A hierarchical note taking application, featuring rich text and syntax highlighting, storing data in a single XML or SQLite file. The project home page is giuspen.com/cherrytree.
The current (python) version requires:
- python2
- python-gtk2
- python-gtksourceview2
- p7zip-full
- python-dbus
- python-enchant
- python-chardet
Then, after cloning, run in the top folder ./cherrytree
or python2 cherrytree
NOTE: The dictionaries for the spellcheck have packages names like hunspell-it, hunspell-fr, ...
Look at giuspen.com/cherrytree/#downl for available installers.
The development is currently happening on the master branch in the root folder being a C++/GTKmm porting.
The latest stable python release is also from the master branch.
The branch pygi is a discontinued attempt to port to the python bindings for GTK3. Reason for the failure in the issue python-gtksourceview2 deprecated, please port to PyGI.