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Draftable Compare API - .NET Client Library

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Open in Visual Studio Code

A thin .NET client for the Draftable API which wraps all available endpoints and handles authentication and signing.

The documentation and subsequent examples are provided for C#, however, any CLR-based language is supported (e.g. F#, PowerShell, VB.NET).

See the full API documentation for an introduction to the API, usage notes, and other reference material.


  • Operating system: Any maintained Linux, macOS, or Windows release
  • .NET runtime: .NET Framework 4.6.2+ (Windows only) or .NET Core 3.1+

Getting started

using (var comparisons = new Comparisons("<yourAccountId>", "<yourAuthToken>")) {
    var comparison = comparisons.Create(
        Comparisons.Side.FromURL("", "pdf"),
        Comparisons.Side.FromURL("", "pdf")
    Console.WriteLine($"Comparison created: {comparison}");

    // Generate a signed viewer URL to access the private comparison. The expiry
    // time defaults to 30 minutes if the ValidFor parameter is not provided.
    var viewerURL = comparisons.SignedViewerURL(comparison.Identifier);
    Console.WriteLine($"Viewer URL (expires in 30 mins): {viewerURL}");

API reference

Design notes

Exceptions and error handling

Method calls immediately validate parameters. The following exceptions are thrown on validation failure:

  • ArgumentNullException
    A required non-null parameter was not provided.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException
    A required parameter contained invalid data.

Disposing the Comparisons client results in subsequent requests throwing ObjectDisposedException. Any in-progress requests will be cancelled and throw OperationCanceledException.

Synchronous and asynchronous requests

  • Requests may be made synchronously, or asynchronously using the methods suffixed with Async.
  • Asynchronous methods return a Task, which when awaited, will complete successfully or throw an exception.

Thread safety

The API client class, Comparisons, is thread-safe.

Initializing the client

The package provides a namespace, Draftable.CompareAPI, with which a Comparisons instance can be created for your API account.

Comparisons provides methods to manage the comparisons for your API account and return individual Comparison objects.

Creating a Comparisons instance differs slightly based on the API endpoint being used:

using Draftable.CompareAPI;

// Draftable API (default endpoint)
var comparisons = new Comparisons(
    "<yourAccountId>",  // Replace with your API credentials from:
    "<yourAuthToken>"   //

// Draftable API regional endpoint or Self-hosted
var comparisons = new Comparisons(
    "<yourAccountId>",  // Replace with your API credentials from the regional
    "<yourAuthToken>",  // Draftable API endpoint or your Self-hosted container
    ''  // Replace with the endpoint URL

The Comparisons instance can be disposed by calling Dispose().

For API Self-hosted you may need to suppress TLS certificate validation if the server is using a self-signed certificate (the default).

Retrieving comparisons

  • GetAll()
    Returns a List<Comparison> of all your comparisons, ordered from newest to oldest. This is potentially an expensive operation.
  • Get(string identifier)
    Returns the specified Comparison or raises a NotFoundException exception if the specified comparison identifier does not exist.

Comparison objects have the following properties:

  • Identifier: string
    The unique identifier of the comparison
  • Left: Comparison.Side / Right: Comparison.Side
    Information about each side of the comparison
    • FileType: string
      The file extension
    • SourceURL: string (optional)
      The URL for the file if the original request was specified by URL, otherwise null
    • DisplayName: string (optional)
      The display name for the file if given in the original request, otherwise null
  • IsPublic: bool
    Indicates if the comparison is public
  • CreationTime: DateTime
    Time in UTC when the comparison was created
  • ExpiryTime: DateTime (optional)
    The expiry time if the comparison is set to expire, otherwise null
  • Ready: bool
    Indicates if the comparison is ready to display

If a Comparison is ready (i.e. it has been processed) it has the following additional properties:

  • ReadyTime: DateTime
    Time in UTC the comparison became ready
  • Failed: bool
    Indicates if comparison processing failed
  • ErrorMessage: string (only present if Failed)
    Reason processing of the comparison failed

Example usage

string identifier = "<identifier>";

try {
    var comparison = comparisons.Get(identifier);

        "Comparison '{0}' ({1}) is {2}.",
        comparison.IsPublic ? "public" : "private",
        comparison.Ready ? "ready" : "not ready"

    if (comparison.Ready) {
            "The comparison took {0} seconds.",
            (comparison.ReadyTime.Value - comparison.CreationTime).TotalSeconds

        if (comparison.Failed.Value) {
                "The comparison failed with error: {0}",
} catch (Comparisons.NotFoundException) {
    Console.WriteLine("Comparison '{0}' does not exist.", identifier);

Deleting comparisons

  • Delete(string identifier)
    Returns nothing on successfully deleting the specified comparison or raises a NotFoundException exception if no such comparison exists.

Example usage

var allComparisons = comparisons.GetAll();
var oldestComparisons = allComparisons.OrderBy(comparison => comparison.CreationTime).Take(10).ToList();
Console.WriteLine("Deleting oldest {0} comparisons ...", oldestComparisons.Count);

foreach (var comparison in oldestComparisons) {
    Console.WriteLine("Comparison '{0}' deleted.", comparison.Identifier);

Creating comparisons

  • Create(Comparisons.Side left, Comparisons.Side right, string identifier = null, bool isPublic = false, TimeSpan expires = null)
    Returns a Comparison representing the newly created comparison.

Create accepts the following arguments:

  • left / right
    Describes the left and right files (see following section)
  • identifier (optional)
    Identifier to use for the comparison:
    • If specified, the identifier must be unique (i.e. not already be in use)
    • If unspecified or null, the API will automatically generate a unique identifier
  • isPublic (optional)
    Specifies the comparison visibility:
    • If false or unspecified authentication is required to view the comparison
    • If true the comparison can be accessed by anyone with knowledge of the URL
  • expires (optional)
    Time at which the comparison will be deleted:
    • If specified, the provided expiry time must be UTC and in the future
    • If unspecified or null, the comparison will never expire (but may be explicitly deleted)

The following exceptions may be raised in addition to parameter validation exceptions:

  • BadRequestException
    The request could not be processed (e.g. identifier already in use)

Creating comparison sides

The two most common static constructors for creating Comparisons.Side objects are:

  • Comparisons.Side.FromFile(Stream fileStream, string fileType, string displayName = null)
    Returns a Comparisons.Side for a locally accessible file.
  • Comparisons.Side.FromURL(string sourceURL, string fileType, string displayName = null)
    Returns a Comparisons.Side for a remotely accessible file referenced by URL.

These constructors accept the following arguments:

  • fileStream (FromFile only)
    A file object to be read and uploaded
    • The file must be opened for reading in binary mode
  • sourceURL (FromURL only)
    The URL from which the server will download the file
  • fileType
    The type of file being submitted:
    • PDF: pdf
    • Word: docx, docm, doc, rtf
    • PowerPoint: pptx, pptm, ppt
    • text: txt
  • displayName (optional)
    The name of the file shown in the comparison viewer

Example usage

var comparison = comparisons.Create(
    Comparisons.Side.FromURL("", "pdf"),
    Comparisons.Side.FromFile("path/to/right/file.docx", "docx"),
    // Expire this comparison in 2 hours (default is no expiry)
    expires: TimeSpan.FromHours(2)
Console.WriteLine($"Created comparison: {comparison}");

Displaying comparisons

  • PublicViewerURL(string identifier, bool wait = false)
    Generates a public viewer URL for the specified comparison
  • SignedViewerURL(string identifier, TimeSpan validFor = null, bool wait = false)
    Generates a signed viewer URL for the specified comparison

Both methods use the following common parameters:

  • identifier
    Identifier of the comparison for which to generate a viewer URL
  • wait (optional)
    Specifies the behaviour of the viewer if the provided comparison does not exist
    • If false or unspecified, the viewer will show an error if the identifier does not exist
    • If true, the viewer will wait for a comparison with the provided identifier to exist
      Note this will result in a perpetual loading animation if the identifier is never created

The SignedViewerURL method also supports the following parameters:

  • validFor (optional)
    Time at which the URL will expire (no longer load)
    • If specified, the provided expiry time must be UTC and in the future
    • If unspecified, the URL will be generated with the default 30 minute expiry

See the displaying comparisons section in the API documentation for additional details.

Example usage

var identifier = '<identifier>';

// Retrieve a signed viewer URL which is valid for 1 hour. The viewer will wait
// for the comparison to exist in the event processing has not yet completed.
string viewerUrl = comparisons.SignedViewerURL(identifier, TimeSpan.FromHours(1), wait: true);
Console.WriteLine($"Viewer URL (expires in 1 hour): {viewerUrl}");

Utility methods

  • GenerateIdentifier() Generates a random unique comparison identifier

Creating exports

Exports are created and accessed using Comparisons.RunExport method and asynchronous variant: Comparisons.RunExportAsync.

  • Export RunExport(string comparisonIdentifier, ExportKind kind, bool includeCoverPage = true) Returns an Export instance representing the newly created export. This method needs the following parameters:
    • comparisonIdentifier - identifier of comparison, for which we run the export
    • kind - kind of the export we intend to run. Following values are supported here:
      • left - content of the left comparison side, with deletions highlights applied
      • right - content of the right comparison side, with insertions highlights applied
      • combined - content of left and right document, placed side by side
      • single_page - comparison content in single page mode.
    • includeCoverPage - relevant only for combined comparison, indicates whether it should include a cover page

There can be multiple exports of the same type, created for the same comparison. Class Export represents a single export. It has the following properties:

  • Identifier - Identifier of the export itself (note that it is different from the comparison ID).
  • Comparison - Identifier of the comparison used for running this export
  • Url - Download url of the export document
  • Kind - Export kind. Supported values: single_page, combined, left, right.
  • Ready - Indicates if processing of the export request has completed.
  • IncludeCoverPage - Indicates whether cover page should be included for combined exports
  • Failed - Indicates if export has failed
  • ErrorMessage - Error message for failed exports. This is set to null for successful exports.

Getting exports

Existing exports are retrieved using Comparisons.GetExport method.

  • Export GetExport(string exportIdentifier) Retrieves existing export by its identifier. Note that the export returned here may not be ready yet.

Other information

Network & proxy configuration

The library respects any Network Settings defined in your application's configuration file, as well as any operating system proxy server configuration (e.g. as configured in Internet Settings).

In addition, the Comparisons class provides a constructor which allows for customisation of the Net.Http.HttpClientHandler instance used internally via an Action<HttpClientHandler> callback.

Self-signed certificates

If connecting to an API Self-hosted endpoint which is using a self-signed certificate (the default) you will need to suppress certificate validation. The recommended approach is to import the self-signed certificate into the certificate store of your operating system, which will ensure the .NET runtime trusts the certificate.

Alternatively, you can suppress certificate validation by providing a server certificate validation callback to the ServicePointManager instance. The simplest implementation is to disable all certificate validation for all TLS connections in the process. For example:

ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (sender, cert, chain, sslPolicyErrors) => true;

Disabling certificate validation in production environments is strongly discouraged as it significantly lowers security. We only recommend using this approach in development environments if configuring a CA signed certificate for API Self-hosted is not possible.