diff --git a/MANIFEST.in b/MANIFEST.in
index d2580a4b..d9087bf1 100644
--- a/MANIFEST.in
+++ b/MANIFEST.in
@@ -16,6 +16,19 @@ include setup.cfg
include watex/utils/epsg.npy
include .coveragerc
+# Include specific files from the 'watex' package
+include watex/utils/_openmp_helpers.pxd
+include watex/utils/espg.npy
+recursive-include watex/etc *.*
+include watex/wlog.yml
+recursive-include watex/wlogfiles *.txt
+# Include .pxd files located in the watex root and subdirectories
+global-include watex/*.pxd
+# Include 'examples' directory Python scripts and text files
+recursive-include examples *.py *.txt
# exclude from sdist
recursive-exclude asv_benchmarks *
recursive-exclude examples *.png
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index 75c45483..a09cb3bf 100644
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
import re
import time
-import sphinx_gallery
+import sphinx_gallery # noqa
from sphinx_gallery.sorting import ExampleTitleSortKey
@@ -46,8 +46,10 @@
copyright = f"2022-{time.strftime('%Y')}"
author = 'K. Laurent Kouadio'
# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags
-try : version = release = watex._version.version
-except : version = release = watex.__version__
+try :
+ version = release = watex._version.version
+except :
+ version = release = watex.__version__
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 6e4c35d9..d9a881cc 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -1,29 +1,85 @@
-requires = ["setuptools >= 61.0.0",
- "wheel",
- "setuptools_scm>=6.2",
- "Cython>=0.29.33",
- ]
+requires = ["setuptools>=61.0.0", "wheel", "setuptools_scm>=6.2", "Cython>=0.29.33"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "watex"
+version = "0.3.1"
+description = "Machine learning research in water exploration"
+readme = "README.md"
+authors = [{name = "Laurent Kouadio", email = "etanoyau@gmail.com"}]
+license = {file = "LICENSE"}
+keywords = ["exploration", "groundwater", "machine learning", "water", "hydro-geophysics"]
+classifiers = [
+ "Development Status :: 3 - Alpha",
+ "Intended Audience :: Science/Research",
+ "Intended Audience :: Developers",
+ "Topic :: Software Development",
+ "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering",
+ "Programming Language :: C",
+ "Programming Language :: Python",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
+ "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython",
+ "Operating System :: OS Independent",
+ "Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows",
+ "Operating System :: POSIX",
+ "Operating System :: Unix",
+dependencies = [
+ "seaborn>=0.12.0",
+ "pandas>=1.4.0",
+ "Cython>=0.29.33",
+ "PyYAML>=5.0.0",
+ "openpyxl>=3.0.3",
+ "pyproj>=3.3.0",
+ "pycsamt>=1.1.2",
+ "tqdm>=4.64.1",
+ "tables>=3.6.0",
+ "scikit-learn==1.2.1",
+ "joblib>=1.2.0",
+ "threadpoolctl>=3.1.0",
+ "matplotlib==3.5.3",
+ "statsmodels>=0.13.1",
+ "numpy>=1.23.0",
+ "scipy>=1.9.0",
+ "h5py>=3.2.0",
+ "pytest"
+requires-python = ">=3.9"
-dev = ["click",
- "missingno>=0.4.2",
- "yellowbrick>=1.5.0",
- "pyjanitor>=0.1.7",
- "mlxtend>=0.21"
- ]
+dev = [
+ "click",
+ "missingno>=0.4.2",
+ "yellowbrick>=1.5.0",
+ "pyjanitor>=0.1.7",
+ "mlxtend>=0.21",
+ "xgboost>=1.7.0",
+"Home" = "https://watex.readthedocs.io"
+"Documentation" = "https://watex.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api_references.html"
+"Bugs Tracker" = "https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex/issues"
+"Installation Guide" = "https://watex.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html"
+"User Guide" = "https://watex.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide.html"
+"Source" = "https://github.com/WEgeophysics/watex"
+"Download" = "https://pypi.org/project/watex/#files"
-version = {attr = "watex._version.version"}
write_to = "watex/_version.py"
+wx = "watex.cli:cli"
+version = "watex.cli:version"
+version = {attr = "watex._version.version"}
minversion = "6.0"
@@ -40,4 +96,4 @@ exclude = '''
| docs/_build
| docs/glr_examples
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 5b197895..724ca83a 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -69,3 +69,7 @@ ignore =
skip = ./.git,./.mypy_cache,./docs/_build,./docs/glr_examples,./docs/modules/generated
ignore-words = build_tools/codespell_ignore_words.txt
+watex = utils/_openmp_helpers.pxd, utils/espg.npy, etc/*, wlog.yml, wlogfiles/*.txt
+* = *.pxd, data/*, examples/*.py, examples/*.txt
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 0033766c..b96e3cf8 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# We can actually import watex version from
# in editable mode :$ python -m pip install -e .
- import watex # noqa
+ import watex
VERSION = watex.__version__
except: VERSION ='0.3.1'
# set global variables
diff --git a/watex/_version.py b/watex/_version.py
index bc02bc27..747927e0 100644
--- a/watex/_version.py
+++ b/watex/_version.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# file generated by setuptools_scm
# don't change, don't track in version control
-__version__ = version = '0.3.0.dev1+g10707dc.d20230709'
-__version_tuple__ = version_tuple = (0, 3, 0, 'dev1', 'g10707dc.d20230709')
+__version__ = version = '0.3.1.dev1+g10707dc.d20230709'
+__version_tuple__ = version_tuple = (0, 3, 2, 'dev1', 'g10707dc.d20230709')
diff --git a/watex/cases/modeling.py b/watex/cases/modeling.py
index 559de8bf..d10e1ff2 100644
--- a/watex/cases/modeling.py
+++ b/watex/cases/modeling.py
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
# import watex.exceptions as Wex
# import watex.decorators as deco
_logger =watexlog().get_watex_logger(__name__)
diff --git a/watex/etc/__memory.pkl b/watex/etc/__memory.pkl
index a02b2c0d..24c3c33b 100644
Binary files a/watex/etc/__memory.pkl and b/watex/etc/__memory.pkl differ
diff --git a/watex/exlib/__init__.py b/watex/exlib/__init__.py
index 1b07bce6..5e6631cb 100644
--- a/watex/exlib/__init__.py
+++ b/watex/exlib/__init__.py
@@ -1,162 +1,114 @@
-'Exlib' sub-package is composed of best :term:`Machine Learning` libraries called for
-:mod:`~watex.models` prediction with common datasets.
-`scikit-learn `__ and
-`gradient boosting machine `__ (GBM)
-especially (XGBoost) are build as top module for general prediction purpose.
-from .sklearn import (
- BaseEstimator,
- TransformerMixin,
- ClassifierMixin,
- clone,
- KMeans,
- make_column_transformer,
- make_column_selector ,
- ColumnTransformer,
- ShrunkCovariance,
- LedoitWolf,
- FactorAnalysis,
- PCA ,
- IncrementalPCA,
- KernelPCA,
- DummyClassifier,
- SelectKBest,
- f_classif,
- SelectFromModel,
- SimpleImputer,
- permutation_importance,
- LogisticRegression,
- SGDClassifier,
- confusion_matrix,
- classification_report ,
- mean_squared_error,
- f1_score,
- accuracy_score,
- precision_recall_curve,
- precision_score,
- recall_score,
- roc_auc_score,
- roc_curve,
- silhouette_samples,
- make_scorer,
- matthews_corrcoef,
- train_test_split ,
- validation_curve,
- StratifiedShuffleSplit ,
- RandomizedSearchCV,
- GridSearchCV,
- learning_curve ,
- cross_val_score,
- cross_val_predict,
- KNeighborsClassifier,
- Pipeline,
- make_pipeline ,
- FeatureUnion,
- _name_estimators,
- OneHotEncoder,
- PolynomialFeatures,
- RobustScaler ,
- OrdinalEncoder,
- StandardScaler,
- MinMaxScaler,
- LabelBinarizer,
- Normalizer,
- LabelEncoder,
- SVC,
- LinearSVC,
- LinearSVR,
- DecisionTreeClassifier,
- RandomForestClassifier,
- AdaBoostClassifier,
- VotingClassifier,
- BaggingClassifier,
- StackingClassifier ,
- ExtraTreesClassifier,
- skl_ensemble_,
- sklearndoc,
- )
+The 'Exlib' sub-package aggregates prominent Machine Learning libraries for use in
+prediction tasks with common datasets within the `watex.models` framework, notably
+including `scikit-learn `__.
+import importlib
+def __getattr__(name):
+ """
+ Dynamically imports scikit-learn components upon access through the
+ watex.exlib.sklearn namespace, facilitating seamless integration of scikit-learn
+ objects into watex workflows.
+ Parameters:
+ - name (str): The name of the scikit-learn component (module, class, or function)
+ being accessed.
+ Returns:
+ - The dynamically imported scikit-learn component.
+ Raises:
+ - AttributeError: If the specified scikit-learn component cannot be found or
+ does not exist within the scikit-learn library.
+ This method leverages a predefined mapping (`sklearn_component_mapping`) that
+ associates simplified attribute names with their corresponding modules in
+ scikit-learn, enabling both explicit and implicit module path resolution.
+ """
+ sklearn_component_mapping = {
+ 'BaseEstimator': 'sklearn.base',
+ 'TransformerMixin': 'sklearn.base',
+ 'ClassifierMixin': 'sklearn.base',
+ 'clone': 'sklearn.base',
+ 'KMeans': 'sklearn.cluster',
+ 'make_column_transformer': 'sklearn.compose',
+ 'make_column_selector': 'sklearn.compose',
+ 'ColumnTransformer': 'sklearn.compose',
+ 'ShrunkCovariance': 'sklearn.covariance',
+ 'LedoitWolf': 'sklearn.covariance',
+ 'FactorAnalysis': 'sklearn.decomposition',
+ 'PCA': 'sklearn.decomposition',
+ 'IncrementalPCA': 'sklearn.decomposition',
+ 'KernelPCA': 'sklearn.decomposition',
+ 'DummyClassifier': 'sklearn.dummy',
+ 'SelectKBest': 'sklearn.feature_selection',
+ 'f_classif': 'sklearn.feature_selection',
+ 'SelectFromModel': 'sklearn.feature_selection',
+ 'SimpleImputer': 'sklearn.impute',
+ 'permutation_importance': 'sklearn.inspection',
+ 'LogisticRegression': 'sklearn.linear_model',
+ 'SGDClassifier': 'sklearn.linear_model',
+ 'confusion_matrix': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'classification_report': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'mean_squared_error': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'f1_score': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'accuracy_score': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'precision_recall_curve': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'precision_score': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'recall_score': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'roc_auc_score': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'roc_curve': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'silhouette_samples': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'make_scorer': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'matthews_corrcoef': 'sklearn.metrics',
+ 'train_test_split': 'sklearn.model_selection',
+ 'validation_curve': 'sklearn.model_selection',
+ 'StratifiedShuffleSplit': 'sklearn.model_selection',
+ 'RandomizedSearchCV': 'sklearn.model_selection',
+ 'GridSearchCV': 'sklearn.model_selection',
+ 'learning_curve': 'sklearn.model_selection',
+ 'cross_val_score': 'sklearn.model_selection',
+ 'cross_val_predict': 'sklearn.model_selection',
+ 'KNeighborsClassifier': 'sklearn.neighbors',
+ 'Pipeline': 'sklearn.pipeline',
+ 'make_pipeline': 'sklearn.pipeline',
+ 'FeatureUnion': 'sklearn.pipeline',
+ '_name_estimators': 'sklearn.utils',
+ 'OneHotEncoder': 'sklearn.preprocessing',
+ 'PolynomialFeatures': 'sklearn.preprocessing',
+ 'RobustScaler': 'sklearn.preprocessing',
+ 'OrdinalEncoder': 'sklearn.preprocessing',
+ 'StandardScaler': 'sklearn.preprocessing',
+ 'MinMaxScaler': 'sklearn.preprocessing',
+ 'LabelBinarizer': 'sklearn.preprocessing',
+ 'Normalizer': 'sklearn.preprocessing',
+ 'LabelEncoder': 'sklearn.preprocessing',
+ 'SVC': 'sklearn.svm',
+ 'LinearSVC': 'sklearn.svm',
+ 'LinearSVR': 'sklearn.svm',
+ 'DecisionTreeClassifier': 'sklearn.tree',
+ 'RandomForestClassifier': 'sklearn.ensemble',
+ 'AdaBoostClassifier': 'sklearn.ensemble',
+ 'VotingClassifier': 'sklearn.ensemble',
+ 'BaggingClassifier': 'sklearn.ensemble',
+ 'StackingClassifier': 'sklearn.ensemble',
+ 'ExtraTreesClassifier': 'sklearn.ensemble',
+ }
+ # Check if the component is in the predefined mapping
+ if name in sklearn_component_mapping:
+ full_module_path = sklearn_component_mapping[name]
+ module = importlib.import_module(full_module_path)
+ return getattr(module, name)
+ # Default import behavior for unmapped names
+ try:
+ module = importlib.import_module(f"sklearn.{name.lower()}")
+ return module
+ except ImportError as e:
+ raise AttributeError(f"scikit-learn component '{name}' not found") from e
-from .gbm import (
- xgboost,
- xgboostdoc,
- XGBClassifier
- )
- "BaseEstimator",
- "TransformerMixin",
- "ClassifierMixin",
- "clone",
- "KMeans",
- "make_column_transformer",
- 'make_column_selector' ,
- 'ColumnTransformer',
- 'ShrunkCovariance',
- 'LedoitWolf',
- 'FactorAnalysis',
- 'PCA' ,
- 'IncrementalPCA',
- 'KernelPCA',
- 'DummyClassifier',
- 'SelectKBest',
- 'f_classif',
- 'SelectFromModel',
- 'SimpleImputer',
- 'permutation_importance',
- 'LogisticRegression',
- 'SGDClassifier',
- 'confusion_matrix',
- 'classification_report' ,
- 'mean_squared_error',
- 'f1_score',
- 'accuracy_score',
- 'precision_recall_curve',
- 'precision_score',
- 'recall_score',
- 'roc_auc_score',
- 'roc_curve',
- 'silhouette_samples',
- 'make_scorer',
- 'matthews_corrcoef',
- 'train_test_split' ,
- 'validation_curve',
- 'StratifiedShuffleSplit' ,
- 'RandomizedSearchCV',
- 'GridSearchCV',
- 'learning_curve' ,
- 'cross_val_score',
- 'cross_val_predict',
- 'KNeighborsClassifier',
- 'Pipeline',
- 'make_pipeline' ,
- 'FeatureUnion',
- '_name_estimators',
- 'OneHotEncoder',
- 'PolynomialFeatures',
- 'RobustScaler' ,
- 'OrdinalEncoder',
- 'StandardScaler',
- 'MinMaxScaler',
- 'LabelBinarizer',
- 'Normalizer',
- 'LabelEncoder',
- 'SVC',
- 'LinearSVC',
- 'LinearSVR',
- 'DecisionTreeClassifier',
- 'RandomForestClassifier',
- 'AdaBoostClassifier',
- 'VotingClassifier',
- 'BaggingClassifier',
- 'StackingClassifier' ,
- 'ExtraTreesClassifier',
- 'skl_ensemble_',
- 'sklearndoc',
- 'xgboost',
- 'xgboostdoc',
- 'XGBClassifier'
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/watex/exlib/sklearn.py b/watex/exlib/sklearn.py
index 617cf61e..5d0d65b9 100644
--- a/watex/exlib/sklearn.py
+++ b/watex/exlib/sklearn.py
@@ -86,6 +86,79 @@
else :
+ "BaseEstimator",
+ "TransformerMixin",
+ "ClassifierMixin",
+ "clone",
+ "KMeans",
+ "make_column_transformer",
+ 'make_column_selector' ,
+ 'ColumnTransformer',
+ 'ShrunkCovariance',
+ 'LedoitWolf',
+ 'FactorAnalysis',
+ 'PCA' ,
+ 'IncrementalPCA',
+ 'KernelPCA',
+ 'DummyClassifier',
+ 'SelectKBest',
+ 'f_classif',
+ 'SelectFromModel',
+ 'SimpleImputer',
+ 'permutation_importance',
+ 'LogisticRegression',
+ 'SGDClassifier',
+ 'confusion_matrix',
+ 'classification_report' ,
+ 'mean_squared_error',
+ 'f1_score',
+ 'accuracy_score',
+ 'precision_recall_curve',
+ 'precision_score',
+ 'recall_score',
+ 'roc_auc_score',
+ 'roc_curve',
+ 'silhouette_samples',
+ 'make_scorer',
+ 'matthews_corrcoef',
+ 'train_test_split' ,
+ 'validation_curve',
+ 'StratifiedShuffleSplit' ,
+ 'RandomizedSearchCV',
+ 'GridSearchCV',
+ 'learning_curve' ,
+ 'cross_val_score',
+ 'cross_val_predict',
+ 'KNeighborsClassifier',
+ 'Pipeline',
+ 'make_pipeline' ,
+ 'FeatureUnion',
+ '_name_estimators',
+ 'OneHotEncoder',
+ 'PolynomialFeatures',
+ 'RobustScaler' ,
+ 'OrdinalEncoder',
+ 'StandardScaler',
+ 'MinMaxScaler',
+ 'LabelBinarizer',
+ 'Normalizer',
+ 'LabelEncoder',
+ 'SVC',
+ 'LinearSVC',
+ 'LinearSVR',
+ 'DecisionTreeClassifier',
+ 'RandomForestClassifier',
+ 'AdaBoostClassifier',
+ 'VotingClassifier',
+ 'BaggingClassifier',
+ 'StackingClassifier' ,
+ 'ExtraTreesClassifier',
+ 'skl_ensemble_',
+ 'sklearndoc',
+ ]
from sklearn.ensemble import (
@@ -109,6 +182,7 @@
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.compose import (
@@ -188,77 +262,3 @@
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
- "BaseEstimator",
- "TransformerMixin",
- "ClassifierMixin",
- "clone",
- "KMeans",
- "make_column_transformer",
- 'make_column_selector' ,
- 'ColumnTransformer',
- 'ShrunkCovariance',
- 'LedoitWolf',
- 'FactorAnalysis',
- 'PCA' ,
- 'IncrementalPCA',
- 'KernelPCA',
- 'DummyClassifier',
- 'SelectKBest',
- 'f_classif',
- 'SelectFromModel',
- 'SimpleImputer',
- 'permutation_importance',
- 'LogisticRegression',
- 'SGDClassifier',
- 'confusion_matrix',
- 'classification_report' ,
- 'mean_squared_error',
- 'f1_score',
- 'accuracy_score',
- 'precision_recall_curve',
- 'precision_score',
- 'recall_score',
- 'roc_auc_score',
- 'roc_curve',
- 'silhouette_samples',
- 'make_scorer',
- 'matthews_corrcoef',
- 'train_test_split' ,
- 'validation_curve',
- 'StratifiedShuffleSplit' ,
- 'RandomizedSearchCV',
- 'GridSearchCV',
- 'learning_curve' ,
- 'cross_val_score',
- 'cross_val_predict',
- 'KNeighborsClassifier',
- 'Pipeline',
- 'make_pipeline' ,
- 'FeatureUnion',
- '_name_estimators',
- 'OneHotEncoder',
- 'PolynomialFeatures',
- 'RobustScaler' ,
- 'OrdinalEncoder',
- 'StandardScaler',
- 'MinMaxScaler',
- 'LabelBinarizer',
- 'Normalizer',
- 'LabelEncoder',
- 'SVC',
- 'LinearSVC',
- 'LinearSVR',
- 'DecisionTreeClassifier',
- 'RandomForestClassifier',
- 'AdaBoostClassifier',
- 'VotingClassifier',
- 'BaggingClassifier',
- 'StackingClassifier' ,
- 'ExtraTreesClassifier',
- 'skl_ensemble_',
- 'sklearndoc',
- ]