This is the Roadmap including all history. The file is a copy of the roadmap in the Wiki.
In each Heron MC release a set of issues (bugs/features) implemented for that release is included. In GitHub a release is associated with a Milestone. A Milestone is a set of issues implemented/resolved (closed) for that Milestone.
"Unplanned" means these issues have been identified and recognized but not yet assigned to a Milestone/release.
Basically this is the full feature list at i.e. the features without Milestones attached.
issues within the Milestone for this release.
This is the first Heron release after the migration from Google Code to GitHub. Starting this release GH Milestones will be used to assemble and identify issues for a release. This is also better automated.
See the issues within the Milestone for this release..
Spatial thanks:
- SkyGeo via Marco Duiker sponsored the work on the WSGI version of heron.cgi via Pull Request issue #433
- Gasunie sponsored completion of the Catalog widget via issue #324
And offcourse thanks to all other contributors!
Developed for PDOK:
- issue #405 - Enhancement - GetFeatureInfo for WMTS Layers
- issue #406 - Enhancement - Pre-configured per-layer legends in Heron Context XML/XSD
Translation updates
- issue #407 Patch: Translation ca_ES (Catalan) by Oriol.Carol (gràcies)
- fixed missing statusbar for measurements tool in statusbar example (from: Roberto Marzocchi)
- issue #382 - Bug - OLeditor - regular polygon selection (IE issues)
- issue #383 - Bug - OLeditor - GPX export/import (OL NS issues for gpx: NS)
- issue #394 - Enhancement - Add buffer functionality to WFS search by feature panel (via DWITHIN Filter).
Developed for RVOB
- issue #403 - Enhancement - Backport the Simple Time Slider
- issue #400 - Enhancement - Implement Catalogue into Heron (via GXP FindLayers, CSW)
Updated es_ES.js i18n language file (thanks Mauro).
- issue #380 Downloading Shapefiles in IE fails
- issue #375 geoportal example has dead links
- issue #376 inspire example layers are not showing
- issue #377 querybuilder fails with multiple attribute conditions
- issue #378 several WFS requests do not work in IE11 (OL NS encoding issue)
- issue #389: Vector Styling: in some cases Rule Edit for WFS Layers does not open
- issue #390: CoordSearchPanel doesn't accept the 0 coordinate
Sponsored by Dutch Kadaster for PDOK
- issue #370 Backporting PDOKCapabilitiesPanel to Heron trunk (finalize)
- issue #391 Make Showing Load Mask for HeronMapContext optional
Added Gallery with Heron apps to Heron homepage.
Sponsored items from Warwickshire County Council:
- issue #313 Save/Load bookmarks outside of a browser
- issue #332 Layer ordering toggle (bugfixes)
- issue #324 Implement Catalogue into Heron (Partly, see also 1.0.3)
Sponsored by N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie:
- issue #365 Integrate dateslider/timeslider in Heron
Sponsored by Dutch Kadaster for PDOK
- issue #370 Backporting PDOKCapabilitiesPanel to Heron trunk (first version, see 1.0.3)
- issue #366 Port and integrate PDOK XML config loader into Heron core
- issue #367 LayerLegendPanel: fetch legendURL via Capabilities for some WMS-types
- issue #369 Add PDOKViewer to heron apps
- issue #341 Support for OGC GeoPackage (GPKG) format for Vector feature up/download
- issue #344 en_US - uncomma'd strings
- issue #345 Vector Styler - changes all styles when none selected.
- issue #346 MapFish - mapAttribution error - missing code
- issue #349 Attribute URL's not turned into links in DetailView
- issue #352 Tooltip example not working (JS typo error)
- issue #353 (Regression?) - tooltips not working with 1.0.1 (displayPanels['Grid'] not working)
- issue #371 Allow user via config to enable/disable moving layers in LayerTreePanel
Notes: in FeaturePanel config: displayPanels['Grid'] is deprecated, use displayPanels['Table'] instead.
This release will mainly include issues implemented via DevPlanDecJan1314, sponsored items from Warwickshire County Council:
- issue #189 Mapfish Print - Other output formats (fix to allow outputformat in printdirect)
- issue #317 FeatureInfo responses as a Vertical List
- issue #329 Enhanced Drawing Tools: detailed Vector Styling for Editor
- issue #331 Styling of subsets of data
- issue #332: Layer ordering toggle
Developed by Warwickshire County Council:
- issue #333: AutoDetect FeatureInfo column width & Specify manual column width
- issue #306: Remove specified columns from featureInfo outputs
- issue #67 Use post-commit hook to generate and deploy Heron unstable
- issue #103 Legend configuration
- issue #127 Allow Heron.widgets.MultiLayerNode to have children or create new ParentLayerNode with allowed children
- issue #170 Layertree issue - non hr_multilayer also triggers all layers
- issue #253 Drawing/editing/redlining tools - delete a vertex
- issue #293 Vector Styling - "Limit by Condition" infinite loads
- issue #307 OLEditor/style editor - features with changed style cannot be selected or deleted
- issue #322 MFP Other Outputformats: merge issue #189 solution into GeoExt
- issue #328 Enable zoom to extent in Layer Context Menu for Layers with maxExtent configured
- issue #336 Hungarian Locale in GXP
It is about time for a 1.0.0! This is also a more natural numbering. The first digit, "1" is a major version. "2" will be used e.g. when going to !ExtJS4 and GeoExt2.
This release will mainly include issues implemented via DevPlanDecJan1314, sponsored items from Warwickshire County Council:
- issue #189 Mapfish Print - Other output formats
- issue #171 Print dialog gets too big (by Wolfram Winter)
- issue #309 Enhanced field display for Nominatim search combo
- issue #306 Remove specified columns from featureInfo outputs (by WCC)
- issue #315 - Enhancement - Shape export/import fails with different projection (allow Upload in any projection)
- issue #319: MapFish - output with OL attributation infos (by Wolfram Winter)
- issue #321 - Usability - Add Python webserver to start webserver to run Heron
- Added Serbian Latin locale for Serbia (thanks to Davorin Bajic)
Features sponsored by RVOB
- issue #289 - Enhancement - Unified download of Vector grid data, in particular Shapefiles
- issue #288 - Enhancement - Feature Info hides column if value is null
- issue #297 - Enhancement - New Czech translations patch for cs_CZ.js (Martin Kokes)
- issue #304 - Enhancement - Patch for /trunk/heron/lib/i18n/cs_CZ.js (,,) opacity
- issue #300 - Enhancement - zoom to search result' bounding box in NominatimSearchCombo (contrib by Cesar Basurto)
- issue #296 - Enhancement - Patch for /trunk/heron/lib/override-geoext.js - XYZ layer encoder for printing (Martin Kokes)
- issue #302 - Bug - GridCellRenderers ignored in search ResultPanel
- issue #305 - Enhancement - Es_es.js patch translating latest versions (Spanish)
- issue #208 - Enhancement - Make the bottom toolbar, 'bbar', in MapPanel configurable similar to the toptoolbar
- issue #255: -Enhancement - Patch for /trunk/heron/lib/widgets/LayerLegendPanel.js (allow custom legendURL)
- issue #260 - Defect - GXP: Global OL defaultSymbolizer assignment in WMSStylesDialog creates conflict with OLEditor
- issue #280 -Enhancement - Context Menu Popup for Layer Nodes in Layer Tree Panels
- issue #281 -Enhancement - Allow column config for FeatureInfoPanel
- issue #282 - Defect - Missing columnCapitalize flag in FeatureInfoPanel
- issue #283 -Enhancement - Standard, extensible Help function in Toolbar
Dutch Kadaster - Sponsored new features:
- issue #241 - Enhancement - Allow for interactive styling of Vector Layers
- issue #246 - Enhancement - FormSearchPanel with hierarchical autofill (e.g. Address or Parcel search)
Other: Help text facility (see issue #283) started adding to all examples
- issue #250 - Enhancement - Move hosted JS libs to CDN (GeoExt still awaiting Pull config)
- issue #259 - Defect - Support up/download of GPX and KML in Editor
- issue #262: - Defect - Icon stays depressed when "id" is declared
- issue #268 - Enhancement - Allow for explicit WFS protocol configuration for GXP QueryPanel
- issue #269 Missing i18n strings in 'FeatureGridPanel.js'
- issue #271 - Enhancement - FeatureInfo, 'identify' for Vector/WFS Layers
- issue #274 FeatureInfoPanel with no response (trunk r1036)
- issue #277 - Enhancement - Heron Layer configuration as true config
- Show Heron version and Service/Proxy URL info in JS console at startup
- Made all examples UTF-8 and valid (X)HTML for
Dutch Kadaster - Sponsored new features:
GetFeatureInfo/WFS Result Grid integration (solves these 3 issues):
issue #239 - Enhancement - Integrate GFI Grid and FeatureGrid
issue #240 - Enhancement - GFI: when WFS present and configured do WFS query i.s.o. WMS GFI
issue #211 -Enhancement - Export GetFeatureInfo to additional formats like GML, GeoJSON and WKT
issue #242 - Enhancement - Allow importing of new vector Layers
issue #243 - Enhancement - Allow Editor as scratchlayer
issue #244 - Enhancement - Allow upload/import of advanced vector formats: CSV
issue #245 - Enhancement - Allow upload/import of advanced vector formats: ESRI Shapefiles
Mainly bugfixes and some minor enhancements on v0.73.
French translation contributed by Bruno Friedmann. Merci!
issue #254: Patch for /trunk/heron/lib/i18n/cs_CZ.js (by Martin Kokeš)
issue #191 - Defect - TMS maps mis-projected in when printing (GeoExt issue)
issue #207 - Enhancement -Adding example with fixed panels layout (minor updates, see 0.73)
issue #215 - Defect - Two layers with same data source show up wrong in Feature Info
issue #225 - Defect - Layer list contains all layers
issue #226 - Defect - Feature Information issues - no layers and no results.
issue #227 - Defect - maxFeatures not being used
issue #229 - Defect - Some quirks in the BookmarksPanel
issue #234 - Defect - BaseLayerCombo - API params not working correct
issue #235 - Defect - hr_formsearchpanel field sent even when empty
issue #236 - Defect - Line features rendered wrongly when selected as search results
issue #238 - Defect - PrintMapPanel exception - related to issue ##191
issue #247 - Enhancement - CoordSearchPanel - defects and wishes
issue #249 - Enhancement - Upgrade to Ext JS
issue #250 - Enhancement - Move hosted JS libs to CDN (partly: Ext JS done, GeoExt awaiting Pull)
issue #255: Patch for /trunk/heron/lib/widgets/LayerLegendPanel.js (support legendURL in Layer)
issue #256: Second drop-down not populated when using hr_searchbyfeaturepanel
- issue #163 - bug - ActiveThemes opacity box stays open
- issue #184 - defect - ActiveLayersPanel.js - shows temporary helpers from OpenLayers.Control.SelectFeature control
- issue #185 - bug - Fix OL #bug 3608 - Layer.Vector.setOpacity won't work inside Vector.rootContainer
- issue #190 - bug - "print preview demo" in Printing
- issue #194 - enhancement - Move Override Ext Ajax Request with OpenLayers Ajax Request to Heron
- issue #197 - bug - Switching GetFeatureInfo formats gives JS error
- issue #198 - Examples issues - a.o. blanc baselayer added
- issue #200 - bug - Setting xy_precision=0 in the configuration has no effect.
- issue #201 - bug - Caption of FeatureInfoPanel doesn't change when using nl_NL.js (and other lang's)
- issue #202 - Enhancement - Custom formatting of MapPanel xy coordinate text
- issue #203 - Enhancement - MapPanel without a bottom status bar
- issue #204 - Enhancement - MapPanel bottom status bar without an EPSG element.
- issue #205 - Enhancement - FeatureInfoPanel for MapServer specific featureType
- issue #206 - Enhancement - Adding example for MapPanel with no bottom status bar
- issue #207 - Enhancement - Adding example with fixed panels layout
- issue #212: PrintPreview.js isn't minified
- issue #221: Placement of cancel/search button assumption
- issue #219: Download file issues w/ 0.73rc3
- issue #230: allow multiple WFS URLs (Array) configured in form search panel:
Project Warwickshire
- issue #179 - Enhancement - Ability for Users to save "Bookmarks"
- issue #180 - Enhancement - Tooltips for data
- issue #177 - Enhancement - Advanced Selection Tools
- issue #178 - Enhancement - Select by Existing Feature
- issue #175 - Enhancement - Multiple Searches
- issue #181 - Enhancement - Query functionality
- issue #199 - Issues in Advanced Editor (for 0.73 release)
- issue #176 - add on - Enhancement - integrated "Draw Regular Polygons" (squares, triangles etc) into Editor/Redlining
Fixes on 0.71
- issue #162 - bug - 'x-panel-header' height causes IE8 design defects
- issue #157 - Typo - "none-grid"
- issue #153 - Radio button issue with Active Layers
- issue #182 - bug - FAO WMS Layers have been renamed, update Heron examples accordingly
- issue #186 - bug - Missing option (for projection) in ToolbarBuilder.js
Project Warwickshire
- issue #176 - Enhancement - Drawing tools - draw (annotate) on the map - Integrates/Enhances OpenLayers Editor: See example:
- issue #164 - Feature Info - use Layer Name (Label) from Layer when possible
- issue #160 - heron.cgi location as a variable
- issue #168 - Popup window for WMS GetFeatureInfo (Identify)
- issue #169 - ExtJs themeing - rev 708 - make "greenery theme" more genericly usable
- issue #183 - (and issue #187) Patch for Czech language i18n: i18n/cs_CZ.js (Martin Kokeš)
- ExtJS theming with example:
- make popup window for GetFeatureInfo the default in all examples
- added example of the old/original embedded FeatureInfoPanel:
- provide global var Heron.App for browser debug access to OL Map object and actual widget layout
- more extensive Toolbar example
- make title of contextbrowser panel (shortcuts/bookmarks) configurable (bug)
- FeatureInfoPanel should also show WFS layer features when clicked (and enabled)
- i18n : updated Danish translations (tak Bo Victor Thomsen)
- issue #131 - Enhancement - GoTo XY enhancement (fill in coordinates to pan/zoom to location)
- issue #149 - Enhancement - More flexibility for custom MapPanel Toolbar configuration, e.g. user-menus
- i18n: updated German translations (thanks to Michael Räder)
Bugfixes on 0.70.
- issue #133 - Defect - LayerTreePanel: causes NULL error in GeoExt module 'LayerNode.js' line 91
- issue #134 - Defect - ActiveLayersPanel + ActiveThemesPanel: only one baselayer radiobutton is shown
- issue #135 - Defect - ActiveLayersPanel + ActiveThemesPanel: drag problems
- issue #136 - Defect - default opacity changed on 0.70
- issue #142 - Defect - FeatSelSearchPanel problems with Search Layer order and ActiveLayers with layerOn defined
- issue #144 - Defect - Printing Vector Layer with Legends enabled gives GeoExt JS error
- issue #154 Coordinate search does not work on epsg:900913 (enhancement: allow coordinate entry in any EPSG)
Enhancements for 0.70 Printing.
- issue #137 - Enhancement - Print Preview performance
- issue #138 - Enhancement -Print Preview legends
- issue #139 - Enhancement - Print Direct Configuration
- issue #140 - Enhancement - Print Preview Configuration
- issue #143: - Enhancement - Printing : render highlighted features
First Version of ActiveThemesPanel (may replace ActiveLayersPanel later), see example: by Wolfram Winter
PDOK PreviewApp: see
- issue #147 - Enhancement - Add PDOK PreviewApp to Heron Subversion
- issue #146 - Defect - PreviewApp does not load when index.html is used
- issue #145 - Enhancement - Port back and enhance scale-dependent LayerNode enabling/disabling
Bugfix on OpenLayers 2.12 for Atom Feed Polygon parsing via override: openlayers/openlayers#789
- issue #58 - Enhancement- Use more general and free WMS services in all examples
- issue #88 - Enhancement - Permalink support
- issue #118 - Enhancement - Make OpenLayers Map Controls configurable
- issue #123 - Enhancement - Integrate OpenLayers 2.12
- issue #129 - bug - Overriding LayerLegendPanel default config has no effect
Czech i18N thanks to Martin Kokeš
Left overs from Deutsche Bahn issues (thanks Wolfram)
- issue # 125 - Defect - ActiveLayersPanel: wrong layer dragging
- issue # 126 - Defect - ActiveLayersPanel: double click fault
- issue #130 - Defect - Tab items in the feature info panel disappear when shrinking the panel
Development sponsored by RVOB (thanks!), Printing:
- issue #15 - Enhancement - Provide printing facilities
Development sponsored by RVOB (thanks!), GetFeatureInfo improvements:
- issue #23 - Enhancement - automatically detect hyperlinks in getfeatureinfo
- issue #76 - Enhancement - Configurable hyperlink-substitution for dedicated columns in GetFeatureInfo results
- issue #80 - Enhancement - Make different output formats GeoFeatureInfo Panel configurable
- issue #81 - Enhancement - Make the output of GeoFeatureInfo exportable
- issue #82 - Enhancement - Make text in grid for GetFeatureInfoPanel selectable
- issue #91 - Enhancement - Add possibility to set title of featureinfo tab
- i18n: German translations (thanks to Michael Räder)
- issue #90 - Measure tools give incorrect values for geodesic projections
- issue #92 - FeatureInfoPanel grid table shows "Unknown" label for raster/coverage (ESRI !) WMS
- CapabilitiesTreePanel: optional config for OpenLayers Layer object: "layerOptions" and "layerParams" via hropts
Fixes and enhancements thanks to and integrated from contribs by Wolfram Winter (Deutsche Bahn):
- issue #93 - Defect - After clicking on the zoom-extend button in the toolbar the button remains deactivated
- issue #94 - Enhancement - Need a scale combo box in toolbar
- issue #95 - Enhancement - Add EPSG info bottom bar MapPanel
- issue #96 - Enhancement - Pan/Zoom buttons and style changes
- issue #104 - Enhancement - override-openlayers.js contains code for issues in OL which are fixed in OL 2.11
- issue #105 - Several i18n quirks - missing entries, wrong NL assignment, etc.
- issue #106 - Enhancements and fixes to measure tools
- issue # 107 - Need a lean Heron demo for newbies showing a basic configuration
- issue #108 - Zoom slider - is not using i18n
- issue #109 - Move DefaultConfig.js and DefaultOptions.js files from the lib to the examples folder
- issue # 110 - Typo in 'Feature Info' i18 Strings in Feature(Info)Panel.js
- issue #111 - Putting the 'hr_layerlegendpanel' inside a 'tabpanel' doesn't work correct
- issue #112 - Defect - ContextBrowserPanel incorrect when changing baselayer
- issue #113 - Defect - ActiveLayersPanel: active layer entries not deleted when 'hropts' undefined
- issue #114 - Defect - ActiveLayersPanel : baselayers sort order incorrect when changing baselayer
- issue #115 - Defect - ActiveLayersPanel : baselayer tree entries not updated when changing baselayer from shortcuts or baselayer-combo
- issue # 117 - Enhancement - Add BaseLayerComboBox
- issue # 119 - Defect - SearchPanel.js layeropts implementation does not switch Baselayers
- issue # 120 - Enhancement - ContextBrowserPanel enhancements (new shortcut types) and fixes
- issue # 121 - Defect - Toolbar items in the map panel disappear when shrinking the panel
- issue # 122 - Enhancement - Need a 'real' WFS combobox for universal use.
- issue #22 - Defect - Tame GetLegendPanel requests
- issue #74 - WMS FeatureInfo JavaScript error when Image layers present
- issue #75 - Defect - WFS search wildcard behaviour
- issue #83 - Enhancement - Upgrade to GeoExt 1.1
- issue #86 - Enhancent Request on WFS Searchpanel
- i18n : Italian translations
- issue #55 - Enhancement - Enhance WFS SearchPanel with showing GetFeature results and zooming in
- issue #69 - Enhancement - WFS search behaviour on collection
- none - exclude Spanish from JS build (other Spanish is default lang)
- issue #71 - Defect - Started featureInfoFormat ignored in configutation
- issue #72 - Enhancement - Upgrade all examples and documentation to use OpenLayers 2.11
- issue #73 - Defect - Many examples are broken
- issue #68 - Defect - shortcuts screw up active layers panel
- issue #54 - Defect - FeatureInfoPanel renders "Unknown" featuretype label
- issue #65 - Defect - Layer opacity problems in ActiveLayersPanel
- issue #66 - Defect - LoadingPanel shows too many services when using ActiveLayersPanel
- website design changes + logo by Milo
- issue #49 - Defect- Drag and drop layer stacking in ActiveLayersPanel is incorrect
- issue #57 - Defect- Featureinfo on multiple layers not always working
- issue #59 - Enhancement - onSearchCompleteAction - zoom to Bounds instead of center and zoom to fixed
- issue #60 - Other - loading sequence for i18n documented wrong
- issue #61 - Defect - Do not include Heron.i18n.dict in heron.js and DynLoader.js
- issue #62 - Defect - i18n bug "Measure Area" should be "Measure area"
- Danish translations thanks to Victor Thomsen
- issue #33 - Enhancement - Self-configuring layers from configured WMS URL
- issue #52 - Enhancement - Multiple views for WMS FeatureInfo data
- issue #56 - Enhancement- Name search toolbar combobox using OpenLS XLS FUL search protocol
- issue #40 - Enhancement - No sorting in getfeatureinfo grid - Usability
- issue #49 - Defect - Drag and drop layer stacking in ActiveLayersPanel is incorrect - Usability
- issue #50 - Defect - FeatureInfoPanel : tabs don't show feature type (tab title) anymore
- issue #51 - Defect - Loading Panel does not show text on Internet Explorer
- issue #29 - Task - Create technical documentation
- issue #47 - Defect - Opacity slider in ActiveLayersPanel takes over last opacity value
- issue #48 - Enhancement - SearchPanel should provide user with visual feedback - Usability
- issue #6 - Enhancement - Select a layer/theme to be 'active'
- issue #12 - Enhancement - Enhance the layer manager Usability
- issue #35 - Enhancement - Build script for minified and debuggable JavaScript
- issue #36 - Enhancement - Build script to create downloadable product Usability
- issue #41 - Enhancement - Name change for geoext-viewer to Heron MC (Mapping Client)
- issue #42 - Enhancement - Allow Heron MC map app embedding in div in page and provide an example
- issue #43 - Enhancement - NameSearch via combobox Usability
- issue #45 - Enhancement - Default autolaunch Heron app and example for explicit launch
- issue #46 - Enhancement - Make English (en_US) the default language within i18n system - Usability