Add "node_modules/@amfrontender/ngx-multi-keywords-highlighter/themes/index.scss"
or "node_modules/@amfrontender/ngx-multi-keywords-highlighter/themes/themes.scss"
to your angular.json
or project.json
if you use NX to the build options of styles.
Import the NgxMultiKeywordsHighlighterModule
to your app.module.ts
import { LABEL_POSITION, MATERIAL_COLOR, NgxMultiKeywordsHighlighterModule } from '@amfrontender/ngx-multi-keywords-highlighter';
Add NgxMultiKeywordsHighlighterModule
config to the imports
declarations: [...],
imports: [
enableToggleLabel: true,
toggleLabelPosition: LABEL_POSITION.BEFORE,
enableHighlighterTooltip: 'Turn on/off highlighter',
minWidth: 320,
appRoot: 'mkh-root',
providers: [...],
bootstrap: [...],
export class AppModule {}
Add selector to the html
<mkh-multi-keywords-highlighter class="custom-lib"></mkh-multi-keywords-highlighter>
For more advanced usages, please check the storybook or the demo app
Type | Notes |
build | Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies |
chore | Changes to the build process, release or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation |
ci | Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts |
docs | Documentation only changes |
feat | A new feature |
fix | A bug fix |
perf | A code change that improves performance |
refactor | A refactoring |
revert | A revert commit |
style | UI/UX CHANGES |
test | Adding missing tests |
docker compose up --build -d
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