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eakraus-yourspongeguy authored Sep 8, 2021
1 parent f515d4a commit 7f1a409
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165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
@author: EAK

from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes, mark_inset
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import os
import mainantonpaar

#### data read-in and preprocessing ##########################################

# change to directory where data are stored
dir='/Users/Emile/Documents/Graduate/AntonPaarData/Porifera/summary/shear data'

# first round LAOS
fn1 = '02082020_sponge12_samp3_strainsweep_8mm_3mm 0'
run1 = mainantonpaar.LAOS(fn1, r = 0.006)
t1 = run1.Timep
gam0_1 = run1.gam0
sig0_1 = run1.sig0
gamma1 = run1.Strain
sigma1 = run1.Stress
GpM1 = run1.Gpm
GpL1 = run1.Gpl
Gstar1 = run1.Gstarnorm
n1 = run1.n
# second round LAOS
fn2 = '02082020_sponge12_samp3_strainsweep_8mm_3mm 1'
run2 = mainantonpaar.LAOS(fn2, r = 0.006)
t2 = run2.Timep
sig0_2 = run2.sig0
gamma2 = run2.Strain
sigma2 = run2.Stress
GpM2 = run2.Gpm
GpL2 = run2.Gpl
Gstar2 = run2.Gstarnorm
n2 = run2.n
# number of amplitudes
Nf = np.size(gam0_1)
# amplitude array for looping
Nf_ = np.arange(0, Nf, 1)
# strain amplitudes, change to percent
gam0 = [100*gam0_1[i] for i in Nf_]

#### plotting ################################################################

# color scheme
cwsubsec = np.linspace(0.7, 0.1, Nf) # first round, blues and reds
clrscw = [ for x in cwsubsec]
grsubsec = np.linspace(0.2, 0.7, Nf) # second round, transparent grays
clrsgr = [cm.gray(x) for x in grsubsec]
# strain amplitude labels
lbls = ['$\gamma_{0}=$ %.2f' % gam0[i] +'\%' for i in Nf_]

# time series
fig0, axs0 = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (22, 11))
[axs0[0].plot(t1[i], gamma1[i], linewidth = 3, color = clrscw[i])
for i in Nf_[1::2]] # strain vs time, 1st run
[axs0[0].plot(t2[i], gamma2[i], linewidth = 3, color = clrsgr[i])
for i in Nf_[1::2]] # strain vs time, 2nd run
[axs0[1].plot(t1[i], sigma1[i]/1000, linewidth = 3, color = clrscw[i]) # kPa
for i in Nf_[1::2]] # stress vs time, 1st run
[axs0[1].plot(t2[i], sigma2[i]/1000, linewidth = 3, color = clrsgr[i]) # kPa
for i in Nf_[1::2]] # stress vs time, 2nd run
axs0[0].set_ylabel(r'$\gamma$ (\%)', fontsize = 48, labelpad = -30)
axs0[1].set_ylabel(r'$\tau$ (kPa)', fontsize = 48, labelpad = -30)
maxx = np.max(np.abs(axs0[0].get_xlim()))
maxy = [np.max(np.abs(axs0[i].get_ylim())) for i in [0,1]]
[axs0[i].set_ylim([-maxy[i]+0.06*maxy[i],maxy[i]-0.06*maxy[i]]) for i in [0,1]]
[axs0[j].set_xlabel(r'time (s)', fontsize = 48) for j in [0,1]]
[axs0[j].tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = 38)
for j in [0,1]]
# insets
axins = [inset_axes(axs0[i], width = '40%', height = '40%', loc = 1)
for i in [0,1]]
[axins[0].plot(t1[i], gamma1[i], lw = 3, c = clrscw[i]) for i in Nf_[1::2]]
[axins[0].plot(t2[i], gamma2[i], lw = 3, c = clrsgr[i]) for i in Nf_[1::2]]
[axins[i].tick_params(axis = 'both', labelsize = 28) for i in [0,1]]
[axins[i].set_xlim(0.5*maxx, maxx-0.1*maxx) for i in [0,1]]
[axins[i].set_ylim(-0.2*maxy[i], -0.001*maxy[i]) for i in [0,1]]
[axins[1].plot(t1[i], sigma1[i]/1000, lw = 3, c = clrscw[i])
for i in Nf_[1::2]]
[axins[1].plot(t2[i], sigma2[i]/1000, lw = 3, c = clrsgr[i])
for i in Nf_[1::2]]
[mark_inset(axs0[i], axins[i], loc1 = 4, loc2 = 3, fc = 'none', ec = '0')
for i in [0,1]]
fig0.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.2)
fig0.savefig('plots/'+fn1[:-2]+'_timeseries.svg', bbox_inches = 'tight',
dpi = 1200)

# Lissajous-Bowditch curves
fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,12))
x1 = np.asarray(gamma1, dtype = object)
y1 = np.asarray(sigma1, dtype = object)
x2 = np.asarray(gamma2, dtype = object)
y2 = np.asarray(sigma2, dtype = object)
# wrap-around so curves are totally closed
x1 = [np.append(x1[i][:], x1[i][0]) for i in Nf_]
y1 = [np.append(y1[i][:], y1[i][0]) for i in Nf_]
x2 = [np.append(x2[i][:], x2[i][0]) for i in Nf_]
y2 = [np.append(y2[i][:], y2[i][0]) for i in Nf_]
# plot
[ax1.plot(x2[i], y2[i]/1000, lw = 3, c = clrsgr[i]) for i in Nf_[1::2]]
[ax1.plot(x1[i], y1[i]/1000, lw = 3, c = clrscw[i], label = lbls[i])
for i in Nf_[1::2]]
# lines illustrating minimum and maximum moduli
x = np.array([-maxy[0]+0.06*maxy[0], 1.04*maxy[0]])
ym = GpM1[-1]*x/100
yl = GpL1[-1]*x/100
ax1.plot(x, ym/1000, linestyle = '--', lw = 3, c = 'black', marker = None)
ax1.plot(x, yl/1000, linestyle = '-.', lw = 3, c = 'black', marker = None)
ax1.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = 48)
ax1.set_xlabel(r'$\gamma$ (\%)', fontsize = 58)
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\tau$ (kPa)', fontsize = 58, labelpad = -30)
ax1.set_xlim([-1.008*maxy[0], 1.008*maxy[0]])
ax1.set_ylim([-1.008*maxy[1], 1.008*maxy[1]])
hndls, lbls = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
fig1.legend(hndls, lbls, loc = 'center right', bbox_to_anchor = (1.32,0.32),
ncol = 1, fancybox = True, shadow = True, fontsize = 38)
# small strain inset
axins1 = inset_axes(ax1, width = '38%', height = '38%', loc = 4)
[axins1.plot(x2[i], y2[i]/1000, lw = 3, c = clrsgr[i]) for i in Nf_[1::2]]
[axins1.plot(x1[i], y1[i]/1000, lw = 3, c = clrscw[i]) for i in Nf_[1::2]]
axins1.set_xlim(-0.077*maxy[0], 0.077*maxy[0])
axins1.set_ylim(-0.077*maxy[1], 0.077*maxy[1])
axins1.tick_params(axis = 'both', labelsize = 28)
mark_inset(ax1, axins1, loc1 = 2, loc2 = 1, fc = 'none', ec = '0')
# large strain
axins2 = inset_axes(ax1, width = '38%', height = '38%', loc = 2)
[axins2.plot(x2[i], y2[i]/1000, lw = 3, c = clrsgr[i]) for i in Nf_[1::2]]
[axins2.plot(x1[i], y1[i]/1000, lw = 3, c = clrscw[i]) for i in Nf_[1::2]]
axins2.set_xlim(0.21*maxy[0], maxy[0]-0.077*maxy[0])
axins2.set_ylim(0.21*maxy[1], maxy[1]-0.077*maxy[1])
axins2.tick_params(axis = 'both', labelsize = 28)
mark_inset(ax1, axins2, loc1 = 4, loc2 = 1, fc = 'none', ec = '0')
# save
fig1.savefig('plots/'+fn1[:-2]+'_LB.svg', bbox_inches = 'tight', dpi = 1200)

# power spectra
fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize = (12,12))
[ax2.plot(n1[i], Gstar1[i], linewidth = 3, color = clrscw[i])
for i in Nf_[1::2]]
[ax2.plot(n2[i], Gstar2[i], linewidth = 3, color = clrsgr[i])
for i in Nf_[1::2]]
ax2.set_xlabel('$n$', fontsize = 42)
ax2.set_ylabel('$|G^{*}_{n}|$/$|G^{*}_{1}|$', fontsize = 42)
ax2.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer = True))
ax2.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = 48)
ax2.set_xlim([0, 12])
ax2.set_ylim([0.0002, 1])
fig2.savefig('plots/'+fn1[:-2]+'_power.svg', bbox_inches = 'tight', dpi = 1200)
184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
@author: EAK

from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
import rheofuncs

#### Data Read-In ############################################################

# directory
dir = '/Users/Emile/Documents/Graduate/AntonPaarData/Porifera/summary/'+\
'frequency data'
# file
datstr = 'freqsweepfullsummary'
dat = pd.read_csv(datstr + '.csv').values
n = np.arange(0, np.int64(np.size(dat, 1)/8), 1) # number of species array
# columns
phi = [dat[0, 8*i+1] for i in n] # mass porosity
phi_e = [dat[0, 8*i+2] for i in n] # mass porosity uncertainty
w = [dat[:, 8*i+3].astype('float64') for i in n] # frequency, rad/s
Gp = [dat[:, 8*i+4].astype('float64') for i in n] # storage modulus, Pa
Gpp = [dat[:, 8*i+5].astype('float64') for i in n] # loss modulus, Pa
Gp_e = [dat[:, 8*i+6].astype('float64') for i in n] # stored uncertainty, Pa
Gpp_e = [dat[:, 8*i+7].astype('float64') for i in n] # loss uncertainty, Pa

#### Calculations ############################################################

# loss tangent
tand = [Gpp[i]/Gp[i] for i in n]
# propagate its uncertainty from G' and G" uncertainties
tand_e = [np.sqrt((Gp_e[i]*Gpp[i]/Gp[i]**2)**2+(Gpp_e[i]/Gp[i])**2) for i in n]
# linear viscoelastic fit parameters file
fitstr, mdlstr = 'fitparams'+datstr[9:13], '_Zener' # choose which one
fit = pd.read_csv(fitstr + mdlstr + '.csv').values
params = [fit[:, i + 1].astype('float64') for i in n]
# get best fit values by inputting fit parameters into the model
Gpmodel = getattr(rheofuncs, mdlstr[1:] + 'Gp')
Gppmodel = getattr(rheofuncs, mdlstr[1:] + 'Gpp')
Gpbest = [ Gpmodel(w[i], *params[i][:-1]) for i in n]
Gppbest = [Gppmodel(w[i], *params[i][:-1]) for i in n]
tandbest = [Gppbest[i]/Gpbest[i] for i in n]
# power law exponent of G'
m = [np.polyfit(np.log10(w[i]), np.log10(Gp[i]), 1, cov = True) for i in n]
alpha = [m[i][0][0] for i in n]
alpha_e = [np.sqrt(np.diag(m[i][1])[0]) for i in n]

#### Plotting ################################################################
# font
mpl.rc('font', family = 'Courier New')
mpl.rc('text', usetex = True)
# full species list
spp = ['Axinella polycapella','Callyspongia sp.','Cinachyrella apion',
'Cliona celata','Tectitethya keyensis','Tethya aurantium',
'Aplysina fulva','Igernella notabilis']
spp = [r'\textit{%s}' % spp[i] for i in n[:-1]] # italicize
spp.insert(len(spp), 'synthetic sponge') # add synthetic sponge label
# colors
spixclrs = [ for x in np.linspace(0, 1, 6)]
nospixclrs = [cm.spring(x) for x in np.linspace(0.6, 0.89, 2)]
clrs = [spixclrs[5], spixclrs[4], spixclrs[3], spixclrs[2], spixclrs[1],
spixclrs[0], nospixclrs[0], nospixclrs[1]]
clrs.insert(len(spp), 'xkcd:dried blood')
# markers
mrkrs = ['s','s', 's','s','s','s','o','o','*']

# Gp vs omega
fig0, axs0 = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (12, 10))
[axs0.errorbar(w[i], Gp[i], yerr = Gp_e[i], ms = 20, fmt = mrkrs[i], mew = 3,
mfc = clrs[i], mec = 'black', ecolor = 'dimgray',
label = spp[i], capsize = 6) for i in n]
[axs0.plot(w[i], Gpbest[i], ls = '--', lw = 3, c = clrs[i]) for i in n]
axs0.set_ylim([35000, 2500000])
axs0.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = 44)
axs0.set_xlabel('$\omega$ (rad/s)', fontsize = 44, labelpad = -6)
axs0.set_ylabel('$G^{\prime}$ (Pa)', fontsize = 44, labelpad = -10)
hndls, lbls = axs0.get_legend_handles_labels() # create legend
fig0.legend(hndls, lbls, loc = 'center right', bbox_to_anchor = (-0.075,0.5),
ncol = 1, fancybox = True, shadow = True, fontsize = 40)
fig0.savefig('plots/Gpvsomega'+datstr[9:13]+mdlstr+'.svg', dpi = 1200,
bbox_inches = 'tight')

# Gpp vs omega
fig1, axs1 = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (12, 10))
[axs1.errorbar(w[i], Gpp[i], yerr = Gpp_e[i], ms = 18, fmt = mrkrs[i],
mew = 3, mfc = clrs[i], mec = 'black', ecolor = 'dimgray',
label = spp[i], capsize = 6) for i in n]
[axs1.plot(w[i], Gppbest[i], ls = '--', lw = 3, c = clrs[i]) for i in n]
axs1.plot(w[8], Gppbest[8], ls = '--', lw = 3, c = clrs[8])
axs1.set_ylim([2000, 400000])
axs1.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = 44)
axs1.set_xlabel('$\omega$ (rad/s)', fontsize = 44, labelpad = -6)
axs1.set_ylabel('$G^{\prime \prime}$ (Pa)', fontsize = 44, labelpad = -10)
fig1.savefig('plots/Gppvsomega'+datstr[9:13]+mdlstr+'.svg', dpi = 1200,
bbox_inches = 'tight')

# loss tangent vs omega
fig2, axs2 = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (12, 10))
[axs2.errorbar(w[i], tand[i], yerr = tand_e[i], ms = 18, fmt = mrkrs[i],
mew = 3, mfc = clrs[i], mec = 'black', ecolor = 'dimgray',
label = spp[i], capsize = 6) for i in n]
[axs2.plot(w[i], tandbest[i], ls = '--', lw = 3, c = clrs[i]) for i in n]
max2, min2 = np.max(axs2.get_ylim()), np.min(axs2.get_ylim())
axs2.set_ylim([0.03, 0.3])
axs2.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = 44)
axs2.tick_params(axis = 'y', which = 'minor', labelsize = 28)
axs2.set_xlabel('$\omega$ (rad/s)', fontsize = 44, labelpad = -6)
axs2.set_ylabel(r'$\tan\delta$', fontsize = 44, labelpad = -10)
fig2.savefig('plots/tandelvsomega'+datstr[9:13]+mdlstr+'.svg', dpi = 1200,
bbox_inches = 'tight')

# Gpp vs Gp
fig3, axs3 = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (10, 10))
[axs3.errorbar(Gp[i][6], Gpp[i][6], xerr = Gp_e[i][6], yerr = Gpp_e[i][6],
ms = 18, fmt = mrkrs[i], mew = 3, mfc = clrs[i],
mec = 'black', ecolor = 'dimgray', capsize = 6) for i in n]
x = [10**4, 10**5, 10**6, 10**7]
axs3.plot(x,[0.06*x[i] for i in [0,1,2,3]], lw = 3, ls = '-.', c = 'silver',
label = '$G^{\prime \prime}=0.06G^{\prime}$')
axs3.plot(x,[0.18*x[i] for i in [0,1,2,3]], lw = 3, ls = ':', c = 'silver',
label = '$G^{\prime \prime}=0.18G^{\prime}$')
axs3.set_xlim([4*10**4, 2*10**6])
axs3.set_ylim([2*10**3, 3*10**5])
axs3.tick_params(axis = 'both', which = 'major', labelsize = 44)
axs3.set_xlabel('$G^{\prime}(\omega=\pi)$ (Pa)', fontsize = 44, labelpad = -6)
axs3.set_ylabel('$G^{\prime \prime}(\omega=\pi)$ (Pa)', fontsize = 44)
hndls, lbls = axs3.get_legend_handles_labels() # create legend
axs3.legend(hndls, lbls, loc = 'upper left', fancybox = True, shadow = True,
fontsize = 40)
fig3.savefig('plots/GppvsGp.svg', dpi = 1200, bbox_inches = 'tight')

# alpha vs. specimen
fig4, axs4 = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (10, 10))
X = np.argsort(-np.asarray(alpha))
[[i], alpha[X[i]], 0.65, yerr = alpha_e[X[i]], color = clrs[X[i]],
capsize = 6, ecolor = 'dimgray') for i in n]
axs4.set_ylim(0, 0.076)
axs4.set_yticks([0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07])
axs4.tick_params(axis = 'y', which = 'major', labelsize = 44)
axs4.set_ylabel(r'$\alpha$', fontsize = 44, labelpad = 20, rotation = 0)
fig4.savefig('plots/alphabarplot.svg', dpi = 300, bbox_inches = 'tight')

# porosity vs. specimen
fig5, axs5 = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (10, 10))
X = np.argsort(-np.asarray(phi))
[[i], phi[X[i]], 0.65, yerr = phi_e[X[i]], color = clrs[X[i]],
capsize = 6, ecolor = 'dimgray') for i in n]
spp_sort = [spp[X[i]] for i in n]
axs5.set_xticklabels(spp_sort, fontdict = {'fontsize': 33}, rotation = 90)
axs5.set_ylim(0, 0.96)
axs5.set_yticks([0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8])
axs5.tick_params(axis = 'y', which = 'major', labelsize = 44)
axs5.set_ylabel(r'$\phi_{w}$', fontsize = 44, labelpad = 20, rotation = 0)
fig5.savefig('plots/phibarplot.svg', dpi = 300, bbox_inches = 'tight')

# spicules bar plot
fig6, axs6 = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 1, figsize = (10, 10))
spix = [43900, 1540, 4020, 2000000, 2780, 5960, 0, 0, 0] # number per cm^3
spix_e = [20000, 400, 2000, 1750000, 2000, 2000, 0, 0, 0] # uncertainty
[[i], spix[X[i]], 0.65, yerr = spix_e[X[i]], color = clrs[X[i]],
capsize = 6, ecolor = 'dimgray', rasterized = True) for i in n]
axs6.set_yticks([1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000])
axs6.tick_params(axis = 'y', which = 'major', labelsize = 44)
axs6.set_ylabel('$N_{spicules}$/cm$^{3}$', fontsize = 44, labelpad = 10)
fig6.savefig('plots/spiculesbarplot.svg', dpi = 300)

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