React Component to display a neat settings page that enables customizable configuration in your app. It should easily integrate into popup components to also display it as a popup.
npm i react-settings-pane --save
For a local demo, check: examples/index.html
import {SettingsPane, SettingsPage, SettingsContent, SettingsMenu} from 'react-settings-pane'
// Render function of any of your components:
render() {
// You will maybe receive your settings from this.props or do a fetch request in your componentWillMount
//let settings = settings;
// But here is an example of how it should look like:
let settings = {
'': 'Dennis Stücken',
'mysettings.general.color-theme': 'purple',
'': '',
'mysettings.general.picture': 'earth',
'mysettings.profile.firstname': 'Dennis',
'mysettings.profile.lastname': 'Stücken',
// Define your menu
const menu = [
title: 'General', // Title that is displayed as text in the menu
url: '/settings/general' // Identifier (url-slug)
title: 'Profile',
url: '/settings/profile'
// Define one of your Settings pages
const dynamicOptionsForProfilePage = [
key: '',
label: 'E-Mail address',
type: 'text',
key: 'mysettings.general.password',
label: 'Password',
type: 'password',
// Save settings after close
const leavePaneHandler = (wasSaved, newSettings, oldSettings) => {
// "wasSaved" indicates wheather the pane was just closed or the save button was clicked.
if (wasSaved && newSettings !== oldSettings) {
// do something with the settings, e.g. save via ajax.
const settingsChanged = (changedSettings) => {
// this is triggered onChange of the inputs
// Return your Settings Pane
return (
<SettingsPane items={menu} index="/settings/general" settings={settings} onPaneLeave={leavePaneHandler}>
<SettingsMenu headline="General Settings" />
<SettingsContent closeButtonClass="secondary" saveButtonClass="primary" header={true}>
<SettingsPage handler="/settings/general">
<fieldset className="form-group">
<label for="profileName">Name: </label>
<input type="text" className="form-control" name="" placeholder="Name" id="general.ame" onChange={settingsChanged} defaultValue={settings['']} />
<fieldset className="form-group">
<label for="profileColor">Color-Theme: </label>
<select name="mysettings.general.color-theme" id="profileColor" className="form-control" defaultValue={settings['mysettings.general.color-theme']}>
<option value="blue">Blue</option>
<option value="red">Red</option>
<option value="purple">Purple</option>
<option value="orange">Orange</option>
<SettingsPage handler="/settings/profile" options={dynamicOptionsForProfilePage} />
settings: object
: Key/value object with your settings. Pased down to all SettingsPages.items: array
: The menu items for the left menuindex: string
: The index Page (url-slug of it)onPaneLeave: function
: Callback function that is emitted after closing the paneonMenuItemClick: function
: (optional) Callback function for each menu-item click. Could be used to push current url state to browser History.
headline: string
: Window Title on top of the left menu
header: bool|React.Component
: true = Title of current menu Item is displayed as an h2, can also be a React.Component for a custom headline.closeButtonClass: string
: custom className for the close buttonsaveButtonClass: string
: custon className for the save button
handler: string
: URL handler, this has to match with your menu url property.options: array
: (optional) Options for a programattically generated settings page. See dynamicOptionsForGeneralPage for an example.
These are the default css classes:
- div.settings-pane
- form.settings
- div.settings-left
- ul.settings-menu
- ul.settings-menu
- div.settings-content
- div.headline
- div.settings-page
- div.scroller
- div.settings-innerpage
- div.settings-footer
- div.settings.close
It is possible to push the url state to the browser history using react-router or whatever you feel like. This can be handled with a callback function that is passed to the SettingsPane component.
// Import browser history from react router
import { browserHistory } from 'react-router'
// Pass a callback function to the SettingsPane property "onMenuItemClick"
<SettingsPane onMenuItemClick={(menuItem) => browserHistory.push(menuItem.url)} />