Welcome! I hope you find what you're looking for here. Let's lift one another up 🙌
Has this list helped you? If so I'd love to hear from you! You can email me at duncan@moderntreasury.com or tweet at me @duncangraham.
Know a resource that isn't listed below? Find something that's out of date or low-value? Feel free to create a new pull request.
- Foundations
- The Job Search
- Support
- Workshops
- Research
- Accessibility
- Design Systems
- Collaboration
- Leadership
- Recruiting
- Tools
- Brand and Creative
- Freelancing
- Cross-functional Resources
- Assorted Media
- Assets
- More Resource Collections
- https://shiftnudge.com/
- General Assembly UX Design Immersive
- Rethink
- Google UX Design Professional Certificate
- Huge XD School
- Learn UI/UX design
- Design Career Jumpstart
- UX Collective: a program to help you break into UX design
- Design Collective
- Moringa Fellowship (TBD if this continues- it may be winding down)
- Resources for Job-Seekers
- Joining a big company vs. a startup
- Career Decisions
- Wert & Co's job hunt guide
- How to give a great product design portfolio presentation
- Portfolio tips
- https://www.bestfolios.com/home
- Figma case study presentation template
- https://www.casestudy.club/pro
- Case Study Presentation Template
- Tips from Tanner
- Kalzumeus' Salary Negotiation Post. Required reading for all job-seekers
- The 10 commandments of salary negotiation
- Never Split the Difference. This book is the gold standard of modern negotiation. Learn it and it will pay for itself over and over.
- Never Split the Difference Cheat Sheet
- Never Split the Difference MasterClass
- Everything you need to know about negotiating tech offers
- Compound's Understanding Startup Offers
- Holloway's Equity Compensation
- Companies with extended equity windows
- Reasoning for the list above: Fuck your 90 day exercise window
- Early employees should consider early exercise
- What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining A Unicorn
- Understanding Startup Stock Options
- Land your dream job
- How to get a design job
- http://cofolios.com/
- https://uxdesign.cc/how-to-prepare-for-your-facebook-product-design-interview-f80ab9e8f6fb
- How to find a good coach
- https://www.paolamariselli.com/coaching
- https://www.designdept.co/coaching
- https://jessejamesgarrett.com/
- https://www.linkedin.com/posts/pincott_bluemonday-uxui-uxdesign-activity-6756734069251354624-ciJl/
Contrast: A macOS app for quick access to WCAG color contrast ratios
A 4-step process for testing the accessibility of your designs
- Awesome Design Systems
- How I create Design systems from scratch
- The key lessons I learned creating a popular design system
- Playbook: Build a design system
- Leonardo: an open source contrast-based color generator
- Using Figma's Library Analytics
- Starting a Design System in a Startup
- Joel Califa on his experience leading Product Design at Digital Ocean
- Design Leader meetings
- Playbook: Grow as a design manager
- Making a team charter, A Miro Guide
- What's going on here, with this human?
- Startup Hiring
- Behavioral Interview Questions
- Reference Calls
- Recruiting Lessons
- Design books by Womxn & People of Color
- Product Design for the Web
- Land your Dream Design Job
- Microcopy
- Airbnb Design
- Plant Design
- Method in Madness - Research
- Spotify design blog
- RefactorUI
- Lovers Magazine
- I know there are many more! Please help me add them!
- please help me add stuff here! I know there are amazing content creators I'm missing