This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 5, 2023. It is now read-only.
Releases: duongdev/kathena
Releases · duongdev/kathena
What's Changed
- Update dependency react-helmet-async to v1.2.0 by @renovate in #983
- Update dependency react-helmet-async to v1.2.1 by @renovate in #988
- change logo kmin by @canhuyh in #987
- Add findOneRating function by @canhuyh in #989
- Update dependency @types/node to v14.18.0 by @renovate in #991
- Update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to v5.16.0 by @renovate in #992
- Cu 1w9z7t5 fe fix UI course by @kugayamashusei in #990
- BE_When_clone_course_all_element_in_it_darft by @danghieuliem in #993
- Update dependency prettier to v2.5.1 by @renovate in #994
- BE-add-quizList-Before-In-After-Class by @danghieuliem in #997
- Update dependency ts-jest to v27.1.0 by @renovate in #996
- BE-when-add-student-to-course-sort-it by @danghieuliem in #995
- Add submission editing function by @canhuyh in #998
- Update dependency chart.js to v3.6.2 by @renovate in #999
- Update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to v5.16.1 by @renovate in #1001
- Update dependency react-helmet-async to v1.2.2 by @renovate in #1002
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.6.0 by @renovate in #1003
- Update dependency graphql to v15.8.0 by @renovate in #1005
- Update dependency apollo-upload-client to v17 by @renovate in #1006
- Update dependency @apollo/client to v3.5.6 by @renovate in #1007
- Add published all functions by @canhuyh in #1004
- Update dependency ts-jest to v27.1.1 by @renovate in #1008
- Update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.178 by @renovate in #1009
- Update dependency jest to v27.4.4 by @renovate in #1011
- Update dependency body-parser to v1.19.1 by @renovate in #1012
- Update dependency @emotion/react to v11.7.1 by @renovate in #1013
- Update dependency @nestjs/cli to v8.1.6 by @renovate in #1014
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.7.0 by @renovate in #1015
- Update dependency jest to v27.4.5 by @renovate in #1016
- Update dependency ts-jest to v27.1.2 by @renovate in #1018
- Update dependency @types/node to v14.18.1 by @renovate in #1019
- Update nest monorepo to v8.2.4 by @renovate in #1020
- Update dependency lint-staged to v12.1.3 by @renovate in #1021
- Update dependency react-number-format to v4.9.0 by @renovate in #1022
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.8.0 by @renovate in #1023
- Update dependency @types/node to v14.18.2 by @renovate in #1024
- Update dependency phosphor-react to v1.4.0 by @renovate in #1025
- Update dependency chart.js to v3.7.0 by @renovate in #1026
- Update dependency lint-staged to v12.1.4 by @renovate in #1027
- Features by @nhatminh0509 in #1028
- Cu 1wfmc4a fe update time 1 by @kugayamashusei in #1010
- CU-1zpr5w2-BE-Add-fields-to-Quiz-model by @danghieuliem in #1030
- Update dependency @types/node to v14.18.3 by @renovate in #1031
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.13.14 by @renovate in #1032
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v5.8.1 by @renovate in #1033
- Update dependency rxjs to v7.5.0 by @renovate in #1034
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-jest to v25.3.2 by @renovate in #1035
- Update dependency rxjs to v7.5.1 by @renovate in #1036
- Update 2 by @kugayamashusei in #1029
Full Changelog: v1.0.6...v1.0.7
What’s Changed
What’s Changed
- Update deploy script
What’s Changed
- Cu 1rx256w fe update UI time (#940) @kugayamashusei
- [FE] change english to vietnamese clone course (#939) @danghieuliem
- [BE] fix bug start date clone course (#938) @danghieuliem
- [BE] update quiz module Add orgId (#937) @danghieuliem
- [BE] - [FE] Fix bug when create course with first lesson's startDate equal course startDate (#932) @danghieuliem
- [BE] update staff can list orgOffice (#931) @danghieuliem
- [FE] change english to vietnamese in UI (#930) @danghieuliem
- remove-folder-file (#919) @danghieuliem
- [BE] fix upload file (#909) @danghieuliem
- [BE] update clone course (#918) @danghieuliem
- [BE] update findAndPaginateAcademicSubjects (#906) @danghieuliem
- FE-fix-generation-lesson-on-uif (#898) @danghieuliem
- Fix bugs (#897) @nhatminh0509
- Cu 1q9r0px fe update UI lesson (#896) @kugayamashusei
- Update UI (#894) @kugayamashusei
- Fix error when create lesson (#895) @canhuyh
- [BE] Update function updateCourse (#892) @danghieuliem
- [BE] Update function clone classwork (#891) @danghieuliem
- [BE] fix hard code limit lesson when create course (#890) @danghieuliem
- CU-1ngcktj - [BE] Change type for iframeVideos - createClassworkAssignment [Branch 1] (#829) @canhuyh
- Clone course (#887) @nhatminh0509
- Cu 1pjpfnw fe lecturer addremove video to classwork mateterial (#881) @kugayamashusei
- Fix UI (#876) @kugayamashusei
- CU-1nvxe8g - As a user, I want to change my avatar (#849) @canhuyh
- Cu 1npa42r fe fix bug update lesson have update lesson time options number of lessons postponed (#873) @kugayamashusei
- [BE] Remove duplicate code (#872) @canhuyh
- Fix error update lesson when choose option DoNotChangeTheOrderOfTheLessons (#871) @canhuyh
- Edit error TOTAL_NUMBER_OF_THE_LESSON_SHOULD_NOT_EXCEED_200_LESSONS to Vietnamese (#867) @canhuyh
- Cu 1nvxcjw fe update UI (#859) @kugayamashusei
- Cu 1nw12zj be validate when create course of the academic subject (#862) @canhuyh
- CU-1nvxf7c - [BE] Error when create course with totalNumberOfTheLesson is too big (#861) @canhuyh
- Cu-1nvxe0m-[BE]-update lessonService.updateLessonById (Second merge) (#846) @canhuyh
- CU-1nvxdy6 - [BE] Update lessonService.createLesson (First merge) (#845) @canhuyh
- Cu j3jw7a fe add update field iframe videos when update classwork material (#844) @kugayamashusei
- Cu 1ngavjy fe detail ifram videos classword material student (#842) @kugayamashusei
- [BE] Update courseService.updateCourseById (#825) @danghieuliem
- CU-1np2h7m - [BE] Fix create account (#836) @canhuyh
- Cu 1ngavb8 fe fix UI background (#832) @kugayamashusei
- Cu j3jw6c fe add field iframe videos nullabletrue when creating classwork material (#823) @kugayamashusei
- Cu 1naptkg fe edit publishing course UI (#822) @kugayamashusei
- Cu 1nap25q fe edit publishing assignments (#810) @kugayamashusei
- CU-1napy2z - [BE] Implement lessonSerivce.addLessonToCourse (#821) @canhuyh
- CU-1n538c8 - As a lecturer/student, I want to have a notification when create classworkAssignment, classworkMaterial and submit classwork (#818) @canhuyh
- Video (#808) @nhatminh0509
- Notification (#805) @nhatminh0509
- Config pubSub (#802) @canhuyh
- CU-1n4z1ht - [BE] Fix realtime Subscription (Chat realtime) (#797) @canhuyh
- Cu 1mzdukz fe students can rate lessons by the number of stars (#794) @kugayamashusei
- Cu 1mzchz2 fe fix bug comma image (#792) @kugayamashusei
- Separate the date list of lessons into a separate function (#779) @canhuyh
- Change description text when generated lesson (#774) @canhuyh
- [BE] Update classworkService.updateClassworkAssignmentById (#766) @danghieuliem
- [BE] Update classworkService.updateClassworkMaterialById (#765) @danghieuliem
- Add Assignment/Material to Lesson (#767) @kugayamashusei
- [BE] Update classworkService.createClassworkMaterial (#764) @danghieuliem
- [BE] Update classworkService.createClassworkAssignment (#763) @danghieuliem
- [BE] implement course serviceclone the course (#756) @danghieuliem
- CU-m8933c - [BE] Implement courseService.updateCoursePublicationById (#748) @canhuyh
- Chart (#746) @nhatminh0509
- CU-j3dz57 - [BE] Update Classwork model (#744) @canhuyh
- CU-m8962p - [FE] Students see the list of lessons (#741) @kugayamashusei
- CU-kbhj76-BE-Update-lessonService.updateLessonbyId (#738) @canhuyh
- Cu j3jth2 fe detail list of lessons before after classes material (#736) @kugayamashusei
- Cu kbnrza fe import mn hc menu for lecturer UI (#733) @kugayamashusei
- Cu kbnrza fe import mn hc menu for lecturer UI (#727) @kugayamashusei
- Update create course (#724) @nhatminh0509
- [BE] Update courseService.createCourse (#723) @danghieuliem
- CU-kbhhqv - [BE] Update Course model (#721) @canhuyh
- Cuj3dnvc [BE] Implement lessonService.generateLessons (#716) @canhuyh
- Update quiz submit (#713) @nhatminh0509
- [BE] Update lessonService.updateLessonById (#711) @danghieuliem
- Publication (#709) @nhatminh0509
- CU-j3drru - [BE] Update Lesson model (#705) @canhuyh
- [BE] divide course form academic module to course module (#704) @danghieuliem
- Attendance (#703) @nhatminh0509
- [BE] Divide lesson form academic module to lesson module (#701) @danghieuliem
- Quiz (#699) @nhatminh0509
- Cu gnp0ar fe update lesson (#698) @kugayamashusei
- Cu gnp09r fe create lesson (#695) @kugayamashusei
- [BE] Update findLessonById (#691) @danghieuliem
- Cu gnpf60 fe detail lesson (#690) @kugayamashusei
- Cu gnp3c3 fe list lessions (#689) @kugayamashusei
- Upadate academic servicefind and paginate lessons (#683) @danghieuliem
- Add check the permission to use lesson functions (#676) @canhuyh
- Done task (#649) @kugayamashusei
- CU-f22rp0 - Re-edit the navigation bar for students (#665) @kugayamashusei
- [BE] Implement academicService.updateLessonPublicationById (#655) @danghieuliem
- [BE] Implement academicService.findLessonById (#646) @danghieuliem
- Cu a5zvc4 UI student want to see the list of submitted assignments (#645) @kugayamashusei
- Cu e5knaw be update id fields to object (#641) @canhuyh
- Change field courseId to objectId In classworkmodel (#637) @danghieuliem
- [BE] Update listClassworkAssignmentsByStudentIdInCourse (#623) @danghieuliem
- CU-d3c58n - [BE] Update classworkSubmisson model and classworkService.calculateAvgGradeOfClassworkAssignment (#630) @canhuyh
- CU-chzava - [BE] Implement authService.canSubmitRating (#625) @canhuyh
- CU-cj685t - [BE] Update lesson model and ratingService.calculateAvgRatingByTargetId (#620) @canhuyh
- CU-bngm82-BE-Implement-academicService.commentsByLecturer (#607) @canhuyh
- Implements ratingService.createRating and ratingService.calculateAvgRatingByTargetId (#610) @canhuyh
- [FE-Bug] Student list (#551) @kugayamashusei
- [BE] Implement-academicService.updateLessonById-AND-academicService.addAbsentStudentsToLesson-AND-academicService.removeAbsentStudentsFromLesson (#603) @canhuyh
- [BE] classworkservice.listClassworkAssignmentsByStudentIdInCourse (#583) @danghieuliem
- CU-ac28p3 - [BE] Implement academicService.findAndPaginateLessons (#600) @canhuyh
- [BE] CU-ac28nh-BE-Implement-academicService.createLesson (#586) @canhuyh
- Implement Lesson module and Rating module (#570) @canhuyh
- Cu a7wejp fe bug back button changes to list (#552) @kugayamashusei
- Cu a7wdvp fe bug course details change to course name subtitle is course code (#546) @kugayamashusei
- Cu a7we3e fe bug error displaying exercise list no exercises (#550) @kugayamashusei
- [BE] implement classwork servicelist classwork submitteds by student id in course (#545) @danghieuliem
- CU-9bxhx9 - As a lecturer, I want to report the number of students who submitted their assignments on time, submitted late and didn't (#536) @canhuyh
What’s Changed
- Conversation (#509) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency file-type to v16.5.1 (#540) @renovate
- Update dependency ts-node to v10.1.0 (#539) @renovate
- CU-a03a5y-As-a-Student-I-want-to-see-my-Detail-submissions (#516) @kugayamashusei
- Update dependency @types/yup to v0.29.13 (#535) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/gravatar to v1.8.3 (#534) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.14 (#533) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/react-router-dom to v5.1.8 (#532) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/react-dom to v17.0.9 (#531) @renovate
- Update dependency @nestjs/schematics to v8 (#526) @renovate
- Update dependency @nestjs/serve-static to v2.2.2 (#527) @renovate
- Update dependency @storybook/preset-create-react-app to v3.2.0 (#525) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.171 (#524) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/jsonwebtoken to v8.5.4 (#523) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/jest to v26.0.24 (#522) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/graphql-upload to v8.0.6 (#521) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/express to v4.17.13 (#520) @renovate
- Update dependency tsconfig-paths to v3.10.1 (#519) @renovate
- Update dependency @apollo/client to v3.3.21 (#518) @renovate
- Update dependency husky to v7.0.1 (#517) @renovate
- As a system, I want real-time notification when there is a new assignment in a course (#492) @canhuyh
- Update dependency phosphor-react to v1.3.1 (#515) @renovate
- Update dependency phosphor-react to v1.3.0 (#514) @renovate
- Update dependency rxjs to v7.2.0 (#513) @renovate
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.28.2 (#512) @renovate
- CU-9y2kbh - [Admin] Search Course (#506) @kugayamashusei
- CU-9y2kcx - [Teaching] Search Course (#505) @kugayamashusei
- [Studying] Search Course (#504) @kugayamashusei
- Update jest monorepo (major) (#508) @renovate
- Update dependency chart.js to v3.4.1 (#507) @renovate
- Add env enable devtool (#503) @nhatminh0509
- Pin dependency graphql-subscriptions to 1.2.1 (#502) @renovate
- As a system, I want to email students when there is a graded assignment in a course (#485) @danghieuliem
- Realtime comment and refactor comment (#500) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.13.2 (#501) @renovate
- Update dependency react-number-format to v4.6.4 (#499) @renovate
- Update dependency eslint to v7.30.0 (#498) @renovate
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.13.1 (#497) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/yup to v0.29.12 (#496) @renovate
- Update dependency @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo to v2.3.0 (#495) @renovate
- Update dependency web-vitals to v2.1.0 (#494) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/jsonwebtoken to v8.5.3 (#493) @renovate
- Update dependency @typegoose/typegoose to v8.0.0-beta.21 (#490) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.13 (#488) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.12 (#487) @renovate
- Update dependency husky to v7 (#486) @renovate
- Update graphqlcodegenerator monorepo (#484) @renovate
- Update (#483) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency @typegoose/typegoose to v8.0.0-beta.19 (#482) @renovate
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.28.1 (#481) @renovate
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.13.0 (#480) @renovate
- Update dependency @typegoose/typegoose to v8.0.0-beta.17 (#479) @renovate
- Add README (#478) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency chart.js to v3.4.0 (#477) @renovate
- Update nest monorepo (major) (#538) @renovate
What’s Changed
- As a user, I want to change/set password by OTP (#474) @nhatminh0509
What’s Changed
- Update dependency prettier to v2.3.2 (#476) @renovate
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.12.15 (#475) @renovate
- As a system, I want to email all students when there is a new assignment assignment in a course (#459) @canhuyh
- Cu 9a2kby update UI detail classwork assignment (#470) @kugayamashusei
- Update dependency @testing-library/react to v12 (#469) @renovate
- Reset password form (#464) @nhatminh0509
- Update Apollo GraphQL packages to v2.25.2 (#468) @renovate
- Update dependency query-string to v7.0.1 (#467) @renovate
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.28.0 (#466) @renovate
- Update graphqlcodegenerator monorepo (#465) @renovate
- Update dependency graphql to v15.5.1 (#463) @renovate
- [BE] fix bug classwork servicefind one classwork submission add permission (#462) @danghieuliem
- [Staff] Implement update course (#457) @kugayamashusei
- Add block inspect on my website (#461) @nhatminh0509
- Update graphqlcodegenerator monorepo (#460) @renovate
- Update dependency eslint to v7.29.0 (#458) @renovate
- [BE] add classwordservice.findOneClassworkclassworkSubmission (#451) @danghieuliem
- Update dependency @nestjs/graphql to v7.11.0 (#456) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/react-dom to v17.0.8 (#455) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/jsonwebtoken to v8.5.2 (#454) @renovate
- Update dependency @typegoose/typegoose to v8.0.0-beta.16 (#453) @renovate
- Update nest monorepo to v7.6.18 (#452) @renovate
- Update classworkservice.createClassworkSubmission (#438) @danghieuliem
- Detail Course (#448) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.12.14 (#450) @renovate
- Add comment to classwork material studying (#447) @kugayamashusei
- Add grade submission (#446) @nhatminh0509
- Add comment to teaching classwork material (#445) @nhatminh0509
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.27.0 (#444) @renovate
- Update classworkService.setGradeForClassworkSubmission (#443) @canhuyh
- Implement chart average score of each exercise in the course (#442) @nhatminh0509
- Add comment to studying course (#441) @nhatminh0509
- Add comment to class work submission (#439) @nhatminh0509
- Add comment to teaching course (#440) @nhatminh0509
- Add Detail Submission (#432) @kugayamashusei
- Update dependency @types/gravatar to v1.8.2 (#437) @renovate
- Add comments to classwork assignment (#436) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to v5.14.1 (#435) @renovate
- [BE] fix error don't import Account (#433) @danghieuliem
- Update dependency apollo-upload-client to v16 (#434) @renovate
- [BE] classworkService.FindClassworkSubmissionById (#427) @danghieuliem
- Update dependency @typegoose/typegoose to v8.0.0-beta.14 (#431) @renovate
- Update dependency react-number-format to v4.6.3 (#430) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.11 (#429) @renovate
- Update dependency react-number-format to v4.6.2 (#428) @renovate
- Add query to CommentService.listCommentByTargetId (#423) @canhuyh
- Update dependency @types/react-dom to v17.0.7 (#425) @renovate
- As a staff and lecturer. I want to calculate the average score of each exercise in the course (#413) @canhuyh
- Add Submit my solution (#426) @kugayamashusei
- Implement Create Comment (#420) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.10 (#424) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/graphql-upload to v8.0.5 (#422) @renovate
- Update Apollo GraphQL packages (#421) @renovate
- Add List submissions (#419) @nhatminh0509
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.26.1 (#417) @renovate
- Add comment to classwork submision (#412) @danghieuliem
- Update dependency react-number-format to v4.6.1 (#416) @renovate
- Pin dependency react-chartjs-2 to 3.0.3 (#415) @renovate
- Add detail studying classwork (#414) @kugayamashusei
- Update dependency ts-loader to v9.2.3 (#411) @renovate
- bug classwork servicecreate classwork submission not work (#408) @danghieuliem
- update findClassworkMaterialById and findClassworkAssignmentById (#409) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Update dependency prettier to v2.3.1 (#410) @renovate
- Pin dependencies (#407) @renovate
- Implement UI chart (#404) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency eslint to v7.28.0 (#406) @renovate
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.12.13 (#405) @renovate
- Add and write test List submissions (#403) @danghieuliem
- Update ClassworkAssignment model (#401) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Update dependency @testing-library/jest-dom to v5.13.0 (#402) @renovate
- Cu 8xyac1 fe addremove attachments tofrom classwork material (#400) @kugayamashusei
- [FE] Add/remove attachments to/from classwork assignment (#396) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency web-vitals to v2.0.1 (#399) @renovate
- Update dependency @typegoose/typegoose to v8.0.0-beta.13 (#398) @renovate
- Update dependency formik to v2.2.9 (#397) @renovate
- Implement classworkService.setGradeForClassworkSubmision (#395) @canhuyh
- Write unit test for findAndPaginateClassworkMaterials (#393) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Add update classwork material page (#394) @kugayamashusei
- Update dependency @types/react-dom to v17.0.6 (#392) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.9 (#391) @renovate
- Update dependency web-vitals to v2 (#390) @renovate
- Update classwork assignments (#381) @nhatminh0509
- Add detail classwork materials (#387) @kugayamashusei
- Implement commentService.listCommentByTargetId (#389) @canhuyh
- Implement commentService.createComment (#388) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Add and write test classwork servicecreate classwork submission (#383) @danghieuliem
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.26.0 (#385) @renovate
- Update dependency @typegoose/typegoose to v8.0.0-beta.12 (#384) @renovate
- Add create classwork material page (#367) @kugayamashusei
- Update UI Support Multiple Role (#382) @nhatminh0509
- Update ClassworkSubmission model (#380) @canhuyh
- Detail classwork assignments (#373) @nhatminh0509
- Update UI Create Classwork Assingment (#376) @nhatminh0509
- Setup ClassworkSubmission model and Comment module (#368) @canhuyh
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-react to v7.24.0 (#379) @renovate
- Update dependency eslint-plugin-import to v2.23.4 (#378) @renovate
- Update dependency @typegoose/typegoose to v8.0.0-beta.11 (#377) @renovate
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.12.12 (#375) @renovate
- Update dependency date-fns to v2.22.1 (#374) @renovate
- Update dependency file-type to v16.5.0 (#372) @renovate
- As a student, I want to list & view classworks (#355) @nhatminh0509
- Add org office to course (#344) @nhatminh0509
- Update classwork.service.createClassworkMaterial (add file) (#366) @danghieuliem
- Update classworkservice.CreateClassworkAssignment (Add File) (#365) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Update dependency react-number-format to v4.6.0 (#364) @renovate
- [BE] Upload addAttachmentsToClasswork (#362) @danghieuliem
- Add list classwork material page (#353) @kugayamashusei
- Update graphqlcodegenerator monorepo (#363) @renovate
- Implement add and remove attachments function for classwork material and classwork assignments (#354) @canhuyh
- Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.8 (#361) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/express to v4.17.12 (#359) @renovate
- Pin dependency react-quill to 1.3.5 (#358) @renovate
- Create Classwork assignments (#347) @nhatminh0509
- Update classworkService.findAndPaginateClassworkAssignments (#349) @canhuyh
- Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.7 (#357) @renovate
- Update classworkService.findClassworkMarerialById (#350) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.25.0 (#352) @renovate
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.12.11 (#351) @renovate
- Implement classworkservice.findAndPaginateClassworkMaterial (#348) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Add and write test classworkService.updateClassworkMaterialPu… (#338) @danghieuliem
- Implement classworkService.findClassworkAssignmentsById (#311) @canhuyh
- Update dependency ts-node to v10 (#346) @renovate
- Update dependency ts-loader to v9.2.2 (#345) @renovate
- Add button active/deactivated account (#334) @nhatminh0509
- Handle bug loading in update academic subject page (#299) @kugayamashusei
- Update dependency eslint to v7.27.0 (#343) @renovate
- Update dependency formik to v2.2.8 (#342) @renovate
- Update dependency dotenv to v10 (#340) @renovate
- Update dependency rxjs to v7.1.0 (#339) @renovate
- Update dependency fastify-static to v4.2.2 (#337) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/lodash to v4.14.170 (#336) @renovate
- Add and write test classworkService.updateClassworkMaterial (#320) @danghieuliem
- Implement classworkService.findClassworkMaterialById (#335) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Implement classworkService.updateClassworkAssignmentPublication (#333) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Implement classworkService.updateClassworkAssignment (#329) @nguyenvanhai-0911
- Implement list classwork assignments (#332) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency formik to v2.2.7 (#330) @renovate
- Update dependency ts-loader to v9.2.1 (#328) @renovate
- Update dependency fastify-static to v4.2.1 (#327) @renovate
- Implement classworkService.findAndPaginateClassworkAssignments (#308) @canhuyh
- Implement search user (#314) @kugayamashusei
- Implement update account (#326) @nhatminh0509
- Add and write test createClassworkMaterial (#310) @danghieuliem
- Update Apollo GraphQL packages (#324) @renovate
- Update dependency ts-loader to v9.2.0 (#323) @renovate
- Update dependency mongoose to v5.12.10 (#322) @renovate
- Update dependency @types/react to v17.0.6 (#321) @renovate
- Update nest monorepo to v7.6.17 (#319) @renovate
- Add search academic subject & Search Component (#313) @nhatminh0509
- Update dependency notistack to v1.0.8 (#318) @renovate
- Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v4.24.0 (#317) @renovate
- Update authService.canAccountManageCourse (#312) @danghieuliem
- Update dependency fastify-static to v4.2.0 (#315...