Source code for the implementation of the paper: "Leveraging patient similarities via graph neural networks to predict phenotypes from temporal data"
- This replication of this source code requires MIMIC-III dataset. You will need to pass the following examination CITI to access the Physionet data repository:
- For replication of the benchmark you can follow the instructions at:
conda create -n "mimic3" python=3.7.13
conda activate mimic3
pip install -r requirements.txt
wget -r -N -c -np # this will create a physionet folder with the Database csvs
python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.extract_subjects data/root
python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.validate_events data/root/
python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.extract_episodes_from_subjects data/root/
python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.split_train_and_test data/root/
python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.create_in_hospital_mortality data/root/ data/in-hospital-mortality/
python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.create_decompensation data/root/ data/decompensation/
python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.create_length_of_stay data/root/ data/length-of-stay/
python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.create_phenotyping data/root/ data/phenotyping/
python -m mimic3benchmark.scripts.create_multitask data/root/ data/multitask/
python -m mimic3models.split_train_val data/phenotyping
python -um mimic3models.phenotyping.logistic.main --output_dir mimic3models/phenotyping/logistic
# ls data/phenotyping/statistical_features
# test_X test_ts train_X train_ts val_X val_ts
# test_names test_y train_names train_y val_names val_y
# The libraries used for these LSTM are highly problematic and require specific version -> torch based equivalent of SCEHR has been used insted
# python -um mimic3models.phenotyping.main --network mimic3models/keras_models/ --dim 256 --timestep 1.0 --depth 1 --dropout 0.3 --mode train --batch_size 8 --output_dir mimic3models/phenotyping
python -m mimic3benchmark.evaluation.evaluate_phenotyping data/phenotyping/train data/phenotyping/train predictions/phenotyping/logistic train
# We used an alternative pytorch training of LSTM training and eval using SCEHR implementation based on SCEHR
python -m mimic3models.train_lstm --network mimic3models/ --data data/phenotyping/ --save
The libraries and python version are more recent than those used for the benchmark. Please raise an issue if you find difficulty in any of the steps below.
conda env create -f environment.yaml
python --edge_strategy trivial --node_embeddings_type stat --folder_name graphs
python --edge_strategy random --node_embeddings_type stat --folder_name graphs
python --edge_strategy expert_exact --node_embeddings_type stat --folder_name graphs
python --edge_strategy knn_graph --node_embeddings_type stat --folder_name graphs
python --edge_strategy expert_medium --node_embeddings_type stat --folder_name graphs
python --edge_strategy expert_lenient --node_embeddings_type stat --folder_name graphs
'random', 'expert_exact', 'expert_medium', 'expert_lenient', 'knn_graph', 'trivial'
python -m gnn__models.connectivity_strategies.expert_graph_m1_exact
python -m gnn__models.connectivity_strategies.expert_graph_m2_inter_category
python -m gnn__models.connectivity_strategies.expert_graph_m3_intracategory
python --model SAGEConv --data_folder graphs/data_trivial_stat/processed/ --epochs 1 --WD 0.001 --lr 0.0001 --hidden 8192 --batch_size 512 --model_name SAGEConv_nf_stat_es_knn_2011_05_19_13_55_26 --mode_training transductive --model_folder graph_model --experiment_name exp_v1_trivial_stat