Trees, or connected graphs with no cycles, are a commonly studied combinatorial family, and the star
graph and the path of a fixed order
The hierarchical structures on the set of non-isomorphic unlabelled trees based on path-to-star and star-to-path algorithms are explored in this notebook.
![]() The hierarchical structure for trees of order 11 based on the path-to-star algorithm |
![]() The hierarchical structure for trees of order 11 based on the star-to-path algorithm |
Some of the results regarding closeness and betweenness centralities for small trees are validated numerically in this notebook.
This notebook contains the code for comparing total orderings obtained from the distinguishing polynomial using two different approaches (degree-based and evaluation-based).
Comparing degree-based and evaluation-based orderingsComparing path-to-star-based and evaluation-based orderings
Comparing star-to-path-based and evaluation-based orderings
This notebook contains the code for computing the total orderings obtained from the distinguishing polynomial using two different approaches (degree-based and evaluation-based) and for exploring the connections between these total orderings and other graph statistics discussed in the paper.
This notebook contains the explanatory data visualizations for small trees.
All the functions defined by the authors and used in the above notebooks are in this file.