- fixed log level configuration
- updated Gradle to 8.7
- build-scripts migrated from Groovy to Kotlin, use version catalogues for dependencies
- artifacts now generated with Java 17
- handle missing configuration file in FirstSpirit server install (used for external integration scenarios)
- added new parameters "--permissionMode" and "--updateExistingPermissions" to "feature download" command
For more information about the new parameters, please use "fs-cli help feature download" or open the included documentation under docs/index.html.
- new commands for executing external scripts (beanshell by default):
- "script run": executes an external script
- "script parse": parses an external script, but does not execute it
For more information about the new commands, please use "fs-cli help script" or open the included documentation under docs/index.html.
- added new parameter "--include-feature-model" to "feature install" command
For more information about the new parameter, please use "fs-cli help feature install" or open the included documentation under docs/index.html.
- fixed java.lang.Error not getting handled in general
- commands "module install" & "module installBulk":
- fixed java.lang.Error aborting the complete process
- updated FirstSpirit compile dependency to 5.2.230409 (was 5.2.220907)
- implemented missing methods in FsLoggingBridge
- added new parameter "--run-level/-rl" to "server start" command
- new command for Content Transport:
- "feature revision": updates the revision of the specified feature
For more information about the new command, please use "fs-cli help feature revision" or open the included documentation under docs/index.html.
- updated default log4J2.xml to reduce the default logging for some packages, this was a regression of v4.0.0
- fixed exceptions being logged twice under some circumstances
- commands "module install" & "module installBulk":
- project app components will now be updated by the CLI instead of the FirstSpirit server
- web app components will now be updated by the CLI instead of the FirstSpirit server
- fixed parameter "--deployWebApps/-dwa" not working properly
- new commands for Content Transport:
- "feature list": lists all features for the specified project
- "feature download": downloads the specified feature
- "feature analyze": analyzes the specified feature in the project and logs the result
- "feature install": analyzes & installs the specified feature in the project
For more information about the new commands, please use "fs-cli help feature" or open the included documentation under docs/index.html.
- fixed logging for MultiExceptions in "module installBulk" command
- added missing add-opens for JDK 17
- updated Gradle to 7.5.1 (was 7.1.1)
- updated minimal required FirstSpirit version to 5.2.220907 (was 5.2.210710)
- fixed error in start script (WIN only)
- moved to Log4J 2.17.2
- moved to JUnit 5
- updated used libraries to latest versions
- updated Gradle to 7.1.1 (was 5.5.1)
- updated dependent gradle plugins to latest versions
- updated used libraries to latest versions
- command "import": clarified error messages if project exists and is deactivated or maximum projects on server are exceeded
- switched to semantic versioning 2.0.0
- updated minimal required FirstSpirit version to 5.2.210710 (was 5.2.200807)
- command "export": added support for permission transport (new parameter: --permissionMode)
- command "import": added support for permission transport (new parameters: --permissionMode, --updateExistingPermissions)
- fixed compatibility for JDK16
- WIN only: fixed whitespaces in execution path not working
- added link to ExternalSync documentation in README
- enhanced logging for module installation
- UNIX only: fixed file permissions (regression in 2.6.7)
- added support for new FirstSpirit wrapper scripts
- inactive web apps or web apps without an active webserver will no longer get re-deployed
- fixed and enhanced logging for web app deployment process
- added option to disable wrapper restarts
- NEW command: "module configure"
- refactoring of internal project structure
- please see the commit history for details