Repo supporting Gould et al. "Climate and health benefits of a transition from gas to electric cooking" (2023).
The materials in this repository enable replication of the main results, including figures, with the exception of results derived from customer-level electricity billing records which are subject to a private use data sharing agreement.
If you find meaningful errors or have questions or suggestions, please contact Carlos Gould at
Scripts are data are primarily contained in this respository.
- data: inputs for analysis
- scripts: R code for analysis
- Parish_PEC_Analysis.R: reads in combined data on parish-month PEC enrollment, electricity consumption and LPG consumption and conducts all related analyses for the paper, including the generation of Figures 1 and 3.
- Hospitalizations_Analsyis.R: reads in combined canton-month hospitalizations data, conducts all analyses and generates figures related to hospitalizations. Generates Figure 4
- ecaudor_electricity_combined.rds: parish-month combined dataset on PEC enrollment and electricity consumption and relevant covariates for analysis. (zipped: 11.6 MB, unzipped: 36.8 MB)
- ecuador_lpg_consumption.csv: nation-month dataset on LPG sales/consumption
- ecuador_hospitalizations_combined.rds: canton-month combined dataset on cause-coded hospitalizations and relevant covariates for analysis (zipped: 8.1 MB, unzipped: 33.5 MB)
- icd_walk.csv: crosswork for linking icd codes (and their variable names) to descriptive phrases
Processed datasets available in this repository are derived from public use sources.
- The large majority come from the Ecuadorian National Statistical Agency website:
- Electricity sector data come from:
- More specifically:
- Yearly hospitalizations from
R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31) Platform: aarch64-apple-darwin20 (64-bit) Running under: macOS Ventura 13.4.1