In this example i add the number of threads as 16. this is the same value in netmap.cfg parameter:
# Local Connect:Direct connection information
To run the load test will need to have CDJAI.jar to submit process
Change the variables in your java code to your environment
private static final String LOCALNODE = "<IP Address>";
private static final String LOCALNODEAPIPORT = "1363";
private static final String LOCALNODEUSERID = "cdadmin";
private static final String LOCALNODEPASSWORD = "< cd password>";
private static final String PROCESS_PATH = "sendfile.cdp";
private static final String SNODE = "< CDNODE (SNODE) >";
private static final String SOURCEFILE = "/home/cdadmin/cdunix/ndm/cfg/msgfile.cfg"; // Example source file name
private static final String DESTFILE = "/home/cdadmin02/cdunix/work/";
After change compile the java code:
javac -cp ./CDJAI.jar:.
Test your code using command:
java -cp ./CDJAI.jar:. CDProcessRunner
- Create a new test plan "Test Plan"
- Name: CD Test Plan
Select the 'Test Plan' node and right click on it.
Hover over Add -> Topic (Users) -> Thread Group "Thread Group"
- Number of Threads (Users) = 16
- Ramp-up Period (seconds) = 1
- LoopCount = 5
- Add a Sample > 'OS Process Sampler and specify connection settings:
- Command: /usr/sbin/java
- Working Directory: /home/ebasso/CDPerformanceLoader
On command parameters, click 'Add' to each line
- -cp
- ./CDJAI.jar:.
- CDProcessRunner
On Return Code Configuration:
- check the 'Check Return Code'
- Expected Return Code: '0'
Add to Listener > View Results Tree
Add to Listener > View Results in Table
Add to Listener > Summary Report
Run the test