This package makes it easy to send web push notifications with Laravel.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require laravel-notification-channels/webpush
First you must install the service provider (skip for Laravel>=5.5):
// config/app.php
'providers' => [
Add the NotificationChannels\WebPush\HasPushSubscriptions
trait to your User
use NotificationChannels\WebPush\HasPushSubscriptions;
class User extends Model
use HasPushSubscriptions;
Next publish the migration with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NotificationChannels\WebPush\WebPushServiceProvider" --tag="migrations"
Run the migrate command to create the necessary table:
php artisan migrate
You can also publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NotificationChannels\WebPush\WebPushServiceProvider" --tag="config"
Generate the VAPID keys (required for browser authentication) with:
php artisan webpush:vapid
This command will set VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY
in your .env
These keys must be safely stored and should not change.
If you still want support Google Cloud Messaging set the GCM_KEY
in your .env
Now you can use the channel in your via()
method inside the notification as well as send a web push notification:
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use NotificationChannels\WebPush\WebPushMessage;
use NotificationChannels\WebPush\WebPushChannel;
class AccountApproved extends Notification
public function via($notifiable)
return [WebPushChannel::class];
public function toWebPush($notifiable, $notification)
return (new WebPushMessage)
->body('Your account was approved!')
->action('View account', 'view_account')
->options(['TTL' => 1000]);
// ->data(['id' => $notification->id])
// ->badge()
// ->dir()
// ->image()
// ->lang()
// ->renotify()
// ->requireInteraction()
// ->tag()
// ->vibrate()
You can find the available options here.
To save or update a subscription use the updatePushSubscription($endpoint, $key = null, $token = null, $contentEncoding = null)
method on your user:
$user = \App\User::find(1);
$user->updatePushSubscription($endpoint, $key, $token, $contentEncoding);
The $key
and $token
are optional and are used to encrypt your notifications. Only encrypted notifications can have a payload.
To delete a subscription use the deletePushSubscription($endpoint)
method on your user:
$user = \App\User::find(1);
For a complete implementation with a Service Worker check this demo.
See the Push API browser compatibility.
Please see CHANGELOG for more information about what has changed recently.
$ composer test
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.