cb071f-8716-45fe-89f1-f2f77a1ce93b + xs:string + + + + + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn + + + en + Created On + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-04-25 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-04-25 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 4.0 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Apiece - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-03-20 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 4.0 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Apiece + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-03-20 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f + xs:string + + + + + + + + SingleLevelBomAsPlanned - The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + en + The single-level Bill of Material represents one sub-level of an assembly and does not + include any lower-level subassemblies. In As-Planned lifecycle state all variants are covered + ("120% BOM"). It includes multiple suppliers for the same component. + + - 995afb6f-e637-4afa-82f5-104f073cfb82 + 995afb6f-e637-4afa-82f5-104f073cfb82 Instance - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#SingleLevelBomAsPlanned + + - - - catenaXId - - Catena-X Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X dataspace. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId - - - urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - - - - childParts - - Child Parts - - - Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object is assembled by (one structural level down). - - false - false - - - - ChildData + + + catenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the given part (e.g. the component), valid for the Catena-X + dataspace. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#catenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:4ee895b2-0778-43f4-87cf-c433d805e87f + xs:string + + + + + childParts + + + en + Child Parts + + + + + en + Set of child parts in As-Planned lifecycle phase, of which the given parent object + is assembled by (one structural level down). + + + + false + false + + + + ChildData + + + en + Child Data + + + + + en + Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + + false + false + + + + createdOn - Child Data + + en + Created On + - Catena-X ID and meta data of the child part. + + en + Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child + part was created + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn + + + + + 2022-02-04 + xs:dateTime + + + + + Quantity + + + en + Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for + the respective child objects + + false false - - - createdOn - - Created On - - - Timestamp when the relation between the parent part and the child part was created - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#createdOn - - - 2022-02-04 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - Quantity - - Comprises the number of objects and the unit of measurement for the respective child objects - - false - false - - - - quantityNumber - - Quantity Number - - - The number of objects related to the measurement unit - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber - - - 3.200000047683716 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#double - - - - - measurementUnit - - Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized objects - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit - - - urn:unit%3Akilogram - urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:2.0.0#curie - - - - - - - - lastModifiedOn - - Last Modification Date - - - Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part was last modified. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn - - - 2022-01-22 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime - - - - - childCatenaXId - - Catena-X Child Identifier - - - The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the given parent part. - - Template - - - urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId - - - urn:uuid:0255ac81-6e0f-4dce-bbac-82d7bae91202 - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string - - + + + quantityNumber + + + en + Quantity Number + + + + + en + The number of objects related to the measurement unit + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#quantityNumber + + + + + 3.200000047683716 + xs:double + + + + + measurementUnit + + + en + Unit of Measurement for the quantity of serialized + objects + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#measurementUnit + + + + + urn:unit%3Akilogram + xs:string + + - - - - + + + + lastModifiedOn + + + en + Last Modification Date + + + + + en + Timestamp when the relationship between parent part and child part + was last modified. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#lastModifiedOn + + + + + 2022-01-22 + xs:dateTime + + + + + childCatenaXId + + + en + Catena-X Child Identifier + + + + + en + The Catena-X ID of the child object which is assembled into the + given parent part. + + + + Template + + + + ConceptDescription + + urn:bamm:io.catenax.single_level_bom_as_planned:1.0.1#childCatenaXId + + + + + urn:uuid:0255ac81-6e0f-4dce-bbac-82d7bae91202 + xs:string + + + + + + + + diff --git a/upgrade_version.sh b/upgrade_version.sh new file mode 100755 index 0000000..2adc3df --- /dev/null +++ b/upgrade_version.sh @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +#!/bin/sh + +# Copyright (c) 2022,2024 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation +# See the NOTICE file(s) distributed with this work for additional +# information regarding copyright ownership. +# +# This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the +# terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0 which is available at +# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0. +# +# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software +# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT +# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the +# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations +# under the License. +# +# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 + +OLD_VERSION=1.13.7-SNAPSHOT +echo Upgrading from $OLD_VERSION to $1 +PATTERN=s/$OLD_VERSION/$1/g +LC_ALL=C +find ./ -type f \( -iname "*.xml" -o -iname "*.sh" -o -iname "*.yml" -o -iname "*.yaml" -o -iname "*.md" -o -iname "*.java" -o -iname "*.properties" \) -exec sed -i.bak $PATTERN {} \; \ No newline at end of file