Live Link: GoodCooks
GoodCooks is inspired by GoodReads and allows users to browse a database of recipes. Users can save recipes to their cupboards, mark their saved recipes as cooked or favorited, and leave reviews on their favorite recipes.
- JavaScript
- HTML rendered through PUG templating
- CSS styling
- Font Awesome library for icons
- Hosted on Heroku
- Built with Express.js
- Uses a PostgreSQL Database
- Sequelize.js
- Express Validator Library
- CSURF Library
- Secure authentication using bcryptjs library
- Only grants access to features like saving and cupboards to authorized users
- Designed around a relational database schema, which allows users to save, rate, and view recipes with dynamic data and rendering
- Makes use of AJAX to render elements such as ratings asynchronously
- Includes protection from csrf attacks and performs front-end and back-end validation on forms
- Accessing all our recipe data was a bit of a challenge at first due to storing additional data in a joins table. To access our data in a succinct way we ended up creating a normalization function that we imported into any of our routes that needed to access ratings and cupboards.
const normalizeRecipe = (recipe, resUserId = undefined) => {
const normalized = {
description: recipe.description,
ingredients: recipe.ingredients,
instructions: recipe.instructions,
status: (() => {
const status = {
saved: false,
cooked: false,
favorited: false,
starRating: false,
if (resUserId) {
for (let cupboard of recipe.Cupboards) {
if (cupboard.userId === resUserId) {
status.saved = true;
if (cupboard.Cupboard_Recipe.cooked) {
status.cooked = true;
if (cupboard.Cupboard_Recipe.favorited) {
status.favorited = true;
if (recipe.Ratings.length) {
for (let rating of recipe.Ratings) {
if (rating.userId === resUserId) {
status.starRating = rating.starRating;
return status;
cupboards: => {
return {
return normalized;
- Manually search through recipes
- Follow and view other users' cupboards and profiles
- Create custom cupboards to save and organize their recipe library