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A command line tool using the PuppeteerJS headless browser to crawl the CodeHS learning management system to streamline the grade aggregation process

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CodeHS Crawler

This is a NodeJS tool using the Puppeteer headless browser to crawl the CodeHS code teaching platform for a teacher's students' grades.


Preferred Method

Use the package manager npm to install CodeHS Crawler.

npm install codehs_grades

Note: Add the -g flag to use this tool anywhere; however, out files will have a different path from that of the working path.

Alternative(Repo) Method

Clone this repository.

git clone
cd CodeHS-HWCrawler
npm link

Note: outputs will be in the 'out' sub-directory



Grading Method

Guiding Principles:

if students put in full required time before due date they will get full credit

if students submitted all assignments on time, they get full credit

if students put in min time for credit before due date, then they will get on time credit (so they could get full credit if they work more)

if not everything was submitted on time and they didn't work at least min time for credit before due date, it is late, so they will get 70% of any score in the future

if all assignments were submitted on time OR time spent before due >= full credit time --> on time and max points else if time spent before due >= min time for any credit if all assignments are submitted OR total time spent is >= full credit time --> score is full credit and on time else --> score is totalTimeSpent / timeForMaxCredit * max and status is on time

// ALL THESE ARE LATE NOW else if all submitted OR total time spent is >= full credit time -> score is 70% of max and status is late else if total time spent is >= min time for any credit -> score is totalTimeSpent / timeForMaxCredit * max * 0.7 and status is late else -> score is 0 and status is missing

Below is the old grade system.

All assignments are out of 10 points.

If total time spent on assignment >= 45 minutes

Award 10/10 pts for the assignment.

If all exercises are completed (not "Not Submitted" or "Unopened")

Award 10/10 pts for the assignment.

If none of the above, loop through each exercise of the assignment
(N is number of exercises in the assignment)

If time worked on exercise >= 45 / N minutes

Award the exercise 1 pt .

If time worked on exercise >= 45 / (N * 3) minutes

Award the exercise M / (45 / N) pt, where M is the minutes they worked on the exercise.
(Rounding to the 2nd decimal place)

If none of the above

Award the exercise 0 pt.

Note: 'Exercises' and 'assignments' are defined below.

Technical Details

Definition of Exercise vs Assignment

Exercises are the problems each student have to solve as an assignment.

Calculating time spent on each exercise

Using edit sessions

  • A session ends when there was more than 30 minutes between versions or when the last version is reached.
  • The duration of each session is the difference between the first and last version of the session.

Note: See for example expected behaviors

Output file paths

Will have more options soon

If installed through npm install codehs_grades
In the node_modules/codehs_grades/ sub-folder of the install location

If installed through npm install codehs_grades -g
On unix systems: /usr/local/lib/node/codehs_grades/ or /usr/local/lib/node_modules/codehs_grades/
On windows: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\codehs_grades\

If installed through git clone
In the out sub-folder of the project installation location


Problem names in output are not matching input names

Delete the ./cached directory as problem IDs may have changed

Why are there '--' in each of the output fields?

The assignment may have been removed and could not be found, no real solutions as of right now.

ERROR: The process with PID # (child process of PID #) could not be terminated.

Could be ignored, may cause excessive memory usage?

Puppeteer sandbox issues

This tool does not support linux systems yet (mac may not work either)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


A command line tool using the PuppeteerJS headless browser to crawl the CodeHS learning management system to streamline the grade aggregation process







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