This app is designed to help users stay organized and on top of their tasks and events, whether for work, school, or personal life. With its intuitive user interface and powerful features, this app is an ideal choice for anyone looking to streamline their task and event management.
This project is a Full Fledged TODO App with Notifications and Firebase setup using Bloc State Management.
$ flutter --version
- Flutter 3.7.3 • channel stable •
- Framework • revision 9944297138 (3 months ago) • 2023-02-08 15:46:04 -0800
- Engine • revision 248290d6d5
- Tools • Dart 2.19.2 • DevTools 2.20.1
- flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
- Users can add event directly to their phone's calendar.
- Users can view, update and delete their events.
- Google Sign in
- See Completion rate, history of their completed tasks