Concept app to fetch and list popular movies from The Movie DB api (
This application was created to exercise a few concepts regarding Android Development.
If you just want to give it a try download the test apk here.
- List Top Rated and Most Popular Movies from The Movie DB Api.
- Display the Movie Details for a selected Movie.
- Allow the user to add movies to favorites.
- Allow user to watch trailers.
- Allow user to share trailers.
- Allow user to read reviews.
- List user's favorites.
- List favorite movie details.
- Offline support for favorite movies.
- Landscape layout for movie details.
- RxJava2
- ReactiveNetwork
- Retrofit2
- Picasso
- Gson
- AutoValues
- Butterknife
- Dagger2
- Android Support Libs:
- RecyclerView
- CardView
- Design Support Library
- ConstraintLayout
- Vector Drawables
- Improve error messages displayed to the user.
- Unit and Instrumented Tests.
- Animations
To start developing you should get and api key at
With the key in hands create app/ file. It is a key/value pairs based file and you must add keys for Debug and Release versions using the following entries:
You can use the same key for both entries.
The entries will be available in the BuildConfig generated class.