- Download or clone this repo.
to the repo.- Run
make [target name]
Directory | Content |
git |
Installation script for git |
docker |
Installation script for Docker Compose |
node |
Installation/Update script for Node, NVM; ESLint configuration collection |
tex |
Installation script, configuration files for TeX Live |
vim |
Vim configuration |
neovim |
Neovim installation script, configuration |
package-managers |
Linux-package-manager-dependent scripts |
This list does not document all targets. For the entire list, see Makefile
make texlive # install TeX Live (scheme: full)
make node # install node with nvm (lts version)
make node-update # install latest version of node, update g:coc_node_path in ~/.vimrc
make vim-all # install/update every plugins listed in this repo
make vim-basic # install/update some plugins listed in this repo
make font # install Ubuntu Nerd Font
make neovim-stable # install latest stable release of Neovim
make neovim-nightly # install latest nightly release of Neovim
make neovim-all # install/update vim-plug and Neovim plugins