- enemy so messed up
- AI is broken
- base class needed [x]
- goal: can put 100 on a map and let them fight for an hour
-lighting model needs revamp!!! - finish dynamic lights - more styles! - ambient light (maxdark)
save entities with level def
generic prop and prop editor
- move prop defs to unique file and not per level!!! -> this does leave us with having to merge / split local attributes (ex. trigger door at 13,16)
- make it easy to add event triggers
- ex:
- ammo box
- invisible changelevel
- door button
if we are doing pitch:
- hit box editor
- hitboxes
- make hitreg universal for CBaseEnt stuff
- hit animations
if we are doing crouching:
- need half walls / vents
- agh
try to hate the level format less
- footsteps
- real HUD
- shot gun
- pickup weapons
engine states
- ui
- better than fire event for like changelevel
- need positional audio with dynamic position changing
- i think... you can do callbacks and pass audiostruct so doesnt wreck current system that much
- cut scene?
- need positional audio with dynamic position changing
half walls
replace weapon art with my own
replace enemy art with my own (blender SS ??)
make game
spaceship first person FTL sorta thing
- would be cool multiplayer
- done before
half life
- takes all my will not to accidentally remake it
just shooting
- not fun
- cant be better than doom or those indie games on steam that make being doom 2 their whole shtick
clausterphobia simulator
- good excuse for the lack of variable ceiling heights
- horror / dark
- lighting is all we got
- tomb raider