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Terraform AWS ECS App Module

Terraform module to create AWS ECS application.

Security & Compliance

Security scanning is graciously provided by Bridgecrew.

Benchmark Description
Infrastructure Tests Infrastructure Security Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, AWS V1.2 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, AZURE V1.1 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards V3.2 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests National Institute of Standards and Technology Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Information Security Management System, ISO/IEC 27001 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Service Organization Control 2 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, GCP Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Compliance
Infrastructure Tests PCI-DSS V3.2.1 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests FEDRAMP (MODERATE) Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, KUBERNETES V1.5 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, AWS V1.3 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, AZURE V1.3 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, Docker V1.2 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, EKS V1.1 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, GKE V1.1 Compliance
Infrastructure Tests Center for Internet Security, KUBERNETES V1.6 Compliance


Name Version
terraform >= 1.0


Name Version
aws n/a
template n/a


Name Source Version
alb ~> 5.0
autoscaling terraform-aws-modules/autoscaling/aws ~> 4.0
datadog ~> 3.2
ecr ~> 1.0
efs ~> 0.31
nginx ~> 1.0
route_53_health_check ~> 1.0
service ./ecs-modules/ecs-service n/a


Name Type
aws_eip.autoscaling resource
aws_iam_role_policy.ec2_auto_eip resource
aws_route53_record.alb resource
aws_route53_record.ec2 resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_instance_profile.this data source
aws_region.current data source
template_file.asg_ecs_ec2_user_data data source


Name Description Type Default Required
additional_container_definition_parameters Additional parameters passed straight to the container definition, eg. tmpfs config any {} no
alb_deregistration_delay n/a number 5 no
alb_health_check_healthy_threshold n/a number 3 no
alb_health_check_interval n/a number 30 no
alb_health_check_path ALB health check path string "/health" no
alb_health_check_timeout n/a number 6 no
alb_health_check_unhealthy_threshold n/a number 3 no
alb_health_check_valid_response_codes n/a string "200-399" no
alb_idle_timeout The time in seconds that the connection is allowed to be idle. number 60 no
alb_security_groups Security groups to assign to ALB list(any) [] no
app_secrets List of SSM ParameterStore secret parameters - by default, /$var.env/$* list(any) [] no
app_type ECS application type. Valid values: web (with ALB), worker (without ALB). string "web" no
assign_public_ip ECS service network configuration - assign public IP bool false no
autoscale_enabled ECS Autoscaling enabled bool false no
autoscale_scheduled_down List of Cron-like expressions for scheduled ecs autoscale DOWN list [] no
autoscale_scheduled_timezone Time Zone for the scheduled event string "UTC" no
autoscale_scheduled_up List of Cron-like expressions for scheduled ecs autoscale UP list [] no
autoscale_target_value_cpu ECS Service Average CPU Utilization threshold. Integer value for percentage - IE 80 number 50 no
autoscale_target_value_memory ECS Service Average Memory Utilization threshold. Integer value for percentage. IE 60 number 50 no
autoscaling_health_check_type ECS 'EC2' or 'ELB' health check type string "EC2" no
autoscaling_max_size Maximum number of running ECS tasks during scheduled-up-autoscaling action number 2 no
autoscaling_min_size Minimum number of running ECS tasks during scheduled-up-autoscaling action number 2 no
aws_service_discovery_private_dns_namespace Amazon ECS Service Discovery private DNS namespace string "" no
cloudwatch_schedule_expressions List of Cron-like Cloudwatch Event Rule schedule expressions (UTC time zone) list(any) [] no
cpu Fargate CPU value ( number 256 no
cpu_architecture When you register a task definition, you specify the CPU architecture. The valid values are X86_64 and ARM64 string "X86_64" no
create_schedule Determines whether to create autoscaling group schedule or not bool false no
datadog_enabled Datadog agent is enabled bool false no
datadog_jmx_enabled Enables / Disables jmx monitor via the datadog agent bool false no
deployment_minimum_healthy_percent Lower limit on the number of running tasks number 100 no
desired_capacity Desired number (capacity) of running ECS tasks number 1 no
docker_container_command Docker container command list(string) [] no
docker_container_entrypoint Docker container entrypoint list(string) [] no
docker_container_port Docker container port number 3000 no
docker_host_port Docker host port. 0 means Auto-assign. number 0 no
docker_image_name Docker image name string "" no
docker_image_tag Docker image tag string "latest" no
docker_labels Labels to be added to the docker. Used for auto-configuration, for instance of JMX discovery map(any) null no
docker_registry ECR or any other docker registry string "" no
domain_names Domain names for AWS Route53 A records list(any) [] no
ec2_eip_count Count of EIPs to create number 0 no
ec2_eip_dns_enabled Whether to manage DNS records to be attached to the EIP bool false no
ec2_eip_enabled Enable EC2 ASG Auto Assign EIP mode bool false no
ec2_service_group Service group name, e.g. app, service name etc. string "app" no
ecr_repo_create Creation of a ECR repo bool false no
ecr_repo_name ECR repository name string "" no
ecs_cluster_arn ECS cluster arn. Should be specified to avoid data query by cluster name string "" no
ecs_cluster_name ECS cluster name string "" no
ecs_exec_custom_prompt_enabled Enable Custom shell prompt on ECS Exec bool false no
ecs_exec_enabled Turns on the Amazon ECS Exec for the task bool true no
ecs_exec_prompt_string Shell prompt that contains ENV and APP_NAME is enabled string `"\e[1;35m★\e[0m $ENV-$APP_NAME:$(wget -qO- $ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4 sed -n 's/."com.amazonaws.ecs.task-definition-version":"\([^\"]\).*/\1/p') \e[1;36m★\e[0m $(wget -qO- $ECS_CONTAINER_METADATA_URI_V4
ecs_launch_type ECS launch type: FARGATE or EC2 string "FARGATE" no
ecs_network_mode Corresponds to networkMode in an ECS task definition. Supported values are none, bridge, host, or awsvpc string "awsvpc" no
ecs_platform_version The platform version on which to run your service. Only applicable when using Fargate launch type string "LATEST" no
ecs_service_deployed This service resource doesn't have task definition lifecycle policy, so terraform is used to deploy it (instead of ecs cli) bool false no
ecs_service_discovery_enabled ECS service can optionally be configured to use Amazon ECS Service Discovery bool false no
ecs_service_name The ECS service name string "" no
ecs_task_health_check_command Command to check for the health of the container string "" no
ecs_volumes_from The VolumeFrom property specifies details on a data volume from another container in the same task definition list(any) [] no
efs_enabled EFS Enabled bool false no
efs_mount_point EFS mount point string "/mnt/efs" no
efs_root_directory EFS root directory string "/" no
env Target environment name of the infrastructure string n/a yes
environment Set of environment variables map(string) n/a yes
firelens_ecs_log_enabled AWSFirelens ECS logs enabled bool false no
global_secrets List of SSM ParameterStore global secrets - by default, /$var.env/global/* list(any) [] no
gpu GPU-enabled container instances number 0 no
http_port Port that is used for HTTP protocol number 80 no
https_enabled Whether enable https or not (still needs tls_cert_arn) string true no
iam_instance_profile IAM Instance Profile string null no
iam_role_policy_statement ECS Service IAM Role policy statement list(any) [] no
image_id EC2 AMI id string null no
instance_type EC2 instance type for ECS string "t3.small" no
key_name EC2 key name string null no
max_size Maximum number of running ECS tasks number 1 no
memory Fargate Memory value ( number 512 no
memory_reservation The soft limit (in MiB) of memory to reserve for the container number 256 no
min_size Minimum number of running ECS tasks number 1 no
name ECS app name string n/a yes
namespace Namespace name within the infrastructure string n/a yes
operating_system_family Platform to be used with ECS. The valid values for Amazon ECS tasks hosted on Fargate are LINUX, WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_FULL, and WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CORE. The valid values for Amazon ECS tasks hosted on EC2 are LINUX, WINDOWS_SERVER_2022_CORE, WINDOWS_SERVER_2022_FULL, WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_FULL, and WINDOWS_SERVER_2019_CORE, WINDOWS_SERVER_2016_FULL, WINDOWS_SERVER_2004_CORE, and WINDOWS_SERVER_20H2_CORE. string "LINUX" no
port_mappings List of ports to open from a service list(any) [] no
private_subnets VPC Private subnets to place ECS resources list(any) [] no
proxy_docker_container_command Proxy docker container CMD list(string)
"daemon off;"
proxy_docker_entrypoint Proxy docker container entrypoint list
proxy_docker_image_name Nginx proxy docker image name string "nginx" no
public It's publicity accessible application bool true no
public_ecs_service It's publicity accessible service bool false no
public_subnets VPC Public subnets to place ECS resources list(any) [] no
resource_requirements The ResourceRequirement property specifies the type and amount of a resource to assign to a container. The only supported resource is a GPU list(any) [] no
root_block_device_size n/a number "50" no
root_block_device_type n/a string "gp2" no
root_domain_name Domain name of AWS Route53 Zone string "" no
route53_health_check_enabled AWS Route53 health check is enabled bool false no
schedules Map of autoscaling group schedule to create map(any) {} no
security_groups Security groups to assign to ECS Fargate task/ECS EC2 list(any) [] no
shared_memory_size Size of the /dev/shm shared memory in MB number 0 no
sidecar_container_definitions Sidecar container definitions for ECS task any [] no
sns_service_subscription_endpoint You can use different endpoints, such as email, Pagerduty, Slack, etc. string "" no
sns_service_subscription_endpoint_protocol See valid protocols here: string "email" no
ssm_global_secret_path AWS SSM root path to global environment secrets like /dev/global string null no
ssm_secret_path AWS SSM root path to environment secrets of an app like /dev/app1 string null no
tls_cert_arn TLS certificate ARN string null no
tmpfs_container_path Path where tmpfs shm would be mounted string "/tmp/" no
tmpfs_enabled TMPFS support for non-Fargate deployments bool false no
tmpfs_mount_options Options for the mount of the ram disk. noatime by default to speed up access list(string)
tmpfs_size Size of the tmpfs in MB number 1024 no
volumes Amazon data volumes for ECS Task (efs/FSx/Docker volume/Bind mounts) list(any) [] no
vpc_id AWS VPC ID string n/a yes
web_proxy_docker_container_port Proxy docker container port number 80 no
web_proxy_docker_image_tag Nginx proxy docker image tag string "1.19.2-alpine" no
web_proxy_enabled Nginx proxy enabled bool false no
zone_id AWS Route53 Zone ID string "AWS123456789" no


Name Description
alb_arn n/a
alb_dns_name n/a
alb_dns_zone n/a
cloudwatch_log_group n/a
ec2_dns_name n/a
efs n/a
eips n/a
public_ip n/a
this_target_group_arn n/a
this_task_definition_arn n/a


Terraform module to create AWS ECS application.







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  • HCL 94.5%
  • Shell 5.5%