Add this to your build.zig
const bitflags = b.dependency("bitflags", .{});
exe.root_module.addImport("bitflags", bitflags.module("root"));
and this to your source code:
const bitflags = @import("bitflags");
const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const bitflags = @import("bitflags");
// The `Bitflags` function generates a struct that has all flags and needed padding.
const Flags = bitflags.Bitflags(enum(u8) {
// The value `a`, at bit position `0`.
a = 0b00000001,
// The value `b`, at bit position `1`.
b = 0b00000010,
// The value `c`, at bit position `4`.
c = 0b00010000,
pub fn main() !void {
const flags: Flags = @bitCast(@as(u8, 0b10001));
// Check which flags are used.
assert(flags.a and !flags.b and flags.c);
// You can also check flags like this, but you need to make sure that there are
// no unspecified bits present in the number or the result won't be correct.
assert(std.meta.eql(flags, .{ .a = true, .c = true }));
// If you don't think the input will contain only expected bit flags,
// you can use `bitflags.zeroUnused` to set all padding fields to 0.
assert(std.meta.eql(bitflags.zeroUnused(flags), .{ .a = true, .c = true }));
Currently supported Zig version is the latest master.