- Added support for Louvain and walktrap: call_walktrap_clusterset(), call_louvain_clusterset()
- construct_new_graph() was renamed do_closest_neighbor_graph()
- keep_dbf_graph() was renamed do_reciprocal_neighbor_graph()
- code refactoring (mainly comments).
- Fix NAMESPACE (xlxs dependency).
- Rebuilt doc in html format.
- Remove xlxs dependency in favor with WriteXLS dependency (to avoid rJava dependency).
- Fix an issue with temp dir.
Change k_g argument to 's' in
function for clarity purpose. -
Added dependency to DT library (required by
). -
Updated html doc.
Fix an issue with pandoc in
. -
Improved importfrom in
- Prefix version with a v...
- keep_nn argument is deprecated (
- Fix #134
Remove DynmicTreeCut dependency.
Fix bug #137.
Added color for cell cluster in
. -
Updated doc.
Minor bug fix.
Updated doc
- Update of the documentation
- Added support for spatial transcriptomics:
. - Added import from matrix and Seurat object:
. - Added
to perform statistics on clusters. - Added export:
. - Added
to compare gene lists with various statistics. - Added
to compare functional enrichment over clusters. - Added
for statically display heatmaps. - Added
to map markers onto clusters. - Added
to select top genes by GO terms.
- Update of the documentation
- Improve get_genes function : gene names are ordered by gene clusters
- Fix viz_enrich function : viz_enrich function is now working when using a specific ontology db as ontology parameter in enrich_go function
- Add a clustering method using hierchical clustering and DynamicTreeCut R package
- Add a cell_clusters slot in the ClusterSet object
- Create a new documentation
- Modification of the av_dot_prod_min filter : use the max of the median values of the dot product
- Add get_genes and get_cells functions
- Improve the computational speed of DBFMCL function
- Replace the name of the slot "cluster" by "gene_patterns"
- Implementation of new test (testthat)
- Update the package used for enrichment analysis to use ClusterProfiler
- Update visualization of enrichment analysis results : add dotplot and barplot provided by ClusterProfiler
- Add more parameters to control the density plot of distances
- Fix issues from Github
- Replace the C code for DBF function by a R implementation to reduce the computational time.
- Split the main R script into sub-script related to each function of scigenex package.
- Create plot_heatmap function to generate an interactive heatmap of the gene clusters
- Modify NAMESPACE and DESCRIPTION file and add import_package.R files to automatically update dependencies using roxygen2::roxygenise()
- Create top_genes function to find the top n genes from each signature. This function is also usefull for the plot_heatmap function.
- Add a slot in the ClusterSet object containing the filename of the output file including simulated distances and cutting threshold.
- Modify the input of plot_dist function to a ClusterSet object.
- Update enric_analysis function : run the functional enrichment analysis for each gene cluster.
- Remove R implementation of MCL. The package used is no more maintained and the released version needs to be fixed.
- Fix fprint_selected function in C code byt changing type of len varibale to size_t
- Set default optional_output parameter of DBF and DBFMCL function to TRUE
- Scigenex now depends on R 4.0.0
- No more reference to Biobase in the code.
- Fix call to MCL.
- Now provides a support for R MCL library (not recommended).
The DBFMCLresult object has been replaced by a more versatile object: ClusterSet.
The plot_dbf() method has been replaced by plot_clust().
The write_dbf() method has been replaced by write_clust().
- Several code changes which were not clearly traced at the moment... Sry.