- Verification of Teacher posting Quiz
- Showing all quizzes created by teacher
- Get name of quiz when quiz id passed
- ------------THE END OF TEACHERS PART 1------
- Show Students all available quizes post verification is student
- Show all questions of quiz '' ''
- Store answer for all question of quiz '' ''
- -----------THE END OF STUDENTS PART 1-----
- Showing all quizzes created by teacher
- Showing all students who attempted quiz query through quiz id/name
- Showing all answers by student selected
- Store Total marks for each quiz of the student in the quiz
- ----------THE END OF TEACHER PART 2-------
- Show Students all marks he got in quiz according to quiz
- ----------THE END OF STUDENT PART 2-------
- Make sure quiz can be given once only
- Make Sure only non-attempted quizes are shown
- Security Features
Backend of Authentication and Management of Quizfeed Hoisted at https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/
- Access Route Using POST Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/user/signup
- Expecting Name, Email, Password, Access as name(string), email(string), password(string), access(string) in JSON Format in Body
- If Successfully Registered, returns JSON containing Message, Name,Email,Access, and Request Possible
In JSON format
- Access Route Using POST Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/user/login
- Expecting Email, Password as email(string), password(string) in JSON format in Body
- If Successfully Logged In, returns JSON containing message, access, and Token
- Access Route Using POST Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/quiz/createquiz
- Header must have Authorization Token with access of teacher
- Expecting Quizname, Questions as quizname(string), questions(array of question (string)) in JSON format in Body
- If Successfully quiz created, returns JSON containing message, quiz id, and url to access quiz data
- Access Route Using GET Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/quiz/showAllQuizes
- Header must have Authorization Token with access of student
- If Successfully returns JSON containing key value pairs of quiz_name as key and quiz_id as value
- Access Route Using GET Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/quiz/showAllCreatedQuizes
- Header must have Authorization Token with access of teacher
- If Successfully returns JSON containing key value pairs of quiz_name as key and quiz_id as value created by teeacher
- Access Route Using GET Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/quiz/getQuizName/:quizId
- Expecting QuizId as shown in step 1 as parameter
- Header must have Authorization Token
- If Successfully returns JSON containing quizname
- Access Route Using GET Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/quiz/getQuizDetails/:quizId (replace quizid with the Quiz Id got while creating Quiz)
- Header must have Authorization Token
- Expecting QuizId as shown in step 1 as parameter
- If Quiz Exists, returns JSON containing quizname, quiz_id and questions JSON containing key value pairs of question_id as key and question as value
- Access Route Using POST Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/answer
- Header must have Authorization Token with access student
- Expecting quiz_id, question_ids of the quiz, answers as quiz_id(int), question_ids(array of question_id(int)), answers(array of answer(string)) in JSON format in Body
- NOTE: The question_ids array and the answers array must be in order
- If Successfully answer enter, returns JSON containing message
- Access Route Using POST Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/answer/getAnswer
- Header must have Authorization Token with access teacher
- Expecting quiz_id, p_id of the quiz, person(student) as quiz_id(int), p_id(int) in JSON format in Body
- If Successful, returns JSON containing an array of all the answers of the questions of the quiz in order
- Access Route Using POST Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/quiz/showAllAttempted
- Header must have Authorization Token with access teacher
- Expecting quiz_id as quiz_id(int) in JSON format in Body
- If Successfull returns persons_attempt Json containing Person ID as Key and Person Name as Value
- Access Route Using POST Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/marks/enter
- Header must have Authorization Token with access teacher
- Expecting quiz_id,p_id of student, mark as quiz_id(int), p_id(int), mark(int) in JSON format in Body
- If Succesful returns Json containing message
- Access Route Using GET Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/marks/getStudentMarks
- Header must have Authorization Token with access student
- If Successfull returns all_marks Json containing quiz_id as Key and mark as Value of that student
- Access Route Using POST Method https://quizfeedapi.herokuapp.com/marks/getStudentMarksByPID
- Header must have Authorization Token with access teacher
- Expecting p_id as p_id(int) in JSON format in Body
- If Successfull returns all_marks Json containing quiz_id as Key and mark as Value