This example shows:
How to run a Camunda BPMN workflow with Axon Framework.
Axon Framework is a Java framework that provides implementations of the most important building blocks, e.g. aggregates, command and event buses, as well as repositories to help developers apply the CQRS architectural pattern when building applications.
curl -X POST localhost:8102/intake-application -d "firstname=daniel&surname=skora"
curl -X POST localhost:8102/intake-application -d "firstname=tom&surname=lush"
curl -X POST localhost:8102/intake-application -d "firstname=adam&surname=lewis"
Display a list of an events - http://localhost:8024
Login to camunda - http://localhost:8080 (demo:demo).
List history data
curl http://localhost:8080/api/engine/engine/default/history/process-instance