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Astronomical tools for reading and manipulating lightcurves, spectra, and bandpass filter functions.


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Author: Eve Chase

Astronomical tools for reading and manipulating lightcurves, spectra, and bandpass filter functions.

Example use cases

To run the examples below, first import the necessary packages. You can replace Planck18_arXiv_v2 with your favorite cosmological parameters.

from astropy import units
from astropy.cosmology import Planck18_arXiv_v2
from cocteau import filereaders, observations
from cocteau import observational_utils as utils
import numpy as np

Read and plot a band

Use the VRO r-band as an example

# Initiate FileReader object
fr = filereaders.FileReader()

# Store band filename
band_filename = 'example/r_VRO.dat'

# Assign a string name to the band
bandname = 'r-band'

# Read in the band, noting the units
band = fr.read_band(band_filename, bandname, 

# Plot the band
ax = band.plot(color='r')

# Compute the effective wavelength for the band
wl_eff = band.effective_wavelength()
print(f'Effective wavelength: {wl_eff:.2f}')
Effective wavelength: 6220.05 Angstrom


Read in a spectrum

For this example, we'll read in a simulated spectrum from the LANL grid of kilonova simulations (Wollaeger et al. 2021-

Note that each *.dat file in the LANL grid contains 54 spectra for the same system, each rendered at a different viewing angle.

# Set the filename
spectra_filename = 'example/Run_TS_dyn_all_lanth_wind1_all_md0.001_vd0.3_mw0.1_vw0.05_spec_2020-03-10.dat'

# Initiate a LANL filereader object
fr = filereaders.LANLFileReader()

# Timestep to read spectrum for (must exactly match time in file)
timestep = 2.0 *

# Angle to plot (integer between 0 and 53 for LANL data)
angle = 0

# Read in the spectrum object
spectrum = fr.read_spectrum(spectra_filename, timestep=timestep,
    angle=angle, remove_zero=True)

# Print some parameters of the spectrum
print('Wavelengths:', spectrum.wavelength_arr[:10])
print('Flux density:', spectrum.flux_density_arr[:10])

# Plot the spectrum - need to remove_zero to plot
Wavelengths: [1.00235e-05 1.00710e-05 1.01190e-05 1.01670e-05 1.02155e-05 1.02640e-05
 1.03125e-05 1.03615e-05 1.04110e-05 1.04605e-05] cm
Flux density: [74.5977   2.62835  9.16651  6.08914  7.86527  3.21554  3.0699   4.3488
 10.4172   5.56802] Ba / s

<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Wavelength (Microns)', ylabel='$\\log_{10}$ dL\\d$\\lambda$  (erg s$^-1 \\AA^{-1}$) + const. '>


Read multiple spectra at the same time

Often it's useful to extract all timesteps simultaneously

# Get full spectra object for one angle
spectra = fr.read_spectra(spectra_filename, angles=[0],
{0: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400696b00>}
# Print properties of spectra

$[0.125,~0.136,~0.149,~0.162,~0.177,~0.193,~0.21,~0.229,~0.25,~0.273,~0.297,~0.324,~0.354,~0.386,~0.42,~0.459,~0.5,~0.545,~0.595,~0.648,~0.707,~0.771,~0.841,~0.917,~1,~1.091,~1.189,~1.297,~1.414,~1.542,~1.682,~1.834,~2,~2.181,~2.378,~2.594,~2.828,~3.084,~3.364,~3.668,~4,~4.362,~4.757,~5.187,~5.657,~6.169,~6.727,~7.336,~8,~8.724,~9.514,~10.375,~11.314,~12.338,~13.454,~14.672,~16,~17.448,~19.027,~20.749,~22.627,~24.675,~26.909,~29.344,~32,~34.896,~38.055] ; \mathrm{d}$

# Plot Spectrum at time=2 days
time_idx = np.where(spectra[0].timesteps.value == 2)[0][0]


<AxesSubplot:xlabel='Wavelength (Microns)', ylabel='$\\log_{10}$ dL\\d$\\lambda$  (erg s$^-1 \\AA^{-1}$) + const. '>


Read spectra at all 54 viewing angles

# Create spectra objects for all 54 viewing angles
spectra = fr.read_spectra(spectra_filename, 
    angles=np.arange(54), remove_zero=True)
{0: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff406186978>, 1: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff406186a90>, 2: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff403a6f278>, 3: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff403a6f978>, 4: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40619b320>, 5: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40619b550>, 6: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40619b9b0>, 7: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074b6da0>, 8: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074adc88>, 9: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074ad6d8>, 10: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff407490a90>, 11: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff407490978>, 12: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff407498c18>, 13: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff407498cf8>, 14: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4006ed6a0>, 15: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4006ed668>, 16: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4006ed5f8>, 17: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4006ed470>, 18: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4006ed550>, 19: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40065b9e8>, 20: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40065b940>, 21: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40065b908>, 22: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40065b9b0>, 23: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40065b828>, 24: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40065b898>, 25: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074beeb8>, 26: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074bee80>, 27: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074c7f98>, 28: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074c7c88>, 29: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074c7d68>, 30: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074c7ba8>, 31: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074c7d30>, 32: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40071b710>, 33: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40071bf60>, 34: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40071bbe0>, 35: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40071beb8>, 36: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40071b6a0>, 37: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40071bb38>, 38: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff40071ba20>, 39: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400713c18>, 40: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400713c88>, 41: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400713470>, 42: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400713cf8>, 43: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400713dd8>, 44: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074a6a20>, 45: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074a6be0>, 46: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074a6b38>, 47: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074a6ba8>, 48: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074a6a90>, 49: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff4074a6b00>, 50: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400727dd8>, 51: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400727c18>, 52: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400727cf8>, 53: <cocteau.observations.SpectraOverTime object at 0x7ff400727da0>}
# Compare two viewing angles, both at t=2 days
ax = spectra[0].spectra[time_idx].plot(label='Face-on')
ax = spectra[27].spectra[time_idx].plot(ax=ax, label='Edge-on')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7ff406efac18>


Compute a magnitude

Using a spectrum and a band, compute a magnitude

# Compute absolute magnitude
abs_mag = observations.compute_magnitude_at_timestep(spectrum, band,
print(f'Absolute mag: {abs_mag:.2f}')

# Convert to apparent magnitude at 100 Mpc
dist_lum = 100 * units.Mpc
app_mag = utils.appMag(abs_mag, dist_lum)
print(f'Apparent mag: {app_mag:.2f}')
Absolute mag: -15.84
Apparent mag: 19.16

Compute a lightcurve

Using a set of time-dependent spectra and a band, compute a lightcurve. Do this for both face-on and edge-on viewing angles

for angle in [0, 27]:

    # Select spectra to use
    spectra_to_compute = spectra[angle]

    # Create a lightcurve object
    lc = observations.LightCurve(times=spectra_to_compute.timesteps,
        spectra=spectra_to_compute, band=band)
    # Plot the lightcurve
    if angle == 0:
        ax = lc.plot(label='On-axis')
    elif angle == 27:
        ax = lc.plot(ax=ax, label='Off-axis')
ax.set_ylim(5, None)
(5.0, -17.28300115652786)


Compute lightcurves at different redshifts

This redshifts the rest-frame spectra

# Set redshift
redshift = 0.25

# Compute corresponding luminosity distance
dist_lum = Planck18_arXiv_v2.luminosity_distance(redshift)
1301.096612708391 Mpc
# Select spectra to use
spectra_to_compute = spectra[0]

# Create a lightcurve object, supplying the redshift
lc = observations.LightCurve(times=spectra_to_compute.timesteps,
    spectra=spectra_to_compute, band=band, redshift=redshift)

# Plot the lightcurve
ax = lc.plot()
ax.set_title(r'VRO/$r$-band at ' + f'z={redshift:.3f}')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'VRO/$r$-band at z=0.250')



Astronomical tools for reading and manipulating lightcurves, spectra, and bandpass filter functions.







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