Job Dispatcher viewers is a TypeScript module that uses Fabric.js (based on a HTML canvas) to implement interactive visualisations, Visual Output and Functional Predictions. The app is provided as an ES module, can be used as plugin and also as Web Components. A Node.js CLI application is also provided to generate static figures in SVG and PNG formats.
Visual Output is a diagram visualisation for the hit sequences of sequence similarity tools (e.g. NCBI BLAST+ and FASTA, that highlights the region of the sequences that is matching the query sequence and provides corresponding E-values. This currently works only with Job Dispatcher Job IDs, as it depends on the JSON output provided by the service.
Functional Predictions is a diagram of the domain ranges that compose hit sequences of sequence similarity tools (e.g. NCBI BLAST+ and FASTA. This visualisation gives a good overview of domain location vs hit/query sequence matching. Predictions are obtained from InterPro and cover several domain databases/resources, including: Pfam, SUPERFAMILY, SMART, CATH-Gene3D, CDD, etc.
Six colouring schemes can be selected along side scale type and score. The scale types are either dynamic
i.e. the scale ranges from the 'local' minimum to maximum score found in the results, or fixed
, where the range is pre-defined based on the score being used. There is a selection of scores that can be selected, E-value
being the default. Besides E-value, sequence identity
and similarity
, as well as, bit score
can selected.
The colouring schemes currently provided are:
: from red to blue (multiple hues)Greyscale
: a grey scale (single hue)Sequential
: a blue scale (single hue)Divergent
: red to yellow to green (multiple) hues)Qualitative
: categorical colouring (multiple hues)NCBI BLAST+
: NCBI BLAST+ based categorical colouring (multiple hues)
Jdispatcher-viewers documentation can be found here. An example demo and API docs are available.
Building the applications requires Node.js (tested with v16.16.0 and v18.7.0). Additional requirements, are downloaded and installed automatically with npm CLI. See full list of dependencies in package.json
During development, you can simply clone this repository and install all the dependencies required to run the webpack and webpack-dev-server:
npm install
To play with the development server (watches for file changes), in two terminal windows in parallel, run:
# runs a server at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# builds the package and copies index.html over to ./dist
npm run dev2
To compile the application for production, run:
npm run build
To develop and/or build the documentation, please refer to docs/
To compile the CLI during development (watches for file changes), run:
npm run dev:cli
To compile the CLI for production, run:
npm run build:cli
Test the CLI by simply running (or passing the options -h
or --help
node --es-module-specifier-resolution=node bin/jd-viewers-cli.js
Testing the CLI using a mock
jobId, which loads data from files under ./src/testdata
node --es-module-specifier-resolution=node bin/jd-viewers-cli.js vo -i mock_jobid-I20200317-103136-0485-5599422-np2 -o test.png -of png -v
Passing the same local files:
node --es-module-specifier-resolution=node bin/jd-viewers-cli.js fp -i ./src/testdata/ncbiblast.json -ix ./src/testdata/iprmc.xml -o test.svg -of svg -v
Passing a valid JobId (replace with a current JobId, as this one might have expired), where the data will be fetched and stored locally:
node --es-module-specifier-resolution=node bin/jd-viewers-cli.js fp -i ncbiblast-R20200602-114955-0302-11398737-np2 -o test.svg -of svg -v
Some rendering options can be optionally passed to the CLI, including: -hits
, number of hits;
, number of HSPs; and -color
, color scheme. For example:
node --es-module-specifier-resolution=nodebin/jd-viewers-cli.js fp -i ncbiblast-R20200602-114955-0302-11398737-np2 -o test.svg -of svg -color 'ncbiblast' -hits 50 -v
This package has been published to NPM at @ebi-jdispatcher/jdispatcher-viewers.
# npm package under ebi-jdispatcher org
npm init --scope=@ebi-jdispatcher
# testing building the package
npm install
# publish to npm
npm publish --access public
If you find any bugs or issues please log them in the issue tracker.
The European Bioinformatics Institute - EMBL-EBI, is an Intergovernmental Organization which, as part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory family, focuses on research and services in bioinformatics.
Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for details.