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Releases: earthai-tech/watex


14 Mar 05:17
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Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3

v0.3.3 (March 15, 2024)

This release of watex introduces a series of refinements and additions to the API compared to version v0.3.2. The updates
focus on enhancing the user experience through better error handling, performance improvements, and the introduction of new f
unctionalities for geophysical data visualization and analysis.

  • |Fix| Addressed an IndexError in :meth:~watex.methods.EM that was triggered by providing an incorrect path or when EDI
    files were missing. The system has been improved to handle such scenarios gracefully, ensuring enhanced error reporting and
    overall system robustness.

  • |Enhancement| Updated the :meth:watex.utils.plotutils.plot_errorbar function by introducing a show_error_bars parameter.
    This allows for optional suppression of error bars in plots, offering a cleaner visualization option when error bars are
    unnecessary or might clutter the display.

  • |Enhancement| The newly introduced :meth:watex.utils.plotutils.plot_tensors2 function replaces the original plot_tensors
    method, leveraging the show_error_bars parameter from plot_errorbar. This update facilitates a more tailored approach to the
    visualization of electromagnetic tensor data, incorporating feedback from our user community for a more intuitive plotting

  • |Improvement| Enhanced the error handling mechanisms and user feedback for various data loading and processing operations within
    watex. These improvements aim to streamline the debugging process, making it easier for both developers and users to diagnose and
    resolve issues.

  • |Performance| Implemented optimizations in key computational routines and data handling processes. These changes contribute to
    faster analysis throughput and more efficient memory usage when working with large geophysical datasets, ensuring that watex can
    handle complex analysis tasks with improved performance.

  • |Feature| Introduced a new analysis module :func:watex.utils.plot_tensors2 designed for advanced geophysical interpretation tasks. While still in its early
    stages, this module lays the groundwork for sophisticated analytical capabilities that will be expanded in future releases.

  • |Documentation| Expanded the documentation to include comprehensive examples and detailed guides for the newly introduced
    features. This effort aims to enhance understanding and utilization of watex's capabilities, supporting users in achieving
    their analysis objectives with the tool.

These updates reflect our commitment to continually enhancing :code:watex based on user input and the evolving needs of the
geophysical analysis community. We value and appreciate the feedback and contributions from our users that drive the ongoing
development and improvement of watex.


12 Mar 01:38
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v0.3.2 (March 9, 2024)

Minor changes have been made to the API since version v0.3.1, leading
to fixed bugs in frequencies handling.

  • |Fix| Fixed the bound error in :meth:~watex.methods.MT.remove_static_shift by
    rounding the frequency checks to 5 decimal places.

  • |Fix| There is no longer a need to recompute frequencies when no extraneous
    frequencies are detected for omission. :meth:~watex.methods.MT.drop_frequencies
    now consistently returns the original :term:MT object.


08 Mar 10:20
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v0.3.1 (March 7, 2024)

Changes and enhancements have been made to the API since version v0.3.0, leading to the introduction of new features and the resolution of various bugs.

  • |API change| From now on, only the selected utilities listed below are available as the public API, which has led to shorter loading times for the package. The available
    public API functions include:

    • :func:watex.utils.bi_selector available publicly as :func:watex.bi_selector
    • :func:watex.utils.cleaner available publicly as :func:watex.cleaner
    • :func:watex.utils.erpSelector available publicly as :func:watex.erpSelector
    • :func:watex.utils.erpSmartDetector available publicly as :func:watex.erpSmartDetector
    • :func:watex.utils.fetch_data available publicly as :func:watex.fetch_data
    • :func:watex.utils.fittensor available publicly as :func:watex.fittensor
    • :func:watex.utils.get2dtensor available publicly as :func:watex.get2dtensor
    • :func:watex.utils.make_erp available publicly as :func:watex.make_erp
    • :func:watex.utils.make_naive_pipe available publicly as :func:watex.make_naive_pipe
    • :func:watex.utils.make_ves available publicly as :func:watex.make_ves
    • :func:watex.utils.magnitude available publicly as :func:watex.magnitude
    • :func:watex.utils.naive_imputer available publicly as :func:watex.naive_imputer
    • :func:watex.utils.naive_scaler available publicly as :func:watex.naive_scaler
    • :func:watex.utils.ohmicArea available publicly as :func:watex.ohmicArea
    • :func:watex.utils.plotAnomaly available publicly as :func:watex.plotAnomaly
    • :func:watex.utils.plot_confidence_in available publicly as :func:watex.plot_confidence_in
    • :func:watex.utils.plotOhmicArea available publicly as :func:watex.plotOhmicArea
    • :func:watex.utils.plot_sfi available publicly as :func:watex.plot_sfi
    • :func:watex.utils.power available publicly as :func:watex.power
    • :func:watex.utils.qc available publicly as :func:watex.qc
    • :func:watex.utils.read_data available publicly as :func:watex.read_data
    • :func:watex.utils.selectfeatures available publicly as :func:watex.selectfeatures
    • :func:watex.utils.sfi available publicly as :func:watex.sfi
    • :func:watex.utils.shape available publicly as :func:watex.shape
    • :func:watex.utils.smart_label_classifier available publicly as :func:watex.smart_label_classifier
    • :func:watex.utils.to_numeric_dtypes available publicly as :func:watex.to_numeric_dtypes
    • :func:watex.utils.type_ available publicly as :func:watex.type_
    • :func:watex.utils.vesSelector available publicly as :func:watex.vesSelector
  • |API change| The parameter edi_obj in :func:watex.utils.plot_skew has been deprecated and replaced by edis_list, which refers to either a collection of :term:EDI files or a full path to EDI files. Two-dimensional skewness, represented as :math:eta, can now be visualized by setting the parameter view='2D'.

  • |API change| The xgboost library is no longer automatically installed as a dependency. Users must install it separately for complete model functionality or use the dev option as shown below:

    .. code-block:: bash

    pip install watex[dev]

  • |Fix| The :class:watex.em.EM module now throws a :class:watex.exceptions.EDIError instead of an AttributeError when an EDI file is expected but an object is passed.

  • |Fix| The base_estimator parameter is no longer available in scikit-learn versions greater than 1.2; it has been renamed to estimator. Consequently, :mod:watex.models and :mod:watex.models.premodels have been updated to reflect this change.

  • |Feature| The :func:watex.utils.plotutils.plot_l_curve function has been introduced to plot the Hansen L-curve, with an option to highlight the Hansen point. This feature uses the L-curve criterion to determine the most suitable model after performing multiple inversions with different :math:\tau values.


22 Nov 06:18
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v0.3.0 (November 22, 2023)

These are substantial changes in v0.2.7 API that lead to new features and fugs fixed.

  • |API change| Datasets h.h5 and n.npz for Hongliu hydrogeological logging and Nansha land subsidence data are removed from
    the software installation. User can fetch the data as usual and should be downloaded remotely. This will considerably reduce the
    size of the :mod:watex.datasets package.

  • |API change| watex.methods.em.Processing and watex.methods.em.ZC do no longer exist.
    They have been changed to :class:watex.methods.em.EMAP and
    :class:watex.methods.em.MT respectively.

  • |API change| watex.utils.funcutils.fit_by_ll is deprecated and replaced by :func:watex.utils.funcutils.fit_ll.

  • |Fix| Bug in removing the static shift in :term:AMT data. Henceforth the correction factor method deprecated method watex.methods.em.ZC.get_ss_correction_factors
    replaced by :meth:watex.methods.em.MT.get_ss_correction_factors is applied for each station differently rather than using
    the factor to correct all stations. There are also a choice for user to input the correction factors ss_fx and ss_fy manually into a list.

  • |Feature| :func:watex.utils.plotutils.plot_tensors plots resistivity and phase tensors or the real and imaginary impedance.

  • |Feature| :func:watex.utils.torres_verdin_filter calculates the adaptive moving average of a given data array from
    Torres and Verdin codes.

  • |Feature| :func:watex.methods.em.filter_noises remove noise from component xx, yy, xy or yx.

  • |Feature| :meth:watex.methods.em.MT.remove_noises removes artifacts in the data and smooth it.

  • |Feature| :func:watex.methods.em.drop_frequencies drop bad frequencies or frequencies with no consistent data in the EDI files.

  • |Feature| :func:watex.utils.plotutils.plot_sounding plot the vertical electrical resistivity data.

  • |Feature| :func:watex.utils.baseutils.download_file2 is the new consistent function to download file remotely rather than using
    :func:watex.utils.baseutils.get_remote_data. Both expect requests library to be installed.

  • |Enhancement| :func:watex.utils.plot_profiling accepts ax as a paramater.

  • |Enhancement| :func:watex.view.TPlot.plot_rhophi changes the style of plot in preceeding versions. It accepts parameter kind for plotting multiple stations differently.

  • |Enhancement| Fix overlapping xlabels in the :func:watex.utils.exmath.plotOhmicArea.


09 Jul 08:19
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Full Changelog: v0.2.6...v0.2.7


23 Jun 04:54
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Full Changelog: v0.2.5...v0.2.6


22 Jun 06:00
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Full Changelog: v0.2.4...v0.2.5


26 May 14:56
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v0.2.4 (May 26, 2023)

These are minor changes in v0.2.3 that shows fugs fixed, features and improvements.

  • |API change| Change performed in :mod:watex.geology.core. The class Base is renamed as :class:watex.geology.core.GeoBase.

  • |Fix| Bug fixed in :func:watex.utils.plot_logging when imputing NaN values in the data. Indeed, henceforth all the column of the data
    that is composed entirely with NaN is removed automatically. This fixes the bug occurs in when the scaled feature dimension are higher than the
    original ones.

  • |Fix| Bug fixed in :func:watex.utils.to_numeric_dtypes when sanitizing the dataframe with integer columns. In such case, the data sanitizing
    is not possible. It henceforth passes rather than raising error. However when column are mixed ( numeric and string ), all should be
    converted to string before sanitization.

  • |Feature| :class:watex.geology.drilling.DSBorehole works with data collected in a single borehole. For instance, the arrangement
    of h502 data in :func:watex.datasets.load_hlogs. Data columns are the all attributes of the object and any non-alphateic character
    is replaced by _. For instance, a column name layer thickness should have an attribute named layer_thickness.

  • |Feature| :class:watex.geology.drilling.DSBoreholes works similarly as :class:watex.geology.drilling.DSBorehole but uses multiple
    borehole data. note the 's' at the end of the class. Here, each borehole (row) is an object which encompasses all columns as attributes.
    To have full control of how data must be retrieved as an object, holeid parameter must be set. For instance, to retrieve the borehole
    with ID equals to bx02, after fitting the class with appropriate parameters, attibute hole depth ( if exist in the data) can be retrieved
    as self.hole.bx02.hole_depth.

  • |Feature| Add :func:watex.utils.funcutils.replace_data to replace items in the data n- times. This is useful for data duplication

  • |Feature| add :class:watex.utils.funcutils.make_obj_consistent_if. Function combine default values to item to create default consistent
    iterable objects. This is valid if the size of item does not fit the number of expected iterable objects. Commonly this work in synergy with

  • |Feature| :func:watex.utils.funcutils.convert_value_in converts value based on the reference unit. Mostly used the known SI units like
    meters (m) , grammes (g) etc.

  • |Enhancement| Supplement boreholes data are added to :func:watex.datasets.load_hlogs. They include boreholes 'h805' ,'h1102' ,'h1405', 'h2602','h803', 'h1104', 'h604', 'h2003' and 'h1602'.

  • |Enhancement| Function :func:watex.utils.to_numeric_dtypes accepts drop_nan_columns passed as True by default with dropped the NaN rows
    and NaN columns in the data. Moreover, reset_index and drop_index are available to new data index management.

  • |Enhancement| Function :func:watex.datasets.load_mxs enforces attribute X and y when object is retrieved. For instance, fetching the
    the training set scaled X should be:

    .. code-block:: python

    import watex as wx
    X_scaled = wx.datasets.load_mxs (key ='scale').X

    or by merely calling the boilerplate fetch_data function as

    X_scaled =wx.fetch_data ('mxs', key ='scale').X

    It also accepts test_ratio to split the training and test sets via split_X_y=True. Note that return_X_y=True is not necessary when
    split_X_y is set to True.

  • |Enhancement | :class:watex.transformers.featurize_X accepts model as parameter. It is useful to featurize the test data separately
    from the train data to avoid leakage information. If sparse parameter is set to True, the training and testing data are outputted in sparse coordinates format
    or compressed sparse row format that is controlled by the sparsity parameter.


14 May 08:48
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What's Changed

  • Add new QC function applicable outside the EM processing QC method by @WEgeophysics in #172
  • fix buffering frequency and deprecate single EDI reading- update in … by @WEgeophysics in #173
  • redirect older release not to archive - update readme by @WEgeophysics in #174
  • redirect the older releases to the archive-update readme by @WEgeophysics in #175
  • update URL and target of zenodo record DOI by @WEgeophysics in #176
  • Format Profile elevation warning message by @WEgeophysics in #177
  • API change of _io module in datasets subpackage to module io by @WEgeophysics in #178
  • New features ZC and Profile for tensor corrections and Profile data manipulations by @WEgeophysics in #179
  • fix pickling modules using importlib.resouces. by @WEgeophysics in #180
  • use importlib resources to fix the path of pkl files for doc build by @WEgeophysics in #181
  • fix missing pickling module by @WEgeophysics in #182
  • 0.1.9 by @WEgeophysics in #184
  • fix switcher in doc build by @WEgeophysics in #185
  • Uncomment the computing_resistivity_phase by @WEgeophysics in #186
  • update ipykernel for building the doc by @WEgeophysics in #187
  • use ydata-profiling back to version 3.6.1 for building the doc by @WEgeophysics in #188
  • remove ydata profiling in building examples by @WEgeophysics in #189
  • update release by @WEgeophysics in #190
  • skip reading EDI when passed as a list by @WEgeophysics in #191
  • fix test in electrical resistivity Profiling by @WEgeophysics in #192
  • upload release v0.2.0 by @WEgeophysics in #193
  • Improve the appareance in litteral code in doc by @WEgeophysics in #194
  • Improve the appearance in litteral code in doc by @WEgeophysics in #195
  • fix issue in code literal appearance in the doc by @WEgeophysics in #196
  • sanitize the literal code by @WEgeophysics in #197
  • Sanitize the literal code (#197) by @WEgeophysics in #198
  • Develop by @WEgeophysics in #199
  • Develop by @WEgeophysics in #200
  • Develop by @WEgeophysics in #201
  • Develop by @WEgeophysics in #202
  • Add version control in latest development by @WEgeophysics in #203
  • update version 0.2.2 by @WEgeophysics in #204
  • Update switcher version ( #204 ) by @WEgeophysics in #205

Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3


22 Apr 10:23
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Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2