Please navigate to the site through this URL:
Please email me for the Firebase API Keys and instructions on how to set-up
Our website is designed to cater to all the needs of a fictional Airline Company. In fact, with the addition of our RapidConnect program, the website is able to provide the Airline with valuable user habits and data. We hope you enjoy our website and we hope to get the chance to speak with you at SLC!
Q: The texts/images seem misplaced?
A: Please refresh your page, resizing the browser window will affect usability
Q: The site isn't loading?
A: Make sure WIFI is enabled. Or if you are viewing the site as local-host make sure to open index.html (by double clicking the file). However, to login into the dashboard, you will need to be connected to WIFI.
Q: Why can't I create an account?
A: We are using the free version of Firebase so quotas might've been reached
Q: Why is the website seem squished or elongated?
A: Try zooming in or out of your browser. Many times, you have zoomed in or out too much, which causes the website to attempt to resize.
Q: Why are the images not showing up?
A: The images are loading into the site. Usually the first time takes the longest. Please be patient.
In the future, we hope to utilize the user booking activities to better predict the next users' interaction with machine learning.
The website was written in pure HTML/CSS/Javascript with the addition of external Javascript libraries and external CSS links.
No templates were used.
Ethan Zhang
Neil Angajala
Ashwin Rajesh
- Stackoverflow