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Fork of Kornil/simple-react-app with Docker multi-stage & mutagen environment


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But you still get it.

Simple base app with react, react-router v4, hot-reload & sass.

npm i -g simple-react-app to install the package.

simple-react-app folderName to start the boilerplate into folderName folder.

Or if you're using npm@5.2.0 or above, you can simply run npx simple-react-app folderName, without the need to install the package globally.

What is this

This is a base project that you can use to jumpstart your react apps, it works similarly to create-react-app, just install the package globally and use it to create as many projects as you want (check How to install for detailed instructions). It includes the last react spec as of today 01/03/2018, and uses react-router v4 to handle routes. Style is handled by sass/scss, Bundle is generated with webpack 4. NB: this is just front end, you can use whatever backend language you are most comfortable with.

Setup with Docker & Mutagen as dev environment


Install Mutagen

MacOS (or Linux with Homebrew)

brew install mutagen-io/mutagen/mutagen

Ubuntu - Linux

mkdir -p ~/mutagen_bin && cd ~/mutagen_bin
curl -L | tar xz
sudo install -t /usr/local/bin/ mutagen
sudo install -t /usr/local/bin/ mutagen-agents.tar.gz
rm -rf ~/mutagen_bin

Setup Docker daemon forwarding

# Setup your remote dev server with an .ssh/config entry
vim ~/.ssh/config

# Add an ssh entry like the following example and save. If the name is different to mutagen.demo you should also replace with correct name on mutagen.yml & mutagen-remote-docker.yml
Host mutagen.demo
Hostname # Ip address of the host
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mutagen_test.pem # Private key
User ubuntu
Port 22

# Forward the docker daemon to localhost:23750
mutagen project start mutagen-remote-docker.yml

# Docker-compose connection with remote server works off the box using DOCKER_ variables from .env file. Replace values according to your preferences.

# If you want docker cli to connect with forwarded daemon, expose the following environment variables.
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://localhost:23750

Build the development image & prepare mutagen environment

# Every use of docker-compose and/or mutagen is performed from your local terminal
docker-compose build simple_react_app
# Build also the prod image for test
docker-compose build simple_react_app_production

ssh mutagen.demo 'mkdir -p ~/simple-react-app/master/'

Create the mutagen forward connection and sync

mutagen project start

Deploy the development and/or production service

# Development listens on port 3000
docker-compose up -d simple_react_app
# Production listens on remote port 80, local 8001 (can be edited to your needs)
docker-compose up -d simple_react_app_production
  • We have mounted remote host folder ~/simple-react-app/master/src to container folder /usr/src/app/src. Because the sync created with mutagen is also syncing the same host folder with our local environment, any change to files inside our local src/ directory will force the webpack dev server inside the container to reload.
  • You can view the app on a browser on http://localhost:3000 by using the mutagen ssh forward.
  • To terminate the session use mutagen project terminate
  • To terminate the docker daemon session mutagen project terminate mutagen-remote-docker.yml

How to install locally

You can use both npm or yarn, the version I used to create this project are:

$ node -v ; npm -v ; yarn -v

If you just freshly installed yarn/npm you are good to go, else you might need to upgrade, for npm I use n

npm install -g n

to install it and after that select at least the stable version (what I used).

n stable

and now you have the latest stable version of node&npm.

npm i -g simple-react-app to install this package globally, from there you will be able to jumpstart as many boilerplates as you wish.

simple-react-app folderName to create a react boilerplate on the folderName folder. By default all dependencies are already installed, just cd folderName and start hacking.

yarn start/npm start to start dev server with hot reload, it's live on localhost:3000.

yarn run build/npm run build to build prod bundle, it includes both treeshaking and uglify to optimize the code as much as possible.

yarn test/npm test run the tests with Jest and Enzyme, by default the test included only check for the correct render of base components & routes, all are passing.

Project structure

The boilerplate structure and files are the same as this repo minus the bin folder, everything else is exactly the same.

├── */src/*
│   ├── */assets/* where images and stuff are stored
│   ├── */containers/* react-router jsx pages
│   ├── *App.jsx* main layout
│   ├── *Routes.jsx* front-end routes
│   ├── *index.html* entry point
│   ├── *index.jsx* javascript entry point
│   ├── *style.scss* styling
│   └── */tests/* contains test environment (Jest + Enzyme)
│       ├── */__mock__/* contains setup to provide a valid path for imports
│       ├── */_tests__/* the actual tests
│       └── *setup.js* setup for enzyme for react 16
├── *package.json* the whole package.json with every dependency and script, nothing is kept hidden
├── *.eslintrc* eslint config
├── *.babelrc* babel config (polyfills)
├── *webpack.config.js* webpack config, it has a dev and prod environment
└── ** this file


The testing environment is written in Jest and Enzyme. The included tests are very basic and only check the proper render of base components + routes, there are no snapshot tests, I did not feel they were needed being the components really basic, at the first change they would need to be updated, imho setting the wrong approach of "hey tests are broken, let's regenerate snapshots again". While still basic, the default tests are easy to manage and expand, providing a smoother curve into testing with JavaScript and React.


This project uses AirBnB Javascript specs so you can write error-free react and javasctipt code, if you use Visual Studio Code, you can install eslint from the extension tab to activate this function, other editors just google name of the editor + eslint you will find how to enable it for your editor.

How to contribute

I wrote a small guide on how to contribute and the common etiquette to follow.


Fork of Kornil/simple-react-app with Docker multi-stage & mutagen environment







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  • JavaScript 90.4%
  • Dockerfile 4.8%
  • HTML 3.1%
  • CSS 1.7%