Hi there, this is Song Huang (黄崧) 👋
I am an assistant professor at the Department of Astronomy of Tsinghua University in Beijing, China.
I am studying galaxy formation and galaxy-halo connection through observations. In particular, I am now focusing on the life stories of the most massive galaxies in the Universe.
🔭 I’m currently a member of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC SSP; or HSC survey). It is an ambitious imaging survey using the new prime focus camera on the 8.2m Subaru telescope.
🔭 I am also leading the scientific preparation of the 6.5-m MUltiplexed Survey Telescope (MUST) for the next generation of spectroscopic surveys.
🌱 A few things I am working on ...
- taotie: A curated collection of resources for astrophysical research.
- unagi: A tool to help you use the amazing public data from the HSC survey.
- dsigma: A pure-python galaxy-galaxy lensing framework.
- Please also see the much improved version 2.0 by Johannes Lange
- kungpao: Codes I have been using for analysing galaxy images.
📫 Contact:
- Email: shuang [at] tsinghua.edu.cn
- Website: https://dr-guangtou.github.io/
My ORCID: Song Huang
My Twitter: @dr_guangtou
- Also, my BlueSky ID is: dr-guangtou.bsky.social
My Github: dr-guangtou
My Weibo (微博): @光头怪博士