VIA Semestral Project
Author: Lukáš Kotrbatý,
A very simple SPA application for showing places for diving. These places are usually known just to local people, my idea is to create a collection point, where everyone can find the places near them and also add new ones.
- Weather API to get information about weather at locations of JumPoint
- Leaflet API to show the JumPoints on the map. I used reactJS library
- Custom API with PostgreSQL to add/update and delete a JumPoint
- ReactJS - frontend
- Java Spring - backend
- PostgreSQL - database
Frontend Branch
Backend Branch
Running App
Backend Documentation
The Jumpoints app allows users to share their favorite places for diving. These places (JumPoints) are usually only known locally, and this application could make it easier to find these places. The application contains only basic CRUD operations, ie:
- add a new place
- display all places
- update place
- Delete a place
The application is represented by a map on which all added JumPoints are drawn. Forms (add, edit) are rendered using Bootstrap. We can also view a list of all places, sorted by browsing history on the map. Weather at specific jumpoints is updated every 30 minutes, due to limited access to weather API.